INVESTIGATE THIS DOLLARS MADE ARE DOLLARS SAVED. When in want of fine Vehicles, get our prices, and we will help you to save th£m. MICHIGAN BUGGY CO., Kalamazoo, Mich. No. 180. CORNING ROAD WAGON A I^ne Strictly High Grade Ladies’ or Gent’s Bicycle, latest 1898 Pattern, for $25 Cash. Fully Guaranteed. AGENTS WANTED in every town and city in the United States for the Largest, Best, and Most Complete Bine of Vehicles manufactured. Our large illustrated Catalogue just out, and will be sent to any address FREE. OUR MOTTO: Not how Cheap, but how GOOD.* Honest work. POSTMASTER : If not called for, please hand to the best dealer in town. Buggy is our Beader. We brag about it because we are proud of it. You will be if you have one. The body is. 54 inches long and 20, 22, or 24 inches wide, with round corners. The bottom, instead of being put on top of sill, is dropped down on. the bottom, thereby giving extra leg room. It has water beads and nice swell body and .seat panels. As a safeguard to hold the bottom in position, instead of using a short malleable loop, we use a wrought loop, running the whole length of sill. . The seat is made 1% inches deeper than regular, giving better seating capacity. The back is an extra high, solid panel back, so arranged that the top can be taken off and the buggy used for an open job with the back left on when desired. In the trimming we use genuine imported English cloth, and we can furnish rubber, leather quarter or full leather tops, as desired. In the bottom we use a fine Moquette rug, •’funning the whole length. Also on end and side panels in front of the seat. ^fhe gear is constructed from selected Ohio second-growth hickory, and ironed with wrought forgings, and the springs are all hand-fitted, making them more pliable and elastic. The axles are the Anchor Brand, double-collar steel, fitted with our new Sand Bands to exclude all dirt and dust, which is a great advantage in the wearing of the vehicle. Our wheels are all made of selected second-growth hickory, designed especially for this buggy, and tired with the best % inch steel tire. We sell this and warrant it as represented. No eq(ial on the market. Good, live Agents wanted in every locality. Our No. 52, Special is built on honor, and we want you to see a sample, as we know it will please and bring you trade. New Catalogue and Price L,ist now ready. No. 52, SPECIAL No. 52. SffeCIAD BUGGY. NOTICE. VEHICLE MANUFACTURERS IN THE WEST. ANNUAL CAPACITY, 3O,ooo VEHICLES. Quality, Style, and Durability. Good Honest Work at Low Prices. THE WORLD’S BEST. FULLY GUARANTEED. No. 163. PHAETONETTE. A nice, light vehicle, easy of access, and has many of the better qualities of a heavy and more expensive Phaeton. Furnished without lamps and fenders, if desired. No. 177. STRAIGHT SILL, CANOPY TOP SURREY. Built for the 1898 trade. Best Anchor Brand axles ; good Sarven patent wheels ; solid foot dash; roomy body and seat. Furnished with extension top, if desired. LARGEST MAIL ORDERS come under our own personal supervision,. -in । whether large or small, and every customer is assured of prompt and courteous treatment at all times. All communications promptly and cheerfully answered. We will furnish the best work at low prices. The above wagon is built for and is indispensable to the Livery trade. Can be used with or without seats and top, and changed quickly. We use i% Anchor Brand axles, i% Sarven patent wheels, 41 and 45 inches high, with heavy steel tire ; 3 x 9 foot body, with drop end gate and panel back seats. Furnished with full platform gear if desired, and when wanted this way mention No. 20%. UGGY CO.. MICHIGAN. Gf-rrlpi THOUSANDS of our Vehicles ’ in daily use. Get our Cata- Comfort, logue and prices. X , ’ ABSOLUTELY FREE. Durability. They will interest you. for catalogue of full line. NO. 19^ THREE SEAT CANOPY TOP WAGON. this circular to our customers, it is with a view of interesting them in new ideas, styles, and substantial improvements, which can be obtained only by years of practical experience. Having met with unequaled success, brought about by careful observance of the demands of the consumer for GOOD HONEST WORK, and by furnishing them with it, we have received the best wishes of every customer, which will be respected in the future as in the ■oast. Your inquiries are earnestly requested. Very respectfully, MICHIGAN BUGGY CO. NO. 173. STRAIGHT SILL, EXTENSION TOP SURREY. Very latest style, best grade. Just what you want. NO. 169. PHAETON. A nice, comfortable phaeton with deep seat and high soft back, nicely trimmed and finished. Makes a very desirable turnout. Fully guaranteed. IN SUBMITTING FOR FREIGHT our facilities are unsurpassed. We have four large competitive lines, which is in itself an assurance of low rates and prompt service. We are thus enabled to handle our large trade, secured by honest work and value received. Price, quoted on vehicles delivered at your station, if desired. NO. 145. THREE-QUARTER CUT-UNDER SURREY. Made strictly A grade. Large size, No. 145/^- Can furnish with either canopy or extension top. The finest surrey of its kind ever offered. particular in ordering and state Catalogue number of vehicle. sure and give us the width of track used in your section. careful and mention trimmings and color of gear. Don’t be afraid to write us. cause we can not tell what your trade wants, although we may careful in filling the orders. Write orders out fully and SAVE DELAY. No. 52%. EXTRA SPECIAL BUGGY. Under this buggy we use the very best Anchor Brand axles, % size ; wrought fifth wheel, and 38 inch springs; Sarven patent wheels, or % tread; full length wrought body loops ; two steps on each side. Body, 20, 22, or 24 inches wide by 54 inches long, round corners, with convex body and seat panels; carpeted full length, also on the inside panels in front of the seat. Fancy striped body and seat risers. Plain cloth trimmings and leather welt. No. 15^. PONY SPECIAL. A fine pony wagon, soft, easy springs, panel back, nicely finished. Makes good times for the little folks. Built with X axle, tread low wheels. Painted and trimmed fancy. VALUE RECEIVED Guaranteed with every purchase, whether large or small. Prompt and careful attention given to Mail Orders. MICHIGAN EJ KALAMAZOO, IF YOU ARE INTERESTED, WRITE BE FINE VEHICLES OF ALL KINDS AND DESCRIPTIONS. MICHIGAN KALAMAZOO, BUGGY MICHIGAN. COMPANY, No. 175 KENWOOD TRAP. Can be used with one or two seats and changed in a second’s time. Built strictly A grade and side entrance from either side to back seat. No. 19. COMBINATION. We furnish this wagon with 7 ft. body, drop end gate, 1% axles, il/8 tread, Sarven patent .• wheels, 41 and 45 inches high, two seats and panel backs. L No. 20. Full platform gear. Otherwise as above.