tentative Cutline -=2- IV Call for a Third Sanitariua Another plsce described near Redlunds anu Riverside Lome. Ziuda Found Offered at $85,000.00 In Peep perplexity V Aun ypuion cecured The ocursel sent from .ecshinzton The Firat 2oyacat An Adverse sotion VI Trited Action Secured First Council atv cra Liude Fevarcile &ciicn at Loe Angeles The Meeting at San iLlege Tre decision to I'xchasc Approval uy Pacific Union Guntercnes VII Eow the Psyments were mst Securing money to coiplete first pavment Threatered fallure to secure money for second payment Five Thousand Dollars received in mail The Third payment made Ccumpletirg the contract AFT II Tbe EVCLUSICM OF A &8.01CA% SCLLIGE VIII Farly Ccuasels regardirz Zducat.conal work at Tons Tinda IX Tre Dey of Small leginnings Y Ghe Lediczticn XI On the ‘raining ci Medical Missionaries X1I ile Loliece of heaicel Lyvar ziiste Deceripticy of courses XIII %.angelistic Field Work AIV Develc puent wud Growth Xv na rally