History oF THE SABBATH. 199 to respect the science of astronomy. To this, it is suf: ficient to reply that Dr. Akers has not established his reckoning upon any such basis of astronomical calculation as to command the respect of the scientific world. IIis book was published in 1855, but we have no evidence that the scientific men of this age accept it as estah- lished by any substantial facts in astronomy. Indeed, the president of the University of Michigan, like Dr. Akers, a Methodist clergyman, writing in 1866, pro- nounces the whole effort a complete failure! See page 168 of this work. And yet every one of these scientific men are in sympathy with the first-day Sabbath so far as they have any religious interests. But even astronomy must have data from which to reckon, or upon which to base its calculations, or it is utterly powerless to establish chronological points. The testimony of all history shows Sunday to be the first day and Saturday the scventh. How, then, can astronomy prove that the first day of Genesis was Monday and the seventh day Sunday? Can that science determine the exact age of the world, and so enable us to count the days from the creation to the resurrection of Christ? No astronomer claims to do this. How, then, does Dr. A. prove that the seventh day of the week observed at the exodus is nof the seventh day of Gen. 2:2, 37 How he establishes this will certainly interest the curi- ous reader. His “fixed point in chronology” is the Sunday of Christ's resurrection. From this he reckons back to the day of God's rest ir Gen. 2:2, 3, and finds it to be just 290,767 weeks, to a day! Thus proving, to his mind, that the seventh day of Gen. 2:2, 3, is the first day of Matt. 28:1. But this is not all. Having reckoned back from Christ’s resurrection to God's rest-day in Eden, and by that reckoning made it clear to his own mind that God’s rest was upon Sunday, he sets out from his new basis, the rest-day of God upon Sunday, and reckons forward to the exodus, and by that second count of days he de- termines that (ods rest-day came that year upon Abib 16.