THE INTER-AMERICAN DIVISION MESSENGER Are We Measuring Up? By EB. F. HACKMAN, President Inter-American Division There is no getting around the fact that the invention of the atomic bomb and the unsettled political state of the world are causing much anxiety today. Nothing has ever happened since the dawn of history which has occasioned so much talk. Thousands of sermons have been preached about the atomic bomb. Magazines and newspapers have issued volumes concerning the im- minent destruction of the world. Every one, from the highest to the lowest has been impreseed by the publicity given this subject. Consequently hu- manity has literally been bombed out of its complacency. Thousands lack- ing hope have lapsed back into a “what’s-the-use” attitude, but other thousands are looking for a way out. Ordinarily, when politicians fail, we expect the church to point the way out. But we have searched the religious magazines in vain to find one note of certainty and authority as to what will take place in the future. These times demand an authoritative gospel, but where is the church, aside from the Seventh-day Adventist church, that is giving a decisive message for these momentous hours? Where is the Christian body that is living with awareness as to what is taking place in this old world of ours; and who has a message of deliverance and hope for mankind? All around us people are asking questions. They want to know the meaning of present-day events. They are asking a lot of ques- tions, but no one is giving them a satisfactory answer. The silence of the Christian church on these and other vital questions, is pathetic. It is true that now and then some bold soul endeavors to point the way out, but the attempt is both weak and indecisive. Recently I was impressed by an article which appeared in The Christian Censary, entitled, “The Churches, and World Government,” which all too dearly illustrates the hopeless confusion of the religious world, and its ignorance of the true purposes of God. While the editor offers a concrete program of action, yet it is pitiful how far he has missed the mark. As I read this article the Saviour's words came to my mind: “Ye do err, not knowing the scrip- tures.” Matt. 22:29. I quote from the article as follows: “The weakness of the churches today —and they are pitifully weak when it comes to exercising moral author- ity—in large measure results from the impression held by too many that they are just picking at the edges of our really vital problems; that where the great issues are concerned they are fumbling and palsied; that they ate expending what energy they have on marginal matters without much bear- ing on the one issue which really counts, namely, whether man is by his folly to bring about his own extermination.” The editor then goes on to challenge the churches: “What the churches need, what all forms of organized religion need, is 2 moral cause capable of redeeming them from this charge of being petty bodies fiddling about with petty concerns. They need a great moral crusade which will con- vince their own members, as well as the secular world, that they are engag- ed in the most dangerous, the most daring, and at the same time the most necessary business on the earth. Where are they to find out such a cause?” Thus far, the editor has struck the right note, but when he presented his idea of a “great moral crusade,” he missed the mark. What do you suppose is his solution? He did not propose a great campaign to save the lost! Neither did he suggest that in view of the shortness of time we should set out to carry the gospel to all the world. Far from it! He proposes that the churches of the world shall im- mediately institute a crusade to estab- lish a wotld government. “Here,” he says, “is a cause worthy of the best they have to give! . . . Therefore the determination to establish a federal world government, Utopian as it now appears, affords the churches their most direct and certain means of re- gaining moral authority in this mad and doom-obsessed world.” What these men have in the back of their minds is a Super-State con- trolled by a Super-Church. If this can be achieved they believe they have the answer to all of humanity's ills. As | read this article to its close, I said, “Thank God for the Advent message! We have a program and an objective, because we have followed the word of God. The churches of the world have no program because they do not accept the prophecies of God's word. This word clearly says that this present world is hastening on to destruction. It also reveals cleary that God in His mercy will give one last opportunity for mankind to accept of salvation before the end comes. This message has been entrusted to Seventh- day Adventists. We are the people of prophecy, who are charged with the solemn obligation of carrying the Vol. XXV AUGUST, 1948 No. 6