THE MINNESOTA- WORKER. •‘Wlnitsdcvcr lliy hand Ondetli to do, do It with thy mlsht.” VOLUME t). DODGE CENTEK, MINN., JAH. 8. 1895. Nchbib. 11 THE MINNESOTA WORKER, ---UI-WEEKLY BY THE----- > ■' v : • •' v /Ainnesota ^racjt goQiaty, iaoocr-ption Price, 33 cents a year. * SZNIJ ALL COMMUNICATIONS AND SUBSCRIPTIONS TO T1-113 EDITOlt, Mrs. A. E. Ellis, - - Box 447, Dudge Center, Minn. Entered ut luo postodiee at Dodgo Center as second eiuAb inau matter. Flit 3-’ D AY OFPSKINCI3. I wonder how many readers of the “Home Missionai‘y” ih o'..r conference read the Gener-*1 Report qtl Day Offerings as published in tlje e:ara of the Dec. no. There we see for the membership of our conference the average amount paid is .live ana four tenths cents per member lor the quarter ending Sept. cW, 1894. Brethren let us j*uuy the readings on Foriegn Missions as published in the “Home .Missionary,” and see ii we can remember our First Day Offering boxes, oftener aud more liberally. Many of the pennies, nickels ana even Hollars that, are spent for needless things to y ratify butu app«. tite and pride, could be used u.ucli more profitably in sending the “gospel of the kingdom" where the Lord designs that it must go. The work is fast closing up, and these privileges, for such they are, of placing ourtreas-ures where moth and rust do not corrupt, neither can theives steal it. The angel of mercy is represented as about to fold his wings to leave the earth forever. I wonder again how many families in our conference do hol take the “Homo Missionary- | Will each librarian consider this a personal invitation to st 1 cit subscriptions, both new, and old, for the new year, aud work this interest with others of the society. We earnestly pray that the new year we are entering upon will show, at its close, efforts and interest greatly increased. N. W. Allee. OUR POOR. At the State meeting in Mankato last fall, the ministers and brethren assembled talked over the matter of providing a home or some way of relief for those in needy circumstances, sach as the aged poor in our state. There are some such unfortunate ones among us all the time, and Christ says that they always will be among God’s people. Our dudes, or rather privileges, in respect to such persons are plainly set forth in the word of God. The fast that God has chosen is •*iu deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house; and when thou seest the naked that thou cover him ; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh.” Isa. 58:7. Then follows a long list of good things which the Lord promises to those who do these things. A committee of three was appointed to study up the matter, and to formulate plans to pre sent to the Conference at our next meeting. This co.uinittee has thought best to let. our people miow, through the' WoiiKjSK, that they have not forgotten their wTork. We believe many in this slate wish to assist in this work. One way of so doing is by donations. Such a work needs means. Cut perhaps you say, “We havt no means.” Well, we should be glad to hear from any one who is willing to donate a farm of from 40 to 1(30 acres or more, for a home for the unfortunate. Perhaps some one can donate part of a farm for such a purpose. The committee would be glad to hear from any such. All communications should be addressed to Box 1)80, Minneapolis, Minn. John Hoffman. For Com. OIRCU L» ATIN G PETITIONS. “In the time of peace, prepare for war,” is a maxim that we may apply to our work just at this time. It is more than probable that something may arise in .the Legislature this winter, that may demand our attention, by way of circulating petitions. It is my opinion that it would be much better that a petition should THE MINNESOTA WORKER. be written instead of being printed, as in the past. The petition, however, should be written by some good penman, so as to carry an influence with it from the stand Ashing smacks by the sea. Do not look so anxiously into your pockets for your diploma from Yale, or your license from Presbytery. If the Lord does not send you point of scholarship. Where this cannot bo done, if so ! into the ministry, no canon of the church can shoot you desired we can send a printed petition, when needed. If there is no good penman in your society, get the school teacher; or some other good penman to \rlte it for you. The proper form will be given in the Worker when it is needed. So watch the Worker, and if it becomes necessary to act, we hope that the elders and iibrariaus of every society will feel that they are needed as leaders, to set the work in motion in their st-veral localities. And here let me ask; Are you all doing all that you would be pleased to see recorded in the books above with that leaflet, ‘ Now in Jail for Conscience’ Sake? If not, why not? H. F. Phelps. TUB MISSIONARY WORK. A letter received from one of our librarians says: -“I wish the librarians of tbe different societies would ■ report through the Worker. We want to know what 1 tney are doing,” All right, we wish so too. However, j the most carefi l search in the aforesaid letter failed to : reveal a single