INDEX OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION (August 4, 1970 - September 8, 1970) AMDOC - Approval 6 AMD - Office Sec 1 Antar, Mrs - Gift property 9 Bazarra, D K - Shipment 2 Benson, G - Church Letters 8 Benson, G - Residency 8 Bohannon, J - Children's Edu 2 Benghazi Hospital Church - Dissolution 8 Bradshaw, W - Permanent Return 2 Bitar, Raymond - Reimbursement of Settlement 7 BOS - Urge Missionary children attend 7 Church letters - G Benson 8 Colporteurs, Student - Libya 7 Cyprus - Plan for workers 3 Request J Green assist 5 R Jacobs' visit � 5 Dennis, A - To Kendu 1 Dental Equipment - Sines J A 8 Davis, T - Call to Puerto Rico 2 EAU - Kendu, A Dennis 1 Evacuees - Syria, Jordan � 1, 6, 10, 11 Far Eastern Academy - Fulfill commitments 8 Final settlement - R Bitar Returns 7 Fresk, Gary - Debt Assistance 9 GC Visits - Marvin Reeder Postpone 6 Green, Jon - Cyprus Camp 5 Habib, Michael - Libya Stud Colp Leader 10 Habib, Michael - Salary � 11 Homeland Deposits 5 Iran Accounting 9 Irbid, Jordan - Library Books 4 Jacobs, R - Visit Cyprus � 5 Johnson, Nancy - Shipment from Benghazi 10 Jordan Crisis - Temporary work for workers 10 Jordan - Evacuees � 1, 6, 10, 11 Jordan, Irbid Request for Books 4 Kendu - A Dennis 1 Page 2 -- Index Officers' Meetings Libya - Colporteur Books 11 Libya - Student Colporteurs 7 Marcarian, Vigain - Transportation 9 Merachilian, H - Engagement 9 Mouse, Ghalib - Sponsorship CUC 8 Oster, K - Departure Date 2 Ratib, Nathan - Unentered Territory 11 Reeder, Marvin - Postpone Visit 6 Secretaries - AMD Office 1 Sines, J A - Dental Equipment 8 Sheffield, H N - Freight 3 - Furniture in Nairobi 3 Syria, Evacuees � 1, 6, 11 Temperance Deptartment Mail 3 Yared, G - Visit Jordan 9 NI 9 II x OMOUISI 99111119 OW 1 A120691196AsT DIVISION (Pages 1 - 56) Accountant - AND 26 Aikman, Mrs J A - Employment 12 Airplaned - Operation of 34a Allowance - Per Diem 23 AND Accountant 4. Call 26 MOD Accountant - LThemmosien 38 MS Accountant - Renew Call 39 AMD Committee - Elective Members 31 HIED Mousing - H Cowles }bve 10 MS Journal 29 £10 Office Assignemalts 21 AND - Travel in Unions 26 ,Alm » Travel with Local Workers 31 AND - Room for Accounting Machine 55 AND - Special Projects 52 Anderson, A I - Edu Assistance 50 Anderson, L Leave of Absence 24 Anderson Les - Leave of Absence 1 Anderson M G - Study Leave 8 Arabic Hymnal - Cute Report 54 Ashton, Dr - Call to Ethiopia 14 Audit Committee - Add ambers 42 Auto Depreciation Adv Sekele *sye 8 Auto Depreciation Advance, C Sehmidt 8 Asis, Bieber* - Salary Arranaemmmt 55 Bank Accounts - Open 46 Banns, Habib - Future 10 - Salary Base 23 Barlasi A N Income Tax 32 Marton, Ed - Future 51 Unarm D K - Car Depr Advance 33 - Office 12 - Salary Bonus 8 - Stewardship Sect 23 Bdellian, G - Assistance on Loss 19 - Educational Allowance 56 Benghazi Compensation Cmte 47 Bettie, Ron - Deferred Appointment Bjerkan, 0 C - Invite to Midyear crate 56 Bohannon, Jack - Expense Report 54 - Housing 10 - Salary in Lebanon 32 abannon, Mrs J - Salary Rate 17 .• Secretary 41 - Temp Employment 12 WS .6 Financial Operation Coueittee 32 - Naming Teach Ind Arts 51 . Mrs K Oster Teacher 41 • Playground 41 « School Board 10 . Solicitation Campaign - Student Missionary 38 - Teaching personnel 13 - 19 ims-sAsts 4ft 1071 — 70 � 41 Index Officers' Meetings Page 2 Bourg-Hammoud - Reassignment of Reserve 23 Brandt, Shirley - Vacation Travel 50 Call - Gimnyth Davis to TAD 18 Christmas Social 36 Class B - Settlement National Workers 47 Colima, Carmelite Employment 6 essmitments by Dept Sects 28 Committee on Policy 21 COmmittee - Soh-Committees for yearend 20 Cyprus Overseas Sch Board 10 Cyprus - Purchase Air conditioner* 14 Davis, Gwenyth - Call 18 Deferred Appointment - Ron Bottle M D Delice, 0 . Turkey 22 Dennis, Aaron .* Locksmith course 33 Dennis, Aaron - Employment of Wife 49 Departmental Goals 28 Departmental Secretaries •• Commitments 28 - Reports 213 Depreciation Advanees � E .1 Gregg 54 - d W Whitehouse 54 Storfjell 14 - E.WTayier 25 Division Committee - Invitations I Division Compound - Gerdes Plots 19 - Mooing 3 Division Council - Acosomodatioos 55 Division Rousing 33 Division Rousing liquiposot 14 Doyle, Gregg - IRAs Assistance 32 EAU - Accounting Maching 45. 31 - Assistance, National Relief Plays 40 ... Employ Mrs Dennis R Miss Davis 49 Plans Nairobi Medical Center 41 - Relief Doctors, Section II funds 50 - Section II Petty Cash 50 - Spirit of Prophecy Books for Workers 52 Educational Allowances - E D Frye 4 Educational Assistance - Gregg Doyle 32 Educational - Travel to Schools Policy 24 Education - Workers Children Christmas 35 Egyptian Students - Scgt 2,-snip Fund 22 Ellingworth, B L President TO! 13 Index Officers' Meetings NV 3 EU • Advance for Worker Home 44 • Call for Dr. Ashton 18 Call for Jon Green 16 - Charges for UI 3 • L Maamen Request to Visit Sweden Kahn Family Formememt Meters 22 President RIF 13 - Sheffield, R.N. - Visit 22 - Voice of Youth Sermons Evangelistic Thrust 20 Expense - Travel Reports 28 Fernoody, Ahmmi - Settlement 21 TED - Request for Flags 36 Fields - Terminology 30 Ms. Tesal us to Live 24 Fixed Sates of Exchange 9 Record Thrust 28 Fresh, Gary - Furniture 4 - Rent Ceiling Frye* D - Edu Allowancea Garden Plots 19 Gatekeepers - Walt Increase Denied 55 Goals - Departmental 28 Goals - Membership 28 Gray, I -Mint Ceiling 14 Greek Literature Committee 33 Greek Publishing Meeting 2 Gres* Jon - Call to W Ethiopia 16 - President WE? 13 Gregg, J - Depreciation Adv 54 - Secretary ()Mears' Meetings 1 - Travel to Beirut 22 - Travel to Salisbury 21 Gunderson, M - Homeland Status 39 labib, Michael - Travel Reponse to Jordan Omer, J C • Jim Travel Expense 36 1114msom, Lief - Visit emodsm 14 I • Ind Arts is DOS 31 • taint Irmo 3 • IV Raciest Additional Time 14 Nertsgeo i D • Furlough in Ragland 42 Index Officer's ibittig$0 Page 4 Heys, Bekele - Church Development 23 - Depreciation Advance � 8 - Moving Expense 8 - Salary Bonus 8 Rome Study Institute - Ethiopia 3 Horn, Martha - Salary Rats 55 Horton, P E Having Allowance 15 Housing - Division Compound 3, 33 Housing - Overseas, Trust Fund in Unions 34 Howe, P Relief Service 46 Howe, If A - Itinerary 7 - Visit Postponed 21 IMPPZT - Edition of 1,500 33 Ingathering Brochures - Arabic, Armenian 4 Insurance - Per Effects 24:A - Per Property 24(p - Travel Accident 244 28 Islamic Research Project 17 Itineraries M E Lind, K Bizarre 18 Itinerary C E Schmidt to Iran 37 Zecots, R L - Visit Egypt 13 Johnson, Gene - Advance 47, 51 Johnson, Werber Assistance 36, U Jordan - Relief 20 Journal - Monthly in AM D 29 Katrib, G - Remain in Syria 20 Kendu - Dr Larry Ward 41 Varna, Saad - Salary Base 23 Khoury, Venice - Study - 4 Kilimanjaro Ned Center 53 Mahn family - PR from EU 22 Language Study - Committee 41 - Implement Policy 31 Letter Heads 18 Lind, M E B08 Speaker 39 - Travel to Iran 16 - Visit Egypt 13 Literature Evangelism - Cooperation with Ministers 28 'Aronson, R C - Status 38 Ludington, D C Release 54 Index Officers' Meting, Page 5 Weed, Salim - Travel to Iraq 14 Maksoudian, Serpouhie - Settlement 11 Marcarian, � - Leave Extension 37 NEC � Board date 1971 56 - Call for Pastor & Teacher 9 • Renew call for P Horton 13 Medical Expense - Sustenteem Outside AMID 6 Malki, Abdulla - Medical Expense 19 1111 Press - Rehabilitation Fund 7 MISE Special, Donation 9 - Temporary Board 10 MZU - Bank a/c for EMF 47 MEU - Office Plan 40 - Organization 5 Midyear Committee Date Revision 48 Midyear Division Committee 24 Miller, L C - Furniture 24 Missions Institute - B Perry Attend 49 Modern Ned Counselor - Publication 2 Nairobi Med Center - Plans 41 Rational Physicians - Salary 34 Nasirian, Haratune * Loan 18 Dassinian, SOMM41 40 Indemnity Return 49 Nasirian, M * lquipment Allowance 8 Rehm°, George - Missionary License 47 Officers Meetings D K Baserra & s J Gregg 1 Offices - AND Assignments 21 Olson, Wayne - Prospective Worker S Oster, K - Transportation 23 Oster, Mrs K Teacher BOS 41 Caen*, S D Yearend committee 27 Overseas Mousing - Trust fund is Woos 34 Overseas leboel Boards 10 Per Diem *snowsuits 23 Perry, Everst - Missions Institute 49 Physicians National salary rate 34 Pifer, 1 El * Ohmage to Class d 50 * Nave to Beirut 42 Plane - TO & CAU Share 43 Policy Committee 21 Policies - Remain in effect to end of year 31a Policy Conmittee - Travel to schools 24 Public Relations Denom. Journals 29 Publishing Council Date - 3a N & N - Corresponding Editor 36 bide= Officers' Meetings Page 6 Ratib, Nathan - Sudan 1 Reception - Religious loaders 15 Recording Secretary - Yearend committee 24 Religious Leaders - Reception 15 Rent Ceiling - C Freak 16 Rest Ceiling above LL 3,000 32 Reports after Itinerating 28 UMW AHD HIRALD - Corresponding Editor 36 Richards, R M S - Tribute 6 Salary Bonus Sokoto Hoye, D K Baum Salary Rate - Matti Physicians 34 Schmidt, C � Travel Iran - Depreciation Advanc, Schmidt, Mrs. C E Ihiployment 12 Section II Rousing in Wants 34 Seenyea, - Nevins Allowances 56 Scouter*, � Smeary 14 • Spossornbilp 3 Sheffield, R N » Avsilsble to Hospitals 35 - Visit to Ethiopia 22 Spear, R D - Vacation in USA 13 Special Projects - AMD 52 Srour, Sant - Bursary 9 Stewardship Secretary 23 Sumgait, J P - Depreciation Advance 14 Student Missionaries for 206 38 Sustentees Outside AND Medical expenses 6 Syria - Cash assistant* to members 13 • G Kstrib to remain 20 Taylor; R W - Depreciation Admits* 25 - Rd, H Monthly 47 Taylor, Mrs. IL W. - Temp Paploynant 41 Thomaston, Leon - Apartment 48 - AND Accountant 38 Travel - £1 workers with local 31 Travel berms* reports 28 Travel in Unions - Division personnel 28 TU - Ewing Wends 48 - President TOP 13 - Radio/TV Sect 5 - Request R H Henning add tine 16 - Share Plane with CAU 43 Turkey - Chasms Belies 22 Typewriters - Use of � 32 Unaltered Territories 31 Unger, George - Air Conditioner 7 Union Committee Minutes 11 copies 31 VOP Follow Up 29 Index Officers' Meetings ?age 7 Waddell, I � Invitation 20 Ward, Dr Larry - Call t Ueda 41 Wats, Beaters 21, 12 Welfare Depot 29 Whits, 21 0 Publfaatioms 30 Whitahease, W wa, Darr AO 54 Williams, IMby - Ante Ow 32 Mothers' Children Christmas vacation 33 Work Permits 47 wage v . Salary Arramsemeats 32 Irseread Committee - Plans 20 S � Cork, Warne Hold ur wall as Ulm Secretary 46 CAUCUS - AVAILABLE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION COMMITTEE MEMBERS August 4, 1970 � 7:30 A.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: R. L. Jacobs, R. C. Darnell, C. E. Schmidt, H. N, Sheffield AARON DENNIS TO KENDU HOSPITAL AGREED, To advise the East African Union that Aaron Dennis and wife are willing to accept a call to work in Kendu Hospital, if a call comes to them. The Dennis family understand the problem of the schooling of their children, but are willing to make any sacrifice in order to serve in this needy field. ENGLISH OFFICE SECRETARIES The urgent need for English office secretaries in the new Afro$41ideast Division office was discussed. As no solution to the problem was found among the wives of workers, or national personnel, it was AGREED, To advise the General Conference that we will probably be sending through calls for one or two office secretaries and request that they look for candidates who could come out soon. EVACUEES FROM SYRIA AND JORDAN Three families are presently living on the Division compound having left Syria and Jordan due to the political situation. Saad Khilla has not been able to secure a resident permit to live in Syria, and unless the status of our church there is altered, other plans will need to be made for him. It was suggested that the Iraq Section might be interested in calling him. Otherwise he should probably be returned to Egypt. The idea of suggesting that Habib Banna return to Egypt to await developments in Syria was studied. Elder Darnell was asked to investigate this and other possibilities. The idea was expressed that the Jordan situation has quieted down to the extent that Jon Green could return to his home without serious danger. Adjourned: 8:00 A.M. CAUCUS - AVAILABLE AVRO.MIDEAST DIVISION COMMITTEE MEMBERS August 5, 1970 � 7:30 A.M. R. L. Jacobi, R, C. Darnell, C. E. Schmidt, H. N. Sheffield THCMAS DAVIS - � TO ,PUERTO RICO AGREED, To peas on the call of the Inter-American Division for Thomas Davis to serve as physical therapist in the Bella Vista Hospital in Puerto Rico. WILLIAMBSAMSHAW PHIMNFHT RETURN , AGREED, To approve information which has been given to William Bradshaw and the General Conference to the effect that William Bradshaw will be returning on permanent return. KENNETH OSTER - JANUARY DEPARTURE DATE AGREED, To accept the proposal that Kenneth Oster's departure date be set in January, 1971, considering that Mrs. Oster will complete an MA in music in December, 1970. JACK BOHANNON CHILDREN'S EDUCATION AGREED, To explore the following possibilities for the education of the Jack Bohannon children, pending the arrival of Mrs. Oster: 1, ?ostpone the beginning of the school year until Hrs. Oster arrives. 2. A.rnge for the children to take one semester by Home Study. 