e that this family was regarded by e entire community as sincere earnest iristians. At,.the close of the service most the whole congregation ‘‘be- ught’’ our Adventist brother to have me more of, ‘‘these words preached them,’ Why? This man was living s religion every day, although isolated r more than three years without a ngle visit from a worker. There was nothing spectacular about e sermon or its setting, but the eaker just tried to tell the sitnple ory of the Man of Galilee and His ork while on earth, His promise to turn, and plead with all to be ready r that great day. May God help us ministers and lay-men to live our re- rion daily so that all our activities ay be the, “‘gospel in practice.” E. T. WILSON. ->— RADIO AND SIGNS Almost all our people are acquainted th the fact that there is located at nmanuel Missionary College, Berrien rings, Michigan, a powerful radio tion. Recently there was put in op- ation a definite and systematic plan r preaching our doctrines over the air. ily there is broadcast a straight Ad- ntist sermon. At the close, the lis- ners are informed that they canlearn ore about the views set forth if they ll send in name and address. They e specifically informed that a paper lled the Signs of the Times will be nt to them, The response has been beyond expec- tion, we learn. When one of the Signs itors dropped in at WEMC a few seks ago, there was shown to him a tch of some sixty or seventy letters, — typical morning’s mail. And almost | these letters contained requests for erature, —for the Signs. The Signs has created a fund to care r these interests that are being found this new method of evangelism. We e happy to cooperate in such pioneer- g work, and we believe that the com- nation will prove a glorius success. CATECHISTICAL INSTRUCTION FOR CHURCH MISSIONARY SECRETARIES No. 3. In this the closing article of the ries, let us consider the records to > kept by the church missiozary sec- tary, his or her relationship to hers bearing the responsibility of wurch office, and the pareptenalia ceded to do efficient work of this na- Te. SOUTHWESTERN UNION RECORD 11. What should the minutes of the First Sabbath service and weekly mis- sionary meetings include? Answer: The following information should be incorporated in to these re- ports: 1. Date of meeting 2. Number present 3. Number relating personal ex- periences, with interesting particu- lars. 4. Subject of lesson 5. Summary of combined work of adults and young people 6. Actions taken 7. Amount of offerings 12, What information should be furnished by a report of the Mission- ‘ary Committee meetings? Answer: 1. Date of meeting 2. Who were present 3. Actions taken 13. How long should be the minutes which are read to the church mem- bership? Answer: No defined length can be set, but they slhiould be brief. Terse statements grip the attention. They should also be varied so as not to become monotonous. 14. What is the duty of the secre- tary in urging the members to report? Answer: “Every member a report- ing member” should be the goal of every missionary organization, and the secretary is the officer who must "keep this constantly before the peo- ple. 15. How should be secured? Answer: The few minutes interven- ing between the close of Sabbath School and the beginuing of the wor- ship hour is an excellent time for the secretary to request all adult mem- bers to make out their individual re- ports on blanks furnished for this pur- pose. 16. When should the report of work done hy Missionary Volunteers be ad- ded to that of adult members? ‘Answer: At the end of each month individual reports .the secretary should obtain from, the secretary of the Missionary Volun- teer Society a total report of mis- . sionary work done, and include it in the report for the church as a whole. 17. From: what other class of peo- ple should a report be obtained to in- corporate into the total church re- rort? ‘Answer: From isolated members. 18 To what conference officer should the missionary report be sent? PAGE SEVEN Answer: To the Home Missionary Secretary. ¢ 19. By what date of the month should this report be in the hands of the Home Missionary Secretary?, Answer: Not later than the end of the first week in each month. 20. What should be the relationship between church missionary secretary and other officers of the church? Answer: Cooperation of the closest kind should exist between one holding this office and all other officers of the church, especially the missionary volunteer leader and leaders of bands and classes. The entire work of the church should hear a sympathetic in- terest in the mind and heart of the secretary, and a willingness should be shown to help in any way possible to. advance the cause of God. 21. What supplies are provided for the carrying forward of this work? Answer: No church missionary sec- retary, can afford to be without the fol- lowing kit of “tools.” 1, Church Missionary Report Rec- ord 2. Church Missionary Secretary's Record 3. Church Missionary Secretary's Order Book 4, Receipt Book. 5. Note Book—for keeping Minutes 6. Missionary Pulse Chart or other statistical device 7. Individual report blanks 8. Order Envelopes 9, Card Index for special records . a. Harvest Ingathering b. Big Week ¢. Missionary Organization 10. Home Missionary Series Leaflets 11. Home Missionary Recommenda- tions 12. Home Missionary Worker's Cal- endar—year by year 13. “The Layman’s Movement” 14. The Home Missionary Manual. Ang this closes our catechism of in- formation. May it prove of help and benefit to those men and women who_ have responded to the call of this church office and may the blessing of God rest upon each and every one of of you as you engage in service for the Master during 1927. Let your motto be “Every church member a worker, and every worker a reportin member.” : RUTH TYRRELL, Office Secretary, ‘General Conference, Home Migsion- ary Department. Missionary