«b= mercy celled our attention as a people such as pure air, cleanliness, health=- ful diet, proper periods of labor and repose, and the use of watere" Teste, Vole 1, pe 561s The "Work Cure" which is now attracting such remarkable attention in the world, and which we have not half succeeded in properly developing in our sanitarium work even at this late day, was a part of this original progam. "I saw the beneficial influence of outdoor labor upon those of feeble vitality and depressed circulation. « « o Instead of amusements to keep these persons indoors, care should be taken to provide outdoor attractions.” Teste Vole lo Pe 562¢ Health Education as Well as Healing It was specified that connected with sanitarium work there should be a definite educational propaganda, so that nature could contime the cure after the patient had left the institution. "The object of the health reform and the Health Instute is not, like a dose of 'Pain Killer' or "Instant Relief? to quiet the pains of today. No, indeed! Its great object 1s to teach the people how to live so as to give nature a chance to remove and resist die geasee" = Teste Vole 1, p 643s Even the character of the workers that should connect with this movement was specified in detail. (Vole le p. 567) It would seem as though an enterprise that was so divinely safe- guarded could not fail successfully to spell out God's great program in this closing worke But where the Master sowed good seed the enemy sowed tarese Transferring Responsibility Brom The Many To The Few As a certain class of workers among us became experts in promlgat- ing the health reform principles. and in caring for the sick, the great body of our people began to relinquish their responsibility in this respect. From becoming experts, it was only one more step to become professional, and then commercial, First of all, Christian healing is a sacred work, and not a business