The 22-member San Andreas Church has no young children of 1ts own, but for the past two summers it has held a Vacation Bible School anyway. Seventy- six children enrolled in the July 12-22 session. Average at- tendance of 41 was nearly dou- hle the first summer's average. Nancy Wolcott, wife of San Andreas-Sutter Hill district Pastor Dale Wolcott, directed the two-week program. She was aided by 13 helpers, including the wife of a chaplain in the community. A Neighborhood Bible Club has been in continuous opera- tion since last year's VBS, and Area Children Enrolled in VBS the NBC children became the nucleus of the 1976 VBS en- rollees. Also, their word-of- mouth advertising produced re- sults. Transportation was pro- vided to bring in more children from other arcas of town. About 25 children participat- ed in a Sabbath field trip to the San Andreas Convalescent Hos- pital. They cheered patients with songs and stories and Scripture reading. In each pa- tient’'s room they left a hand- crafted felt wall hanging im- printed with the words: “God Bless America.” Charles A. Rentfro, Church Elder, San Andreas X | Front row, from left: Elder and Mrs. Wesley Amundson, Elder and Mrs. Mark Williams, Elder and Mrs. Keith Krnoche, Elder and Mrs. Kenneth Cryte. Back row: Pacific Union Conference Secretary E. W. Amundson, Conference President H. C. Retzer, General Con- ference Vice-president C. D. Henri, Conference Secretary R. W. Simons, Faith for Today Evangelist Philip Knoche, Pacific Union Con- ference President Cree Sandefur. Four Are Ordained during PUC Sabbath afternoon, August 21, Wesley Amundson, Kenneth Gryte, Keith Knoche and Mark Williams sealed their accept- ance of the call to the gospel ministry through the rite of ordination at the Pacific Union College Camp Meeting. All graduates of PUC, the four young men received their master of divinity degrees from Andrews University. A high light of the solemn and beautiful service was the participation of two fathers of candidates in the ceremony. Pa- cific Union Conference Secre- tary Earl Amundson dedicated the candidates in prayer. Faith for Today Evangelist Philip Knoche joined his son Keith in a vocal duet. In the ordination sermon Pa- cific Union Conference Presi- dent Cree Sandefur spoke of the seriousness of accepting the gospel ministry's challenge. Un- ion Ministerial Secretary Lloyd Wyman gave the charge. Conference President Hel- muth C. Retzer presented the candidates to the congregation and welcomed them into the ministry. Adding poignancy to the ser- vice was the knowledge that Wesley and Dorothy Amund- son, with their daughter Tama- ra, would leave the next day for Singapore. Elder Amundson QUILTING PARTY—Three quilt tops were made by the 160 students during the recent Vacation Bible School at the Ukiah church. Under the direction of VBS Leader Nancy Blower, the chil- dren—ages 5-12—made the squares, and the quilts were then as- sembled. One quilt was given to a lucky mother at a drawing during the closing exercises. A group of juniors took another to a needy family in the area. The third quilt was donated to the Ukiah Adventist Community Center. More than half of the children in attendance were from non-Adventist homes. PACIFIC UNION RECORDER / MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1976 J == Hikers Give Pack Trip Report Northern Yosemite National Park. with its unique volcanic and granite peaks -— better known as “The IlL.and of Fire and Ice’—was the setting for two High Sierra one-week pack trips in July. Both were spon- sored by the Youth Department of the Northern California Con- ference and led by Pastor Mark Williams of the Rio L.indo Acad- emy Church. Academic credit was offered in the natural history of the Sierra Nevadas to academy and college students on the first trip. Bill Hughes, M.A., of the graduate school of biology at I.oma Il.inda University, was in- structor. Hikers observed God at work In nature and learned to identify numerous plants. They also studied geological processes that took place during and after the Flood. ~ RedCross. ll The Good Neighbor. amp Meeting will serve as chairman of the Religion Department at South- cast Asia Union Adventist Sem- inary. Elder Keith Knoche is pastor of the Upper ILake Church and his wife Vikkl is an