OUTLINE STUDIES IN THE REVELATION 9 ‘parties that sprang up within the church, undermining the truth by mysticism and fanciful teaching. Under profession of a higher philosophy of God and a more spiritual under- standing of the doctrines of Christ, they brought heathen no- tions and moral corruptions into the church. ~ 6. This and other references show plainly that the Eden that once was on earth has been transplanted to heaven. 7. 2 ‘Sniyrna’ signifies ‘myrrh,’ fit appellation for the church of God while passing through the fiery furnace of per- secution and proving herself a ‘sweet-smelling savor’ unto Him.” houghts on Revelation. 8. “Which was dead and is alive” This is an assurance that One who has gone down into Satan’s prison-house, con- quered death, and brought the key away with Him, was qualified to bear a message of hope and comfort to the church in that age when many were to seal their testimony with their blood. ¢. In these times of pagan persecution, the issue was practically the same as we must again face—the Christian principle of religious liberty as opposed to the Roman prin- ciple of governmental regulation of religion. The Roman law was: “No man shall have for himself particular gods of his cwn; no man shall worship by himself any new or foreign gods, unless they are recognized by the public laws.” The prophecy speaks of “ten days.” The last and severest per- secution of this period was a sustained effort to suppress Christianity, lasting ten years. Ten days. prophetic time—a day for a year—would be ten years, literal timeX, “It was not tilt A. D. 311,” says Lecky, “ten years after the first measure against the Christians, that the Eastern persecution ceased. Galerius, the arch-enemy of the Christians, was struck down by a fearful disease” He suspended his edict and besought Christians to pray for his recovery. Prayerfully consider the unentered fie(ds.