item for the Worker. Strange, wasu'i | it? ! into it. But if he has put his hand on your bead, you are ordained, and your working apron shull be the robe and the anvil your pulpit; and while you are smiting the iron, the hammer of God’s truth will b eak the fliDty heart in pieces Peter was never a soph more, nor Joan a freshman. Harlan Pago novrr hoi-rd thi.t a tan gent to the parabola oisects the angle formed at the point of contact by a perpendiciilar to the directrix and a lino drawn to the focus. If George Muller snould attempt chemical experiments in a philosopher's laboratory, he would soon blo,v himself up. And hundreds of men, grandly useful, were never struck on commencement stage by a boquet fluLg from the ladies’ gallery. • Quick! Let us And our work. You preach a serjnon* ' you give a tract;you haud a flower; you sing & song; you ; give a crutch to a lame man; you teach the Sabbath class their A, B, 0’s; ycu kni.a pair of socks for a foundling; you pick a splinter from a child’s finger. Do something. Do it now. Christ will come soon.”—Sol. PROGUEob of 'pin: work. Blank reports have been soul to all librarians, which we hope will be promptly returned. It will bo a great | help to us, also, if every one will send a full reply to the letter which accompanies the blanks. If a new librarian has been elected, the one who for moriy held the office should fill out and send the repost j Trustees v;t Pi jo City uud Mooso Lake. As stated in my Just report, I promised to make an | other visit to the ti U .Uo *»L the cause in these places, i’hio i ai*vc going to Piue City the T2t)\uit. The powers ot' uuiuuu^ k>. „....od hard against the work, but tne Spirit o. the Lord lifted up astandardfor the truth. | A churoii was oig ujizod cousistiug of eight members; . e uic- ole*. Oi.d to hold the church property, lor the last quarter, and also, with the report, the name j A xrtliL bocidy v. „amzed, with Sister Babcock as of the newly el cted officer. : Librarian. This was necessary, ai there was no 6vi “ ~ ~ . . • denco of tin . distance of a .society, except a debt to the We still hear, occasionally, some chronic grumbler in- Q , , .; •’ 7 State Society, wero taaen to lift the debt, and to quiring,“why is it necessary to report? but our me), , ..... i. , . . I . . . . . . r . further improve u * - much bu! umg by seating it The societies and workers have long ago outgrown such ; , , , ,, 1 , , i . , , . , , . | attendance w«o not wo uad hoped; but the Spirit queues. The subject has been so fully and clear v I * T , ;♦ , ’ . *mit ^ . , * . , J , * . of the Lord was w itu ao. has tried hard to trebled of so many times, that thev must be dull in ¥ ., , , ■ ... . * . , . * . . . stroy the wora noie; out u the tew wno have now en- deed who cannot see that it is not an arbitrary require , ,, , . . : 4 I tered the oiganizatiuu wnl only press together in the work of God, we mi!) confidently expect that oth rs will yet be added to ino church, such as shall be saved. The 19th ult., I wtuo to Voose Lake, remaining five ineutora matter of personal preference, but a part of the Lord’s business as much as the reporting of the ti’hes and offerings. “Cursed be he who doeth the won* of the Lord negligently.” Then don’t neglect the re-ports. Do you keep the Worker on file? If so, you have OL.y to look back to the date when the department of Missionary Work was first started in its columns, and follow that department down to the present time, to And that nearly every question that ever conies up in reference to that w ork has been fully and clearly answered, that definite instructions have been given in al most every line of missionary work, with very many helpful hints, suggestions and items of personal experience. If you have thrown away your papers, begin now to save them. They are of convenient size and shape for preservation. A. E. E. “Let us all go to preaching. Send polished Paul up to Athens, and plain Bartholomew down among the names new mem- days, presenting words pertaining to the kingdom of God. The Spirit of God was preseut with us ii: a marked manner, aud the church was edified and built up. Those who took their stand at the previous visit, were established anti settled into the work. Several were added to the Sabbath school; imd five here were added to the Tract Socic:/. Since the middle of October I have spent but one Sabbath with the church in St. Paul. But this uow closes my work with tne churches for the time being; and I take up my work of the w inter. The first tathe middle of December, I sent out letters to. our coming representatives, calling attention to the Sentinel, which is being sent to them; also te the leaflet “Now iu Jail Ac.” which I sent with the letter. I kve received some very interesting replies. My next work is to send the Bame leaflet to the various editors throughout the State THE MINNESOTA WORKER. asking for editorial comments regarding the same. Pray for this line of work. H. F. Phelps. Brainerd, The week of prayer is in the past, or.t the remembrance and effect we believe will be lasting with t.iis company here in