SOUTHWESTERN UNION was presented to me. I even began to keep the Sabbath before she had given a study on it, for I knew she would find it in the Bible as well as the other subjects presented. She and her husband received a call to another field of labor, and it was planned that I should be baptized be- fore they left. The following Sabbath afternoon I was baptized in the waters of the Slige, at the foot of the Washington Sanitarium grounds. Mgrs. I.. C. CLEMENT. A New Railroad Missionary IN CLOVIS, New Mexico, we have an active missionary hy the name of Brother Cooley. He tells us of an ascistant that he has secured on the railway in the person of the news agent on one of the trains. This man has read Patriarchs und Proph- ets, Desire of Ages, Daniel and Revel- ation, and other books, and expressed a desire of selling some of our lit- erature on the train itself. Being shown a selection of our twenty-five cent booklets, he chose Christianity at the Crossrocds and The Marked Rible and at the time of writing had sold twenty-three copies. It rather reminds us of the story of the stones, doesn’t it, when Jesus said, “If these do not cry out the very stones will do so.” The message must go even though the Lord must raise up news agents to give the glad story. HENRY FF. BROWN. Church Missionary Secretaries ARE you using your assistant? According to the plans of the Home Missionary department of the Gen- eral Conference, the secretary of the Missionary Volunteer Society is the assistant to the missionary secretary of the church. This is so stated in Home Missionary Series Leaflet, No. 5, “The Church Missionary Secret- ary,” p. 16. Why not give this assistant of yours good, real practical experience during the Signs campaign by hav- ing him or her take some of the mem- bers of the church and solicit them for their subscription for the club? The leaflet alzo states, “Wherever the church is of sufficient size, and the magnitude of the work warrants, another assistant secretary may be RECORD chosen to assist in the many details attending a live and growing work.” Why not have an assistant selected by the church board permanently to see that every member is a subserib- er to the Review and Herald, to the Watchman, to the Sabbath School Worker, the {nstructor, the Little Friend, the Home and School, the Gazette, and other magazines? The increase of volume of business would well warrant such an assistant being named. HENRY F. Brown. Why Be a Vegetarian? “THE Case Against Meat” in two parts, will appear in the March and April issues of Health. Dr. Avthur N. Donaldson presents in these two articles as strong facts and reasons in favor of a vegetarian diet as have ever been produced-—-mot arguments based on tradition or bias, but sound lucid scientific facets, given in a most readable and convincing style. If you are not having the advant- age of the service of Health from month to month, do not delay in sub- scribing for it. Approximately one thousand now single subscriptions are being added every month. It costs you only $1.50 a year (U. 8. A.) You can secure the Signs and Health one year each for only $2 (U. 8. A) Address your Book and Bible House. An Enlarged Prayer Meeting THE elder of the Keene church, Brother John Gepford, conceived the idea that it would be a good plan to review the message with our own members, And so by the use of the layman’s stereopticon and the films, he is going over the old familiar mes sage. Members who have not been to prayer meeting for years are begin- ning to come. Parents bring their children, who are anxious to see these pictures. Outsiders, who have never attended church, are beginning to come to prayer meeting, The testi- monies given after the pictures ring with courage. Members tell how that forty vears ago the truth first made an entrance into their hearts, and how cheered they are to review the truths once again. The prayer meszt- ing room is becoming small, as the attendance has increased over one hundred per cent. COLPORTEUR REPORT FOR WEEK ENDING FEBRUARY 2, 1935 Ark.-La., D. A. McAdams, Sec. 1010 Hrs. Value Del. Mrs. M. A. Gillan... 43 35.50 5.50 James Robertson 41 15.70 a J. E. MeBride 40 54.25 2.30 Allene Vance .... 33 13.50... [ona Skinner 35 7.75 . Leola McDuell 69 48.00 . CL. Pope 32 14.25 I. Lloyd Small 32 26.45 cee Ruth Johnsen 32 7.00 en Emily Wright 29 79.35 3.00 Gretchen Williams 29 82.20 25 Birdie MeCluster ......25 25.00 — Mrs. J. KE. MeBride 11 9.80 9.530 (Chester E. Anderson 31 6.30 . Lizzie Longware 25 12.00 . J. H. Williams 10 1.50... Tabitha Brunson .... 9 17.50 2.50 J. MM. 5. Hubbell 1250 12.50 Mrs, J. Perkins . 1.10 1.10 Mrs. DD. W. Smith .. ... 2.00 2.060 Total 531 501.85 39.15 Oklahoma, Ww. L. Kinder, See. W. H, Johnson .. 42 1.75 E. H, Carter ..... 40 17.25 R. Jack Christy ..... ... 38 20.00 2.50 J. P. Hale ... .... 38 11.75 1.75 .. R. Hickman ._.. 33 39.50 aw Mrs. J. W. Grout ...... a0 14.00 8.50 Leroy Tuttle ...........26 22.00 13.25 E. B. Hausdarf 23 5.50 Cai Ursa Hickman ... 22 13.80 13.80 Mrs. S. G. Payne... 14 5.00 1.50 Ed Randalt 12 30.00... Mrs. N. R. Hickman 58 65.80 65.80 Total 376 255.35 Texas, A. E. Van Noty, Sec. M. Cox ... .....30 10050 36.00 on , Grandon 30 86.25 14.50 Edgar Jones ............ 27 3.00 J. B. Church . . 26 1.75 M. M. Ashley SY: | 11.00... M. M. Ashley C2 11.00 3.50 Mrs. 5 K. Guss 5.70 10.20 F. F. Schwindt 32.00 52.00 C. L. Grandon ..... ... _... 9.25 Total S119 277.20. 153.05 Texico, F. B. Moore, Sec. Z. J. Ham . ... ......... 56 68.50 ...... Robert Bartosh .... ... 40 24.50 Fermino J, Perea . ...39 38.00 .... Hermilo E. Chavez . . 38 13.735... Sam McCullam 0. 35 22.50 2.00 Annie C. Eubank ._... 30 49.00 i Mathias Vargas .... 27 21.30 LL rE Jose Espinosa... 16 725 el Ed Torres . .......... 11 31.50 7.30 Mrs. W. H. Talley .. 7.50 7.50 Mrs, GO. Griffin 3.00 3.00 Robert Fernandez 350 ..... Total... 292. 290.30 - 20.00 Grand Total ... .. 1318 1324.70 322.30 300 975 1785