Manuscript Release #1115--23 Willie, Sara, Maggie.* and 1 have been 1In southern Californta for six weeks. From College View I returned to Battle Creek, in fulfiliment of my promise. [ remained there a week, and then started home. You will remember that while [ was at College View I caught a severe coid. | did not get rid of this cold, and 1 was thoroughily exhausted when [ reached home., We re- mained 1in St. Helena for three weeks, and during this time we buried Marian.** ] cannot tell you how keenly 1 felt, and continue to feel the Toss of my faithful helper, whom I so highly prized. On our way to Los Angeles we cailed at Fresno, and spent the Sabbath there. I spoke to our peopie on Sabbath afternoon. We were unable to get accommodations on the train going from Fresno to Los Angeles Saturday even- ing, so we decided to spend Sunday in Hanford, visiting old friends. On arriving there we found a series of meetings 1in progress. We took dinner with Sister Grey, Sister Haskell's sister. She urged us so strongly to remain with her for three or four days and attend the meetings to be held in the different places near there, that we consented. Sister Grey gave us a very hearty welcome to her home, and we had a pleasant time there. She has, as you know, a large fruit ranch, and she has been successful in her work. She took us driving several times. [t had been years since we visited Hanford, and 1 was glad to see our old friends again. I was glad of the opportunity of speaking to the people in the Hanford- Lemoore district, and [ decided to bring befure them the needs of the South- *Sara McEnterfer was Ellen White's nurse and secretary; Maggie Hare was one of her literary assistants. **Marian Davis, Ellen White's faithful "bookmaker." Manuscript Release #1115--24 ernt work, and especially the needs of the Huntsville school. This T did, and Willie also made earnest appeals for the work in the South. [ spoke twice in Hanford, once in Lemoore, and once in Aritona. [ presented the Word of God Jjust as it reads. In each place the attendance was good. I had freedom in speaking. When on my feet before the people 1 seemed to be ctronger than T nad been for years, but when [ got back to the house again my strength seemed to leave me. I felt worn out, and could not write. The first day, after speaking, 1 rode five miles to Sister Grey's, and 1 got chilled. This added to my cold. From Hanford we went to Los Angeles, where we stayed over Sabbath and Sunday. We had rooms in the restaurant building, but, as you know, this 1is in a very noisy part of the city, and [ did not sieep well. 1 spoke on Sabbath and Sunday in the large tent in which Brother W. W. Simpson has been holding meetings. The Lord heiped me to speak, and all present seemed to be much Interested. The day after we reached Los Angeles several of us went out to see the sanitarium building at Glendale. This building is well adapted for sanitar- ium purposes, and is in a beautiful location. At present preparations are being made as fast as possible for the opening of the institution. Treat- ment rooms have been put up, and almost all the rooms in the house have been repainted. From “os Angeles we went to San Diego, where we stayed for three weeks . We stayed at the Paradise Valley Sanitarium, which is also being fitted up for the reception of patients. We found that Brother E. R. Palmer had done fFaithful and economical work in repairing and partly fitting up this build- -237-