maternids to ther members, in Angola Folder Olivera sp he to catherme of about Ave thousand pesple. ove than. sand of whom were children. Oliveira; [ asked thew what they teach the children, What pretures or children’s stories did they have! The answer was Nothing— nothing Althouse they are selt-sup- port 1.7. {Fre V do not hive | he dollars to buy rer f= rom overseas The International Bible Society and other agencies provide Bibles and they ~eem to have hvmnbooks Bur they desperately neea hilar Ns materi i Portuguese. Hopetuliy aur pe thsi my house in Braz! can dv somthin fo) help. MISSION: Of conrse, Bove no racial barriers, Send rom any country Lo the Angas Cron S What is the greatest need of the cliarels in Mozambique! Oliveira: The oo teed in Mozambigue as to tran workers for Hie TWIT reeds ol the chureb For this vicasorn the division HRS Clinsen) us Wait fo Bibi petpores Tres could be atest ane nf thy Speci propels thi baled co chesreonn and admins va tion hatlding for the Mozambigine Adventist Seminary MISSION: IF Gated an Foor BEAT ral che ween boven [a SEEN IIBES DOES YOUR VOICE SHOW THAT YOU CA city in Mazabisgue sel the lrg Bocas or the civil war an the Brashan Leach wi serves on the taeaty there nase hee for mes Fortunate hv ond roids link the school AR ith he i Hy =) that commuting is ne probien, Oliveira: A the