PAGE FOUR sons heard Rev. John Yates lecture Sunday evening at Star Theater.”’ “The Ministry of the Screen’’ as well as that of ‘‘song,”’ *‘‘Literature,’” and the ‘“Word’’ is having a prominent place in these services. Most every meeting includes a song service, a picture-mis- sion or travel-talk, a Bible lecture, sacred pictures, and the handing out of our literature. It is interesting to see the theater manager handing out Pres- ent Truth and the members of many churches as well as non-church mem- bers handing out ‘‘Your Bible Says.’’ It seems sad to have hundreds turned away from the theater doors repeated- ly for lack of even standing room. In addition to the large theater meet- ing we have as many as six cottage services a week where from twenty five to fifty neighbors and friends congregate to hear the message. A more than double increase in the aitendance and offerings at the regular Sabbath serv- ices is a token of a definite interest we believe. I am still alone in these meet- ings only as Brother Ortner and Sister Glendenning come up over week ends to help. Pray that we may be able to lead these people in numbers not only to meetings but to our God. J. S. YATES. ANOTHER BANK FAILURE Word comes tous of another bank closing its doors, leaving many of its depositors with a very heavy loss. I understand that this involves some money owned by Seventh-day Advent- ists. This reminds us again that really the safest place in the world to have our money is in the cause. If our brethren who have a little surplus would place their money with the con- ference they would put it in use where it would not be lost. We carry a very small surplus in the bank, all money . that is sent in to us we try to keep in use in such a way that the work will be bene- fited by it. Evenif the brethren feel that they cannot let the conference use their money without interest we can pay a small rate of interest, enough to make them about what they would get were the money in the bank. Of course, we would be glad to get the money without interest, but we cannot expect all of our brethren to be able to do this, but really brethren, your money is safer in the North Texas Conference than it is in most banks. I am sure those of our brethren, who have lost money in the bank would be glad if that money were now in the conference, for the whole denomination SOUTHWESTERN UNION RECORD is back of our organized work and we know that this work is going to go until the very end, so an investment in the work is the safest investment to make and let us not forget that we ought to give very liberally outright for the cause of missions as well as paying our tithe regularly. We will be glad to help our brethren place their money where it will be safe if they care to have us help them. R. L. BENTON. 0 LUFKIN, TEXAS Just a word from Lufkin. We have quite an interest here which is growing. Sunday night two families came twenty- five miles to hear their first Adventist preacher, and others living here are much interested. The little country church is about filled to capacity each Sunday night despite opposition, whoop- ing cough and rain. We are laying plans to hold a large tabernacle effort by May or a little before. We have secured a nicely located lot or rather one half block, and are trying hard to raise the money to build the tabernacle. Those here, though few, have given liberally. By permission of our conference president, we are send_ ing a printed card and apron to our friends, inside and outside our faith, for small donations. About one hun- dren cards have been sent out mostly to those in our conference; a few were sent to Oklahoma and California. Some twelve dollars have come in from this source. for which we are tbankful for the lift. 0. W. WOLFE. SOMETHING OF INTEREST Next Sabbath is the last Sabbath of this quarter. The offerings for this day are to be used in advancing the work in new territory. The Foreign Mission Board is asking for $95,000 to be raised for this purpose, and the overflow is to go to the work in Russia. For the months of January and February of this year, we show a loss of $213.05 in Sabbath School offer- ings as compared with those of the same months of last year. We trust every member will sense the great need and give as the Lord has prospered him. We invite all who will, to make’ this coming Thirteenth Sabbath a dol- lar day. When we realize that over half the money used for missions is raised by the Sabbath Schools, we can see what it will mean to the foreign missions program if we fail to do our share. We hope soon to have our Pennants ready to send out to the schools in rec- ognition of their success in raising mis- sion money. The goal to be reached is an average of thirty cents per week per member, including one dollar per member for the Thirteenth Sabbath. That is to say, the school that reaches one dollar per member on the Thir- teenth Sabbath, and with this Thii- teenth Sabbath donation averages thirty cents per member during the quarter, is entitled to a Pennant. The Sabbath School that wins a Pen- nant is allowed to keep it as long as the offerings are up to the stand- ard, but if they should fall below the: goal, the Pennant will have to be re- turned to the conference office, but will be sent to the school again as soon as the offerings are normal. There is no charge to the school for these Pennants. We hope to be able to send Pennants to every school in our conference. It is the privilege of every school to win one. : - SABBATH SCHOOL DEPART- MENT : ‘ NADINE HARRIS, Secretary > EDUCATIONALS Sister Doub, our teacher at Graham, gives us an interesting news item which we want to pass on to our tedch- ers and readers. She says, ‘You will be pleased to hear that one of my Bi- ble readers has taken her children out of public school, and has been teaching them at home for the last six weeks, and is using our church school text books. She is doing a splendid job of her Leaching too. She is as delighted with our good texts as I am, and grate- ful to get away from public school in- fluence. Her husband is highly pleased with it too.”’ As this leaves the office, we find that all of the educational reports are in, and also all junior missionary volunteer reports. We appreciate the prompt- ness of our faithful teachers. A letter comes to us from Miss Pil- green since she has gone back to her schaol room again, saying, ‘‘We are getting along nicely, and i am enjoy- "ing my work better than I ever have this year,’’ We are glad to get the many appli- cations that have come to the office wanting to teach church schools. We will try to do our very best to satisfy each one, Word comes from the Fort Worth