CARR fre ATION AL MESSE NGF i Si SU cS (cs wn) = ) : (qa KS Thc work that centuries mnght have done, Ng , Fe Must crowd the hour nt setting EVE FO \ Sat! ALL RE | ADY FOR USE) Plie boducaional Convention recoptioy heii | voted to mmaaguratea wrear Mossionary dues / tonal Movement and among fier wiys su / vested thas this be dooe hy promoting a | TIENT, tharionels ATI CO TITS siady il | Hote and Soreian anssions Cosy vncany iH | agin soho! boards oo provide saanaiie ntera | Lure Onl rnissions Doe ase nn thelr seboors ! vr : LI bi . " y a. * Nothing beter coud be prepared Tor mel | mer these cory ends than the rooopy baools hy 1 1 i Mes Ab Ialils "THE MISSIONARY IDEA This sa 250 reste bool printed on heavy | puper, and booed go cieth, Ther is not page nthe bool, thee reading of which wil, not fan to a ving Dane the sparks of ons sionary fire 1: your heart. [Us manifestly a bool for the times and meets the wreatest mand of our denomination to de vy tore of RET iss1onary Sprit Write | he publishes to day for free sample pages. anc descriptive crrcdiars, or send them Thoeents and receive oeopy postpaid. \ UNION COLLEGE PRESS | ~ — .. ol College View, Nebraska c ——