iler. 150 years 5 5 of the Fifth t Trumpet. 391 years and 15 days, Rev. 9 : 15. Sixth Trumpet sounding. (Miller's Lectures, p. 115.) EXPLANATIONS, [11 en 0 a C . oi st The Church in the Wilderness, 1260 years. Rev. 12 : 6-14. (Miller's Lect. p. 204.) This tva the period "ellen Manasseh was carried to Babylon, and the ten tribee ceased to be a nation. Moses's "seven s iiiiee" and EeekiePs seven years begin here. The captivity begins under Jehoichim. The beginning of the forty-nine Jubilees. Beginning of the 2300 days of Daniel's setsion in the eighth Chapter, concerning the Ram, He-Goat, and the Little Horn. The league formed between the Romans and Jews. Beginning of Hosea's two days, or 2000 years. Hosea 6:1---3. Luke 13 : 31-33. Birth of Christ. The Crucifixion. End of the seventy weeks, Taking away (Pagan) " daily sacrifice." Conversion of the " ten kings" to the Christian faith. Rise of Papacy. Beginning of the 1260 years, or "time, times, and half a time." Commencement of the civil power of the Pope, and his reign over tne kings. One hundred aeid'fifty years of the Fifth Trumpet. Beginning of the Ottoman Empire, by Othman, (Gibbon, vat, 4, p. 299,)-or the "five months." Rev. 9 : 6. The Sixth Trumpet begins to semi. Moil:met attacks the Trumpet was to sound 391 years and fifteen days. Rev.9 1 Fall of the Ottoman power, Drying up of the river Euphrates. The war begins between Catholics and Protestants in Europe. destroying the l'apal power. End of the Papal power over the kings in Europe. 677. B. C. A. 607. B. C. B. 457. B.C. C. 158. B. C. D. 4167. A. M. E. 33. A. D. f 503. A. D. F. 538. A. D. 0. 1299. A. D. H. 1449. A.D. I. 1840. A. D. J. 1588. A.D. K. 1798. A.D. L. 503. A. D, to 538. A.D. 1798. A.D. to 1P43. A.D. 45 0 The Two Witnesses clothed in sackcloth 1260 years. Rev. 11 : 3-14. (Miller's 'sect. p. 190.) I [0 I 45 owsozt01 .11 CHART or zu BY Papal Rome, blasphemous power, continues 42 months. Dan. 7 : 25. Rev. 13 : 5. (M. Lee. p.76 ) I [1.1 1 45 The 1335 1335 years of Daniel 12: 12. (Miller's Lect. p. 100-) 1290 years (Dan. 12 11,) ends here.1 45 -0- Irma tax mum R, -4* 11 The second thousand, or second day. Hosea 6 1-3. N" w..111 i2. (Miller's Leet. p.86.) I The Ten Kings reign again at the close of Papacy 45 years. 1! Papal civil power begins 538, and ends 1798, being 1260 years. Rev. 13 : 5. I First thousand years of the Roman government, or one day. Greeks at Constantinople, and destroys the empire, A. D. 1453, This 5. To which 2.5 Persia and 0reeia, (Miller's Lect. p. 76.) 299 years. 490 years.P 4-, (Miller's Lect. pp. 39 and 59.) Pagan Rome, 666 years. Rev. 13:18. 1810 carries us to the cleansing of the sanctuary--or the end of the world. Daniel's version of the three last kingdoms. 2300 days. Dan. 8: 13, 14. The 70 Weeks. Daniel 9 : 24. 145 Beginning of the " Seventh Trumpet." 210 years, or " seven months," in which the kings of Europe were A (11:' 4).110 N, „ iirronvii and Pahlithed by J. V. H I M ES. AT° _Devonshire Street • ?Warr Cos..Ei h.. Basta/1. 1000. Ten kings reign in the Roman world-thirty years between Pagan and Papal Rome. Rev. 17 : 12. From the last Jubilee kept by the Jews to the End, is MA forty-nine Jubilees, or 2450 years. 2 Chron. 34: 31-33 be 'VS . Exodus to Canaan. End of the Judges. [1]. Rev. Chap. It Opereng of the Little Book. 45 years to the End, ("Miller's Views," Leet. an "Battle of Gog," p. 67.) Ezekiel's "seven years," in which time the church is in conflict with "Crog," or the wicked nations, Ezek. 39 : 9. 1 Ezek. 39 : 12. K I LI 45 NOTE. The reader will find the different prophecies referred to in this Cnart fully explained in Mr. Miller's "Lectures" and "Views." The page is given on the Chart. See. Jer. 15 : 1-9, Dan. 7 : 25, Dan. 12 : 17. For the Chronology, see 2 Chron. 