2 NORTIIERN LNTON and others with them, came forward, giving their hearts anew to God to he faithful to Him. There were thrag additions to the church and another expects =oon to he baptized and unite with them. Five subscriptions were taken for the “Reaper”. Truly it was a good meeting, A. IL. Miller. STATEMENT OF SIXTY-CENT-A- WEEK FUND at 313.20 per Member for Five Months Ending May 31, 1921 Member- Name of Church shin Receive o hor Albia Co. » 27.73 5 Algona... 26 113, zl 237.5%) Atalissa 11 116.492 Atlantic ..... 20 159.9% Audubon 0 0 S196 Beaman Co. Birmingham = 3d Bonaparte Co. Boone BS 1 1473.75 Braddyville ... 11 153.99 Burlington Hs 544.15 Carroll ee 23 257.92 Castana 9 92.10 Cedar Falls . 19 51.05 Cedar Rapids 31 BREE Centerville Co. Charles City 33 02.065 Cherokee Co. Clinton ee 10 N20 *Coon Rapids 2 Council Blutfs ~1 620.05 Cresco - .— 23 208.22 Creston L228 232.61 Croton 9 114.049 Darbyvville 25 300.50 Davenport 73 607.4940 Davis City 22 167.53 Decorah .... 10 7.03 Denison 20) 211.22 Dex Moines 1461 1216.52 Dex Moines Swedish. 32 GND A35.58 Dubuque 32 311.21 111.19 East xira . 54 109.12 GO2.6% Eddyville - 22 133.56 156.54 Ell Horn oo. 36 D51.00 424.20 Exira LTT 319.64 695.76 Iixline een 23 26.12 2TT.R Fairfield ——. 20 299.1 Farmington i} 52.20 66.060 Fontanelle ... 24 2.00 314.50 *Forest City 18 245.32 Ft. Dodge ... 32 ER1.18 241.22 Ft. Madison ... 24 191.44 125.36 Glenwood 25 92.70 231.50 Grinnell 23 175.07 125.53 Hampton 17 3.23 221.17 Harlan 14 71.55 110.45 Hawarden 8 31.17 ERE] Hawkeye 0 33 178.71 322.89 Horton Co. 20.15 Humboldt 21 214.56 (52.64 Iowa City = 3 27.85 11.75 Jacksonville . 27 83.97 272.43 Keokuk on 35 130.510) 331.20 Knoxville ... 37 83TH 104.62 Ladopra «wo. oo 6 39.08 40.12 Lake City .... 26 117.07 226.13 I. sing I Fi 28.36 169. 64 Literty Center 24 64.13 2532.67 Libertyville 11 15.30 129.90 REAPLR Marshalltown 31 5372.40 100.50 Maxon City 35 362.04 49.96 “Missouri Co. SOLES Module 0 46 3.4.62 1.4.58 Monroe ... ... by 27.52 TR08 Mt. Etna. 24 27.78 oy Mt. Pleasant 55 177.48 Muscatine ... dl 2249.08 Nevada 19D 1688.1 88.10 Newell ........ 19 ~3.05 167.72 Qaklana 13 16.00 155.60 Olin Co.. . 15.75 Onawa 19 111.3 135.57 (O=ceola 46 2A0.83 367.37 Oskaloosa 14 ERE 110.66 Oxford DMiils b 10.00 42.50 Ottumwa ee 54) 376.03 283.07 Parkershure 12 T3492 3.48 Pilot Mound h) 21.30 44.70 Red Oak 13 63.10 10K.50 Riceville ...... 20 121.65 142.42 Ringsted Co. 0.47 Russell 19 250.50 tuthven TH 2TH Tas Sundyville 12 H.02 132.058 Sharpsburg 22 125.28 162.12 Shellzhurz 13 1.51 1649.74 Sidney 17 30.07 10.3.3 Sigourney 14 SLi 100.314 Sioux City... 1210) S31.) T5220 Sioux Rapids 2x jOS.~Y 200.71 sSniithland 35 B36NT4 na.2a Spencer 30 fix 0N 327.02 Spivit Lake 17 (4,15 155.25 Stuart I= 25.00 150.60 Terri 1h g1.81 TT Uriina 12 N1.05 T6445 Ute 555) IEEE T1082 Villawe Creek 15 2u.45 16 Wallingford . 4 31.61 ~ Waterloo _. 205 111.44 } Waukon 0 29 163.82 West Union 26 207.37 Wilton 1 4.15 Winterset ... 23 127.14 “Woodburn 13 171.x% Yale Co, 4 LIN 2.61 Conference Church 163 A80HTN [~47.22 Isplated Be- lievers 91-50 Total veceipts from Jan. 1 to May 31, 1921 316,644.71 Quota to May 31, 1921 341,171.00 Short May 31, 1v21 32.1,526.29 The Towa Statement At the time the hooks had to be closed for May only fifty-three out of nearly a hundred church treasurers’ reports had been received, and that together with the two special offerings for specific lines of work taken during the month of Mav, ix no doubt re- sponsible, to quite an extent at least, for the amount of both tithe and mission funds received. 1 would like to request the church treasurers LEdin to in their reports recu- small sand larly each month and as promptly as paszible the first of the week follow. ing the last Sabbath in the month. 1 know that most of our church trea- surers are busy people, but the Lord's work ix =urely as important as our ow, Is it not? Especially ave the fronds needed regularly and promptly at the present time. The tithe for the month of May was $3,945.35, just a little more than half what it was for the same month last vear, and making the shortage, com- pared with the tithe income for the first five months of last veur, 317,753.00, or just about one-third less than the receipts for the same period last year. This great reduction in the tithe income could not come without affecting our work considerably, buat we sincerely hope and pray that fin- ancizd conditions will soon improve. [t has been said, and there iz somo truth in it, that prosperity harder tor a Christian than adversity, and it must be that the Lord has allowed this to come about in owler that Hi people nijent nearer to Him. He iz surely testing His people to see who will be faithful to Him in tithes and offerings, and we appeal 10 heen drawn those who lave back tithe on prop- any other to ar- It now if at all possible. erty, or tor reazon, rine toopay ax it 1s needed =o much, The realty Jess mizzinn funds for May were very small, $1,630.14, a litte than one-fifth of our monthly quota; increasing our shortage for the month of May by #266035.76, and mak- 224.0526.290 for the frst five menths of the year. This means that we have only given an average of a little over 24 cents per week per member inzsteud of 60 cents per week. Now T am not discouraged at all nor pessimistic in reporting these figures to vou, and T do not want vou to feel that way, for the Lord's work eannot fail even though some of us as His chitidren may fail of doing our part. And if we do, it is because we depend too much upon our own strength in- stead of upon Him, our all powerful Captain whe has never lest a battle But T have always believed that our people =hould be kept as closely in touch with the wark and its progress as possible, for it is only as we all feel that it ix our work, aud we are a part of it, that we take the greatest interest in it amd do our best. We can almost begin to =ee the fulfilment now of the admonition given =o long aco, “The work which the church has failed to do in time of peace and prosperity, she will have to do in a terrible erisis, under most discourapg- ing, forbidding circumstances,” =o ve ing it