THE NORTH CAROLINA Tha arth Carolin Messenger, RTATTE NU PRS North Carolina Conference ir Seventh-Day Adventists, 250. per vear Lore ubserivtion Priee, - oo - [IESE EE STATE DIRECTORY oH Tews Aveintnd : OT sm brenan, Fae ran } tii 13! I ( Ton [N03 Fon i ~ { Joes : vert =~ Nort Flos nite, Toa tive Comniniet PoE deve, 10 To=ien Woo RL EEESE NES RYOTE! [abvatan, Bo AL Rogers, Mo Go Oroseey, Ion Iahaston, coretary Missionary Denartnient Paosworth socrerary Fdnealional and =o =D cnart Mm) Toma BL Medical parent MHL Johnston, The southern Jot Ser rear 1] - Rowers. Serretary Missionary Dlepart- oidnecational Co, Viee-DPres., IDA 1 REC \ CEIsE Opposite Pres, Johnston; Rogers; and Treas, Bosworth, A blue this paragraph for the that Anpust num- blank, denotes to those whe subscribed MESSENGER Uivety Fier, for six months only, time ¢ wou al with the We enclose too such a renewal AND NOTES. H. Jevs, has rented ; m Archdale, and with his family removed from States. ville to that place the first of this TTL. NEWS Fider TT. property cseen byoarticles ap this matters of Hupertanes were considered anc decided at the Board meets chran Aug: a. ere ob the San ty Brood remit Goer ert Ton, via follows: panel, the