3. Bring the Bohannon family to Beirut for three months where the children can study in the Overseas School while Elder Bohannon assists in evaniplism. BAZARRA SHIPMENT OF PERSONAL EFFECTS TO UGANDA --"— AGREED, To wait for further information on shipping expense before making a decision regarding D. K. Bazarra's request to send seven pieces of furniture (4 drawers, 1 small table, a book shelf, and a bed) to Uganda at denominational expense, ratter than move them to Beirut. Adjourned at 8:20 A.M. CAUCUS AVAILABLE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION COMET= NNW= August 6, 1970 � 7:30 A.M. PRESENT: R. L. Jacobs, R. C. Darnell, C. R. Schmidt, H. N. Sheffield CYPRUS,CONTACT INNRMATION Thomas Davis phoned from Nicosia to inquire regarding plans for his move to Puerto Rico. William Bradthaw sea informed of his permseent-ratUrn since he had not yet received his letter. They were requested to terminate the rent of Dr. Sines' house as of the end of September. TRAVEL ALWANCE.....DAMAM BRADSHAW Thomas Davis and William Bradshaw indicated by phone that they desire to visit points of interest in Europe on their return to America. AGREED, To authorize the treasurer to purchase tickets by the suggested routing with the understanding that the Division share of the cost is not to exceed the price of a direct routing on a die. counted fully-endorsable ticket. TOPERANCEDEPUTMENTME AGREED, To authorize Dr. Sheffield to change the address for the temperance department materials from Beirut to Nairobi. Ss. L. SHBFFXELD, MD - HOUSE ,VINITVREIN NAIROBI AGREED, To request the East African Union to provide furnishings for the Sheffield house in Nairobi and to charge the Division rent for same along with the house rent. bHIFYIELD FREIGHT AGREED, To authorize Dr. Sheffield to ship his household effects,to Nairobi by air freight. Caucus ended at 8:40 A. H. CAUCUS AVAILABLE A1206NIDEAST DIVISION CONNITTIE MOM August 10, 1970 � 7:20 A. M. PRESENT: R. L. Jacobs, R. C. Darnell, C. E. Schmidt, H. N. Sheffield IOW. JORDAN LIM= - REQUEST FOR BOOKS AOREED, That the Public Relations Department arrange a gift of a tow books for the Irbid, Jordan public library. BEIRUT OVEFSEAS $zcomq CLASSES NOTED, That we have only one prospective Seventh-Day Adventist student for the Beirut Overseas School in the secondary level for the 1970/71 school year. Two non.SDA's are planning to attend. Caucus ended 7:40 A.N. • • • CAUCUS - AVAILABLE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION COMMITTEE MEMBERS August 11, 1970 � 7:30 A.M. THOMAS DAVIS - DATE FOR PERMANENT RETURN NOTED, That the Tom Davis family plans to leave Cyprus approximately August 25, spend a week in Europe and arrive in the United States September 2, 1970. JON GREEN - ASSIST IN CYPRUS CAMP AGREED, That Jon Green assist with the Cyprus Youth Camp, August 20 - 30, it being understood that the Cyprus Section will bear all expense of travel and entertainment. RAY L. JACOBS - TRAVEL TO CYPRUS AGREED, That Ray L. Jacobs visit Cyprus in connection with building problems and assist with arrangements for the travel of the families leaving on permanent return. HOMELAND DEPOSITS During the first half of the year an amount equal to 27.777% of the homeland salary rate has been deposited to Section II workers' accounts. Inasmuch as the policy stipulates that 25% of the homeland salary rate is the maximum permitted, it was AGREED, That beginning July 1, 1970, an amount equal to 25% of the homeland salary rate be deposited to the credit of Section II workers. Prayer by C. E. Schmidt, and the meeting adjourned 8:15 A.M. z,e,YvkA e • CAUCUS - AVAILABLE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION COMMITTEE MEMBERS August 14, 1970 � 7:30 A. M. PRESENT: Ray L. Jacobs, R. C. Darnell, C. E. Schmidt HOUSES BEING USED TEMPORARILY BY SYRIAN AND JORDANIAN WORKERS Soon the new workers will be arriving and housing and guest room facilities must be in readiness. AGREED, To suggest to the Lebanon Section that they permit Saad Khilla to assist in evangelistic work in the section on a temporary basis while awaiting a reply from Iraq regarding a call for his services, it being understood that his salary will continue to be carried by the Syria Section. MARVIN REEDER - POSTPONE VISIT In harmony with counsel contained in a letter from M. E. Lind it was , � AGREED, To recommend to the General Conference that the proposed visit of Marvin Reeder be postponed until 1971, when it will be possible to arrange for visits throughout the Division field. ABDOC - APPROVAL AGREED, To advise the General Conference that we approve the request of Kendu Mission Hospital in Kenya for a physician from the AMDOC group with the understanding that the doctor appointed must be a practicing Christian, a non-smoker and a non-drinker. • CAUCUS AVAILABLE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION COMMITTEE MEMBERS August 19, 1970 � 7:30 A. M. PRESENT: Ray L. Jacobs, R. C. Darnell, C. E. Schmidt STUDENT COLPORTEURS IN LIBYA AGREED, To permit student colporteurs working in Libya to turn in their earnings to our shipping agent, to be applied toward the cancelation of the pending account. � RCD RAYMOND BITAR - REIMBURSEMENT FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT AGREED, To release the service record for Raymond Biter on receipt of the amount of $2,685.71 which was paid to him on November 6, 1968 as final settlement for fifteen years of service. It was suggest- ed that this amount be deposited in the General Conference of Seventh- day Adventists Middle East Division, Account Number 10074484, First National City Bank, Overseas Division, 399 Park Avenue, New York, USA. BEIRUT OVERSEAS SCHOOL - ACADEMY STUDENTS FROM OUTSIDE BEIRUT AGREED, That the Division will fulfill its commitments made to academy students, children of overseas families who have made plans and do sere' their children to the Far Eastern Academy, but that we urge all who can, to take advantage of the offer of Middle East College to permit them to enter the dormitories and attend the Beirut Overseas School where they will be nearer their parents and incur less expense for the Division Adjourned 8:10 A. M. CAUCUS - AVAILABLE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION COMMITTEE MEMBERS August 21, 1970 � 7:30 A.M. PRESENT: R. L. Jacobs, R. C. Darnell, C. E. Schmidt, R. N. Sheffield, DR. & MRS. GEORGE BENSON - CHURCH LETTER A request has been received for the church letters of Dr. and Mrs. George Benson to connect with the Riverside Church in Nashville, Tennessee. AGREED, To include the names of Dr. and Mrs. George Benson in the June 23, 1970 Minutes of the Middle East Division. BENGHAZI HOSPITAL CHURCH Until the present time the Benghazi church has continued to be included in the statistical reports. A.A AGREED, To place the matter of the dissolution of the Benghazi Hospital church on the agenda for action, but since the church does not exist, to immediately make the necessary modifications in the statistical reports so that this church will not be counted. DR. GEORGE BENSON - RESIDENCY AGREED, To advise the General Conference that no decision can be made regarding the recommendation that George Benson be approved for a regular furlough-residency for four years, until the coming Division committee meeting scheduled for September 10. J. A. SINES, DDS - DENTAL EQUIPMENT FOR ARUSHA, TANZANIA AGREED, To advise the General Conference that J.A. Sines is authorized to spend up to $1,000 on dental equipment ,for the Arusha clinic and that the G. C. is authorized to ship the equipment that has been donated for this project. GHALIB MOUSA - SPONSORSHIP IN CUC AGREED, To await further information before assuming any responsibility in connection with the request of Ghalib Mousa to study in Columbia Union College. Adjourned: 8:15 A.M. CAUCUS - AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION �.t/ August 30, 1970 7:30 A.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: R. L. Jacobs, R. C. Darnell, H. N. Sheffield, C. E. Schmidt VIGAIN MARCARIAN REQUEST OR TRANSPORTATION ALLOWANCE AGREED, That the trip to California proposed by Vigain Marcarian is not allowable under denominational policies. IRAN ACCOUNTING RECORDS AGREED, To ask Brother George Yared to visit Iran to help bring their books up to dated TARED - AUTHORIZED TRAVEL TO J0RDAN AGREED, To authorize George Yared's travel to Jordan to audit ;the treasurer's books. MRS. ANTAR -GIFT PROPOSAL AGREED, To negotiate with Mrs. Antar concerning her desire to give the denomination a piece of property. HARTYOUN MERACHILIAN =GAG � PROBLEM WHEREAS the policy calls for no employment of workers who undertake marriage commitments to non-Adventists, and Whereas Hartyoun Merachilian is reported to have been engaged for marriage with a non-Adventist girl of 13 years age, AGREED, to counsel the Press that when the fact of the engagement is established, the worker should be suspended until board action can be taken. GARY FRESH - DEBT ASSISTANCE Whereas, Brother Fresh understands that the conditions for selling his home at this time in order to free himself for mission service resulted in a personal loss, and Whereas, the General Conference policy provides for amortized debt assistance in the case of desirable mission appointees up to $ 1,200 in special cases, Whereas, the loss leaves the Fresh family with debts of $ 1,500 above the amount for which the General Conference policy provide, Whereas, the General Conference treasury department has called for advice as to whether the division can appropriate the necessary additional debt assistance, Whereas, The financial condition of the division precludes assistance of this type, AGREED, to refer subject back to the General Conference. Adjourned: 8:00 A.M. CAUCUS - AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION September 1, 1970 7:30 A.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: R. L. Jacobs, R. C. Darnell, H. N. Sheffield, C. E. Schmidt NANCY JOHNSON SHIPMENT FROM BNEGHAZI AGREED, That Nancy Johnson's shipment from Benghazi, which included the Benghazi Overseas school equipment and books, be transhipped to Beirut where the decision will be made as to the final destination of its contents. MICHAEL HABIB - STUDNET COLPORTEUR LEADER IN LIBYA AGREED, That R. C. Darnell be authorized to make plans for Michael Habib to go to Libya with the student colporteurs who need to finish their summer hour requirements, and give asistance to the group as required, it being understood that the Division will continue his salary for the month of September. JORDAN SECTION - TEMPORARY WORK Jon Green and Angeli Gayed are temporarily in Lebanon due to the political crisis in Jordan. AGREED, To authorize Dr. H. N. Sheffield to explore with the Lebanon Section the possibility of conducting Five-Day Plans in Lebanon in which Jon Green and Angeli Gayed would be invited to participate during the time until they are able to return to Jordan. HOUSING FOR EVACUEES - IN THE DORMITORIES AGREED, To request the treasurer to investigate the possibility of arranging for housing for Habib Banna, Angeli Gayed, and the Jon Green families who are temporarily unable to return to their regular work. Adjourned: 8:00 A.M. CAUCUS - AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION September 2, 1970 7:30 A.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: R. L. Jacobs, R. C. Darnell, C. E. Schmidt NATHAN RATIB - COLPORTEUR IN UNENTERED TERRITORIES AGREED, That in harmony with the action taken by the MED Committee (page 1695) to look with favor on theplan for Nathan Ratib to do colporteur work in the Sudan or in Libya, subject to the stipulations of the above action regarding the paying of surface transportation to the field and of paying the return fare if he remains atleast two months. It is suggested that an effort be made to secure another colporteur to accompany Brother Ratib. Before leaving contact should be made with the commercial attache to receive assurance that money to pay for the books can be brought out of the country, and that he will be permitted to work. MICHAEL HABIB - CONTINUE ON SALARY DURING SEPTEMBER Michael Habib has gone to Syria to secure a document to the effect that he is deferred from military service. AGREED, To continue Michael Habib on salary for the month of September 1970 with the understanding that he will assist the student colporteurs and follow through on his application for a passport with the idea that with this he will be able to go to unentered territories for colporteur work. HOUSING FOR EVACUEES AGREED, To authorize the treasurer to rent an apartment on a short- term basis for theuse of workers evacuated from Jordan and Syria. COLPORTEUR BOOKS FOR LIBYA AGREED, To authorize an order of 200 Health books and 50 single copies of magazines for the use of;student colporteurs in Libya. Adjourned: 8:00 A.M. AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION OFFICER CAUCUS September 7, 1970 Beirut, � 9:00 A.M. D. K. BAZARRA AND E. J. GREG - OFFICERS MEETINGS AGREED, To invite D. K. Bazarra and E. J. Gregg to attend officers meetings. E, J. GREGG - SECRETARY OFFICERS MEETINGS AGREED, To request E. J. Gregg to act as secretary of the officers meetings. INVITATIONS FROM M.E.U. TO DIVISION COMMITTEE AGREED, To invite Manoug Nazirian and Chafic Srour to attend the Division committee to be held September 7, 1970, and to recommend to the committee that Jad Katrib and Maurice Katrib be invited to the meeting on September 10. COMMITTEE AGENDA ITEMS AGREED, To lis the following items for the agenda of the Afro-Mideast Division committee: TanzanialUnion Secretary-Treasurer - F. N. Pottle Call for two office secretaries Permanent Returns: H. S. Johnson, William Bradshaw Call: Thomas Davis to Puerto Rico E. J. Gregg f Permission to travel to USA H. N. Sheffield - Transfer to Nairobi LES ANDERSON - LEAVE OF ABSENCE AGREED, Not to approve the request of Les Anderson for a one-month leave of absence since it is not within the policy to extend short furlought Adjourned at 10:00 A.M. AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION OFFICER CAUCUS September 8, 1970 8:00 A.M. PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt OTHERS PRESENT: (For first item only) J. A. Aikman, R. C. Darnell, Boutros Ghazal, R. H. Henning MODERN MEDICAL COUNSELOR - REPUBLICATION AGREED, To recommend to the AMD Committee that the Middle East Press be authorized to negociate with a publishing house which has requested pertission to publish up to 1,000 copies of Modern Medical Counselor in order to meet an order made by the Iraqi government to a Beirut bookstore on the following bases: (See AMD Minutes, Sept. 10) Meeting suspended until 11:00 A.M. (No action taken) Meeting reconvened at 2:10 P.M. AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION AGENDA ITEMS AGREED, To recommend the following items to the Afro-Mideast Division committee for action: That George Yared go to Iran via Turkey in order to bring the accounting up-to-date. That a committee be named to do preparatory work on the new Afro-Mideast Policy Book. That a committee be named to care for problems dealing direct- ly with the Middle East territory, as follows: R. L. Jacobs, Chairman, R. C. Darnell, Maurice Katrib, Manoug Nazirian, Chafic Srour. That Salim Majeed receive his salary from January 1 to May 30, 1970 except for the7.1v0thtf March, in Iraqi currency, and in Lebanese currency for the month of March and from June 1, onward. GREEK PUBLISHING MEETING AGREED, To advise the Trans-Mediterranean Division that AND representatives cannot participate � the proposed date of September 28, 1970, suggesting that a later date be agreed upon. I (See next page) AND OFFICERS CAUCUS - -P2 Sept. 8. 1970 HOUSING ASSIGNMENTS AGREED, To designate housing on the Division compound, Former Occupant �New or Continued Assi1nment George Khoury � R. W. Taylor Guests � Guests Ruby Ratzlaff � Ruby Ratzlaff Esther Feltus � Nancy Johnson as follows: House Number 1. 