33 : 9-12. This represents the "seven times," (Lev. 26 : 14-46,) in which the people of God were to be punished under the Jewish and Christian dispensations. 345 70 140 290- 158 33 475 30 761 130 391 A. M. 3027 IA.m.31351 A. M. 3480 AI BI 3700 C I A. M. 3999 Di 4157 E [41190 4665 Fl GI A M 5456 5606 I 1 • 5997 1 135501 1 + 1 1 I I 1 I 1 - (Miller's Lect. p. 225) 1656 This represents the Six Thousand Years before the great Sabbath of Rest. 428 470 A . 1VL 2084 I 473 108 A. M. 2554 413 1143 2 .43 3143 4143 5143 6143 7143 8143 9143 10143 11143 12143 13143 14 43 15143 16143 17143 184' 2400_ 2600 2700 2859_ 48900 3000 j,100 3200 33100 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 4000 4100 4200 1300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4004900 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 WO 600( i 1 i 1 1 500 600 700 900 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400.1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 23 100 21 1 00 I I ' 200. 400 Thou. 0 icing sawev1 and behold a great image. Tha great image. ,whose brightness was excellent, stood before thee, and die Tam thereof-was terri bb& flan 31. Prophetic eakulalin 2520 677 .B . and ledlend n, 18 41 The see:atilt-Ws orgy ()years bpgan fir t years 7 zinms 12 84 30 1843. D Lk Rornita overaneent roaneetion.withthe people of'1r'©d I of e. 2520. e* eeeteekes. o 7 Ls Ito_ 141 feet [crud .eo ~fet cit e:01 isp tift jefthe llecker-oszi, e, wepe ,tsite .sti ,and the stone thni MOE the una.y . # be came a 9 at os, 't9uxt?,. °ao e ozct .avethe Y 1,, 14 7jet 'Mt • (Rip 4'4'44 4.; ect•fr.„ 'w-4?) gr, ex‘ t% ? E unaAF:zis, • '30 14 A KIN GLY. YRS. IMPERIAL. YRS. . , And in the days of these kings Alia the God of kettreiz setup (thing dora,-which shall neper& destroyed:and ktagdain sha Rat be left to afher peapt p, but &Wadi break t ineeeN and eonSunm al/ these km. g dews, (rod dslwit viand ibrecer. Dan. 2: 1 18/10 1i s1'; 1 16011 677 000 .500 .400 3 00 700 .900 14 00 1000 1100 12 00 170 0 1.; 141 13 00 .700 801/ 1,00 1110 600 4,9 flub/lees or ,t,-°.4,5 538 1260 r nn RI 3 kites or r 12 30 1843. 1260. nP ans.e.and another Shall 17:r the' bie114" :arra, times anathdiPidin9 of ar126 kalut illiale to im149,1 wzd . 4/ps,attilili%'411-4//4.94//42. tii7r414q1. (4.0.14 ROME. YRS. , .1 anti tat4le,ollilsbwit9 /41reai ,amti itr , i4er,,...„,/4„ , [it 1)01' pre ke, in • • Ihittheitd7:7 1'1:::::: le6/0. - :" ,g. feeee 1,A, e<4. fret „. s it,- (fit, kV; wee/ Is /2 \.of\:019S Reply r4 s dad , of thgrifest Foot s arno., a.-“*P4Illuu tng git.Ots the 40s.'' t)5 otP st 1Jw- cry-, ..•1 6,q 410° tfatt 114' 154t `BEAST • YRS. PAGAN 666 30Y11 S. 677 1;00 J00 400 • 300 ',-)1110 1110 1,00 i 00 6110, 700 800 .900 10!40 4..)/1/l .Y/10 The 23 0 0 days Min. 8: /4. t 508 1335 Cc eie zonted,,tobli.R thousand dare 44 ed eft ve tem 1843 1ta that sY , g4, ,,g to II: dn;p:fittksel:: dlir e7 ;:ciffa 747:4'4 orr's p Afe"111' 9 4311 11 C OO le 45 °11.14" ttiottliP ON w- WRY.) trio, • t iff ft'e ,„, peg,* , „ art ad- toren OW an. *9-4. • 4,-, to r-it , i di.. -..4-,e, Q.11.4 ,Ptle' 0 i.,1 ilLoerji-Y /hteetts14,, iitobT1-`11 #.." t y ,36 -44:4 'e*- cr, ,, 6 too aft art4° °Ilona le stjy-_, .rte ') .6‘ PI: r 71 ligi T. k - f ' 1 1 - le 40' • Ad Apo." sevek - b',,v, 11 • 4, - if e e s /4 t/ - , 'id? ty e e # . 4t : 601 .;"' ...= ...'''- '''' e„e4 wan, Beau' conh; na te fa v .t iierta;re ;: eitzti,au.g:tottp '044, 441 Daa.8 9-1.2. -.tooktoote 2 -44 45° PIAGAN 666 ROME. YRS. PAPAL 60 Apt Mgt tliek oto vi ink ee, -t‘ ROME. YRS. liank8 15 .000 1841 1677 600 540 1000 .4 00 .940 N10 100 100 200 30x9 4.00 1100 1200 tia 47; 00 i#00 /700 .1400 enneinnemniers)--