Youth---W hither Away? (Continued from page 19) the gnashing of teeth. ‘Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He that hath ears, let him hear.” But this is only a partial answer to their questions: There will be an end to all this misery and sorrow, but when? These few youth seek another occasion to confer with the quiet, unassuming Man. ‘This time, seated on the hilltop overlooking a beautiful city, He paints a word picture of the events to happen just before the harvest time. Against a background featuring the downfall of the beautiful city before them, the waging of terrible persecutions, the arising of many creeds, each with its prophets, the appearance of flaming signs in the heavens and fearful happenings on earth, he paints a world engrossed in the daily pursuits of business and pleasure, in rounds of banquets, nuptials, receptions. He f{oretells a movement that would proclaim throughout the world this coming of the end of time, and then closes his admonition thus: Best ApvicE EVER GIVEN “ ATCH therefore: for ye know not on what day your Lord cometh. But know this, that if the master of the house had known in what watch the thief was coming, he would have watched, and would not have suf- fered his house to be broken through. Therefore be ye also ready; for in an hour that ye think not the Son of man cometh. “Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath set over his household, to give them their food in due season? Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing. Verily I say unto you, that he will set him over all that he hath. But if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord tarrieth; and shall begin to beat his fellow-servants, and shall eat and drink with the drunken; the lord of that servant shall come in a day when he expecteth not, and in an hour when he knoweth not, and shall cut him asunder, and appoint his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be the weeping and the gnashing of teeth.” A few days later this quiet, unassuming Man sealed with His own blood on the cross of Calvary the plan which He had outlined to those youth there by the lake and on the hills of Olivet. Of course, this plan is old, having been formed when sin first began its ravish- ings, but it is logical and sure and final. Let the youth whose hearts are filled with a longing for a peace that this world cannot give — and that it cannot destroy — steal away to a quiet nook with their Bibles. Let them spend some prayerful hours there while the Son of God tells the story of God’s great plan for the earth; of its culmination MAY, 1929 in the present era; of the coming of the Son of God, and the final and total destruction of sin and its adherents — never again to rise to spoil the peace and order of God’s universe. He will answer their questions. He will solve for them the problems of Life’s Bridge of Sighs. AGE MUST ANSWER UT other questions will arise, ques- tions which Age must face on the witness stand: Why have you not told us about God's plan? Why do not the leaders of Christianity follow God's plan and hasten its fulfillment? It is said that Admiral Nelson, the great British hero of Trafalgar, when informed by his lieutenant that his superior was signaling him to withdraw, put his telescope to his blind eye and calmly reported, ‘““I see no signals.” God’s plan cuts across the path of man- kind. Age would rather keep the Bridge of Sighs in the background than give up its own plans. It has put the telescope to its eye of doubt, and reports, “The Bible is largely a myth; Christ was a mere man,’”’ and then sets about to create a Christianity after its own liking, a Christianity that denies the power of Christ to finish the work He began on the cross — the eradica- tion of sin — in His way, a Christianity that substitutes for the cleansing blood of a guiltless Saviour the so-called moral life with its hidden avenues of sin. Upon test, such a Christianity reveals no solution for life's problems. Is Youth not justified in rejecting it? Those of Youth who are pondering the meaning of Life's Bridge of Sighs, knowing well that it must be traversed by all, need not cross it alone. The Saviour will cross it with them. Human sympathy may fail in the shadows of sin and sorrow; human wisdom may falter in the maze of life’s problems; but the Saviour will go all the way across the bridge, comforting, guiding, up- holding. When He shall appear to complete His plan, Life's Bridge of Sighs shall be torn down, never to be built again. “The bleak wind of March, the dark arch, the black-flowing river” will have no place in His soon-coming kingdom of love. Every Man His Own Doctor (Continued from page 21) lubrication of the parts composing the engine, otherwise the whole machine will soon cease to function. In co-operation with the human mechanism, the appetite will warn us when we do not receive a sufficiency of energy and building foods, such as starch, sugar, fats, and proteins, which in many respects bear a comparison to the gasoline in the auto tank. But the appetite cannot be depended on to warn us when we are getting insufficient organic mineral and vitamines (constitut- ing the “oil” for the human engine). These essential constituents do not bulk large enough to be noticed by the appetite, therefore it behooves every lover of health to see that his table is well supplied with foods direct from the hand of nature, including some kind of raw food at least once a day, such as lettuce, raw cabbage, carrot, sauer- kraut; together with breads made from wheat or corn ground whole. The vegetable kingdom is the great store of all nutrition, giving us the greatest variety of products from which to select the foods best suited to the climate in which we live, to our environ- ment, and to our individual needs. These, with the addition of suitable quantities of milk, supply every dietetic need of the human machine. Every person should study to be his own dietitian, for he should know what foods make for clean tissue and strong vitality. The health and vitality of the body are just as dependent on the food eaten as are the strength and durability of a mechanical machine dependent on the materials used in its construction. The Coming of Christ (Continued from page 23) covering cherub. These facts are evi- dence that Lucifer’s companion in re- sponsibility did not sin, but instead re- mained loyal to God. We must see him, as the loyal covering cherub, take up the work of both, and alone, as the remaining specially authorized representative of God, proclaim and demonstrate at the risk of his own person and life God's eter- nal love and justice and defend the throne and the law against the subtle, in- considerate, hellish accusations of the evil one. Gop HIMSELF HO could this one possibly be? We can best reply by asking who has taken up the work above described. To this question there can be only one answer. None less than the Son of God himself has taken the responsibility, which was also laid upon Him, to vindi- cate the justice of God and the righteous- ness of His law in the face of a deter- mined and unscrupulous enemy, a rebel and a traitor. His work identifies Him with the unswerving, covering cherub who dared take issue with His trusted, but unfaithful, companion in the most momentous question that had ever been, or ever can be, raised. The one was the Son of God, was God. The other was but a creature. Of all God’s creatures, he stood nearest the throne of the Father, and in powers and gifts, in beauty and glory, next to the Son of God. Between the representations of these two as related to the character and claims of God, the heavenly angels must choose. Had Lucifer in beauty and majesty, in talents and persuasive powers, not apparently approximated those of God’s own Son, they would have had little difficulty in deciding PAGE THIRTY-THREE