2-A 2-B 2-C Apaktment Building 4-A � H. L. Johnson 4-B � Hugh Cowles 4-C � Manoug Nazirian F. C. Webster Salim Japes 4-F � Ray L. Jacobs R. H. Henning Hugh Cowles E. J. Gregg C. E. Schmidt M. E. Lind Ray L. Jacobs 7 R. C. Darnell R. C. Darnell 8 George Unger George Unger 6 H. N. Sheffield D. K. Bazarra 5 L. C. Miller Bekele Heye 3 R. C. Mills A. H. Brandt Meeting Adjourned About 4:00 P.M. AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION OFFICER CAUCUS September 9, 1970 3:30 A.M. PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs. C. E. Schmidt E. H. SEOUEIRA - SPONSORSHIP AGREED, To recommend to the Afro-Mideast Division com- mittee that we acquiesce to the recommendation of the East Africa Union and the General Conference to grant a one-year bursary for E. H. Sequeira, thus giving him time to secure his residence status in the United States and be able to coitinue working in the East African Union. EDUCATIONAL ALLOWANCES - CHILDREN OF E. D. FRYE AGREED, To grant to the E. D. Frye children who are studying in the Rio Lindo Academy, the allowances they would receive if they were attending Blue Mountain Academy in harmony with the policy of the Northern European Division. This applies only for the 1970-71 school year. VENICE KHOURY - AUTHORIZATION TO STUDY Di ANDREWS UNIVERSITY AGREED, To grant authorization for Mrs. George Khoury to take college work in Andrews University in harmony with the policy, it being understood that the University grants a 50% tuition discount. Adjourned at 10:40 and reconvened at 2:20 P.M. INGATHERING BROCHURE IN ARABIC AND ARMENIAN AGREED, To recommend to the Afro-Mideast Division committee the publication in Arabic and Armenian of the 4-page Ingathering brochure prepared by Manoug Nazirian. FURNITURE FOR GARY PRESK AGREED, To authorize purchase of the necessary household furniture for the Gary Fresk home in harmony with the policy for missionaries coming under Clasa B, but without the washing machine. I Adjourned at 3:00 P.M. AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION OFFICER CAUCUS September 11, 1970 � 9:15 A.M. PRESENT: M. E. Lind, Ray L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt PRAYER: M. E. Lind MIDDLE EAST UNION - ORGANIZATION M. E. Lind read a letter that he is preparing to send to Elder R. H. Pierson with copies to Elders Franz and Emerson regard- ing the organization of the new Middle East Union. It was requested that C. E. Schmidt write a letter regarding the financial involve- ments connected with this new organization, and that Ray 11;Jacobs write C. O. Franz regarding the action itself. R. H. HENNING - REQUEST FOR PAINTING LIVING ROOM R. H. Henning has requested that his. living room be re- painted since the color does not match their furniture. The present paint is in good condition. AGREED,' To authorize the painting of the living room of the R. H. Henning apartment in a pastel shade that can be considered "standard", and as other houses and apartments are painted, that this same (or similar) color be used so as to avoid the necessity of re- painting at frequent intervals. HOME STUDY INSTITUTE AGREED, To advise the Ethiopian Union to continue caring for charges from the Home Study Institute in harmony with the. nolicy they have followed in the past until a new policy is adopted. TANZANIA UNION - RADIO-TV SECRETARY The appointment of a Radio-TV Secretary for the Tanzania Union is the responsibility of the Union itself, but since the question has been raised, it was suggested that the secretary write L. C. Robinson expressing the hope that the load of the Tanzania General Field president be relieved by the appointment of another Radio-TV secretary. WAYNE OLSON - PROSPECTIVE WORKER Wayne Olson, a former successful missionary in the Middle East has expressed his willingness to return. His name had been suggested to head up a school or college since he is securing his degree in this line. AGREED, To advise the G.C. that we do not have an opening for Wayne Olson at this time. • • OFFICER CAUCUS - Page 2 September 11, 1970 ITINERARIES - ROY F. WILLIAMS AND W. A. HOWE Referred to next meeting. H. M. S. RICHARDS - TRIBUTE The tribute being sent to H. M. S. Richards on the occasion of a celebration being planned was read, and suggestions made. SUSTENTEES LIVING OUTSIDE DIVISION TERRITORY - MEDICAL EXPENSE Sustentees living in high-income countries outside the Div- ision territory are reporting heavy medical expense to be paid by the Afro-Mideast Division. Often costs of similar medical care in their homeland are minimal or entirely free. The income to the sustentation fund is not sufficient to care for these heavy expenses. AGREED, That the treasurer seek counsel from the General Conference Treasury, suggesting that we do not pay medical expense incurred by sustentees outside their homeland. CARMELITA COLOMA -:EMPLOYMENT AGREED, To list on the agenda for he next AND committee, the question of the employment of Carmelite Coloma as secretary, recommending that she be called to work in the departmental offices. Meeting adjourned at 10:15 A.M. AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION OFFICER CAUCUS September 15, 1970 8:00 A.M. PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt PRAYER: C. E. Schmidt W. A. HOWE - ITINERARY OBSERVED, That the itinerary should begin in Tanzania and end in the Middle East since schools in the southern part of the Division are closed for summer vacation in December. NATIL',N RATIP COLPORTEUR WORK IN SUDAN AGREED, That unless funds can be brought out of Sudan with which to pay the Press for books, the plan for Nathan Ratib to go to Sudan be canceled. MIDDLE EAST PRESS - REQUEST FOR REHABILITATION FUND The former Middle East Division requested assistance from the General Conference Rehabilitation Fund for the purchase of off-set equipment and a stitcher amounting to LL 45,620 and it was expected that the Division would match that granted by the G. C. in making up this amount. With the orgaviation of the new Division and the scarcity of funds, C. E. Schmidt was requested to study the reserve funds to ascertain if the AMD is able to supply its portion, and report to a future officers' meeting. AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION COMMITTEE VOTED, To call a meeting of the Afro-Mideast Division commit- tee for Tuesday, September 22, at 11:00 A.M. TANZANIA - PRESIDENT TGF; TREASURER TU We will continue to await word from L. C. Robinson before further action. GEORGE UNGER - AIR CONDITIONER ON 220 v. LINE We will wait for yearend meeting, thus giving time for study of advisability of installing meterst and supplying 220 v. current to other homes. Officers' Caucus - September 15 --2 BEKELE HEYE - CAR DEPRECIATION ADVANCE VOTED, To grant to Bekele Heye a car loan equal to the cost of the car he purchases, up to a total amount equal to two years' depreciation, in harmony with the former MED policy. BEKELE HEYE - MOVING EXPENSE AGREED, That since Bekele Heye has moved to Beirut under the Class B plan, his weight allowance be one-hald of the amount granted under the former MED policy. C. E. SCHMIDT - CAR DEPRECIATION "..,TED, To grant to C. E. Schmidt a car loan equal to two years' depreciation in harmony with the MED policy. SALARIES - BEKELE HEYE AND D. K. BAZARRA AVOTED, To grand a 2% bonus to Bekele Heye and D. K. Bazarra, based in principle on the SalaryaBonus policy of the former MED (MED 108). MERLIN GUSTAV ANDERSON - LEAVE FOR STUDY The final Noticc Flank !.ndicates that Dr. Anderson is planning to study on his clan. Suggested that Ray L. Jacobs write foul further information. MEU REPRESENTATIVES ON SEPTEMBER 22 DIVISION COMMITTEE AGREED, To invite Rafic Issa and J. A. Aikman to attend the AMD committee called for September 22, 1970. MICHAEL HABIB - EXPENSE FOR TRAVEL TO JORDAN AGREED, To reimburse Michael Habib for the LL 70, which represents one-half of his expense on a trip to Jordan to bring books for the student colporteurs. The other half was paid by the Lebanon Section. MANOUG NAZIRIAN - EQUIPMENT ALLOWANCE AGREED, To grant an equipment assistance of LL 100 to Manoug Nazirian for a projector he purchased based on the MED policy. Officers, Caucus - September 15 --2 MEC PASTOR AND PRACTICAL THEOLOGY TEACHER AGREED, To recommend to the next AND committee that the call for a Pastor and Practical Theology teacher be canceled, since there is no budgetary provision for this worker, and to request C. E. Schmidt and P. .L. Jacobs to write to K. H. Emmerson and Roy Williams respectively giving advance notice on this plan. MESS - SPECIAL DONATION VOTED, To authorize the administration of the MESS to spend up to LL 4,000 which represents the amount received as a special donation and which was placed by the G. C. auditor in the building account, for tiling the second floor. Meeting continued at 2:30 P.M. FIXED RATES OF EXCHANGE AGREED, To recommend to the General Conference that the fixed rates of exchange remain the same as in 1970 for all the countries of the AND with the exception of Turkey which should be 15:1. SAM SROUR - BURSARY AGREED, To recommend to the AMID committee that the agreement made by the MED granting a bursary of $2,200 per year (MED 67/182; 68/186) to Sami Srour, medical student in Loma Linda University. It is understood that this is the final year for which a loan is to be granted, and that the total amount of $8,300 is covered by contract signed by Saud and is to be amortized over a five-year period of service. OFFICER CAUCUS HELD SEPTEMBER 16, 1970 at 8:15 A.M. PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt PRAYER: R. L. Jacobs OVERSEAS SCHOOL BOARDS AGREED, To recommend the following school boards for the 1970-71 school year: Beirut Overseas School: R. C. Darnell, Chairman, George Unger, Secretary, Mrs. J. A. Aikman, D. K. Bazarra, J. H. Seger. Cyprus Overseas School: D. O. McDaniel, Chairman, John T. And':rson, Secretary, Moses Elmadjian. �RLJ JACK BOHANNON - HOUSING AGREED, To permit the Jack Bohannon family to occupy House No. 1, until the arrival of the R. W. Taylor family, and that the treasurer arrange for the storage of the personal effects belonging to George Khoury. CES MESS - TEMPORARY BOARD VOTED, To name the following board for the Middle East Sec- ondary School to serve, effective immediately, on a temporary basis until the time of the yearend committee meetings when the status of the school will be considered and a new board appointed: Ray L. Jacobs, Chairman, Jad Katrib, Secretary, R. C. Darnell, Chafic Srour, Ignatius Yacoub. RLJ HOUSING - AND COMPOUND AGREED, That Hugh Cowles be requested to move off the Division compound in order to make it possible to care for the housing needs of the new Division staff. CES HABIB BANNA - FUTURE AGREED, To list for the next AMD committee the question of the future employment of Habib Bann.a who is not able to return to Syria. MEL OFFICER CAUCUS RELD SEPTEMBER 16, 1970 at 8:15 A.M. SERPOUHIE MAKSOUDIAN - FINAL SETTLEMENT AGREED.* To authorize the treasurer to make final settle- ment with Serpouhie MAksoudian in harmony with the MED policy. CRS // • • OFFICER CAUCUS HELD SEPTEMBER 25, 1970 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, D. K. Bazarra PRAYER: FL E. Lind WATER HEATERS AGREED, To authorize the purchase of two gas water heaters. D. K. BAZARRA - OFFICE • AGREED, That on a temporary basis D. K. Bazarra occupy the office formerly used by H. N. Sheffield. MRS. JACK BOHANNON - TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT AGREED, To employ Mrs. Jack Bohannon on a temporary hourly basis as secretary. Salary 75% of maximum hourly rate. � FJ 70_7 MRS. C. E. SCHMIDT - EMPLOYMENT AGREED, To employ Mrs. C. E. Schmidt on an hourly basis, as accountant. Salary 100% of maximum hourly rate. MRS. J. A. AIKMAN AGREED, To employ Mrs. J. A. Aikman on a temporary hourly basis • as secretary. Salary 1007. of maximum hourly rate. 12. • Page 13 OFFICERS' CAUCUS, SEPTEMBER 21, 1970 8:00 A.M. PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, D. K. Bazarra. SYRIA SECTION - MEMBERS CASH ASSISTANCE AGREED, To authorize the treasurer to provide up to LL 500.00 assistance to families in need due to their husbands being imprisoned. OVERSEAS SCHOOL - TEACHING PERSONNEL AGREED, To request the principal of Beirut Overseas School to prepare a schedule of teacher class loads indicating the number of students for each teacher, and an indication of the system of alternat- ing classes to be used. TANZANIA GENERAL FIELD - PRESIDENT AGREED, To pass on to the General Conference the insistence of the Tanzania Union that Elder Brian Ellingworth be called to fill the post of Tanzania General Field president in view of the fact that he already is acquainted with the field and knows the language. PRESIDENT - WEST ETHIOPIA FIELD AGREED, To send a cable to the Ethiopia Union indicating that the officers do not recommend Elder Darbe for the post of president of the West Ethiopia Field, but recommend Jon Green if the Ethiopian Union is able to rearrange their budget for an overseas worker. R. D. SPEAR - VACATION AGREED, In principle that R. D. Spear be permitted to take his vacation for 1970 and 1971 in order to travel to the United States at his own expense due to special circumstances having to do with his son, subject to the recommendation of the Tanzania Union. M. E. LIND AND R. L. JACOBS - TRAVEL TO EGYPT AGREED, To authorize M. E. Lind and R. L. Jacobs to travel to Egypt as may be arranged. MIDDLE EAST COLLEGE - RENEWED CALL FOR PAUL HORTON AGREED, To renew the call for Paul E. Horton to come to M.E.C. as teacher of Applied Theology and to serve as pastor of the College Church. C.4 Page 14 ODFICERS'S MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 23, 1970 8:30 A.M. SALIM MAJEED - REQUEST TO TRAVEL TO IRAQ AGREED, That if Salim Majeed desires to return to Iraq, the Division will pay bus fare and the cost of the exit visa. � RLJ HAROLD GRAY - RENT CEILING AGREED, To authorize the payment of the rent on the house occupied by Harold Gray until such time as the matter of rent ceilings can be restudied. � CES • J. BJORNAR STORFJELL - DEPRECIATION ADVANCE AGREED, To authorize an advance to J. Bjornar Storfjell amounting to up to two years' depreciation allowance on a semi-authorized car. � V CES CYPRUS - REQUEST TO PURCHASE AIRCONDITIONERS AGREED, To advise the Cyprus Section that at the present time the Afro-Mideast East Division is not in a position to authorize the purchase of the airconditioners requested, nor the expense of any major improvement. � CES LIEF HANSEN - REQUEST FOR ALLOWANCE FOR VISIT TO SWEDEN AGREED, To advise the Ethiopia Union that, in harmony with the action of the Northern European Division, freight and travel allowances for Lief Hansen will only be granted when and if he and his family re- turn to their homeland within the stipulated two years' time. � CES EQUIPMENT FOR DIVISION HOUSING VOTED, To authorize the following purchases: 1 semi-automatic European-made washing machine 2 water heaters � CES D. H. SEQUIERA - BURSARY AGREED, To advise the General Conference that