She Would Rather Be at VBS Vacation Bible School was here ~and she would rather miss a vacation trip to Acapul- co with her parents than miss VBS in 1976 at the l.a Sierra Spanish Church. Cecilia, a young lady {rom Mexico, had attended Vacation Bible School the previous year at the invitation of Elder Me- rardo Ledn's granddaughters, Alicia and Monica Ledn. Stories and songs she had learned there were still fresh in her mind. She is only one of the many friends the Ledén girls have taken to VBS in the last few years. Cecilia attends a Catholic school In Mexico. After VBS she asked the teaching nun in her classroom why they did not study the Bible as she had done in VBS instead of spending so much time with their catechism. Her Catholic teacher agreed to let her study the Bible in place of her catechism and now her whole class is studying the Bi- ble with her! Pena, VBS leader for the Prophecy Seminar Slated A Time of the End Prophecy Seminar will be presented by Elder Dan W. Goddard in the Victorville church at 16070 IL.o- rene Drive, running September 25-October 23, Wednesday and Thursday nights excepted. All meetings start at 7:15. The seminar features group participation as well as the lec- ture platform. Everyone attend- ing will receive a Prophecy Seminar Notebook complete with printed material and chart for each subject presented. This seminar should be rec- ommended to relatives in or near the Victorville arca. Please send names and addresses of friends and interested persons to: Elder Dan W. Goddard, 19- 180 Alleghany Road, Apple Val- ley, CA 92307. I.a Sierra Spanish Church, has enrolled Cecilia in The Voice of Prophecy Bible lessons. Cecilia has promised to enroll as many of her friends as possible in her hometown in Mexico as soon as she receives her first lesson. Mrs. Pena also gave Cecilia and Elder I.eéon’s granddaugh- ters a friendship quilt to work on in Tijuana. There the grand- daughters will hold a mini VBS, teaching children the stories and songs they learned this year. The La Sierra Spanish Vaca- tion Bible School has indeed been a light reaching as far away as Mexico! Publishing Announces Changes in lts Staff Conference Publishing Direc- tor Pete Kamilos has announced a number of changes in his de- partment. Earl Labry has ac- cepted a call to be the Publish- ing Director of the Hawaiian Mission and Neil Busby has transferred to the publishing work in the North Pacific Un- ion. To replace these men, two literature evangelists will be used. Justin Drieberg, a veteran of 15 years in the literature ministry will be the leader in Orange County. Art Stout will assume the leadership in the San Diego area. ALBERT McNEIL LOS ANGELES JUBILEE SINGERS will give a concert of Negro spirituals, Afro-American works and folk and freedom songs September 26 at 8 p.m. The concert is sponsored by the San Diego 31st Street Church and will be given at the Al Bahr Shrine Temple, located at Clairemont Mesa Boulevard and Highway 163 in San Diego. Admission will be charged. Informa- tion and reservations can be made by calling the church at (714) 239-7306. AMERICA | used to look at the starry sky, And | would always wonder why, My country was so happy and gay, On that great July 4th day, And why the flag had stars and stripes, And why Paul Revere rode that great night, And why we sing “The Star-Spangled Banner.” In such a very loyal manner. But now | know about America And how we came to be, And | think it was worth it ‘Cause now we all are free! Rebecca Backus, Grade 3, Santa Barbara. aCIFIC UMNIoMn The Pacific Union Recorder io the rewenancr of the Poofic Prictod a Tce. , Calif All stories, advertisements, chit N I SIVIR FAR cS SE CRUISE SI fo tales Ie t A: ETHIE PE TR Sine NEO T Cutie che cont Boy 14 Glens Sete Cobra Subscription Rate: ING creer onorches, The EDITOR ©... .. Shiriey Burton MANAGING EDITOR ¢etlars por Glen Robinson Unicon Conferonce of “or I SSIS Ie OU IE CR Ir orn ed ee —~ ble C SULENTASCOyY Adventists and is puto aries, Recorder A charge th A, cor te other Hicial hed in- a Pacific Union Con- rmbhers of Onto ASSISTANT EDITORS | .E. C. Sandefur, Amundson, R. Cone, M. White CONFERENCE COORDINATORS fod s VA em A R etirey KL Wenn LLL LLL ATI . : ' . RISIOEE gen 0 Please Note: The Pacific Ne IN SNe ebm PE N JE [SPEEA IO Jay Oo ee Coren JL eIrGrn. Union Recorder COLLEGE CORRESPONDENTS Boenrie Dwyer, LLU-la Si era Cam Pus Im neg Cra Ue o'lege CIRCULATION... ..... Merle Sather POSTMASTER: All returns should be sent to Pr ce Berrien, Box 36, Angwin, Cals fornic a 94508. aces not accept sponsibility for Southeastern California Conference Walter D. Blehm, president; War- ren C. Heintz, secretary; Sylvester D. Bietz, treasurer; Box 7584: 9707 Magnolia Avenue, Riverside, Cali: fornia 92503. Phone 714 689 1350. Wills, trust agreements nuities should be made the lega! asscciation the conterence. For more tion, write to JF. Hamrick, tor, at the above address. and an- in favor of rather than informa- direc- SCORES OF PEOPLE signed up for the Five-Day Plan at this exhibit displayed at the Farmers’ Fair in Hemet. Ardotha Pederson (above) and other members of the Hemet Church staffed the booth. ter, study of the Bible.” “To train the young to become true soldiers of the Lord Jesus Christ is the most noble work ever given to man. | Only devout and consecrated men and women, children and can see in them souls to be saved for the Mas- should be chosen as church school teachers. who study the word of God as it should be studied will know something of the value of the souls urder their care, and from them the children will receive a true Christian education. “In the closing scenes of this earth’s history, many of these children and youth will astonish people by their witness to the truth, which will be borne in simplicity, yet with spirit and power. They have been taught the fear of the Lord, and their hearts have been softened by a careful and prayerful who love | Teachers CT, 166 Christian friendships—they’ re formed in Christian schools, art class. pe even os LL Vs Victoria Company Is Organized Almost 60 persons indicated their desires to become mem- bers of the Victoria Company of Seventh-day Adventists when it was organized August 21. Conference Treasurer Syl- vester Biletz led out in the dec- laration and organization of this new company and also gave the sermon during the worship service. His sermon title was “A New Church, Why ?V Pastor Arnold Trujillo 1s serving as leader of the com- which 1s an outreach of pany the Loma Linda Campus Hill Church. It has been meeting for several years and at present meets in the recreation hall of the Janzen Mobile Village at 25293 Redlands Boulevard in [.oma Linda. Worship services start at 8 a.m. The group started as a mis- sionary branch of the Campus Hill Church and also as a train- ing center for those preparing to go out into self-supporting missionary work In various parts of the country. Members and friends at the organization of the Victoria Company PACIFIC UNION RECORDER / MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1976