730 THE WATCHMAN NASHVILLE, TENN., NOV. 12, 1907 CONTENTS OF THIS NUMBER POETRY. PAGE He Cometh, Selected.................. 723 A Little Thing, Francis M WiLcox.... 727 GENERAL ARTICLES. By What Authority? Mrs E G WHITE. . 723 The Sabbath, C SANTEE............... 724 Preaching THE HOME.—Taking Cold, 1. A. s— Yesterday: Forget It, M H Tuxrorp —Simple Remedies for Insomnia.. 726, 727 EDITORIAL .—The Resurrection and the Future Life, ¢. 1. B.—“ Godless Educa- tion "— The Sunday-law Crusade in Missouri, L. A. s.—Laying up Treasures, L. A. s.—The Downfall of the Papal Empire, p. 1. Mm.— The Biennial Union Conference Meeting, Geo I BUTLER 728 - 731 EDITORIAL NOTES ................. 731 THE MISSION FIELD. — The North Brazil Mission, FF W Spies—The Weap- ons of Our Warfare, J I, McELHANY —The Educational Situation in China, J N ANDERSON............c.o.... 732-734 OUR SCRAP BOOK.—'The Papacy as a Persecuting Power — “He” and “Them” in Rev. 16:16............... 731 THINGS HERE AND THERE —A Marvelous New Metal—Finger-prints.. 734 SUBSCRIPTION RATES DOMESTIC MAILS 12 Months in advance - - =~ - $100 6 Months in advance - - - - 50 In Clubs of five or more in one wrap- per, per year, each - - - - 75 Five copies three months to one address 04 Five copies six months to one address 1 88 Ten copies one year to one address 7 so Ten copies six months to one address 3 75 Ten copies three months to one address 1 88 CANADA AND ALL FOREIGN MAILS 12 Months in advance - - - - $1 30 6 Months in advance - - - = 75 Clubs to Canada, each copy, per year I 00 Clubs to other foreign countries - - 1 25 Persons receiving copies of the Warcuman without having ordered them will not be asked to pay for the same. Such papers are for- warded by other partics or sent from this office at their request. Please read the Warcaman and hand it to your friends. When requesting change of address, be sure to give both your old and your new address. I't is announced that The Hague peace con- gress will reassemble in 1915. READ the announcements given in this is- sue regarding the special WarcEMAN. We want all those who helped us sell 165,000 of the special issue last fall, to show a like interest in the circulation of this number. We are sure our readers will agree with us on seeing it that it is a much better selling paper than the one which sold so readily last vear. THE WATCHMAN Ir the seventh-day Sabbath was ever neces- sary as a memorial of creation, why is it not equally necessary to-day? And if the seventh day became the Sabbath of the Lord by his act of resting upon it and blessing it, how could that day ever cease to be the Sabbath? And if the Sabbath was set apart from all other days of the week, how could more than one weekly Sabbath ever come into existence? IF you walk in the narrow way of Chris- tianity, it is quite probable that some people will charge you with narrowness, and if you go in the broad way that leads to destruc- tion, you will no doubt be credited by many with breadth of mind; but there is a kind of narrowness which we must have and a kind of breadth which we must shun. The Chris- tian’s narrow way is the way of God's com- mandments, and his commandments “are ex- ceeding broad.” Do Arn roads lead to heaven? So many people say, but Jesus Christ left but one path on the earth, and in that path we must walk if we would be followers of him. “If any man come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.” It was a path of self-denial and affliction, and many other paths would have been pleasanter, but they did not lead in the right direction. There are many paths to perdition, but only one to the kingdom. THERE is only one standard of righteousness in the Bible, and that is “the righteousness of the law.” “All unrighteousness is sin,” says the apostle John, and “sin is the transgression of the law.” 1 John 3:4. The keeping of the law is righteousness. Fallen man could not of himself keep the law, because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.” Rom. 8:7. What Christ did for mankind was to provide for a new birth, a new creation, and thus make it possible for the righteousness of the law to be again fulfilled in us (v. 4), as it was fulfilled in Adam be- fore his fall. Nothing could be more erro- neous than the idea that God’s law has been changed or abolished, and a new standard of righteousness set up under the gospel dispen- sation. Bier prophecy 1s history in advance, and history shows that the prophecies of God’s word have heen fulfilled. In the explanation of such prophecies it is necessary to quote frequently from history, and if such quota- tions do not suit some of our readers, the re- sult should not be charged up against this pa- per. We are not responsible for the facts of history. What we want is the truth; and if views do not harmonize with what is found to be the truth, then it is time to change our views. This paper has no con- troversy with any person .or denomination. It aims only to turn on the light of gospel truth, and as President Roosevelt said in a our recent speech, it is not responsible for what the light reveals, We are all of us bound for the judgment bar of God and have a heaven to gain or lose, and we cannot afford to trifle with our souls by being indifferent to the truth or being satisfied with the opinions of men. An earnest, prayerful searching of the Scriptures and a willingness to accept their teaching, however contrary to our precon- ceived ideas of truth and duty, is the only wise course for any individual to follow. It is a fact that history plainly attests the truthfulness of Bible prophecy, by showing that prophecies have been accurately fulfilled. It is a still more important fact that the great lines of Bible prophecy predicting events in successive order from the remote past down to the second coming of Christ, are shown by history to have been fulfilled down to the pe- riod of time in which human probation is to close and Christ is to come in the clouds of heaven. All the great lines of prophecy ter- minate with that event; they come to a com- mon focus in the last generation which is to live before Christ comes, and history shows that nothing more is left in these lines of prophecy to be fulfilled beyond the present time save those events which belong to the day of God, in which the offer of salvation will be past. And by this we know that we are now in the time of the last generation, that generation which Christ said should ‘not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.” Matt. 24: 34. Reader, can you think of a more im- portant or solemn truth than this? For a de- tailed account of the fulfilment of these great lines of inspired prophecy down to the present day, see the book “ Daniel and the Revelation,” published at this office. A canvassgrs’ institute for North Carolina is to be held at Hildebran, in that state, be- ginning December 17 and ending January 13. It will be an important meeting, and all who can possibly attend it should do so. There ought to be a hundred persons circulating our literature where now there is one. ‘There is nothing else that is so greatly needed in the world to-day. Just now a currency famine is being felt in this country, and it is causing much inconvenience, but a terrible and un- looked-for famine is impending over the world, described in Amos 8:11,— “Not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord; and they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the Lord, and shall not find it.” Our literature is now selling well, and those en- gaged in this work are conferring a blessing upon the people and gaining a special bless- ing and a most valuable experience for them- selves. A fuller announcement of this in- stitute has been received too late for Report of Progress of November 12, and will appear in the next issue. All who contemplate at- tending should write at once to Horace G. ‘Miller, Gastonia, N. C.