42 (2) be united with the other churches of the conference. The delegates repre- senting these churches were then seated. We will not take space to give all the proceedings of the meeting, but will give only the resolutions passed, which were as follows :— “ Resolved, That the name of the Vermont Conference and Tract Society be changed to ‘“ Northern New Eng- land.” “ Resolved, That the territory em- braced in the Northern New England Conference be the states of Vermont and New Hampshire. “ Resolved, That from and after this conference meeting a new conference secretary’s record book be kept by the Conference Secretary recording the proceedings of the Northern New England Conference, and that the minutes of this special session of the Vermont Conference be recorded in the new record as showing the actions taken at this session authorizing this union of the two states into the North- ern New England Conference. “ Resolved, That a new treasurer’s record be opened bearing date of Jan. 1, 1910, and that all our churches in- both Vermont and New Hampshire be asked to turn their tithes, offerings, and trust funds to the Northern New England treasury, beginning at this date, and that the calendar year be our conference year. “ Resolved, That the Constitution and By Laws of the Vermont Confer- - ence be so amended and changed as to conform to these actions and reso- lutions. « Resolved, That as soon as possible all stationery used in the conference office be made to conform to this new arrangement, and that as soon as may seem best to the Conference Commit- tee the office be moved to a more cen- tral location, this body favoring some location along the Connecticut River. ©“ Resolved, That we express our re- gret that it seemed best that Elder Montgomery should be called from ATLANTIC UNION GLEANER this conference to another at this time‘ but while assuring him that our prayers will follow him to his new field of la- bor, we extend to our present execu- tive, Elder W. H. Holden, our confi dence and love, and assure him of our hearty and loyal support. “ Resglved, That the Northern New England Conference expressto Brother Frank Raley, our secretary and treas- urer, our sympathy in his affliction, with the hope that he may soon recover ‘his health and be able to connect with us in labor, and that the Secretary be instructed to forward a copy of this resolution to Brother Raley. “ Whereas, At the recent General Conference held in Washington, D.C,, ‘a plan was inaugurated to raise, dur- ing the next three years, the sum of $300,000 to provide printing facilities, schools, and homes forour missionaries in foreign fields; and,— “ Whereas, The amount falling to the Northern New England Confer- ence is $2,601.60; therefore,— “ Resolved, That we accept cheer- fully the responsibility of raising our share of this fund, and would advise" our conference officers to take up the work as soon as possible. “ Whereas, A plan has been in- augurated by the General Conference Council in session at College View, Nebraska, known as the ©“ Ministry of Healing Campaign,” for the relief of the Medical Missionary Work ; and,— « Whereas, The number of books to be sold for the Northern New England Conference is about 1,148 copies of “ Ministry of Healing ” and 2,870 copies of “Life and Health,” each year for three years; therefore,— “ We Recommend, That all our peo- ple be urged to assist the conference in disposing of these books and papers as quickly as possible.” The next resolution was presented by Elder White as follows: “ Resolved, That the By Laws of this conference be so changed and amended as to provide for seven mem- bers of the Executive Committee in- stead of five.” The two new members chosen as a part of this Committee were Alton V. Farnsworth and Herman F. Clark. “ Whereas, God has given clear in- struction in all branches of his work through the Spirit of Prophecy,— “ Resolved, That we, as delegates to this conference, urge that all our con- ference officers and church elders own a full set of the writings of Sister E. G. White, and study them.” W. H. HoLDEN, President, A. R. Evans, Secretary, pro tem. . BOSTON, MASS. DecemBer 1, 1909, we left Leo- minster for our field of labor in the city of Boston. Two months have rapidly passed away; and as we look back over the past few weeks, we are glad to be able to give you an encour- aging report. The dear Lord is richly blessing the Boston and Everett churches, spiritually and in other ways. There is a real spirit of con- secration taking hold of the brethren and sisters, and a striving on their part for a greater work of grace and deeper experience in the things of God. Showers of blessing are falling as a result. The first of January the Boston church canceled its old tract society debt of $104, and also paid other bills which amounted to about $40; thus started the new year out of debt, singing the jubilee song of deliver- ance. We are endeavoring to build up the tract and missionary work in the churches. The young people’s work is taking a new start, and we expect that they will be a strong factor in the building up of the work here in Boston. We thave faith to believe that our Sabbath-school will double its membership this year. There is a spirit of unity in our midst and I feel that all desire to cooperate in every way. As has been previ ously reported, the Boston church ex- pects to build a house of worship this