" unless you entirely change your course tions You have been planning and wl culating to commence an enterprise upon yo wn responsibility. You were engaging the 1n- terest of those who are acquainted with you, yet % not a Samnot be. 1 shall, in the fear of God, say to my brethren and sisters, Bre, Hasse is not the man. You do not know him. ' s So not make such an enterprise a success. il no it the people to meet with another disap- P intment in the health reform, such as they have Tet with. I will warn them publicly, if necesary, in order to prevent this. All the misiskes wr fanatical movements fall back upon me in : end, I have the most bitter letters from some, char ing, me with having been instrumental in the of their friends. These friends went to eBiTenes; and the result has been bad, and the reproac 3 8 n me. I wish, Bro. Russel, that you did know ho If; then you would have more rest of spirit. : Fou feel all the time you must be doing a grat and important work, when you have not the abil- ity to this great work. i RATE ire t mistake. Here 3 Bode wistom and judgment. If you solid see Tow the Lord regards such a course as you h: 8 arsued in this matter, you would not have gud) a views of the large sphere you sold : You had motherless children who needed t * Sarg of a woman of sound sense, experience an good vernment to discipline them. Did you se sudiciously, with caution and counsel in selecting no wife? No, indeed. You followed your your children, that she nor self-control, that she was altogether too young ily. You brought o fancy, and chose a girl—an undisciplined, inex- perienced girl, and installed her the mother of - your little ones. In this you have given evidence of being deficient in judgment, deficient in reason- ing from cause to effect. You have also shown, by your course with your wife, that either you have not understood the laws of our being, or that you have followed your own inclinations in defiance of the laws of life and health. You when she was not more than two-thirds matured. ~ Your precepts in many things in reference to have had children by your girl-wife health may be good; but when your example is 80 contrary to the laws of life, your precepts are of but little worth. : : You saw that your girl-wife was a child among possessed neither dignity to bear the burdens, confinement and care of a family, and that your children could better take care of themselves, and even had more care. than the one you had placed over them as their mother : Yet with all this knowledge you had not sufficient control of your body to prevent greater evils, You followed passion and increased your fam- bt children into the world when you knew that they could not be properly cared for and: trained. You have wro your girl- wife by expecting her to do the duties of a woman when she had not the experience or ability. You thought yourself capable of managing your own affairs. You thought your judgment unquestion- able. Facts have proved you capable of handling but small talents, and doing only a small work. You would show greater wisdom by attending to