SAN FRANCISCO DE MATORIS, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: I am of good courage and have the privilege of working in a large district. By the grace of God I am happy to give my time and energy to this cause. I am not an experienced worker, but I say to the Lord: “What I have I give unto Thee.”” Thus far during 1953 I been able to hold three efforts from which I expect to baptize some 50 souls before the close of 1953. I am not satisfied with what I have done and pray that with God's help I will be able to do far better during 1954. — Eligio Gonzalez. Eligio Gonzalez E, CALI, COLOMBIA: During 1953 we were able to hold four efforts in various cities of the Pacific Mission which were all very well attended. As a result we have a large number in our baptismal classes. Many of our lay preachers are holding small efforts along with helping in two branch Sabbath Schools here in Cali. Three efforts are planned for the near future, as follows: In Medellin during the last three months of 1953; in Armenia Tirso Escandon M. from January to March of 1954; and in Palmira from December of 1953 to March of 1954. — Tirso Escandon M. N22 Mz > SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO: I am happy to report. 70 souls baptized during the first nine months of 1953. My goal for the year is 100 souls and with the help of God I believe this will be reached. God has greatly blessed me in my work. Qur Ingather- ing goal of $4,400 was passed and also our Big Week goal. When 1 was called by the Conference to direct the five churches in the capital dis- trict I proposed in my heart to double this number of churches, and I am happy to state that thus far three new churches have been organized at San Jose, Puerto Nuevo and Roosevelt. Be- fore the end of this year I will see the ninth church or- ganized at Las Monjas. — Max Grunzeug, Max Grunzeug 2 - week effort in Santiago de Cuba with COLONELS RIDGE, JAMAICA: With God’s help I am inspired to go forward in a mighty way in this work of evangelism. On the 12th of July I started evangelistic meetings here in Colonel's Ridge and now have a grow- ing Bible Class of 90 members. At the time of my writing there are 25 members in the Baptismal class. I am happy to say that over fifty persons are enrolled in the Voice of Prophecy Bible Course with over 20 nearing : ; Irvin F. Smith completion of their courses. — Irvin F. Smith. POINT FORTIN, TRINIDAD: My accomplishments for the Master dur- ing the past two years are so small that they are hardly worth mentioning. The 76 souls which I am able to re- port as won info the truth have been made possible through the help of faithful laymen. I have seen the power of God working through the life of consecrated youth for the sal- vation of others and have seen the divine manifestation of God's healing Theophilus ] power. Truly, I have gained a wealth of experience in this wonderful work for the Lord. — Theophilus Billingy. Billingy NA R = SANTIAGO DE CUBA, CUBA: It was my privilege to conduct a six-- very fine results. During the month of October 1 spent my time preparing candidates for a large baptism we ex- pect to hold in' December. During November another effort was held in the town of Minas and from Decem-. ber 13-27 I held a two-week effort in Gota Blanca. Up to the time of my writing I have baptized 19. We are looking forward to Rogelio Campillo. : Rogelio Campillo a large baptism in December. — I. AO DO. MESSENGER