oo dribs, =. not call on the teacher to do it. | astern Messeng y er £0 anny OSHAWA, ONTARIO, JANUARY 30, 1917 Church School Finances It is along about this time of the year that church school finances begin to drag and school bourds are put to their wits’ end to find money to meet eurrent expenses. | ~ The teachers in our elementary schools as a rule a ‘are none too well paid and they should be paid what is due them promptly each month. | They ought nat to be put to any embarrassment of having to wait un- duly for their wages receiving their pay in uncertain A few suggestions with reference to ways and Lo means for raising the money to maintain a school may be in order at this time. When an elementary . oo achool is planned for, each member of the church > should he personally interviewed and subscriptions to the school fund for certain amounts a month be se- cured. This obligation when once assumed by & : member should be met as faithfully as the house rent or the grocery bill. Every member of the church should contribute doward the school fund ac- ga cording to his ability. See Testimonies Vol. VI. p. 217. 1f this plan has not been set in operation at the beginning of the school year or if it has been im- perfectly carried out then the thing to do now is to get right after it and make a thorough job of it. Dao It may not be a . r particalarly pleasing task, but it is a necessary one Co and it shoald bé taken hold of without delay so that This responsibility rests on the school board. | the board may know what to count on in the matter of income. Bh ( ‘this does not bring in the necessary oo a, otter methods must be resorted to. ~ Bookmarks may be made of silk ribbon on which 0 Lord’ 8 prayer, the ‘ten commandments or any oo other ‘chdice matter may be printed. The Canadian LL : Pablishing Association | has done considerable of this sort of printing for our churches. help of the school. children and considerable money raised for the schoal. Last year one of our schools was largely financed by this method. The sisters of the church can form a sewing cir- 0 - . genious members of the church can often plan activi- cle and make quilts and other articles to sell ties that will produce an income for the school fund, oh Some years ago in a conference where the writer was carrying administrative responegibilities, a sister decided to start a church school. tuition was very small. Not to be daunted the sis- ter went at it, giving a room in her home for the class room and boarding the teacher herseif. devised several plans to bring in funds. school. names and about $40.00 in cash was realized in thie way. The quilt was then made up and it was a unique affair. “Toward the close of the sthool year it was found that the finances were in a bad WAY, 80 . that quilt was mortgaged to a friendly doctor for At a gathering of our people held later im the season enough money was solicited to raise the $40.00. mortgage on the quilt and it was presented to the writer who was then leaving that conference for an- It is needless to say that Lprize the quilt . oo Tt bad been the means of raising $86.- 00 for the cause of Christian education ‘under the . able management of that plucky mister. mae a other field. very highly. These book marks may be painted with pleasing designs if there ia someone in the church that possesses that kind of talent or if some friend is willing to do it for the These can then be sold by the Members of the church who were able to help were hostile to the pro. Lo ject, and those who favored it and had children to . send were quite poor, so the amount tealized from She ‘One was the making of 2 number of black and red quilt blocks to send out to her friends and mcquaintances with the suggestion that they work the nnmes on them of us many as would contribute ten cents toward the The pieces came back well decorated with: