of refhres in the miniftsy who fepa< Wivom them ever did fo. Had they lid | xers acalous againgt affefing and forcing ing i; they. would not have wronged the: th, 4nd their ncighboyrs, as they, have now; : js formed at Saybrook'ig 1708, which faysy the churches which are neighbouring to cach “dong, * The conflitution that we feparated from, ex fbalk: wore for mutual affording to. cach, other’ incl aflifance; as may be requifite, vzoN © NEL QGCASIONS ERCLESIASTIC A3Y And thes irik prof tafupport this article is Plalm: 122, 3553 1 which peaks of the throngs of ju pment ‘that were. fet do Jerubalem for the bout of David A crafty. + winifkerial governor, fon to.a Mafichufett magix’ , prevailed with Connecticut legiflature hig platform the next yeat. ' Axio ¢ fchollar was then minilier of Nore efolute to introduge the. fchémer Hh it was appiobated fad, ping herein hall be intentiec. der apy focigty or church. that” ed by the Jaws of thils goverim othe [TURIN SSSI RE SS 4 MER Be