4 NORTHERN UNION REAPER Elders Smith and Seriven were at Winterset Tuesday of last week, ar- ranging for a series of meetings to be held in that place. Elder Scriven went down for the last Sabbath service and Elder Smith joined him there later. The meetings begun on Sunday eve- ning, are held in a store building, it being more publicly located than our church building there. A gentleman came to the sanitarium on Friday evening, seeming an un- fortunate time, as no treatments are given on the Sabbath except to relieve suffering, when usually they are taken in charge at once and every medical attention given them. However, hear- ing singing in the parlor at vesper time, he responded to an invitation to go in with the Doctor, saying, the music sounded good to him, that he liked to see people have some religion. He afterward attended every meeting and is trving to have others of his family come and he with him here. Do not fail to have in your Sabhath- school..the Investment program which has been sent to superintendents to be used March 13. We hope that every member of every school will he on the list for some thing this year. Our 1925 Investment Fund amounted to $3,111. 97. more than $500.00 above the amount raised in this work the pre- vious vear. We could easily double this for 1926 if every one would make some special effort. Definite plans and de- termined effort through the summer can do great things. Try it this year without fail. Elders Hicks and Nixon greatly en- joyed their visit at Creston, four meet- ings were held. The church building has been beautifully re-decorated, and floors scraped and re-finished, and it now presents a very pleasing appeur- ance, The members of this church are to be commended for this effort which requires much hard labor and also considerable money. It would seem we should be interested in mak- ing our places of worship, where we ask the Lord to meet with us, as neat and attractive as possible. One Scan- dinavian country church in north- eastern Towa, was often mentioned by the workers on ‘account of its floor, which was of pine, but scoured white, The simplest place can be made attrac- tively neat. labels Sanitarium workers held a very interesting meeting at the sanitarium last Tuesday evening. Some time ago 40 “Signs” and “Watchman” were ordered, and they have been placing these papers in the rooms. At this meeting those in charge of this maga- zine work reported that very few of « the papers are left in the rooms, some taking them home, others requesting the privilege of zending them to friends. Altogether the interest and results are proving satisfactory. Teach the children to desire a part in the world-wide work for missions. “Their small donations would be a material aid, and the children them- selves would be far better, physically, mentally, and morally for the effort they had made, . . . they would gain a valuahle experience, which would help them in making a success of this life as well as securing the life to come.” “Testimonies on Sabbath Schoo Work,” page 100. Items of special interest have been sent to our Sabbath-school superin- tendents, to he read in our Sabbath- schools, concerning our thirteenth Sabbath offering, March 26. Remem- ber the amount given at that time will decide whether the health of our mis- sionaries can be properly guarded that they may continue their good work. Let us give liberally that the work may prosper in Brazil, While canning fruits and vegetables through the summer, do not forget to “can” the Investment monev as it comes in and have it ready for the fall Investment day collection. The state Sabbath-school secretary will send vou all the “Can Your Money” sticker vou use for sueh cans, Your superintendent has a list which will remind vou of efforts you could make this summer in the interest of the Investment Fund. Ask him about it. can IT vou cammot be at the Sabbath- school Mareh 27, be sure to send your offering to one of your Sabbath-school officers, the church treasurer, or to thie office. Mission expense goes on just the same whether we have Sabbath-school or not, and we must plan for it. Let us try to come up on our thirteenth Sabbath offerings as a conference. Some have regularly been doing three of four tines their share, | | “ary we made a time that the work in Brazil may not be hindered. Doctor John F. Morse received a very gratifying letter last week from a Des Moines lady whose mothey underwent a serious stomach operation at the sanitarium last sum- mer, saying that he mother, who is seventy-nine years old, can eal every- thing and feels the hest she has felt for twenty-five years. They are not Adventists, but she =ays as soon as the weather is favorable they want to drive up sometime and attend the sanitarium Sabbath-school. | Minnesota Office— 1854 Roblyn Ave. St. Paul. President—M. I.. Andrensen. Secrctary-Treasurer- A. RB. Smouse. Sah. Sch. See'y.— Mary D. Tlopkins. | Field Miss, See'v. T. 1. Grand Pre. Boak & Bible House Se¢'yv.- lies E. Muttaon, Relizious Lib. Sce'v.-—M. 1... Andirusen. . M. V. Scc'y.—E. IL. Sheldon. Home Misa, Sec'v.--F. HH Yost. All office address. Edu, Sce'v.- HL, M. liar, Ananda. OUR TITHE AND MISSION OFFERINGS FOR JANU- ARY AND FEBRUARY Do you suppose it was the weather that affected the tithe for February and caused us to lose the most of the gain we made in January, or what could have been the reason? In Janu- gain in tithe of 17.9 % and in February it fell off 14.3 7%, leaving a gain of just 3 “% for the two months over the same period of last vear., With a ilttle the mission offerings it was better this tine as the gain In 16.5 “¢, with a much smaller loss of only 2.1