34 EXAMINATION OF CONSCIENCE. * superiors for any reprimand received, or harboured any contempt for them on account of their failings ? Indly. Towards my Inferiors. Have I given them any scandal by words or actions ? - Have I endeavoured to keep them, as far as I am obliged in the observance of the commandments of God and of his church ? Have I withheld any part of their wages, or oppressed them with excessive work ? Have lin any way ill-treated them? If blessed with children, have I been careful con- cernimg these five essential points, viz. That they learn their Christian ddetrine—that they perform their daily and other devotions—that, bad com- panions, and other occasions of sin, be removed from: them—not to indulge themin their passions— not to use wicked words when reprimanding them for their faults ? | 3dly. Towards all others in general. In THOUGHT. ' Have I harboured aversion or ill-will against any one ? . Have I been angry against any one, or enter- tained revengeful thoughts ? y ome or Have T judged rashly of any one’s actions on intentions ? ro 1¥ Wonbp. Haye I been. guilty of cursing any. person, or thing, or wishing any harm to them ? Lo. . «ARE qe : fen - : Lor - ia cde BL. Th fort RLS a Lr TL pe ged SERENA a ae ny i yg Rd V a SINS AGAINST MY NEIGHBOUR. 35 ~ Have I robbed any one of his peace of mind, or provoked any one: by reproaches ? or, if provoked myself, have I quarrelled, and thus returned evil with evil : . Have I uncharitably repeated the faults or imperfections of others? = i Have I been guilty of the heinous crime of de- traction, by speaking of my neighbour what is false or uncertain, or publishing what is secret? . Have I willingly listened to any such detraction? df ~ Have told lies, and was it to the prejudice of any one? or have I sworn to any untruth ? Ix DEFRD. “Have T been guilty of striking any one? or of spiteful signs. or behaviour ? i eo “Have 1 cheated any one in buying or selling, or, in any. bargain or contract ? Lo] ‘Have I taken or given away any. thing. which * belonged to others ? RIERA Have I in any manner wronged my neighbour, in his right or property ? - EE Have | been guilty of any: spiritual raurder by drawing others to sin? Co By om1ssoN. ~ Have I neglected to make restitution to any peighbour whom I have injured either in his pro- . § pe or good name? CT Have 1 yepaired all the bad example I have 4 ven? VRE ¥ Hive I ayoided all the known immediate dangers | . or occasions of sin? fe hg