the East African Union policy for bursary students (Same as TAD) be the basis of allow- ances granted D. H. Sequiera in connection with his study program. CES • Page 15 OFFICERS' MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 23, 1970 8:30 A.M. RECEPTION FOR RELIGIOUS LEADERS AGREED, To the plan presented by the PR Department to invite religious leaders to meet the Afro-Mideast Division president. PAUL E. HORTON - MOVING ALLOWANCES AGREED, To authorize the expense of moving 7,000 pounds of personal effects for Paul E. Horton in connection with his transfer from Cyprus to Middle East College. � CES Adjourned. • Page 16 OFFICERS' MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 23, 1970 5:00 P.M. M. E. LIND - TRAVEL TO IRAN AGREED, That M. E. Lind be authorized to travel to Iran as may be arranged in order to care for some urgent problems. R. R. HENNING - TANZANIA UNION REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL TIME AGREED, To authorize R. H. Henning to remain in the Tanzania General Field for an additional two weeks to care for urgent work and in harmony with the request of the Tanzania Union. JON GREEN � CALL TO WEST ETHIOPIA AGREED, To pass on to Jon Green the call of the Ethiopian Union for him to serve as president of the West Ethiopia Field, in harmony with a telephone conversation with R. C. Mills (23 Sept. 70) it being understood that formal action will be taken at the next Afro-Mideast Division committee. Adjourned. • 70- 17 AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION OFFICERS' MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 28, 1970 8:30 A.M. PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, D. K. Bazarra MRS. JACK BOHANNON - SALARY RATE AGREED, To amend our action (14 70-12 and set the salary for 410 � Mrs. Jack Bohannon at 100% of the maximum hourly rate. ISLAMIC RESEARCH PROJECT CONSIDERATION was given to the advisability of setting up an Islamic Research Project to prepare materials and formulate methods for work for Moslems. AGREED, To continue with the program originally planned for Kenneth Oster to go to Iran for active evangelistic work. Adjourned -- 10:00 A.M. • 70-1f AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION OFFICERS' MEETING HELD OCTOBER 1, 1970 9:15 A.M. PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, D. K. Bazarra DR. ASHTON - CALL TO ETHIOPIA AGREED, To request the Tanzania Union to release Dr. N. S. Ashton and make him available to the East African Union for service in 'shake, subject to approval by the Tanzania Union and the East African Union. LETTER HEADS AGREED, To authorize the printing of two reams bond and 5 reams onion skin letter head paper in harmony with the design presented by Manoug Nazirian. GARY FRESK - RENT CEILING AGREED, To approve the rental of the apartment reserved for Gary Fresk, with the understanding that the Division will pay the entire subsidy above the regular 10% until December 31, 1970. The question of the rent ceilings for the Beirut area will be studied at the yearend meetings and payment for the ensuing year will be in harmony with the policy adopted. HARATUNE NAZIRIAN - REQUEST FOR LOAN AGREED, To advise Haratune Nazirian that the policy does not permit the Division to grant him the loan he has requested. GWENYTH L. DAVIS - CALL AGREED, To advise the Trans-Africa Division that it is the plan to use Miss Gwenyth L. Davis within the Afro-Mideast Division ter- ritory, and therefore a call for her would not be welcomed. ITINERARIES - M. E. LIND, D. K. BAZARRA AGREED, To authorize M. E. Lind and D. K. Bazarra to visit Cyprus before the yearend meetings. • 70- 19 OFFICERS' MEETING, October 1, 1970 (Continued) GARBIS BEDELIAN - ASSISTANCE ON LOSS AGREED, To make up the loss of LL 175.00 of Division funds suffered by Garbis Bedelian while on Division business, and apply for reimbursement from the insurance company. AIRO - MIDEAST DIVISION OFFICERS' MEETING HELD OCTOBER 2, 1970 7:40 A.M. PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs. C. E. Schmidt, D. K. Bazarra ABDULLA MELKI - MEDICAL EXPENSE AGREED, To loan LL 1500.00 to Abdulla Melki, employee of the Middle East Press, required for his trip to Russia for a cornea transplant. The plane fare will be considered reportable as medical expenses and the remainder will be returned in monthly payments ,or immediately if he is able to sell property he owns. GARDEN PLOTS AGREED, To assign to each family requesting it, a small garden plot. Adjourned. 70-20 AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION OFFICERS' MEETING HELD OCTOBER 7, 1970 2:00 P.M. PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, D. K. Bazarra RELIEF FOR JORDAN VOTED, To authorize A. H. Brandt to travel to Jordan to appraise the needs for relief supplies and further to investigate the possi- bility of securing such items as may be required from Denmark. SUB-COMMITTEES - YEAREND MEETINGS AGREED, To approve the schedule for subcommittee meetings to be held in connection with the yearend committee meeting, as presented by D. K. Bazarra. AFRO-MIDEAST COMMITTEE - DATE AGREED, To call a meeting of the Afro-Mideast, Division committee for Tuesday, October 13. DISTRIBUTION OF LABOR COMMITTEE AGREED, To recommend to the Afro-Mideast Division committee that the following subcommittee on distribution of labor be named to serve in connection with the year-end meetings: M. E. Lind, D. K. Bazarra, C. D. Henri, R.L. Jacobs, Middle East Union President, Hugo Palm, L. C. Robinson, C. E. Schmidt. R. F. WADDELL - INVITATION TO EMPRESS ZAUDITU MEMORIAL HOSPITAL INAUGURATION AGREED, To pass on to the General Conference the request of the Ethiopian Union for R. F. Waddell, M.D. to attend the opening of the new Empress Zauditu Memorial Hospital. WORKERS IN SYRIA Careful study was given to the situation of our ministers in Syria, and it was AGREED, That Gabriel Katrib be advised to remain in his own country where he can be supported in harmony with a verbal agreement of the Afro- Mideast Division officers to be communicated personally to the members concerned, and further • 70 - 21' OFFICERS' MEETING OCTOBER 7, 1970 (Continued) That the treasurer be authorized to advance two months salary to each of the ministers pending the implementation of the above plan. WATER HEATERS VOTED, To approve the purchase of three additional water heaters. W. A. HOWE - VISIT POSTPONEMENT V1TED, To advise ..he General Conference that it would be pre- ferable to postpone the visit of W. A. rowe to the Afro-Mideast Division until such time as the Educational Secretary can be established in his work and have acquaintance with the field. E. J. GREGG - AUTHORIZE TRAVEL TO SALISBURY AGREED, To authorize E. J. Gregg to travel to Salisbury to pick up records pertaining to the Afro-Mideast Division. AHMAD FARNOODY - SETTLEMENT AGREED, To approve the recommendation of the Iran Section to make final settlement with Ahmed Farnoody, in harmony with the provisions of the former Middle East Division policy. COMMITTEE ON POLICY AND CONSITITUTION AND BY-LAWS AGREED, To expand the name of the Committee on Policy to the Committee on Policy and Constitution and By-laws, since this committee will be expected to deal not only with working policy but with the con- stitution and by-laws at the time of the year-end meetings. OFFICE ASSIGNMENTS AGREED, To provide office space for new workers as follows: 1. Construct a division approximately one meter behind the cashier's window, thus providing a place for the receptionist who will care for the telephone switchboard, the mail, and make petty cash disbursements, etc. 2. Close the receptionist's window, and assign this office to George Nehme. 3. Assign the office occupied by George Nehme to E. J. Gregg. 4. Move the library into the end of the committee room and assign this room to R. W. Taylor. Adjourned • 70-22 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION October 13, 1970 9:10 A.M. PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, D. K. Bazarra AL N. SHEFFIELD —VISIT ETHIOPIA AGREED, To request R. N. Sheffield to spend approximately three weeks in Ethiopia in connection with his return to Nairobi following the Division committee meetings. COON FAMILY TRANSPORTATION AGREED, To grant to the,Coon family, leaving Wollega, Ethiopia on April 20, 1971 on permanent return, a flat travel allowance equi- valent to the cost of direct air tickets purchased through our Beirut agent. TURKEY SECTION - OHANNES DELICE AGREED, To approve the recommendation of the Turkey Section that the salary of Ohannes Delice be set at 60%, but to inform the Section that the question of an increase in base will be referred to the year-end committee. E J GREGG - REQUEST TRAVEL BEIRUT FOR TREASURY WORK AGREED, To request E. J. Gregg to come immediately to Beirut to assist the treasurer in the preparation of materials required for the year-end meetings. OCTOBER 14, 1970 9:00 A.M. PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, D. K. Bazarra SCHOLARSHIP FUND FOR EGYPTIAN STUDENTS AGREED, That a scholarship fund be set up in the Afro- Mideast Division for the benefit of Egyptian students attending Middle East Secondary School and Middle East College. Disburse- ments from this fund shall be only for school expenses including tuition, books, board, room and laundry and for transportation when required for school attendance, and shall be disbursed only by order of the administration of the Egypt Section. Adjourned. 70 - 23 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION October 15, 1970 � 8:00 A.M. PER DIEM ALLOWANCE AGREED, To recommend to the Afro-Mideast Division committee that the per diem allowance for Division officers and departmental secretaries be set at LL. 16.00, with the understanding that this rate be reported until official Division action is taken. STEWARIISHIP AND CHURCH DEVELOPMENT SECRETARY AGREED, To recommend to the Afro-Mideast Division that D.K. Bazarra be named as Stewardship Secretary and that Bekele Heye be named Church Development Secretary. LEBANON SECTION - REASSIGNMENT OF RESERVE FOR BOURJ-HAMMOUD AGREED, To recommend to the Afro-Mideast Division that the request of the Lebanon Section to have the balance of the Boucherieh Church construction fund reassigned to be used for the repair of the roof of the Bourj-Hammoud Church, it being understood that repairs may be made immediately. DISPLACED WORKERS - SALARY BASE AGREED, That Saad Khilla and Habib Banna, who were called from Egypt to Syria but remained but a short time before being dis- placed to Lebanon, be paid for two months at the Syrian rate and the remaining time while living in Lebanon at the Lebanese rate. .f. KENNETH OSTER - TRANSPORTATION AGREED, That Kenneth Oster come to zhe Middle East under the provisions of Class A, since it is not desired to install denominational furniture in rented quarters, and further That Brother Oster be requested to proceed to the field by air since it is urgent that Mrs. Oster arrive to teach the Bohannon children beginning in January. Adjourned. 70-24 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION October 20, 1970 � 3:45 P.M. PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, D. K. Bazarra R. W. TAYLOR - DEPRECIATION ADVANCE VOTED, To grant R. W. Taylor an advance equal to two years car depreciation for the purchase of an automobile. • Adjourned. • AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Officers' Meeting held 08:45, 26-10-70 Present: M. L. Lind, C. L. Schmidt, D. K. Bazarra, Ray L. Jacobs, E. J. Gregg Prayer: D. K. Bazarra S. p, OTIENO INVITLD TO YLAR-END MEETING Voted to invite S. D. Otieno, Administrative Secretary of the Tanzania Union to attend the 1970 year-end meetings. � (RLJ) • • 7,0 --Z4 AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Officers' Meeting Held 08:00, 23-10-70 Present: M. E. Lind, D. K. Bazarra, Ray L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg MID-YEAR MEETING CIF THE DIVISION MEETING. It was recommended that a mid-year meeting of the Division Committee be held. Suggested dates May 3-6, 1971* TRANSPORTATION WORKERS' CHILDREN TO SCHOOLS. It was recommended that the sub-committee on policy be asked to prepare a policy which would govern the granting of assistance to workers whose children must travel to Middle East College and the Beirut Overseas School, FILM. "TEACH US TO LIVE" Recommended that the film, "Teach us to Live" be 411 � purchased from the Evangelistic fund. LEAVE OF ABSENCE--LESLIE ANDERSON. Recommended that, inasmuch as the Ethiopian Union and the Northern European Division had already granted a one month leave of absence to Leslie Anderson, we concur in this action. L. C. MILLER FURNITURE. SALE OF. Voted to authorize the sale of the furniture purchased from L. C. Miller provided the officers of the Turkey Section agree. RECORDING SECRETARY-YEAR END MEETING. Recommended that Mrs. Donna Bohannon be asked to serve as the recording secretary for the 1970 year-end meeting, • TRAVEL ACCIDENT INSURANCE. Recommended a policy be formulated which will provide Travel Accident Insurance cover for those workers required to travel extensively. The cover to be arranged through the General Conference Insurance Service with the employing organization bearing the cost of $10,000.00 cover. Any additional coverage above this amount to be the expense of the individual worker. PERSONAL EFFECTS FLOATER INSURANCE. Recommended that a policy be formulated which would provide for personal effects insurance for workers who travel. This coverage to be arranged through the General Conference Insurance service with the cost being shared equally by the worker and his employing organization. $1,000.00 limit. PERSONAL PROPERTY INSURANCE. Recommended that a policy be formulated which will grant assistance to workers in the insurance of their household effects against loss by fire, theft, and other hazards. The assistance not to exceed 50% of the premium cost on values up to the following limits: $3,000.00 for families in furnished homes 5,000.00 for families in unfurnished homes 1,000.00 for singles workers in furnished homes 3,000.00 for single workers in unfurnished homes. Offic-prel MPPtino. 