Brainord. From the first, the meetings were of deep interest, nnd kept increasing as such till the very close, Every nearly. seem$d to understand what we were gathered together for. To seek the Lord with all the heart, aud to draw that strength from above, which is so much needed in these perilous times. Brother Hilliard was with us till Thursday morning, then Sr. Hil iard and I took the responsibility of the meetiLgs. We held two meetings each day, and most every member was present at all the meetings, and there seemed to be a hungering and thirsting after) righteousness, aud the promise “ye shall be filled” was verified unto us. Truly some of the droppings of the sanctuary tell upon us, and we were made to rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory. There was not a note of discord throughout the entire meetings. We seemed to nave come back to the time when we first embraced the “Third Angel’s Message,” and indeed, brethren, it was good to be here, as all testified in our.last meeting. The wine was good in the beginning; but the best was brought in at the last of the feast, Oue message whs, “Arise and shine, for the light is come, and the glo v of the Lord is risen upon thee,” and each ca.'ght the inspired words, and joy and gladness beamed upon every countenance. Some that have attended several camp meetings said that these were the best meetings they ever attended. Our sheaves were gathered in Sunday (the day appointed) and $31 were gleaned out. We took it and all bowed together in pra/or, askiug the Lord to accept it, and sow it where it would produce a hundred fold to His honor and glory, and dear brethren, we believe we will see the fruit of this offering in the New Earth. We are of good courage here, and praying earnestly for a revival of that pure and undefiled religion that visits the widows and fatherless in their affliction, and that will keep us unspot ted from the world. Mrs. Maria Mead. Among Hi9 Churches. Since my last report I have visited the companies at Dassel and Hutchinson and also the few believers at Eden Lake. The blessing of the Lord attended the ef forts put forth at these places and we were glad to see a spirit of unity take possession of the brethren and sisters aud a desire to 1. y asido the little differences and imaginary injuries that had been magnified into a middle wall of partition by the accuser of the brethren, which of courso always shutB Self in and Je6us out. Blit he is our peace who ha*.h made both one, having abolished in his flesh the enmity. I also spent a short time with Bro. Pogue at Lake Hook, assisting him whst I could in the meetings he has been conducting at that place. These meetings have been well attended and a good degree of interest has been manifested on the part of mauy, and it is expected that some will obey the truth. W. A. Alway. Since my last report I have visited Villard, West Un ion, Sauk Center and St. Cloud, and we had good meetings at all these places. Bro. C. M. Emmerson was with us at Villard and spoke twice to good acceptance. Our meetings there were attended by the M. E. and Congregational ministers. The M. E. minister publicly stated that be enjoyed the meetings much. At St. Cloud we bad the help of Bro. Hilliard. The Lord gave freedom in presenting practical truth for this time, and it was well received by the brethren. We hope that now the week of prayer with its priviliges and blessings is In the past, we will not slacken our zeal in the least, but press on with renewed consecration to the work the Lord has called us to do. Pray for us. W. B. Hill. THE SABBATH 8CHOOL A New Program for Family Study. A1 of our schools as far as we have been a ble to learn which adopted th© program for family study were so well pleased with the results that we have decided to continue the plan this quarter, and have accordingly arranged a program suited to the present lessons. A number of these have been 6ent to each school in the State so that each family may receive a copy. Should any fail to receive one if they will let us know we will supply them at once. There are many advantages to be gained by a daily systematic study cf the lessons. In order to gam the best results each one engaged in the study should have his Bible and turn to the references, that the location on the page may be observed and be fixed in mind. This aids greatly in becoming familiar vith the Bible and also impresses the lesson more clearly on the mind. All may take turns in reading the answers to the ques tions and thus all, even the little ones will have an interest in the exercises. If only ten texts are committed to memory each week, nnd more can easily be, wo should have 520 precious passages of Scripture stored up in our rniuds at the end cf the year. I am afraid that is more than mauy of us have done in the past. Lrssons learned io this way are certainly fixed in mind and longer remembered than they ever can be if studied one or even two hours ut the end of thi week. , Some object to this plan as taking too much time. But. if we wait until we have plenty of time, Satin will see to it that we