116 arafuss day’s march or journey, as the distance travelled from station to station, “+ aravpds, -ob, 6, stake, pale. -oréMe, f. 07d, pf. Zrralka (§ 877. a), t0 equip, array, send. arevés, -q, -6v, narrow, arépavos, -ov, 6 (orépa, to encir- cle, crown), a crown. ary, -ns, pillar. oTheyyls,-i8os, 1, flesh-comb, scrap- er. ordhos, -ovu, 6 (eTé\\w), a setting Jorth upon a journey or march, expedition, journey. ordua, -aros, T6, mouth. orpdrevpa, -aros, T6 (orparein), armed force, division of an ar- my, army. orparevo (oTpards), f.-elow and oTparetopa, f. -eboropar, to make an expedition, make war, march, serve in arms. orparnyén (oTparnyds), f. -fow, to command as general. orparyyés, -ob, 6 (orpards, yw), leader of an army, general. © eTpard, -as (orpards), army. oTparioms, -ov (arpard), soldier. Srparok\ys, -éovs (contr. from Srparoxhéys, -écos, § 115. B), Stratocles, a commander of light-armed Cretans. orparoredetw (orparémedov), f. -elow, and oftener grparome- Sebopar, f. ~eboopas, to encamp, be encamped. otpardmedov, -ov (orpards, médov, ground), camp. : ; [oTpards, -0v, 6, host, army.] otpovlds, -ov, 6, 7, ostrich (fully 0 péyas orpovlds, the great stru- thus, in distinction from smaller birds, esp. the sparrow, called by the same name). SrupdNios, -ov(Sropcparos, Stym- phdlus, a town in the mnorth- eastern part of Arcadia), a Stym- phalian. ov, ood (7 23), Lat. tu, thou, you. ovyyiyvopar (a0v, ylyvopar, f. ye- vigopas, Pf. yeyémpar and yé- VOCABULARY, ovvépyopat o. yova, 2 a. éyevduny), to have an interview with, hold intercourse with. ovykakéw (oly, kaNéw, f. -éow, pf. kéxkAnka), to call together, ovykdeio (olv, Keio, f. -0w), to shut together, close. Svévveats, -t0s, Syennesis, king of Cilicia, : ovNapBive (ov, AapBdve, f. AMjropar, pf. elAnpa, 2 a. Oa- Bov), to seize, apprehend, arrest. ovA\éyw (atv, Néyw, to gather), f. ovAAéSw, Pf. aureiloxa, to col- lect, trans. ; Mid. (2 a. p. ovvehé- yn), to collect, assemble, in- trans, ovpBodw (ov, Boda, f. Bofoopar), to cry out together; ovpBodv a\\fj\ovs, to shout to each other. ovpBovheto (aly, Bovhedo, f. -ed- cw, pf. BeBodAevka), to advise, counsel; Mid., fo consult to- gether, ovpBovlos, -ov, 6 (atv, BovAy), ad- viser, counsellor. ovppayia,-as (vppayos), alliance. adppayos, ov, &, 7 (o0v, pdxopar), ally. oupulyvop (aby, plyvop, lo min- gle, f. pifw), to mingle with, olumas, -raca, -rav, g. -ravros, dons (atv, was), all together, the whole. ovpmépme (oly, mépmo, f. “Yao, pf. mwémopda), to send with. ovpmohepéo (avy, mohepéw, f. ow), to make war together with, assist in war. , . ovumopevopar (avy, wopetopar, f. ’ ~evgopat), to "journey or march with or in company. oily, old form £dp (§ 70. v.), Lat. cum, with, together with. ovviye (oon, dye, f. Ewe, pf. fya, 2 a. ffyayov), to bring together, collect. ) ovvdnTe (oly, dre, to fasten to, f. dy), to join. oUvdeumvos, -ov, 6 (oly, deimvov), a companion at table. ovvépyopar (atv, Epyopat, f. Oed- ouvépxopaL oopat, pf. éAqAvba, 2 a. H\oy), to come together, assemble. ovvndopar (ovv, dopa, f. jobjoo- pat), to rejoice with, congratu- late. ovvlnpa, -aros, 76 (ovvribyu), watch-word, pass-word, vwiotyme (ovr, logue, f. orjoe, pf. éornka), to [bring together as friends] present or introduce fo; in the intrans. forms, to stand together, collect. guvoiba (ovv, olda, f. eloopar), to [know with] be conscious. ovwribnu (abv, Tibpu, f. Bow, pf. téleika, a. éOnka), to put lo- gether ; Mid., to make an agree- ment with. ovvTopos, ov (oly, Téuva), concise, short. ourrpife (olv, Tpifwe, fo rub, bruise, f. rpipw, Pf. Térpipa), to crush. Svpakdoios, -ov, 6 (Svpdkogar or Svpdkovoar, Syracuse, a cele- brated city upon the eastern coast of Sicily), a Syracusan. Svpla, -as (Sdpos), Syria, a country of western Asia, north of Arabia. Sipos, -ov, 6, a Syrian. ois, ovds, 6, 5, Lat. sus, hog, swine. auxvds, -1, -0v, thick, many. cpdrre, f. odpafe (§ 274. 8), to slay, slaughter. opevdor, 7s, sling. opevdoviyrys, -ov (apevdivn),sling- er. ola, dat. pl. of of. opddpa (opodpds, vehement), ex- ceedingly, greatly. oxedov, nearly, almost. oxitw, f. oxice, to split. oxohd{w (oxo), f. -dow, to be at leisure. aol, is, leisure. oofw, f. ovow, pf. céowka, to save, preserve, bring safe; Pass. and Mid. , to be saved, arrive safe. Swkpdrys, -cos (14), Socra- tes,—1. an Athenian philoso- pher, eminent for wisdom’ and VOCABULARY, Tehevry) 117 virtue, teacher of Xenophon Plato,” &c.; —2. an Achean, one of the Greek generals slain through the treachery of Tissa- phernes. odos (§ 135), safe. copia, -as (cofw), safety, pres ervation, deliverance, coppovio (cddpwy, of sound mind), f. -jow, to be of sound mind, to be wise. Td\avrav, -ov, talent ; as a weight, = almost 57 Ib. ; asa sum of sil- ver money, = about $ 1056.60. Taps, -o, Tamos, an Egyptian, commander of the fleet of Cyrus. raglapyos, -ov, 6 (dbus, dpyw), the - commander of a rifis, a taxi- arch. rdfis, -ews, 1 (rdrre), order, bat- tle-array; division of an army, cohort. Tdoyos,rov, 6, a Taoghian, or one of the Taochi, an independent tribe upon the frontiers of Ar: menia. : rapdrre, f. -dfw, to disturb. Tapaol, av, oi, or Tapads, -ab, 7, Tarsus, chief city of Cilicia. Tdrre, f. rdf, pf. Téraya (§ 274) to arrange, station in order. ratrd, for ra alrd (§ 39); Taira, neut. pl. of odros. rdgos, -ov, 6 (farrw), grave, tomb. Td¢pos, -ov, 7, trench, ditch. Taxéws (Taxis), swiftly, rapidly. Tdyos, -€os, 16 (Taxis), swiftness, speed. Tayvs, ela, -0, swift, quick ; raxv, as adv., quickly, suddenly, soon. té, both, and. It is commonly placed immediately after the word which it should precede in translation. See {¢ 673. a, 732. Teixos, -€os, T6, wall, Te\evralos, -a, -ov (Tekevr), last. relevrdw (Tehevry), -fow, to com- plete, finish; to die. televry), -is (réhos), completion, end, esp. of life. :