The News Interpreted if we do not believe he exists. How the religious world today is unwittingly playing into his hands! A primary dis- crediting of God’s inerrant word leads men to miss the prophecy that in these days Satan will appear as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11: 14). a deception made easy by the popular, though un- biblical, teaching that he has horns, hoofs, and a barbed tail. In this perilous hour of declining faith we would pass on the warning of 2 Thessalonians 2: 3-12: ‘Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unright- eousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong de- lusion, that they should believe a lie.” Is Any Bank Safe? HE nation of France has made most remarkable efforts to safeguard its money in case of war. We read about it in the April World's Work and quote as condensed in Reader's Digest. Beneath the streets of Paris is a subterranean lake, and the article goes on to say: “At the Bank of France this lake is 40 feet below the surface. The lake itself is about 40 feet deep, and rests on a huge shelf of solid rock. It is in this rock that the gigantic vaults of the Bank of France have been carved. The vaults form a square hall, 20 feet from floor to ceiling, its sides longer than a football field. The walls are of concrete and sand and are themselves 20 feet thick. M-G-M News Photo Historic lands awake to progress. The Graf Zeppelin sailing over Palestine JULY, 1929 International N ewsreel Camp of the Byrd Expedition to the South Pole. This is ‘‘Little America” “The person who is fortunate enough to be allowed to visit the vaults takes an elevator on the ground floor of the old bank building and, after descending three stories, emerges at the head of a stairway. At the foot of this stairway isa door that is a sheer eight-ton mass of steel, unbroken on the outside by any lock or handle. Leading to this door is a narrow gauge railroad track, at the other end of which is an armored chariot as high as a man. This chariot is nothing more nor less than the key of the inner lock! But wait! “The steel door swings open, leaving a narrow passage leading to another sur- face of steel. This is the outer wall of a steel and concrete tower, similar in con- struction to the turret of an enormous gun, that extends down into the vaults themselves. This tower slowly revolves go degrees on its axis until a seven-ton, steel-cuirassed plug is opposite the pass- age. Then with a subdued snoring of its electric motors the chariot moves for- ward, makes a right angle on a turn- table, enters the passage, comes to a stop with its complicated nose exactly fitted into the plug, then shunts the plug forward along the rails, leaving a clear passage to the heart of the tower. Here a small mine elevator carries you down the well into the vaults themselves. “The visitor’s first impression is that he has been transported by magic into some vast temple. Floor and ceiling stretch away in a perspective broken only by 8oo huge pillars. You might be in Mars. . . . “The most impressive, and also the most empty, is the middle room, known as Salle des Abris, to which is devoted nearly half of the 12,000 square yards that make up the total area of the hall. In case of emergency it is here that the entire work of the bank could be carried on. Two thousand people could live and work here. They would be nourished with hot food from the huge kitchens, and with cold food from the electric refriger- ators. The 40,000-0dd cubic yards of air in which they breathed would be changed and filtered twice in an hour without altering the temperature. The require- ments of personal hygiene would be taken care of by the spotlessly clean lavatories. The whole underground city would function as a complete, self-sup- porting unit. “There exists no land fort today that boasts such elaborate defenses. The ex- plosive force of projectiles from the biggest mobile rifles in use today would be exhausted before they reached the ledge of rock. If a foreign army weré in possession of the city they could, of course, blow up the vaults, but the bullion and specie would be blown up as well. If a hostile group had actually gained admittance to the vaults them- selves the waters of the lake would simply be diverted into the vaults, and the enemies would drown like rats, while the treasure would be unharmed.” Does the reader’s mind flash with ours to James 5: 1-7? “Your riches are cor- rupted. . . . Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.” Also Matthew 6: 20: “Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves - do not break through nor steal.” Can men bore a cave (Continued on page 28) PAGE SEVENTEEN