Heaven's Income Tax (Continued from page 6) payee. As the tenant remits his monthly rental, so 1s he who recognizes his duty and responsibility to the world’s beneficent Householder. Tithing ix a remedy for covetousness, since 1t 1s a constant reminder of our indi- vidual duty to our Lord. He who is true in his tithe cannot forget his God. The tithe does not secure favors, nor is it compen- sated with merit. Labor, sacrifice, or pen- ance, however great or excruciating, cannot merit the free gifts and good things from our heavenly Father. The true and humble tither ix not prodded or compelled, as from any legal requirement. His incentives are higher. In his tithe he finds expression of his greatest Joy, a token of his overflowing gratitude, a means of conveying to others the glories and benefits of the gospel of Jesus Christ. As taxation is a test of good citizenship, so the tithe might well be considered as a test of loyalty to the supreme government of the Most High, and recognition of God's sovereign ownership of man and all his possessions, and the source of his power to get wealth and possessions. It can be truthfully stated, after vears of experience, that the returning to God of the tenth part of our income does not bring poverty. It does not make the tithers objects of charity, or send them to the poorhouse. On the contrary, however, affliction, need, helplessness, and pauper- sm seem to come to those who willinlly neglect or ignore the principles of tithing. David paid a tribute to faithfulness to God in these words: “I have been voung, and now am old; yet have I not seen the right- eous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.” Psalm 37: 25. | It should not be overlooked that tliere are certain benefits to accrue to the one who 1s faithful to his God in the matter of tithing, and also certain conditions to be experienced by those who are unfaithful. We read: “Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed Me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed Thee? In tithes and offer- ings. . . . Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in Mine house, and prove Me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if T will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.” Malachi 3: 8-10. God invites our loyalty. There are still windows in heaven that can be opened and shut. They swing outward for the humble, honest believer and shower him with bounties for his daily needs. They are closed and bolted to him who flaunts and disdains the beneficence of Heaven. God's kindly invitation is: “Prove Me now, herewith.” It is a challenge to the believer and the unbeliever, a bid for loyalty and honesty. If one brings all that he should, God will bestow more than he is in need of. One tenth is brought to the Lord, more than can be used is taken away. AUGUST, 1942 To simplify the process of determining the amount of the tithe, and to provide a date for accounting that cannot be over- looked or mistaken, and the tither be in default, His instructions are: “Upon the first day of the week let every one of vou lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when 1 come.” 1 Corinthians 16: 2. When the week has come to its close, ponder the blessings that have accrued, reckon the profits and income, and lay aside a tenth, with other freewill offerings, for the Lord and His work. Have it all ready as a collection for the saints, to be paid at the regular time and place for re- ceiving such funds, as provided by the church. If you have been faithful in vour part, vou will not be disappointed in His portion. (Continued from page 5) 15 more unity today among the forces charged with the responsibility of main- taining our internal security than ever be- fore. This is a happy contrast with the confusion that existed in the first World War, when more than a score of Federal agencies were investigating spies and saboteurs, with a resultant lack of co- ordination and co-operation with the various state and municipal groups. In other words, we of law enforcement, with the aid of a patriotic citizenry, are fighting a common enemy upon a national basis. We should fight him in exactly the same manner that we fought and conquered the kidnaper and his destructive forces. Defense against fifth columnists cannot be handled by posses or by citizen-groups op- erating as vigilantes. It is the task of constituted law enforcement, and it is not a matter which can be taken into the hands of private citizens, although we must have all the help citizens can give us. There is a great deal of difference between private assistance and private action. One is a great aid to us, the other a tremendous hindrance. Law enforcement in the United States is better prepared today than ever before to meet any challenges to our democratic standards. There will be no blackout of Justice in this country. Already we have seen among us vile domestie forces that are un-American. But they can hope to accom- plish little, so long ax law-enforcement agencies are on the Job and are given the support that is typically American. In publication only initials will be used. ® SCRIPTURE PROBLEMS SOLVED... This is a service department where questions on religion, ethics, and Bible inter pre- lation will be answered. Send questions to the editor. To be answered, questions must be accompan‘ed by full name and address of the juestioner. The Holy Spirit S. Bb. John 3:8 reads: “The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.” The statement of the Master to Nico- demus indicates that the work of the Holy Spirit 1s not with outward observation, but when the Spirit takes possession of the life 1t can accomplish things, though others do not see the direction which it takes. Our national Weather Bureau makes a careful study of the changing winds, the prevailing winds, and the trade winds; and yet they cannot always foretell with accuracy what our weather will be because, as those winds strike colder temperatures, their direction is changed, as well as their velocity. So it is with the Spirit. If it has free course in the life of the individual, the Holy Spirit transforms that life; but if the instrument is but partially yielded to God, the work of the Spirit will be circumseribed. The Sharp Sickle; The White Horse Harmonize Revelation 1/4: 14 and Revela- tion 19: 11,14,15. F. M. No doubt both of these descriptions are Please explain John 3: 8. (¢ figurative. The sharp sickle, said to be in the hand of Christ, evidently indicates that He 1s ready to reap the earth, as the great Harvester, for “the harvest is the end of the world.” Matthew 13:39. In the 19th chapter Christ is represented as appearing against the kings of the earth, and the great men, the chief captains, and the mighty men, and arrayed against Him are the beast (Catholicism) and the false prophet (apos- tate Protestantism). He would stand arrayed against the beast with its pope and his triple crown, hence we read: ‘His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns. . . . His name is called The Word of God.” This harmonizes with John 1: 1-3. “The armies which were in heaven followed Him,” that is, the angels followed Him (see Matthew 25:31); and as they came down that glory avenue, the prophet appeared to behold them seated upon white horses, indicating purity, and clothed with fine linen, which is the right- eousness of saints (see Revelation 19:8). The sword which went out of His mouth is the word of God (Ephesians 6:17), and it 13 that which is mentioned in the second Psalm with which He smites the nations. Concerning the sword which proceeded out of His mouth, read Isaiah 11: 4, NINETEEN Page