never have any more time than we have now. Parents will draw their children nearer ,to them by this kind of study and their influence over them will be strengthened. Our Sabbath Schools can do much for the children but they can never do the work of the parents. “While it is essential that wise, patient efforts should be made by the teacher, the work must not be left altogether to the Sabbath School teacher and the church worker, but must find its foundation and support in the work of the home. Parents have a sac red responsibility and cnarge committed to them, and they are called upon to keep their charge, to bear their responsibility in the fear of God, watching for the souls of their children as they who must giye an account. THE MINNESOTA WORKER. .......The responsibility which God has given to men and women as parents, many have shifted from themselves to the Sabbath School and church influence. But each instrumentality has its work, and parents who neglect their part will be weighed in the balance and found wanting. The instruction of Christ from the Pillar of cloud to the children of Israel, defines ti e duties of parents, and is no* indefinite or hard *o be under stood. This instruction is for our admonition and benefit. ‘Therefore shall ye lay up these words in your heart and in your soul, and biud them for a sign upon your hand, that thev may be as frontlets between vour eyes’........‘And ye shall leach them your chil- dren, speaking of them when thou sittcsl in thine house, and when thou v.alkost by the way, when thou liest down when thou risost up.’ Mrs. E. G. White in S. S. Worker. Is there any reason why we should noi learn our lessons so thoroughly this quarter that wo shall never forget them? We think.our schools will bj glad to n jij t’ our donations for the first Six mouths of L89*> .u*o to be - given to further work in Zamb.'zia. We huvo taken much interest in the journey of Brn. Wessils, Druillard,.]/! i.r vey and others into the interior of Africa that wo shall 1>h j.;od to improve the opportunity of learning more of that country and aiding the work there all we i\m. The article of Bao Wilcox in the review of Dec. 18 will be of special interest at this time and wc hope will be carefully studied by the schools. Also t 13 arti ;!a m the S. S. Worker on M atobcloland. A. L. L, Reports from Schools. Ojata, N. D.—“Our school at present pretty small as all the brethreu aud sisters have moved away but myself and family. We have our Sabba.h School every Sabbath and get our lessonsand have our general reviews. Myself and wife fill all the offices aud we enjoy ourselves, and God comes near and that to bless, as ,wje study these precious lessons on the life of o^r dear Saviour, and our hearts go out to him in love and gratitude for the sacrifice he has made for us. Pray for us that we may remain faithful to the end.” Holdings’ Ford.—“We have enjoyed much of the blessing of the Lord since we organized the little family Sabbath School, and we have learned so much about the goodness of God iu the gift of his dear Son. We propose to continue our little school as long as we remain an unbroken family.” St. Cloud —“The family program for the study of the S. S. lesson has been quite faithfuily presented to the school and in some cases it is followed. The results when the plan is followed are all that could be desired. We have the topic cards and like them well. The great difficulty is to get all to put forth the effort required to study them. Teachers meetings are held regularly and we could not feet along without them. Also childrens’ meetings are held monthl/ with a good interest. As a whole our school ivork is advancing, and we feel that God has greatly blessed thh efforts put forth.” MISCELLANEOUS. Just received. A supply of the new book, “Story of Pitcairn Island,” by a native daughter of the island. Price post paid $1. Discount to societies. Address all orders to: Minn. Tracts Sqc., Box 989, Minneapolis, Minn Wanted.—To correspond with any one who cfon tell me of a small place to rent among Sabbath keepers, where we cat have meeting, and sabbath school privileges.43 Should like a place where we cau keep a cow or \ two, or more if we choose, and 6orae chickens. Please write at once stating all particulars to E. H. Pullen, Courtland, Minn. Gash Received on Pledges To General Relief Fund Since Last Report. NoV. Is‘G‘1804 to Jan. 1st 1895. Alden - Society $ 25 00 Amboy ” 3 40 Hr ai nerd ” 2 60 Budd, Geo., W. Union ” 50 00 Crow Wing ’ 80 Cambridge ” 7 70 Canby ” 9 30 Duluth 2 £0 Evergreen ” 3 55 Eagie Lake ” 8 00 Garden City ” 2 00 Guderian, Ed., Good Thunder Soe. 75 00 Hancock Society 2 93 Lake Eunice »» • 6 00 Litchfield V 5 50 Minneapolis, Eng. 1» 12 90 Minnewaukop, tj 6 00 Mankato n 2 00 New Auburn V 4 00 Owatoona »> 5 20 Princeton 7 00 Rasmussen, H. Cart laud »» 50 00 Round Prairie »» 4 00 Redwood Falls >» 3 50 Riceville, N. Dak. 4 25 Scattered 31 00 St. Paul, Eng. 5 00- St. Paul, Scand. »» € 75 Tracy »» 180 Wells V 22 00 West Union 4 60 Zumbro Falls >1 7 2?5 Total 381 53 Previously reporte 560 01 Grand Total 941 51 L. B. Ijcset,