22 Ot.tmhor 1Q7A 7 0 - 2 7 r AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Of icers' Meeting held 08:00, 23-10-70, page 2 CALL FOR DIVISION OFFICE ACCOUNTANT Recommended that a call be placed with the General Conference for a single lady to serve as an accountant in the Afro-Mideast Division office. • • Officers' Meeting, 23-10-70 AFRO-MIDEAST OFFICERS AND UNION PRESIDENTS CAUCUS October 27, 1970 � 8:30 A.M. LANGUAGE STUDY VOTED, To recommend to the A.M.D. committee that careful study be given to the implementation of policies on language study. UNION COMMITTEE MINUTES AGREED, To request the unions to send copies of Union Minutes to the Division officers and departmental secretaries. Four copies should be sent airmail and seven copies by surface mail. A.M.D. PERSONNEL TRAVELING WITH UNION AND LOCAL WORKERS AGREED, That when Division personnel travel with union and local workers, they be expected to pay the following: 1. Hotels and other expenses where payment must be made. 2. Share expense of travel in car and mission plane, excepting when the trip is made solely for the Division worker, when he will pay the entire cost. He will make no payment for lodging and entertainment in Mission Stations or in workers' homes which are reported to their employing organizations. LOCAL FIELDS - TERMINOLOGY AGREED, To recommend to the A.M.D. committee that the terms "local fields" and "conferences" be employed when referring to the segments which compose a union. ELECTIVE MEMBERS TO A.M.D. COMMITTEE AGREED, To recommend to the A.M.D. committee that one elective national member from each union be named to the A.M.D. committee to serve on a rotating basis for a period of two years in harmony with the policy of the General Conference. UNENTERED TERRITORIES AGREED, To recommend to each union that definite plans be formulated in view of entering all unentered territories during the ensuing quennium. OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION November 3, 1970 � 7:30 A.M. PRESENT: M. E. Lind, D. K. Bazarra, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg NOTED: That policies of those other Divisions, portions of whose territories have been added to the Afro-Mideast Division, be con- sidered to be in effect in those areas until January 1, 1971. 7 • • 10- 0 AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Officers" and Departmental Secretaries' Meeting Held 09:00, 26-10-70 Present: M. E. Lind, D, I. Basarra, A. H. Brandt, R. C. Darnell, R. R. Henning, Bekele Hoye, R. L. Jacobs, C, E. Scheidt, R. W. Taylor, E. J. Gregg. P rayers E. J, Gregg. SHARING TRAVEL IN UNIONS. Recommended that where Division personnel travel in the unions in cowpany with union personnel, the expenses be shared with the local personnel. It should be arranged as far as possible that the local union man be not left to complete a long portion of the journey at his own budget's expense. TRAVEL EXPENSE EXPORTS. Agreed that for the time being, all travel expense 411 � reports be submitted regularly to the Treasurer. It is requested that only travel expenses be listed on the reports and that they be listed in the currency with which they were paid, and also that the rate at which dollars are exchanged be noted. AVOIDING COMMITMENTS. Departmental personnel itinerating in the field are urged to avoid involving the Division in any commitments. REPORTS AFTER ITINERATING. Division personnel.are urged to submit oral or written reports to the President upon return from trips in the field. INSURANCE. Division personnel will be automatically covered with Travel Accident Insurance to the extent of $10,000. Any coverage in excess of this amount would be at the Worker's own expense. Personal effects insurance is available. The employing organisation will bear 302 of the premium up to $1,000.00. DEPARTMENTAL GOALS. Voted to recommend to the Division Committee that goals be set initially for one year only and that a longer range plan for goals be adopted at the Division Council in one year's time. MEMBERSHIP was. Voted to recommend to the Committee that a goal of doubling the membership in the next five-year period be accepted. This represents an annual increase of 15%. FORWARD THRUST. Voted to present the program for the Forward Thrust to the tear-erWiAseting. LITERATURE EVANGELISTS - COOPEEATTEG WITH MINISTERS. Voted to recommend to the Division Committee a program of cooperation 'between ministers and literature evangelists, Suggesting: 1. Weekly meetings on a district level with an exchange of experiences and prayer. 2. Joint efforts from house to house. Minister and colporteur spend- ing at least one day per month in this joint visitation program. / OFFICERS' AND DEPARTMENTAL SECRETARIES' MEETING OF THE AFRO-M1DEAST DIVISION October 26, 1970 � 9:00 A.M. 3. Proper handing over of interests to the minister. 4. Cooperation in evangelistic meetings. 5. Cooperation between ministers and publishing department secretaries in recruitment of new literature evangelists. VOP FOLLOW UP. Voted to recommend the program of VOP fellow-up, using the Gift Bible Plan. EVANGELISTIC THRUST. To recommend to the Division Committee a program of coordinated departmental promotion in which all departments cooperate in the over-all evangelistic thrust aiming at two major baptismal services each year. WELFARE DEPOT. Recommended to the Division Committee that a welfare depot 411 1e established in the area of the Middle:East to provide for ready distri- bution in case of emergencies. PUBLIC RELATIONS MATERIAL FOR DENOMINATIONAL JOURNALS. Recommended that the Public Relations Department present to the Division Committee a schedule of promotional material to be presented in various denominational journals promoting the Second Quarter 1971 Thirteenth Sabbath Offering. MONTHLY JOURNAL. Recommended to the Division Committee that a monthly journal be published. Adjourned. H. Z. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary • 70-33 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION November 10, 1970 TYPEWRITERS AGREED, That until the yearend financial statements are pre- pared, no more typewriters be purchased, but that the available typewriters be used by secretaries as required, it being understood that only professional typists use the electric machines. GREGG DOYLE - EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE AGREED, To grant to Gregg Doyle financial assistance for his studies in Kettering up to $300.00 per semester. RENT CEILING AGREED, That the former MED policy limiting rent to LL 3000 per year be continued on a temporary basis. When it is necessary to pay more than LL 3000 for suitable housing, approval of the next higher organization shall be secured and the employing organization shall pay the difference in excess of the rent ceiling. RUBY WILLIAMS - AUTO DEPRECIATION The automobile belonging to Ruby Williams was used during her furlough by Dr. Sheffield and Harold Johnson. Due to these circum- stances, it was AGREED, That one-half of the auto depreciation for Ruby Williams be paid for the time she was on furlough. GEORGE YARED - SALARY ARRANGEMENTS AGREED, That George Yared continue to receive the same Lebanese currency amount of salary which he has been receiving previous to the organization of the new Division, until such a time as the percentage rate according to the policy reaches this amount, and further That his car authorization be continued to the end of the year 1970. JACK BOHANNON - SALARY IN LEBANON AGREED, That Jack Bohannon receive salary and car allowance at the Lebanese rate beginning with November, 1970 until the time he returns to Iran. BEIRUT INTER-DIVISION SCHOOL - FINANCIAL OPERATION AGREED, (1) That the following committee be appointed to study the accounting and financial operation of the Beirut Inter- Division School and report to the A}) committee: C. E. Schmidt, Chairman, R. C. Darnell, George Unger. (2) To express displeasure for the purchase of equip- ment for the school without approval of the responsible committees. (3) That in the future no equipment be purchased without board and Division committee approval. 70-34 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION November 11, 1970 � Held at 11:30 A.M. AARON DENNIS - ASSISTANCE FOR LOCKSMITH COURSE AGREED, To reimburse Aaron Dennis for 75% of the cost of a course in Locksmithing, costing $200, which he took while on furlough. GREEK LITERATURE COMMITTEE AGREED, In principle to participation in the Greek Literature Committee, but that the meeting be held only after consultation with the administration of the Middle East Union and with the concurrence of the Division organizations concerned. D. K. BAZARRA - CAR DEPRECIATION AGREED, To grant D. K. Bazarra an advance equivalent to two • years of depreciation for the purchase of a car. DIVISION HOUSING AGREED, To make housing assignments as follows: House Number 4 - B Former Occupant � New Assignment H. Cowles � *** • 4 - C � M. Nazirian � D. J. Gregg 7 � R. C. Darnell *** It is understood that the family Harcombe or Ghertsen having the smaller children will occupy the house now occupied by Darnell, and FURTHER, To approve making necessary arrangements regarding the rent ceiling in order that the families moving out of the compound may secure adequate housing. 70-34 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION, Nairobi, Kenya � November 27, 1970 � 10:00 A.M. PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt NATIONAL PHYSICIANS - SALARY RATE AGREED, To set the base salary for national doctors in East Africa and Tanzania Unions at Shs. 1-700700. SALARY RATE - AMD WORKERS OUTSIDE HOME UNION AGREED, That when AND workers are called to labor in fields where the base salary rate is less than in their homeland, the follow- ing plan be followed: a. The salary paid by the employing organization in the field shall be on the national scale. b. The employing organization shall grant to the worker a subsidy equal to 67 of his salary. c. The AMD shall deposit to the worker's account in his homeland an amount equal to the difference between the base salary he receives and that which he would receive for the same work in his homeland. OVERSEAS HOUSING - TRUST FUND IN UNIONS AGREED, That the unions of the AMD be authorized to charge the Division the equivalent of LL 100.00 per month for each inter-division worker occupying a denominationally owned unfurnished house (LL 150.00 per month for furnished housing), the same to be credited to a Housing Trust Fund. Unions are authorized to withdraw from the Housing Trust Fund for the maintenance, repair, insurance, taxes, and similar expenses re- quired for the upkeep of such housing and furnishings, which shall be understood to be the responsibility of the unions. In the event that the Housing Trust Fund builds up sufficiently, the union may request the Division for authorization to use monies from this Trust Fund for the erection of additional housing. The Division will charge inter-division workers directly for rent in harmony with the policy. Adjourned at 10:30 A.M. 70-34a • • OFFICERS'S MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Busegwe, Tanzania � November 19, 1971 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, E. J. Gregg, C. E. Schmidt, R. L. Jacobs OPERATION OF AIRPLANES AGREED, That in the operation of airplanes, it be understood: 1. That the pilot be responsible for a. Maintenance b. Operation of the plane c. Final decision regarding safety of the plane and passengers indicated by weight, weather, runways, etc. 2. Qualified pilots approved by the Union committee and insurance agencies may be authorized in consultation with the pilot to operate the plane. 3. The general operation of the plane is under the direction of the controlling committee through its president. Adjourned. M. E. Lind, Chairman R. L. Jacobs, Secretary 70-35 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Nairobi, Kenya � November 29, 1970 7:20 A.M. PRESENT:. M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt WORXERS. tAilLbREN - CHRISTMAS VACATION 1970 AGREED, That workers' children authorized to attend school away from home be permitted to visit their homes in connection with the 1970 Christmas vacation, it being understood that the maximum expense re- portable be "student fare" from the school to the home and return and that this authorization is granted only for 1970. Adjourned. OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Nairobi, Kenya November 30, 1970 � 6:15 P.M. PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt Invited to be present: C. D. Henri, W. M. Webster, Roy F. Williams H. N. SHEFFIELD - AVAILABLE TO HOSPITALS AGREED, That � Sheffield be made available to the East African Union for service in Kendu Hospital during February and March, 1971, and to the Ethiopian Union during the month of January, 1971. Adjourned. 70-36 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION November 14, 1970 � 8:36 A.M. PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, O.K. Bazarra, C. E. Schmidt WEBBER JOHNSON - ASSISTANCE IN AMD TREASURY AGREED, To accept the recommendation of the General Confer- ence and request Webber Johnson to come to Beirut to assist in the Treasury work of the Division office for at least six months in order to give time to secure the services of an accountant. CHRISTMAS SOCIAL AGREED, To approve the plan to hold a Christmas social on Sunday night, December 27, and to name the following a committee to plan this activity: Mrs. George Unger, Chairlady, Mrs. R. W. Taylor, Mrs. Bekele Heye. JUSTIN C. HAMER - TRAVEL ASSISTANCE FOR JIMMY J. C. Hamer sent his son Jimmy to Singapore Academy in spite of definite counsel to the contrary, and never made a formal request to the committee for such authorization. Now he requests that his son be brought home for the Christmas vacation in harmony with the plan for other children of Afro-Mideast Division workers. It was VOTED, To grant to Jimmy Hamer one roun&trip student fare to Singapre for the 1970-71 school year. FAR EASTERN DIVISION REQUEST FOR FLAGS, RODACHROMES, AND FILM VOTED, To lend the former Middle East Division general Conference film and Kodachrome pictures from the AND to the Far Eastern Division for &program they are preparing featuring the AMD, but to inform the FED that the flags are not available. REVIEW AND HERALD - CORRESPONDING EDITOR VOTED, To name R. W. Taylor corresponding editor of the "Review and Herald" until the arrival of the PR Secretary. Adjourned. • 70-37 OFFICERS* MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION December 21, 1970 � 9:00 A.M. PRESENT: M. E. Lind, D. K. Bazarra, E. J. Gregg, C. E. Schmidt, R. L. Jacobs VIGAIN MARCARIAN - STUDY LEAVE EXTENSION Vigain Marcarian has requested an extension of his study leave in the USA in order to care for rehabilitation for his retarded son, Vagrik. WHEREAS, there is no assurance that only one operation will be required, and WHEREAS, it is urgent that someone care for the treasury work in Iran immediately, it was AGREED, That a meeting be set up with the AMD and the MEU officers and H. L. Gray, to give study to this request. Adjourned. OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION December 21, 1970 � 4:45 P.M. PRESENT: M.E. Lind, D. K. Bazarra, E. J. Gregg, C. E. Schmidt, R. L. Jacobs BY INVITATION: R. C. Darnell, H. L. Gray, Rafic Issa, Manoug Nazirian VIGAIN MARCARIAN - EXTENSION OF LEAVE AGREED, To authorize the sending of the following Telex message to the General Conference: AUTHORIZE VIGAIN MARCARIAN IN ANDREWS UNIVERSITY YET FURTHER EXTENSION LEAVE IN AMERICA UNTIL FEBRUARY 28, 1971 FOR OPERATION AND TREATMENT OF SON THIS TIME TO INCLUDE ALL HIS VACATION DUE THROUGH 1971 STOP ANY ADDITIONAL EXTENSION WITHOUT SALARY C. E. SCHMIDT - AUTHORIZE TRAVEL TO IRAN In view of the urgent need of bringing the accounting in the Iran Field up to date, it was AGREED, That C. E. Schmidt be authorized to go to Iran to help orient an accountant chosen by the Middle East Union in his work with the Iran books, it being understood that the accountant will remain until the books are brought up to date. Adjourned. 