Soquel Signals —N | A Conference Plans 106th Camp Meeting e Arnold Wallenkampf teaching from his book New by the Spirit. e Samuel Bacchiocchi with presentations on the meaning of the Sabbath. ® Roger Coon on the Spirit of Prophecy. * More seminars by Sam Rutan, David VanDenburgh and Harold West. e A plethora of health and family-life programs produced by Wayne Griffith. * All seasoned with great music arranged by Helen Sprengel. Where? At Central’s 106th Camp Meet- ing at Soquel. When? Thursday, July 26, Sabbath, August 4. Announcing the annual summer encampment, President Charles Cook said: “The trend to more classes and seminars continues because our through people have clearly indicated that’s what they like.” Reservation cards should be available in Central’s churches by Sabbath, April 21. Applications for cabins, tents, or recreational-vehicle spaces should be submitted immediately. Randomized processing begins Monday, May 14. Vice President for Finance Gor- don Bullock noted that there will be no increase In camp meeting reservation fees again this vear. President Cook said he was pleased to be able to present such an outstanding lineup of Biblical scholars. Dr. Wallenkampf, an emeritus professor of religion, has been a member of the General Confer- ence Biblical Research Commit- tee. Dr. Bacchiocchi, who teaches at Andrews University, was a prize- winning student of the history of Sorry. .. but the report that the new Conference Association Direc- tor Mel Heinrich was once pastor of the San Jose Central Church was in error. This sets the record straight and proves that. . . We're not perfect! the Sabbath at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. He has published books on the sub- ject and lectured in churches and at camp meetings. Dr. Coon, former pastor and teacher, is on the staff of the Ellen White Estate at the General Con- ference. Pastor Rutan, a retired Central California minister, has made the sanctuary doctrine a special study. Pastor VanDenburgh, minister at Palo Alto, has been a popular camp-meeting preacher for several years, usually speaking on themes from the Pauline epistles. Pastor West, director of the Conference Ministerial Associa- tion, plans a seminar on preach- ing, according to President Cook. The president said that many other personalities will have presentations at Soquel this year. Reservations Supervisor Joan Fenn said that cabins—for Cen- tral California Conference mem- bers onty who are 70 and above— will cost $100. Other fees: Tents— $75; RV spaces—$100 ranging down to $50, depending on the level of utility service desired. Mrs. Fenn said that it is im- perative for RV-space applicants to indicate the exact overall length of the unit since spaces are as- signed by length. Persons from other conferences may apply June 1. You are cordially invited to attend The Day He Wore My Crown A Resurrection Musical presented by the Sanctuary Choir & Orchestra Directed by Helen Sprengel of the Fresno Central Church 2980 East Yale Avenue Saturday, April 21 Three Performances 9 a.m., 11:15 a.m. and 4 p.m. Annual VBS Workshop Slated for Soquel Vacation Bible Schools are usually the biggest evangelistic program conducted in the summer by Adventist churches. Baptisms will follow if they are properly conducted and followed up. The annual Vacation Bible School Workshop will be held at Soquel April 20 and 21 around this year’s theme: ‘‘Jesus Is My Friend.”” The program will feature training for every aspect of con- ducting a successful VBS. Pacific Union Conference Sabbath School Director James Hardin will give the keynote address Friday eve- ning. Carol Ann Retzer, a class- room music teacher and VBS music director, will teach new VBS music. In addition to reports from various VBS leaders Sabbath morning, Loma Linda University The Voice of Prophecy now at 8:15 a.m. Monday-Friday KRML—1410, Carmel 3C Chronicles . . . a continuing compendium of news and views e Fire destroyed a major portion of the Livingston Spanish church. Members are planning to rebuild the damaged portion. Meanwhile they are sharing with the church next door, according to Association Officer Frank LaRose. e Approximately 600 people took one or more of the health- education programs sponsored by the Department of Health and Family Life during a recent two-month period. Director Wayne Griffith says about 90 percent of the attendees were non-members. For one man it was the first contact with the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Dr. Charles Edwards’ seminars ‘Coping With Stress’’ were attended by 266 people, primarily non-Adventist nurses seeking continuing-education credit hours. And from January 21 to March 10 more than 500 people heard Dr. Kay Kuzma’s ‘Filling Your Love Cup’’ family-life seminar. 