VERBS Rego; i, ota, Ere. act. to rule or Bovirn; to set righ. : Direptor, Gris. m. a obber, spoiler, or rifler. : Eripio. to take away force, to deliver, to rescue. . * Ereptio, Onis. £4 vient taking away, - © Ereptopy’ Bris. pi. & spoiler, » robber, a ravisher., BE Praripio. to snatch away from or before another, to prevent. Proripio. to snatch away, to drag along, 10 slink away, to miake . an escape.’ Surripio. to steal or, take away privly to to pile, © » prevent to intercept, to anticipate. TO. Sufreptio, dnis. f. astealing. + EE Surreptitius, a, um. stolen, got by — Régo: - Rectus, 1, um. part. “governed —adj; pra upright, ‘honest. Rectum, i. n. aright line, honesty, integrity. ue Rect. adv. (sc. via.) strpightway, straight forward." Recte. adv. wellggight, rightly. - Rector, oris. m. ¥ governor, a ruler, Le Recfrix, icis. f. a governess. © . Régio, duis. f. (a place under goneement) counter a imate, a quarter, a district. } " REgidnatim. adv. from quarter to quarter, word by word. Regimen, inis. m. rule, government, Rex, &gis. m. a king. Regina, =. f aqueen. - : king: Régius, a, um. et Régalis, -e:- ofa kings ‘royal, princely, like a roy Regie, et Regaliter. adv. kingly, \ majestically. Regificus, a, um: ‘goyal, princely, magnificent. .- . Regifice. adv. kingly, sumptuously. VBie , & £. (30. domug.) a palace, a: ‘King’s coust. ng, i. m: dim. a petty king, a small prince. : a a, =. £ a rule; a-square or ruler, a pattern; an example Regilaris, e. made-according to rule, regular: © § Regiilariter. adv. regulasly, by: Tule. Ten a . Regoum, i. n. akingdom. ; ~Regno, sre: Noub. Torelgey torrue, to be sing. .Regnitor, Bris, Im. & gOVErnor, a king. , Regnatrix, icis.f. a governess, & queer regen . Interrex, &gis. m: a regent; eae mitad of the King. Interregnum, §. n. the space between two reigns.’ - Arrigo, exi, ectum. &re. act. To Prick up, to rouse, to encourage: - Arrectarius, 3, um. erected, set-upright; set on.end. - - Corrige. to set tp rights, to cotreet or amend, to. reform. Eorrectio, onis. f. a correction, an smendment: - Corector, gris. m. a correcion; on mendes, ger. “Ricorrigo: tocorrect anew, ty ta: Dirigo., steer, or guide) totage. dredet in armed, © ® Directio, Guia. f a direction, ali; op. mick... a 2 level or or am ‘Director, 8ris. m." a director’ or gaider, - Directed 8, £ alayi ing. out by.a. lina. ™ 2 3 gee, fog ; oe ST Pasectss et A 1 wh Frigd,to ciecy or set upright, te tg rogse or excite, to raise cap, 0 Bret, onis. f. Aifog UP OF Tarn; AB Crostion. foo . 20 sufifrost, ko Sedge ow tink to creep. or crawl) pi, sErh d8py v, plus ére. ovat. : Ce a. Ce rightly, upright rE 70.) to ey anit, to reach forth, to prostrate, to ng by beating down, to kill, to prolog ar defer. ER ctio, Snis f+ & stretching out, an estension. go. £6. raise up, to prick up, to lift on high. ‘ perrexi, perrectum, re: neut: (for perrigo.) To go on, scory eXperrectus, isci. dep. To gwike. [to proceed rectus, a, um. nota ’ eg, surrexi, surreetum ére. neut. (urn. IT To rise. hseitso. to rise wp. . foe] JEGroumsurgo. to Tis d sbott. } rgo. toTise round abou Eodanrgo. to rise up by way. of respect, to rise e against. urrectio, nis. f. a- Yespentfi rising up. go; th. Beige from. urgo, et Exurgo. to rise op tosseongt. gas go- t0.rise up against. oo Resucso. to rise again. | . § B¥surrectio, bhis:f.3 rising. aging —— or —from res. Perot. Ritus, a, um. part. thinking supposia, std, confirmed, 24: "authentic, goed } inlaw. .- Trritus, a, um. void, vain, of rio effect onfofoe. 5 Riftio, onis. £. reason, cause, condition; socoun way or means, ti3nalis, e. reasonable, rational; Riitidnalis, a reesivergoneral. Hutjontrive, a vmoban: Nocona ekoing fRitionarium, kn. a hook, 8f acosusts, « regs CErrytionalis, e. ev Ioritiondbilis le, | iacinof;, ari sdepyiBo'avetititto-seckos, to rei Btseinitor duis. f a ami ting. 5 el ¢