70-38 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION December 22, 1970 � 4:30 P.M. PRESENT: M. E. Lind, D. K. Bazarra, E. J. Gregg, C. E. Schmidt, R. L. Jacobs BY INVITATION for Publishing Items: R. H. Henning E. G. WHITE PUBLICATIONS AGREED, That R. H. Henning request the Union Publishing Secretaries to make a survey of the E. G. White books in the homes of the members throughout the Division in order to ascertain the needs of the field, and to inform us as to the number of books they will be needing in view of the special rates offered by the E. G. White Publications, and further That he investigate the possibility of using such books as "The Conflict of the Ages" series as missionary books, taking advantage of the reduced prices. "IMPACT" - NUMBER TO BE PUBLISHED AGREED, To print an edition of 1,500 copies of Impact. PUBLISHING COUNCIL DATES - MODIFICATION AGREED, That the date for the Publishing Council be changed to February 19 - 24, 1971. STUDENT MISSIONARIES AGREED, To recommend to the AMD committee that a student missionary be requested to serve as teacher in the Beirut Inter-Division School during the 1971-72 school year. AMD ACCOUNTANT AGREED, To pass on to the MEU a call for Leon Thomassian to serve as Division accountant. R. G. LORENSON - STATUS AND FURLOUGH AGREED, That the Secretary write tc � C. Robinson questioning the advisability of using a budget for the employment of R. G. Lorenson on a regular basis, considering other urgent and pressing needs, and in view of the fact that additional budgets cannot now be provided by the Division. Adjourned. 70-39 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION December 23, 1970 � 11:40 A.M. PRESENT: M. E. Lind, E. J. Gregg, C. E. Schmidt, R. L. Jacobs DIVISION ACCOUNTANT AGREED, To send a TELEX message to the General Conference as follows: SEGAR PREFERS REMAIN MIDDLE EAST COLLEGE THEREFORE REQUEST REACTIVATE CALL DIVISION ACCOUNTANT SUGGESTING FOLLOWING PERSONS WAYNE CLARK ASSISTANT TREASURER GREATER NEW YORK CONFERENCE WAYNE STROMME ROUTE 2 RONAN MONTANA 59864 ALSO INDIVIDUAL SUGGESTED TO GREGG BY MRS GERTRUDE GIBSON ACCOUNTING TEACHER WALLA WALLA PLEASE CONTACT HER STOP ANXIOUSLY AWAITING NEWS OUR CALL TANZANIA TREASURER JACOBS M. E. LIND - REQUEST OF BEIRUT INTER-DIVISION SCHOOL AGREED, To approve the request of the Beirut Inter-Division School for M. E. Lind to speak to the students January 11-15, 1971. M. GUNDERSON - HOMELAND STATUS AGREED, To request the General Conference to establish the homeland for M. Gunderson who is from Norway but was called to Tanzania from Canada. Adjourned, 70-40 OFFICERS. MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION December 31, 1970 � 8:20 A.M. PRESENT: M. E. Lind, D. K. Basarra, E. J. Gregg, C. E. Schmidt R. L. Jacobs Prayer by M. E. Lind. MIDDLE EAST UNION - OFFICE PLAN VOTED, To recommend to the AMD committee that the plan sub- mitted by the Middle East Union for the remodeling of the former Arabic Elementary School% used as Union office be approved. EAU - ASSISTANCE IN EXPENSE OF NATIONAL RELIEF PHYSICIANS AGREED, That the treasurer request from the EAU detailed in- formation as to extra expense incurred by the national doctors serving in relief capacity, with the idea that study will be given to granting a special subsidy. Adjourned. M. E. Lind, Chairman R. L. Jacobs, (Acting)Secretary Ai • 71-41 OFFICERS' MEETING OP THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION January 4, 1971 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, D. K. Bazarra, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt E. J. Gregg Prayer by E. J. Gregg. DR. LARRY WARD - CALL TO KENDU RECOMMENDED that Dr. Larry Ward, an osteopathis physician, be called for service at Kendu Mission Hospital, with the understanding that he is qualified and willing to care for regular medical practice including surgery. NAIROBI MEDICAL CENTER - FINANCIAL PLAN VOTED, That the East African Union be advised to submit a detailed plan of finance for the proposed Nairobi Medical C nter for consideration by the Division committee and further, that it be de- termined if the funds anticipated for this project are immediately available. LANGUAGE STUDY - COMMITTEE VOTED, To recommend that a committee be appointed to approve of policies governing language study throughout the Division. The names recommended are: Ray L. Jacobs, A. H. Brandt, C. E. Schmidt. MRS. KENNETH OSTER - TEACHER IN BEIRUT OVERSEAS SCHOOL VOTED, To pass on the call of the Beirut Overseas School for Mrs. Kenneth Oster to serve on the teaching staff beginning with the new school year. MRS. JACK BOHANNON - CALL AS AND SECRETARY VOTED, To place a call with the MEU for Mrs. Jack Bohannon for secretarial work in the Division office. BEIRUT OVERSEAS SCHOOL - ADDITIONAL PLAYGROUND VOTED, To approve the use of the plot below the main driveway as a playground for the small children in the Overseas School. MRS. R. W. TAYLOR - TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT VOTED, To employ Mrs. R. W. Taylor on a temporary basis until the secretary on call arrives, and further to pay Mrs. Taylor at the rate of 58%. • 71-42 Officers' Minutes, Jan. 4, page 2 R. D. PIFER - MOVE TO BEIRUT VOTED, That R. D. Pifer be moved to the East Mediterranean Field at Division expense and that the Middle East Union not be re- quired to assist with this move. AUDIT COMMITTEE - ADDITIONAL MEMBERS VOTED, That K. L. Vine, R. C. Darnell, Rafic Issa, and R. W. Taylor be added to the audit committee to set salaries for Middle East College. E. D. HERTOGS - FURLOUGH TO ENGLAND VOTED, To confirm the action of the Trans-Africa Divisio. , that the E. D. Hertogs family be granted furlough in 1971 to England. It is understood that fares for the entire family be paid unless there has already been assistance given on the fares of the children who are studying at Stanborough school. Adjourned. M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary • • 71-43 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION January 5, 1971 (Note: This action was discussed in the officers' meeting and was, however, approved individually by each officer on the morning of January 5.) TANZANIA UNION AND CENTRAL AFRICAN UNION - SHARING OF AIRPLANE VOTED, To recommend to the Tanzania Union that they take official action recognizing and confirming former agreements with regard to the use of the airplane to the effect that it will be made available to the Central African Union for a period of seven full days each month, exclusive of travel time, and that a fixed week each month throughout the year be agreed upon mutually by the two unions. It is understood that when such action has been re- corded by the Tanzania Union and confirmed by the Afro-Mideast Division and the Trans-African Division committees, the budget for the pilot now held by the Trans-African Division will be trans- ferred to the Afro-Mideast Division. M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary • 71444 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION January 6, 19 71 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, D. K. Bazarra, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg Prayer by D. K. Bazarra. ETHIOPIAN UNION - ADVANCE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF WORKER HOME WHEREAS the Ethiopian Union is confronted with the need for housing for the Union Educational Secretary and 411 WHEREAS the cost of renting quarters would amount to 3000.00 to 4000.00 Ethiopian dollara annually, it is RECOMMENDED, That the Ethiopian Union be permitted to advance E$ 4,000.00 to Pastor Nagassa to assist him with the construction of a house. Repayment is to be made in an amount equivalent to the monthly travel and home owner's allowances until the full advance is repaid. M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary • • 71-45 OFFICERS' MEETING at � AIR004MDBAST DIVISION January 10, 1971 � 12:15 A.M. PRESENT: N. E. Lind, E. J. Gregg, C. E. Schmidt, R. L. Jacobs AFRICAN UNION PUMA= OF ACCOUNTING NACNIE1 VOTED, To approve the request of the East African Union and grant from Section II savings up to She. 10,000 to be added to the Shs. 20,000 listed in the 1971 special appropriations, to be used in the purchase of a used NCR "31" accounting machine" for the Union office. Adjourned. M. E. Lind, Chairman R. L. Jacobs, Secretary 71-46 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION January 12, 1971 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg Prayer by C. E. Schmidt. P. HOWE - Relief SERVICE RECOMMENDED, That a cable be sent to Roy F. Williams to the effect that no request has been lodged with us for the relief services of Dr. P. Howe of P.U.C. at Bugema College. WARREN ZORK - EDUCATIONAL SECRETARY RECOMMENDED, That it be ascertained if the call for Warren Zork has been sent forward to him. If it has not been sent on from The General Conference, it is requested that it be held up until further notice. A reply by cable is requested. BANK ACCOUNTS VOTED, To recommend to the Afro-Mideast Division the following: To authorize the Middle East Union to operate the account presently in the name of the Middle East Division in the British Bank of the Middle East and that R. C. Darnell, Rafic Issa, and C. E. Schmidt be authorized to operate this account. To authorize the opening of a payroll account for the A.M. Division in the First National City Bank, Beirut with C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg authorized to operate. To advise the First National City Bank that the signature of Rafic Issa should no longer be recognized on the Division account. 71 - 47 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION January 14, 1971 � 8:00 A.M. PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg Prayer by M. E. Lind R W TAYLOR - LIAISON FOR MONTHLY"REVIEW AND HERALD" RECOMMENDED, That R W Taylor serve as liaison man for the monthly edition of the "Review and Herald" to be published in England. BRITISH BANK ACCOUNT - EAST MEDITERRANEAN FIELD RECOMMENDED, That the East Mediterranean Field be author- ized to operate a bank account in the British Bank of the Middle East with R. D. Pifer, George 7ared,and Rafic Issa being empowered to sign cheques on this account. BENGHAZI COMPENSATION COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED, That R. C. Darnell and C. E. Schmidt be authorized to attend the Benghazi Compensation Committee to be held on January 19 - 20, 1971. GEORGE NEHME - MISSIONARY LICENSE RECOMMENDED, That George Nehme be issued a Missionary License. GENE JOHNSON - ADVANCE VOTED, To authorize the treasury Department to advance Gene Johnson an amount equal to his rehabilitation allowance pro- vided it is approved by the General Conference Treasury Department. CLASS B - SETTLEMENT NATIONAL WORKERS VOTED, To recommend that D. K. Bazarra and Bekele Heye be given settlement in regard to their moves to Beirut in harmony with the new Division policy (granting 60% of weight allowance). WORK PERMITS VOTED, To recommend to the Middle East Union that care be exercised in the employment of workers for whom work permits are required. Attention is especially called to Middle East Press employee who is from Syria. M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary 71-48 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION January 25, 1971 � Beirut, Lebanon PRESENT: R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg. Prayer by C. E. Schmidt MIDYEAR COMMITTEE METING - DATE REVISION • • • RECOMMENDED, that Mideast Division commence to May 12. the Midyear committee meeting of the Afro- at 3:00 P.M., May 6, 1971 and continue LEON THOMASSIAN - APPROVAL OF APARTMENT RECOMMENDED, that Leon Thomassian receive approval for the apartment he has selected, rental of which will be LL 1,700.00 per year. TANZANIA UNION - EVANGELISTIC FUNDS Recommended, that Shs. 10,000.00 be made available from the Evangelistic Funds allocated for the Tanzania Union to make possible the holding of an effort by the Tanzania Union evangelist which is to be followed by a ministerial institute. Adjourned. R. L. Jacobs, Chairman, pro tem. E. J. Gregg, Secretary 71-49 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION February 2, 1971 � Beirut, Lebanon � 8:00 A.M. PRESENT: R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg Prayer EAST AFRICAN UNION - EMPLOYMENT MRS. AARON DENNIS AND MISS GWEN DAVIS RECOMMENDED, that the East African Union be permitted to employ both Mrs. Aaron Dennis and Miss Gwen Davis for whom they have only one salary provision, provided that the Union re-imburse the Division in the amount of Shs. 1590.00 per month. This arrangment to be reviewed at the 1971 yearend meeting. SAMUEL NASSIMIAN - TERMINATION INDEMNITY RECOMMENDED, that Samuel Nassimian be permitted to repay his termination indemnity plus interest and thus be eligible for re-employment by the denomination with sustentation benefits accruing. EVERTT PERRY - MISSIONS INSTITUTE AT ANDREWS RECOMMENDED, that Mr. and Mrs. Everett Perry, under appoint- ment to Wollega Academy, Ethiopia, be permitted to attend the Missions Institute at Andrews University, commencing June 15, 1971. It is understood that the Afro-Mideast Division's obligation for salary would commence on that date. Adjourned. Ray L. Jacobs, Chairman, pro tem. E. J. Gregg, Secretary S • • 71-50 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION February 14, 1971 � Beirut, Lebanon PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg Prayer was offered by C. E. Schmidt. SHIRLEY BRANDT - VACATION TRAVEL VOTED, To allow the actual cost of the ticket for Shirley Brandt from Denmark to Beirut at Christmas 1970 the same as other workers' children at Middle East College or Singapore. OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION February 19, 1971 Beirut, Lebanon 9:15 A. M. PRESENT: Same as above. By Invitation: Werber Johnson EAU - SECTION II PETTY CASH AGREED, That instead of continuing with a Section II Bank account operated by the East African Union, a petty cash be authorised to cover emergencies having to do with Section II workers. EAU - RELIEF DOCTORS PAID FROM SECTION II FUNDS AGREED, To approve in principle the paying of national relief physicians from Section II funds, but that it be understood that in case of anticipated emergency requiring the employment of national doctors, Division approval be secured. R D PIFER - CHANGE TO CLASS A ••••••• � •••• AGREED, To authorize R. D. Pifer to change from Class A, and further To modify our former undevetanding and grant R D Pifer Class B freight allowance for unused freight in his move from Beirut. B to Class the usual Kampala to A E ANDERSON - EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE AGREED, That A E Anderson's son Daniel be brought out to Ethiopia from Rio Lindo Academy where he is studying under the provisions of the regular furlough policy, and that once he is in the field, the new policy covering the education of children of Inter-Division workers apply. 