administra- tive secretary at Lakeport Com- munity Hospital. Elder Mark Williams and his wife Paula have had an event- ful summer: first the ordina- tion, then just six days later they became parents of their first child-—nine-pound Joshua. They are preparing to move from Citrus Heights where he has been pastor, to Healdsburg where he will become pastor of the Rio lL.indo Adventist Acad- emy Church. Elder Kenneth Gryte, with his wife Marilyn and daughter ITolly, has recently transferred from Trinidad to become pastor of the Cloverdale Church. The four men had opportu- nity to express their feelings about the ordination and rea- sons for their conviction that they are called of God to preach. As did Paul, those who re- ceive the call must testify: “As far as preaching the good news 1S concerned, that is nothing for me to boast of, for I cannot help doing it. For I am ruined if I do not preach.” I Cor. 9:16 (Goodspeed). “God calls for men who re- alize that they must put forth earnest effort, men who bring thought, zeal, prudence, capa- bility, and the attributes of Christ's character into their la- bors.” Gospel Workers, 95. Helmuth C. Retzer, President Northern Calif. Conf. Hikers who took the second trip followed the route of the Pacific Crest Trail from Sonora Pass to Tuolumne Meadows. The trail contoured up and down steep glacial ridges and passed numerous alpine lakes and meadows. Persons who completed the trip can be very proud of hiking an average of 12 miles a day over grueling terrain. Oldest hiker who com- pleted this trip was Dick West of Sacramento, age 57. Seven young people have the distinction of being veterans of three or more Conference High Sierra trips. In the final days of both trips, the groups experienced torren- tial rains, strong winds and beautiful displays of sheet light- ning. Watch next spring for Re- corder and youth department announcements of next sum- mer’'s High Sierra Pack Trips. Both the natural history class and the regular trip will again be offered. Mark Williams, Pastor Rio Lindo Adventist Acad. Ch. Fortuna Crusade To Open The Bible Speaks Crusade with John and Ellen Klim will begin Septem- ber 18 in For- tuna. Meetings will be held at 7:30 p.m. in the Fortuna Ad- ventist church, 2301 ~~ Rohner- | ville Road, con- a tinuing | four John Klim nights a week: - Saturday, Sunday, Wednesday and Friday-—until November 5. Elder Klim travels “from Eden to Eden” in his presenta- tions, with special emphasis on God, the Designer and Restorer. Messages are designed to bring ew inspiration to members and new licht to non-members. Ellen Klim, who has done many Iawaiian scenic oil paint- ings, will present a blacklight chalk drawing almost every night. Many friends will come as members give cnthusiastic in- vitations. Names of friends and relatives who should be invited should be sent to Pastor W. A. Hilliard, 2301 Rohnerville Rd, Fortuna, CA 95540. LIFE STYLE RIP-OFFS—Health Services Director Charles Ed- wards stands beside a new display just obtained by his depart- ment listing the 12 leading causes of death in the United States for four age groups. The display points out important life-style habits that can contribute to many of these early deaths. The dis- play will be used as an educational tool in health programs throughout the Conference. Sacramento Spanish Jos€ Campos Accepts Pastorate Elder José Luis Campos re- cently accepted the pastorate of the Sacramento Spanish congre- gation. They were suddenly left without a pastor when El- der Emil S | Arias died ear- § lier in the year José C while in Chile ose Lampos visiting rela- tives. Manuel Hernandez, a member of the Conference Ex- ecutive Committee, served as interim pastor until Elder Cam- pos arrived. Before coming to Northern, Elder Campos worked for the Pacific Press as sales and pro- motion director for Sp .nish publications. A graduate of Montemorelos University, Mex- ico, he served the first scven years of his ministry in the Mexican Union Mission. We warmly welcome Elder Campos, his wife Adlay and their four children, Carlos, Ra- ul, Dalia and Danitza, to the working force of Northern. Elder Campos will give strong leadership to the Spanish work in the Sacramento area. Please join us in remembering this new pastor in prayer. Helmuth C. Retzer, President 5