CONTENTS. CHAPTER IX. AN IMAGE TO THE BEAST . . . . . . . . 105-114 CHAPTER X. THE THE MARK OF THE BEAST : . . . . + + « 114130 UNITED STATES CHAPTER XI THE BEGINNING OF THE END . + . . « » 180-186 IN THE LIGHT OF PROPHECY, er fo Hrs Cha ple Ore. PROBABILITIES CONSIDERED. TT is but a little more than one hundred years since the nation known as “The United States of America” began to exist. Rome, when it had at- tained the age of a hundred years, was scarcely known outside the few provinces of Italy which com- posed its territory. Not so with this new empire of the West. Ere a hundred years had elapsed, its fame had encircled the earth, exciting the wonder and the envy of aged and stagnant kingdoms. It began with a few small settlements of earnest men, who, flecing from the religious intolerance of the Old World, occupied a narrow strip of coast- line on our Atlantic border. Now, a mighty nation, with a vast expanse of territory stretching from ocean to ocean, and from regions almost arctic on the north to regions cqually torrid on the south, em- bracing more square leagues of habitable’ land than Rome ruled over in its palmiest days, after more than seven centuries of growth, here holds a position jo