Naovember-Deceriber THE MESSENGER 1 Rh Sarawak Baptizes 392 fa | During Third Quarter The pastors in the Sarawat Mis act ent geal of 300 napus fon Arecoonphsh thes would mcan bants oop tes an tree onthe than had Diver haptized the first six months of Pros year The goal seemed almost Vie arqed our omen to forget abet carrer gods and 10 seta gong of beading at least a twa day ree nl Teen] Hr Eve church Ang COImoAry wiibeo ther distinct 15 Pastor Facil Dison, Acung Fre- sicfert of the messin. Whitt self -deny- my cts the pastors moved out io thor search for souls Many bas web efits weare concocted on Tyvoucal Scene af Old stvie longhouse in Sarawak, acdrirmn 1a the hwo dan tevevdl mee Pastors Promote 1 Fenians ds AL a candlefght communion M d Vill e 2 Cleanup al the debs sennE hE reponse were taken - 397 d FEY Rd water sisal onder s baptisms! One pastoc reported 30) mare souls ready for baptism, bus Sardaith pastors recently pledged FH Plant vegetable gardany bees ase bag chron does not have 3 Sheree to traratooen en velages San Boer Qardons . » 17 eu dr nto he owas analie 10 reguast ar dete CRAG rn Wellages TT dune 1 be peer drainage nie he was unable 1 request ar ’ PI Dire ree reat i : ordained renter a baptize hes Aired ATE Tc tve Dimon ies in VE Provede a recreational area srdaned rrenister te baptize fy carpi are Carton sles they have netareed wo Er Provide poped wate Anhdates Shr ieee To lab wath EE TPS ERT A IEA UY Arash can for every NoLSe cob cher abogt tae nanetins or oa Hh Sly che Sarawse state flag Ceatttbaleraaronment, The ten parts Any village that qualifies by meet- Giochi URoderns Vilage progr ing these ten points is awarded a i beautiful "Modern Village” sign. Student Literatu re Evangelist Institute S00 Tees Sen Literals Spc linn estate dt thie Ayer Manis AT Ents WeerE DTA Ed sich with ay iver erasebers of tre Colnar tes EE TIT Area me Con Thee tondenits bad oy Lovely Ce er aa thier est Colpo only cheering re Todo CST ey a Dy tin th TEAC wert as Tudela ate Ewntigelts duran heer vacation Faston Doherty Panagaitan repo Phat ther caurane 1sovery good and Poesia tonkiray forward tg thier . ; . ve ee J A Alodern Vilage on Bare ak CE Pooh aps