4 Religion Professor Gordon Mat- tison will present the sermon. Janet Evert, director of a suc- cessful VBS in Oxnard, will share her ‘“‘Adopt a Lamb’ follow-up program during the Sabbath- afternoon session. Erling Calkins, editor of the VBS Directors Manual, will meet with all VBS directors. Division leaders from pre-kin- dergarten through earliteen will meet separately with instructors for specialized help. The earliteen leaders will meet with Elder Har- din, who developed the earliteen program. Says Central’s Sabbath School Director Darold Retzer, ‘This division has the greatest potential for baptisms because the earliteens are old enough to make a decision to be baptized. We hope more churches will add this division.” Saturday night the crafts will be demonstrated, and supplies may be purchased. Persons desiring to attend the VBS Workshop may reserve by calling the Sabbath School De- partment at (209) 291-7700. The cost of $30.15 includes a night’s lodging, four meals, and the registration fee. Those who com- mute will be charged $3.85 per meal plus the $10 registration fee. The Voice of Prophecy now heard Sunday, 8 a.m. Fresno, KFRE/940 Be a missionary. Send SIGNS. MORE THAN 100 SOULS have been baptized as the result of the Spanish evangelistic series conducted by Eliseo Briseno (far right) throughout the Conference in 1983. During the Salinas Spanish effort, he was assisted by Marvin Santos (far left). Elder Briseno is pastor of the Modesto and Livingston Spanish churches. Students Experience Reality of Religion Participation in the activities ot local churches moves religion from theory to reality—besides giving students valuable lessons in sharing their faith. This is the view of Bakersfield Adventist Academy Faith For Today's Westbrook Hospital now on Sequoia Cablevision, CH 34 Tulare, California Sundays, 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. Principal Robert Taylor, whose junior and senior Bible-class students have conducted church services disigned specifically for teens. “In addition,’’ says Principal Taylor, ‘‘students have held serv- ices for the adult members at the Bakersfield Southside and Taft churches. “Members of the sophomore class have also assisted with a cooking school sponsored by the Bakersfield Central Church,” reports Principal Taylor. Bakersfield Adventist Academy students practice their religion by con- ducting services for adults and teens in local churches. Participants, from the left, are Gilbert Ibarra, Esther Vigil, Deborah Randel, Faythe Bushness (at pulpit), Kim Bronson, Suzie Randel and Ruben Robles. Central California Conference Charles F. Cook, president; George R. Elstrom, secretary; Gordon Bul- lock, treasurer; (Box 770), 2820 Willow Avenue, Clovis, California 93613. Phone (209) 291-7700. Wills, trust agreements and annui- ties should be made in favor of the legal association rather than the conference. For more information, write to Association Director, at the above address. Ways To Worship “Let the fresh blessing of each new day awaken praise in our hearts for these tokens of His lov- ing care. When you open your eyes in the morning, thank God that He has kept you through the night. Thank Him for His peace in your heart. Morning, noon, and night, let gratitude as a sweet per- fume ascend to heaven.’’ The Ministry of Healing, p. 253. The Voice of Prophecy twice daily Reno, KYOR-1590 8:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. The Voice of Prophecy Monday-Friday, 2:30 p.m. Salt Lake City KBBX-1600 Plan now! Camp Meetings Hobble Creek Campground Springville, Utah June 18-23 Camp Richardson South Lake Tahoe California August 6-11 Reservation information coming. PACIFIC UNION RECORDER / APRIL 16, 1984