Cross 1 Clues Across: (two words) How Santiago feels about ghosts now that he has a genuine relationship with God (page H). By LORI FUTCHER Down: (one word) Juliet didn’t want to faint because she didn't want to become what? (page D). It’s been a hard year. Maybe you know someone who's died. Maybe youre worried about what might happen to you. It might be something you've never really thought much about before, but now with talk of death everywhere, you may be wonder- ing, What happens after someone dies? Will I be haunted by their spirit? What if I die? What's next? To answer these questions, let’s start at the cross, where death first met its doom almost 2,000 years ago. Use the clues to fill in the crosses here. Then move the letters from the center of each cross to the appropriate blanks in the yellow box to find out what will happen to death when it meets its final doom. A | GUIDE |