12 answer, based on Bible doctrines, which many a grownup could nol have answered. Every time a question was asked, we heard voices from the front row answering them, and cor- reetly, too, sat there, and again and again gave the answer, _ “‘DBut who are youd the minister asked. ‘Where do you attend Sun- day school? You always have a ready answer.’ “We could not hear the children’s angwer, but a few minutes later the minister remarked, as he pointed to the elder child, ‘You should become a minister's wife, for youn could help him make his sermons;’ and to the other child he said, ‘and you must go out as a missionary.’ The next day we found that the two girls were daugh- ters of Seventh-day Adventist parents. How true it is that our children, when rightly trained, at home and at Sab- bath school, can answer Imtelligently questions put to them concerning the Bible. The influence of such little witnesses is very far-reaching.” ge 3% A Soul-Winning Nurse NoT very much is said or written concerning the faithful work of the many hundreds of employecs in our sanitariums and treatment rooms, but we are certain that when the books of record are opened in the day of judgment it will be found that many have accepted the truth because of the faithful witnessing of nurses, doctors, and helpers in our medieal institu- tions. A Family United in the Truth Nurse Montgomery {standing at left), Mr. and Mrs, Stout (seated), Mr. and Mrs. Mar- shall and daughter (in rear) Two little girls (sisters) The Church Officers’ Gazette At the Loma Linda Sanitarium there is a very faithful nurse by the name of J. F. Montgomery, who is a very cnthusiastic soul winner, He hag been connected with the institu- tion for a number of years, and dur- ing the last five years has won fifty- two souls, all of whom have been bap- tized and are faithful members of the chureh. Brother Montgomery is a very mod- est man, and never misses an oppor- tunity to witness for the truth. The accompanying picture represents a family of five who were recently bap- tized and united with the Toma Linda church, They received their first im- pressions of our work in the sanita- rinm, where Brother Montgomery January, 1939 made their acquaintance. Soon he began to hold Bible studies in their home. The father, Mr. Stout, had been a_ user of tobacco for tem years, but the Lord gave him the vie- tory over this habit, and now both parents and children are rejoicing in the hope of the third angel’s message. Brother Montgomery has set his goal to win fifteen souls in 1938. Thus far (Sepliember, 1938), he has had the joy of winning nine, and he expects te reach his full goal before New Year’s Day (1939). I trust this litile experience will encourage all of our institutional workers to be faithful witnesses for the {ruth. BE. F. HACKMAN, President, 8. E. Califorma Conf. Weekly Church Missionary Services January 7—"*What Fifty-Two Misg- sionary Services Should Mean to Our Church” FIreY-rwo inspiring missionary services! Surely here is a goal that gtirsa our hearts, The themes to be covered by these services deal with the greatest science in the world—the sci- ence of winning souls from destrue- tion to eternal life—with whieh noth- ing is to be compared in importance. “Ie that winneth souls ig wise.” Prov. 11:30. We are told by the servant of the Lord that “ths highest of all sciences is the science of soulsaving. The greatest work to which human beings can aspire is the work of winning men from sin to holiness. For the aceom- plishment of this work, a broad foun- dation must be laid.”—“Minisiry of Healing,” p. 398: A cordial invitation is extended to the entire church to unite in the study of this “highest of all sciences” during the ten or fifteen minute missionary gerviee each weck, whieh, according to General Conference recommendation, begins immediately at the close of Sabbath school. The experiences re- lated by fellow worksrs, the reports of progress, the plans for continued and ever-expanding missionary endeavor, will all tend to keep the layman's movement advaneing as a united bedy in the greatest work eommitted to human beings. January -14—*Win Another’ —. Our Shibboleth in 1939 During the year which has just closed, we have heard thc expression “Win One” repeated thousands of times. We all know that this was the bugle call to greater personal serviee in winning souls, whereby every Chris- tian was inspired to put forth efforts to win at least one soul to Christ be- fore the end of the year. As a result of this united “Win One” effort, many lives have been changed, and hundreds of souls are now rejoieing in the mes- sage of salvation. Has ths “Win One” effort been worth while§ The answer springs forth from loyal Chris- tian workers everywhere—Yes, a thou- gand times yes! Now as we enter upon another year of continuing the personal conbact in soul winning, we are sending forth the eall— “Win Another.” Each morning let cur prayer be, “Lord, make me a blessing to some one today; lead me by Thy Holy Spirit and teach me what to say, and when to say it, that I may ‘win another’ and still another soul to love Thee and know Thee, and to prepare for Thy coming.” It may be that the “Win Another” plan will encircle 3 member of the home circle, or a neighbor, or a fellow worker in office, shop, or field. One good sister who was imbued with the “Win One” idea saw a mis- gion field in the daily callers at her