“ehartér nog between the ty mow for: the king of the privileges therein 0 granted unta id carry 3: fice of injuftice 4 1 it." This hic. clfedt ¢ upon the king’s mind, and caufed ther he might laofully take from ug Fchoofing our chief’ iflers or: “Tot, "his arbitary coy ht bg the merit of the . iter of the Mafichutetes 8 wipitad hr Sment againdt it, it was Wl & £0 on them under what form of: ait ould think beft for them.” This vr wig | doflatteriny and plaufable. that it took with Wil. B diam; who had often héhrd of ther. perfebutions f+ Hors, and hough that by referving to himfif ; 8 heir ads, he Gould Pibvent - i “i Plymouth, Bani aii colony, wihich dlefex, Hffex, aki the pro. vee Hy oy + kX Ho iy Le the li a e’ Ya have a flegat ¢ both were are Ta R i officers of the co Ander dl the Ki wh YeAlS, neces cam