71-51 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION February 24, 1971 � 8:00 A.M. PRESENT: M. E. Lind, C. E. Schmidt, R. L. Jacobs Prayer was offered by C. E. Schmidt. ED BARTON - FUTURE Consideration was given to letters from L. C. Robinson to M. E. Lind dated February 18 and 19, 1971 and from Ed Barton to R. D. Spear (in USA) dated January 3, 1971. In view of the information contained, it was AGREED, To recommend to the Tanzania Union that action be taken recommending a permanent return for Ed Barton, and that he not be con- sidered for reassignment within the Afro-Mideast Division. EAU - ACCOUNTING MACHING AGREED, That if the AND statement for 1970 indicates that the financial situation of the Division permits, the commitment made by the former administration of the EAU of Shs. 25,000 for an accounting machine will be honored. GENE JOHNSON - SPECIAL ASSISTANCE Gene Johnson has indicated that a sudden change from Class A to B was made just before he was ready to leave his home to come to the Middle East College, requiring him to sell household items at a loss; that he was charged $520.00 for excess freight approximately two years after he arrived in the field; and that his house was not fully furnish- ed, requiring him to purchase items to furnish it on arrival in the field. It was � C/ VOTED, To grant an ex-gracia allowance of $300.00 (LL 975.00) to assist Gene Johnson in his losses. R. H. HENNING - INDUSTRIAL ARTS CLASS IN BOS VOTED, To approve the request of the Beirut Overseas School for R. H. Henning to teach the Industrial Arts Class which meets for two hours each Thursday afternoon. This is for the school year 1971 which ends in June. 71-52 BEIRUT OVERSEAS SCHOOL - SOLICITATION CAMPAIGN The BOS has entered into a student campaign to raise funds for books, play, and teaching equipment by writing to friends outside the Division territory, without the knowledge of the Division. Since this is in direct violation of General Conference Policy (GC WP 242, 243) it was AGREED, To inform the principal of the BOS, George Unger, that the Division officers are disturbed on learning of this solicitation campaign, and request that students refrain from further solicitation outside of the AMD. BOS - TWELVE GRADES OFFERED FOR THE 1971-72 SCHOOL YEAR Inasmuch as three students from Inter-Division families are plan- ning to take the twelfth grade in the BOS the coming school year, it was AGREED, To authorize the Beirut Overseas School to offer twelve grades for the 1971-72 school year. Meeting suspended and resumed at 2:45 P.M. with prayer by M.E. Lind. EAU - ASSISTANCE ON SPIRIT OF PROPHECY BOOKS FOR WORKERS The EAU purchased 25 sets of the Spirit of Prophecy books for their workers with the understanding that the worker, the EAU, and the Division share on a 50/25/25 per cent basis. The Division share would be $703.12. AGREED, To grant a special assistance of $703.12 to the EAU to assist workers in the purchase of Spirit of Prophecy books. Charge to be made to the Contingency Fund. A. N. BARLAS - INCOME TAX ASSISTANCE AGREED, To approve the request of the former Cyprus Section to assist A. N. Barlas with 757. of his income tax paid for the year 1965 and the first six months of 1966 (previous to his retirement), in har- mony with the former MED Policy (MED 66/67). SPECIAL AMD PROJECTS AGREED, To list the following special projects for the AND: Ethiopia - New Mission Station on Ethiopian/Sudanese border: Dwelling $ 10,00 Clinic 5,000 Clinic Equipment 3,000 School 3,000 Church 4,000 $25,000.00 • 11-53 (From preceeding page) � $ 25,000.00 East Africa - Portable Tabernacle for Evangelism � 15,000.00 Tanzania - Work for the Massai: Mobile Unit � $10,000 Evangelist & Espense � 1,500 � 11,500.00 Middle East - KILIMANJARO CHRISTIAN MEDICAL CENTER AGREED, To inform the General Conference that the only funds held by the AMD for the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center are the following: Reserve transferred from the TAD $20,213.98 1971 Special Appropriation 10 000.00 Total $30,213.98 These funds are being held for this project, and are available await- ing the appropriate directive from the General Conference, but it is not possible for the AMD to generate funds for a second budget. M. E. Lind, Chairman R. L. Jacobs, Secretary pro tem • 71-54 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION March 1, 1971 � 3:30 P.M. PRESENT: M. E. Lind, C. E. Schmidt, R. L. Jacobs Prayer was offered by M. E. Lind. D. C. LUDINGTON, M. D. - RELEASE AGREED, To inform the General Conference that we with regret must release D. C. Ludington, Jr., M. D., presently completing a resi- dency in orthopedics in Louisville, Kentucky, since we have no opening for him within the Division due to his speciality and to his educational problems. JACK BOHANNON - EXPENSE REPORT AGREED, To approve the expense report presented by Jack Bohannon for his trip to Shiraz, Iran to sell and ship his personal effects, but to record our opinion that the report is very unusual in respect to amount and nature of items reported. Mrs. Bohannon's travel was not authorized, and therefore the travel expense is considered personal. DEPRECIATION ADVANCES - E. J. GREGG, & J. W. WHITEHOUSE AGREED, To advance to E. J. Gregg and J. W. Whitehouse the equivalent of two-years automobile depreciation for the purchase of automobiles. ARABII::. HYMNAL - COMMITTEE REPORT AGREED, To record the decision of the Arabic Hymnal Committee to the effect that the time is not opportune to publish a new Arabic Hymnal. M. E. Lind, Chairman R. L. Jacobs Secretary Pro tem 71-55 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION March 4, 1971 � Beirut, Lebanon PRESENT: M. E. Lind, D. K. Bazarra, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Grebb Prayer was offered by C. E. Schmidt. BISHARA AZIA - SALARY ARRANGEMENT VOTED, To authorize the treasury department to accept monthly charges from Ethiopia for the salary of Bishara Aziz who is employed there on a salary provision provided for a Section II worker, his rate to be according to policy. This arrangement to continue only through 1971. ACCOUNTING MACHING ROOM - PROVISION FOR VOTED, To authorize the remodelling of the first floor men's washroom to provide for an accounting machine room. DIVISION COUNCIL - ACCOMODATIONS, ETC. FOR VOTED, That M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, and C. E. Schmidt be author- ized to look into the matter of accommodations, etc. for the Division Council to be held in the Beirut area. MARTHA HORN - SALARY RATE VOTED, To set salary rate for Martha Horn at 84%. GATEKEEPERS - RENT INCREASE DENIED AGREED, To advise the gatekeepers that in view of prevailing rates it is regretted that no increase can be granted in respect to increased rent costs. M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary 71-56 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION March 8, 1971 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, D. K. Bazarra, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg Prayer was offered by D. K. Bazarra. 0. C. BJERKAN - INVITATION MIDYEAR COMMITTEE AGREED, That Dr. O. C. Bjerkan be invited to attend the mid- year committee meetings. RON BETTLE, M.D. - DEFERRED APPOINTMENT AGREED, That Dr. Ron Bettle be placed on deferred appointment for medical service in the Afro-Mideast Division. MIDDLE EAST COLLEGE BOARD DATE AGREED, That the Middle East College Board meet on Sunday, May 9, 1971 at 2:00 P.M. G. BEDELLIAN - EDUCATIONAL ALLOWANCE AGREED, That a special educational allowance of LL 25.00 per month be paid to G. Bedellian. N. SEENYEN - MOVING ALLOWANCES RECOMMENDED, That N. Seenyen be granted an outfitting allowance of $400.00 and a freight allowance of 3,600 lbs if he is coming Class A, or 1,800 lbs if Class B, provided this meets the thinking of the officers of the EAU. EU - VOICE OF YOUTH SERMONS RECOMMENDED, That assistance be granted from Evangelistic Funds to the extent of 50% of the cost of Voice of Youth tracts for Ethiopia, the total being E$ 500.00. Adjourned. M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary 71-57 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION March 15 � Beirut, Lebanon PRESENT: M. E. Lind, D. K. Basarra, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg Prayer was offered by D. K. Bazarra. DIVISION COUNCIL & COMMITTEE - DATES AGREED, That the Division Council convene at 10 A. M. Thursday, October 28, 1971, and continue through Monday, November 1, with the Division yearend meetings commencing Tuesday morning, November 2. DEPARTMENTAL SECRETARIES - MEETING HITH OFFICERS AGREED, That a Council of Division Departmental Secretaries and officers of the Division be held September 30, 1971. DIVISION YEAREND COMMITTEE SCHEDULE AGREED, to adopt the following schedule for yearend committees: Officers and Union Presidents - Tuesday, November 2 Middle East College Board - Thursday, November 3 BURSARY STUDENTS - SPONSORSHIP AGREED, To adopt the following plan for giving aid to the bursary students now studying in the United States: George Khoury - Division Samir Shahin � by Division ka by East Med. Field Issa Kharma � EMF - Lebanon Section Henry Melki � Middle East College HOLIDAY TRAVEL ALLOWANCE AGREED, That the matter of special holiday travel allowances for workers at Mari be discontinued inasmuch as this was not covered by Division policy, and that the entire subject of assistance granted to workers located in isolated areas be studied. 71-58 usscli T. R � SALARY AGREED, That the iIID re-affirm the agreement of the officers with the TU officers to accept charges from the TU for the salary of T. R. Lisso for period of three months. No other expenses end allow antes are to be paid. It is also recommended that the members of the TU committee have A recommendation for he consideration of the DiVision midyear committee meeting. sALARx aogua INTER4N1ON WORKERS VOTED, To recommend to the AMD Policy Committee the proposed policy on salary bonus and transfer of funds for inter union workers. 110 � R. H. HAMM - ATTEND TRI-DIVISION PUBLISHING COUNCIL AGREED, That R. H. Henning be authorized to attend the Tri- Division Publishing Council to be held in Stockholm in August. It is understood that the cost 4):: this trip be a charge against his regular budget. POWER OF ATTORNEY - AUTHORIZE SIGNATURE FOR ANTAR PROPPITY AGREED, To authorize C. H. Schmidt to sign necessary documents pertaining to the transferof property being donated by Mts. Antar to the church. Adjourned. 14. E. Lind, Chairman R. L. Jacobs, Secretary 71-59 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � March 22, 1971 � 2:30 P. M. PRESENT: M. E. Lind, D. K. Bazarra, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg By Invitation: A. H. Brandt, R. H. Henning Prayer was offered by R. H. Henning. EU CALL - TEACHER OF EDUCATION VOTED, To recommend that a call be placed for a replacement teacher of Education for Ethiopian Adventist College. EZMA - CALL FOR NURSING INSTRUCTOR VOTED, To recommend that a call be placed for a replacement instructor for the school of nursing at the Empress Zauditu Memorial Hospital. AFRICAN HERALD PUBLISHING HOUSE - EDITOR VOTED, To advise the EAU that we do not consider it wise to call F. G. Reid to serve as editor of the AHPH. W. M. WEBSTER - FURLOUGH PLANS VOTED, To acquiesce in W. M. Webster's request that he be al- lowed to attend the Division Council in Beirut and the EAU yearend meeting, on the understanding that no additional travel expense is in- volved. It is also agreed that if he attends these meetings and works during the interim between meetings, that his furlough would be extended to January 31, 1972. SUSTENTEES - MEDICAL REPORTS VOTED, To authorize settlement of medical expenses submitted by Diamond Ashod. The amount to which he is entitled according to policy is $112.82. VOTED, To authorize settlement of medical expenses submitted by Samuel Farag, total allowance being $34.69. Adjourned. M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary 71-60 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � March 24 - April 5, 1971 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, D. K. Bazarra, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, E. G. Gregg DR. LILLI ROLITA - AUTHORIZE EMPLOYMENT In harmony with counsel received from Roy F. Williams (Letter dated March 22, 1971), it was VOTED, To authorize the Ethiopian Union to invite Mr. and Mrs. Edward Peter Rolita, who are presently serving at the Ile-Ife Hospital in Nigeria, on a volunteer basis, to come to Dessie where they have indicated their desire to work, it being understood that when they have begun their work in Dessie, their status as Inter-Division workers will be established on the following basis: 1. He will sign a disclaimer for sustentation benefits, since his age prevents him from being eligible. 2. Dr. Lilli Rolita will be eligible for sustentation for her ser- vice, in harmony with the policy. 3. They will be reimbursed for their transfer from Nigeria to Dessie in harmony with the policy for Inter-Division workers. RELIEF PHYSICIAN - ISHAKA VOTED, To authorize the General Conference to secure a further temporary replacement for Ishaka Hospital. MRS. JAMES SEGAR - CALL AS SECRETARY AMD OFFICE RECOMMENDED, That Mrs. S'agar be invited to serve as a secretary (part time) in the Division office if she is available. GOVERNMENT CONTACTS - MADE BY AUTHORIZED PERSONS ONLY VO7ED, To advise all denominational organizations in the Beirut area that we consider it essential, in order to maintain good relations with the government, that all representations in respect of church matters be made only by those authorized to make such approaches. It is recommended that the officers of the various organizations be called together as soon as possible to agree upon the one or ones to make such contacts. KENNETH OSTER - CAR DEPRECIATION ADVANCE VOTED, To authorize automobile depreciation advance to Kenneth Oster, equivalent of two years. 