Wednesday, September 27 The Ultimate Experience EVIDENCE Key Text: Revelation 21 and 22 As we read the last two chap- ters of Revelation, we are pre- sented with a picture—not of sym- bols and representations—but of reality. To the architect and car- penter—the city described is real; to the horticulturalist—the tree of life is real; to the conservationist— the river of life flows unpolluted; to the jeweler and miner—the streets of gold, foundations of pre- cious stones, and the gates of pearl are all so very real; to the physician—the absence of sick- ness and death brings wonderful satisfaction, for there is health and wellness for all time; to the homeless—it is home; to the lonely—it is a real family that will be there forever. In all our im- agination we cannot fully or ade- quately project the grandeur, beauty, and love that will be ours, as God’s children, to enjoy—for now we only see “through a glass, darkly” (1 Cor. 13:12). Many books have been written that break down these chapters of Rev- elation into a verse-by-verse study providing a greater knowledge than can be presented in this les- son. Therefore, we choose to em- phasize only a couple of aspects taken from the Spirit of Prophecy dealing with the unfolding of knowledge throughout eternity and God’s dwelling with the saints. 1. For those who love knowl- edge and learning, heaven will be the ultimate experience. Not only will you be able to seek knowl- edge, but you will have under- standing, as well. “All the treas- ures of the universe will be open to the study of God’s redeemed. . . . They share the treasures of knowledge and understanding gained through ages upon ages in contemplation of God’s handi- work.” “Heaven is a school; its field of study, the universe; its teacher, the Infinite One.” “The redeemed throng will range from world to world, and much of their time will be employed in search- ing out the mysteries of redemp- tion. And throughout the whole stretch of eternity, this subject will be continually opening to their minds. The privileges of those who overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony are beyond comprehen- sion.’ 2. “And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God.’ ” “I did not see a temple in the city, because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple” (Rev. 21:3, 22, NIV). Throughout time the taber- nacle and Temple symbolized God’s dwelling place among men. It also represented the need for a communicating link or mediator on the sinner’s behalf—a ministra- tion of redemption. In heaven there will no longer exist sin or sinner, and therefore the work of by Lisa Legere and Debbie McCormick Lisa Legere is a student at the Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medi- cine, and Debbie McCormick is a student at Northeast Missouri State University in Kirksville, Missouri. 125