Truneh Wolde Selassie: That's right, exactly! | remember the name of the man, A...? Verati? [VTS_02_7.VOB 1:13]. He was a minister, government minister under the Derg. And he’s a good friend of ours - very good friend. So whenever relatives of ours die, he comes to the funeral. And when he asked about them, it’s just that you have [1:28] said now, this man died uh, 89, 90, 92, 95, 96, even 100. And then he had been wondering about for a while, he said, “Now, tell me pastor what is the secret?” And | told him what | told you now. (Adu Worku: Mmm hmm.) That’s why. And what | didn’t tell you now, but | told him, was another... one more point, which | will mention. That is...the Seventh-day Adventist in Ethiopia believe in education. Every Seventh-day Adventist, every Seventh-day Ad eh, Ethiopian Seventh-day Adventist teaches his children. There is no one who doesn’t teach his children. Even the poor woman, a single mother, does anything possible for her to educate her children. And those children whom the parents educated, going through ?? [VTS _02_7.VOB 2:25] difficulties, now are educated, they are coming back, they are adding good positions, they are helping their parents, those who were in the countryside now go to the cities where they have medical facilities, where they live a cleaner life. They are like you, yourself. You are a living testimony, you brought your parents from Magdamoch? [VTS_02_7.VOB 2:44], from Tatras [VTS_02_7.VOB 2:45], to Debre Tabor. They were living in a modern house, they were getting good food, (Adu Worku: Mmm hmm.) they were having clean house, and there was a hospital there. (Adu Worku: Mmm hmm.) So they lived more than 80. How old was your father when he died? Adu Worku: My father died at 93 and my mother at 95. Truneh Wolde Selassie: There you are! That's the proof of what | am saying here. Adu Worku: Mmm hmm. Truneh Wolde Selassie: That's why. Adu Worku: Yeah. Thank you. We are getting to the end of our conversation. | have thoroughly enjoyed it. But | have a couple more questions to go. With all your successes, and all your achievements, and there are many, your life has not been without challenges. You have experienced life threatening situations, losses, near misses, and all that. You have kept your faith, you're still going strong. Tell us about those, those, already told us about the early death of your mother, (Truneh Wolde Selassie: Mmm hmm.) but there was an interesting story when you were a shepherd that you encountered. Start there and just tell us what happened that could have snuffed your life out. Truneh Wolde Selassie: Yes, Adu, my village life as a shepherd boy, | had to go out to the mountains, to the jungles, looking after cattle. On a particular occasion.... You know, | used to go to school in the morning and go to the farm in the afternoon. Father told me that the cows, the goats, the sheep were out, the mules, on the mountain. | went for search. | found all of them except the mules, which | couldn’t find. And after searching for a while, | could see them from a distance. And the sun was setting. It was getting dark and | was running to reach those mules. And when | reached the mules and started driving them homeward, these mules started galloping, running and | was following from behind. And all in a sudden | heard a