392 (8) ATLANTIC UNION | 9% GLEANER | ISSUED WEEKLY By the Atlantic Union Conference Of Seventh-day Adventists South Lancaster, Masz, {Official Organ) Subscription Price, Fifty Cents a Year EDITOR, - - JENNIE THAYER Entered at South Lancaster, Mass., as second-class matter, THE Seventh-day Adventists in Calcutta, India, have lately purchased a printing outfit consisting of a cylin- der press, paper cutter, stapler, a fair amount of body and display type, with other accessories needed in a printing office. The July number of the Ori- ental Watchman was the first one printed on this press. The office is called, ¢“ The Watchman Press.” -——— BroTHER J. L. BAKER, Alba, Pa., in renewing his subscription to the GLEANER, says: “I ath in my seventy- seventh year, My wife is in her sixty-ninth. We have lived together fifty-two years. We both accepted the third angel’s message in 1858.” My brother, you may rejoice in the fact that you are fifty years nearer its consummation than when you first be- lieved. There is to be “delay no longer” in its progress. BrotHER W. W. WILLIAMS writes from Graysville, Tennessee, July 29: « Although Iam out of that conference [Atlantic Union], my interest in the cause there is the same as ever, and I pray God’s blessing upon -all con- nected with the work in that part of the great harvest-field. “1 also feel a deep interest in this southern field, and I wish that many hearts could be opened to give of their means to help finish the sanita- rium at Graysville. Work is prac- tically stopped for want of means, and it seems too bad when God has spoken so plainly: in regard to this work.” road. ATLANTIC UNION JOLEANER VERMONT CAMP-MEETING. Rounp-Trip tickets for the camp- meeting at Randolph, at the usual con- vention rates, have been secured over the Boston and Maine and Central Vermont railroads from the following stations : Brattleboro, Bellows Falls, Clare- mont Junction, Windsor, White River Junction, Taftsville, Wells River, St. Johnsbury, Lyndonville, West Burke, Sutton, Barton Landing, New- port, Walden, Hardwick, Wolcott, Morrisville, Hyde Park, Johnson, Cambridge Junction, East Fairfield, Sheldon Junction, Swanton, Under- hill, Jericho, Richford, Enosburg Falls, St. Albans, Burlington, Essex Junction, and intermediate stations between Essex Junction and White River, including Montpelier and Barre. Tickets will be for sale, Monday, Au- gust 17, and good till September 1, inclusive. Be sure to call for round- trip tickets for the Seventh-day Ad- ventist camp-meeting, Randolph, Vt. Those going over the Rutland Railroad can do no better than to provide themselves with mileages to Burlington, Bellows Falls, or Brattle boro on the Central Vermont Rail T. H. Purpon, VERMONT CAMP-MEETING. A worp more with reference to our camp-meeting. We have a good loca- tion for the camp, and there is an in- terest at Randolph on the part of those not of our faith to hear the truth. Everything, so far as we are able to see, is favorable for a successful meeting. We are to have excellent help. Elder A. G. Daniells, president of the General Conference; Elder H. W. Cottrell, president of the At lantic Union Conference; Elder A. E. Place, president of the New England Conference ; E.R. Palmer, the world’s canvassing agent; Prof. Frederick Griggs, of South Lancaster Academy; also-some one of the doctors of the Melrose Sanitarium will ‘be with -us. Best of all the Lord of heaven will be with us. I sincerely hope that our brethren throughout the State will make an earnest effort to be present at this important annual gathering. Dear brethren, you can not afford to remain away, the Lord’s work is of greater importance than any earthly thing. We are rapidly approaching the final conflict. Soon the work will close with power, and the glory of God will shine forth to all: the world through his people.” Will you be among them then? You may not be unless you improve now every oppor- tunity for spiritual growth and devel: opment. We hope the delegates from the re- spective churches will be at the meet ing the first day of the meeting, and remain until the close. We desire to spend only a little time in the busi- ness meetings, that more time may be given to spiritual work. Let us get our business out of the way early in the meeting. The camp is only a very short dis- tance from the depot. If some of our brethren do not meet you at the train, bring your baggage checks to the camp ground, and we will see that your baggage is cared for. May the Lord bless his people as they come together once more in Ver- mont to seek his face. : J. W. WarTT, As THE New York camp-meeting is to be postponed, it gives us a hope that Elder S. H. Lane may be at our New England meeting, August 27 to September 7, at Montwait, Mass. A. E. PLACE. SUNSET CALENDAR FRIDAYS. Local Mean Time, N.Y, h- 1903. Boston. Re a, August 7... 7:13 7:10 7:06 August 14 | T:04 7:01 6:58 August 21 | 6:53 6:51 6:48 August 28.| 6:43 | - 6:41 6:89