71-61 Others present by invitation: R. C. Darnell, George Ghazal, Rafic Issa, Manoug Nazirian, R. D. Pifer, Ignatius Yacoub, George Yared MINISTRY OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS - DEPUTATION NAMED TO APPROACH RECOMMENDED, That a deputation consisting of the following: George Ghazal A H Brandt Ray L Jacobs Ignatius Yacoub George Yared be asked to approach the Ministry of Social Affairs on behalf of the Afro- Mideast Division for the purpose of acquainting the Ministry with the • � character of the new Division organization. WORK PERMITS - COMMITTEE TO PROCESS RECOMMENDED, That a special committee consisting of a representative from each of the employing church bodies in the Lebanon area be set up to process all applications for work permits. The composition: C. E. Schmidt George Ghazal George Yared George Nehme Rafic Issa Boutros Ghazal Prayer was offered by M. E. Lind. M. E. Lind, Chairman • E. J. Gregg, Secretary 71-62 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION April 7, 1971 � Beirut, Lebanon PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, D. K. Bazarra, E. J. Gregg Prayer by D. K. Bazarra. Items discussed without formal action: Hotel Rodin for Division Council H. Marashalian C. F. Adams, re: survey of MEP Filipino salaries • COMMERCIAL VACUUM CLEANER - NEC VOTED, To authorize the Middle East College to purchase a commer- cial vacuum cleaner, it being understood that the AND will bear 75% of the cost. R W TAYLOR - WASHING MACHINE VOTED, That if no way is found to eliminate the odor from the washing machine in the Taylor house, a new one should be purchased. BRENDA COWLES - SUMMER HOLIDAYS VOTED, To authorize Brenda Cowles to return home for the summer holidays in harmony with the policy. 111 � R L JACOBS - FURLOUGH VOTED, To accept the offer of R. L. Jacobs to take a two-months furlough, May 24 - July 26, 1971, with the third month being allowed in 1972. DIVISION COUNCIL REPRESENTATION VOTED, To inform the unions of the proposal for the 1971 Division Council which is to be presented for approval to the midyear committee, so that the union presidents may come to this meeting with suggestions for representation from their respective unions. Next page-- 71-63 The representatives to the Afro-Mideast Division Council shall be selected on the following basis: 1. The members of the Afro-Mideast Division Committee. 2. One member from the Middle East College. 3. One member from each Union Mission. 4. One member for each 7,500 members or major fraction thereof above 52,500. 5. One member of each 10,000 members or major fraction • � thereof above 52,500. 6. The basis for all calculation shall be the 1971 March statistics. M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary • 71-64 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION April 13, 1971 � Beirut, Lebanon PRESENT: M. E. Lind, D. K. Bazarra, R. L. Jacobs, E. J. Gregg Prayer by R. L. Jacobs. UNION SESSIONS - REPRESENTATION VOTED, To recommend to the midyear meeting of the Division a uni- form plan of representation of local fields at union sessions. (Working Policy Proposals SS-1) FIELD SESSIONS - REPRESENTATION VOTED, To recommend to the midyear committee meeting of the Division the plan for membership representation at local field sessions. (See Working Policy Proposals SS-1) Session held at 2:15 P.M. DOCTOR D. MAOWAD - EMPLOYMENT VOTED, To authorize the employment of Dr. D. Maowad at Kendu Mis- sion Hospital on a relief basis subject to EAU approval. Dr. Waowad is an Egyptian by birth, now of French citizenship. For a number of years he was connected with the Libyan Government Health Department which was re- sponsible for the certification of medical personnel, and was in contact with our Benghazi personnel. It is understood that he adheres to many SDA principles, ie. non-smoking, non-drinking though he is not a member of the church. He and his wife are highly recommended by Pastor Minne Koopmans of the Montpelier church. He lacks surgical qualifications, is 67 years of age, and is willing to serve for one year. Session held April 13, at 2:30 P. M. � Prayer by E. J. Gregg. J. H. SEQUIERA - STATUS WHEREAS, J. H. Sequiera, a displaced person, originally went to the U.S.A. at his own expense to establish domicile there and was later called out to East Africa before having completed these requirements and the course of study in which he was engaged, and 71-65 J. H. SEQUIERA - STATUS (Continued) WHEREAS, Brother Sequiera has been sponsored by the A. M. Divis- ion (E A Union) for advanced study and the fulfillment of the required residence period, it was VOTED, To recommend to the General Conference that North America be recognized as the homeland of J. H. Sequiera and to record the fact that he has agreed in his letter dated April 4, 1971, addressed to M. E. Lind, to a further minimum period of five years' service in the EAU following the completion of his study program and the acquiring of his nationality status. NOMINATIONS - COMMITTEE ON • VOTED, To recommend to the midyear meeting that the composition of the Committee on Nominations for the 1971 Division Council be as follows: 1. 2 representatives from each union 2. One representative from Middle East College 3. One Division Departmental Secretary 4. Three Division officers 5. Two General Conference representatives 6. That the Division President serve as chairman of the committee. INTERVIEWS AND COMMITTEE - SCHEDULES VOTED, To approve the schedules for interviews and committee meetings at the midyear meetings as presented. Meeting held April 15, 1971 at 2:15 P.M. Prayer by M. E. Lind MED POLICY APPLIED - GEORGE KHOURY, ISSA KHARMA, SAMIR SHAHIN VOTED, That George Khoury, Issa Kharma, and Samir Shahin, now studying at Andrews, be dealt with in harmony with the former MED policy regarding advanced study by workers. ADVANCED STUDY - POLICY VOTED, That we recommend to the committee that a policy patterned after the former MED policy governing advanced study by workers be approved for the Afro-Mideast Division. GEORGE KHOURY - TRAVEL AUTHORIZATION VOTED, To allow George Khoury two weeks following graduation on June 6, at AU, to visit relatives, to attend a campmeeting in the Columbia Union, and to gain information regarding stewardship work. M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary 71-66 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � April 19, 1971 PRESENT: M. E .Lind, D. K. Bazarra, R. L. Jacobs, E. J. Gregg Prayer was offered by D. K. Bazarra. O. C. BJERKAN - EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE VOTED: To grant assistance equivalent to $400.00 for Knute Bjerkan, son of O. C. Bjerkan, for the 1970 - 1971 school year. This is on the basis of expenses being approximately two-thirds of U. S. ex- penses and there being no work opportunities. KNUT BJERKAN - SUMMER VACATION VOTED, To grant a return journey from Norway to Ethiopia for Knut Bjerkan during the summer of 1971. H. SALZMANN - EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE FOR CHILDREN mann: VOTED, To grant the following educational assistance to H. Salz- Bernard: 50% discount on tuition aPAndrews University $600 educational scholarship One paid return trip each two years Christian: (Studying at Collonges) a. The same allowances as Trans-Mediterranean Division gives for workers whose children study there b. The Division will bring him out in 1971, with one paid trip each two years, OR an annual trip with the amount allowed being equivalent to a round trip to Beirut. HARLEY BRESEE - CANCEL TU TRIP VOTED, To inform TAD that Elder Harley Bresee will be unable to be in Dar es Salaam at yearend, due to plans in the Middle East Union. M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary 71-67 OFFICERS' METING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � April 27, 1971 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, D. K. Bazarra, R. L. Jacobs, E. J. Gregg Prayer by D. K. Bazarra. WERBER JOHNSON - EXTENSION OF ASSISTANCE VOTED, To invite Elder Werber Johnson to remain an additional three months to cover the period until the arrival of Thomas Staples. KIREKA GUESTHOUSE - EAU VOTED, To authorize the EAU and the Uganda Field to deal directly with the Trans-Africa Division with respect to the guesthouse at Kireka. J. T. KNOPPER - CAR DEPRECIATION VOTED, To advise J. T. Knopper that car depreciation during his furlough can be applied toward the cost of a rental car. TU - CEILING OF PRESIDENT'S HOUSE VOTED, To authorize the TU to replace the ceiling in the house of the president and that they be requested to supply information concerning costs. M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary • 71-68 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � May 3, 1971 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, D. K. Bazarra, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt E. J. Gregg Prayer was offered by M. E. Lind. WERBER JOHNSON - REIMBURSEMENT VOTED, To reimburse Werber Johnson for the equivalent of the social security which he does not feel free to accept in view of the government regulations. May 14, 1971 PRESENT: All regular members. Prayer was offered by E. J. Gregg. R. R. NICKELL - FURLOUGH RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED, That R. R. Nickell be granted his furlough as already voted. May 17, 19 71 PRESENT: All regular members. Prayer by M. E. Lind. JACK THOMPSON - CALL VOTED, To recommend that the General Conference be instructed to proceed with the appointment of Jack Thompson to Ikizu. IGNATIUS YACOUB - SALARY SHARED WITH MIDDLE EAST COLLEGE VOTED, To recommend that the Divisiontbrear 5970 of tIleglr' j. � 4/ of Ignatius Yacoub plus car depreciation, MRS. K. OSTER - SALARY RATE VOTED, That the salary for Mrs. K. Oster be set at 857.. MEDICAL POLICY - HEALTH INSURANCE, BLUE CROSS VOTED, To advise overseas workers that they may report as medical expense health insurance premiums, eg. Blue Cross, it being understood that only those medical expenses that are not covered by insurance are reportable. 71-69 JOSEPH KHOURY - FREIGHT ALLOWANCE RECOMMENDED, That the allowance for freight for Dr. Joseph Khoury be increased to compensate for the full 3,000 lbs. weight he was assured by the Western Transport Office would be granted him. BEIRUT OVERSEAS SCHOOL - BOARD RECOMMENDED, to the Inter-Division workers' committee that the following constitute the Board for the Beirut Overseas School: A. H. Brandt, Chairman George Unger, Secretary Bekele Heye O. C. Bjerkan R. L. Jacobs Mrs. E. Henning BEIRUT OVERSEAS SCHOOL - FACULTY 1971 - 1972 RECOMMENDED, That the BOS faculty for 1971 - 1972 be as follows: George Unger Mrs. A. H. Brandt Mrs. Harley Bresee (parttime) E. B. Barton Mrs. Hugh Cowles Teacher for typing and home economics to be decided. ANTAR YACOUB - CUSTOMS CHARGES VOTED, To advise Antar Yacoub that the General Conference policy does not provide for the reimbursement of customs charges for goods taken to the homeland on permanent return. • GEORGE UNGER - GARDEN COMPENSATION VOTED, To authorize the treasurer to settle with George Unger for any expenditures he has incurred in the garden plot which he is asked to vacate. May 19, 1971 PRESENT: All regular members. J. T. BRADFIELD - CALL TO SOLUSI WHEREAS Elder Merle Mills of the Trans-Africa Division has sought permission to call J. T. Bradfield as principal of Solusi College, it was Please see next page • • 71-70 AGREED, To permit the call to go through to J. T. Bradfield on the understanding that if required, he remain at Bugema until the close of the present school year. The officers gave consideration to a possible replacement for Elder Bradfield. A name has been conveyed to Elders Roginson and Henri for their consideration. J. C. HAMER - EX GRACIA ALLOWANCE VOTED, To grant an ex gracia allowance of $250.00 to J. C. Hamer in view of the loss he sustained by selling his goods in antici- pation of a permanent return which has now been changed. Second session on May 19, 1971 PRESENT: All regular members By Invitation: Bekele Heye, R. W. Taylor, Ignatius Yacoub Prayer was offered by D. K. Bazarra. WORKING POLICY - DIVISION STAFF SUPPLEMENT VOTED, To approve the Division Staff policies as presented and on file in the Secretary's office. PUBLIC HOLIDAYS FOR DIVISION STAFF RECOMMENDED, That the following public holidays be granted: New Years' Day Good Friday and Easter Monday Labor Day (May 1) Independence Day Christmas (December 24, 25, 26) Martyrs' Day ALLOWANCES TO BE GRANTED DIVISION STAFF RECOMMENDED, That the following allowances be granted the members of the Division staff: ti Authorized cars - LL 125.00 Unauthorized cars - � 30.00 � 1 474, vc-ii Road license - 507. Mileage rates - 11 piasters per km. Unauthorized - 150% of authorized An advance of LL 3,000fon car depreciation may be made to workers authorized to operate motor cars. Should assistance be required on sub- sequent purchases, advances may be made but interest of 4% which will be charged on the original principle of the advance, will be charged. DIVISION STAFF SUPPLEMENT - AMD WORKING POLICY Approved by Enlarged Officers Meeting, May 17, 1971 HOLIDAYS The following paid holidays shall be granted members of the Division staff: New Year's Day 1 January 1 Good Friday & Easter Monday 2 April Labor Day 1 May 1 Martyrs' Day 1 May 6 Independence Day 1 November 22 Christmas 3 December 24, 25, 26 AUTOMOBILE POLICY The following categories of workers on the Division staff shall be granted authorized automobiles: President, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, Departmental Secretaries. Others who own and use cars shall be granted LL 30.00 per month, in addition to liability insurance coverage. The mileage rate for authorized cars shall be LL 0.11 per km. The rate for unauthorized cars when used for approved official business, shall be 11/2 times the regular rate. The depreciation rate shall be LL 125.00 per month. Workers and the Division will share equally the expense of road tax. On approval of the Division officers, an advance of up to LL 3,000.00 may be granted for the purchase of an authorized automobile, it being understood that this advance shall not exceed 75% of the purchase price of the car. This is to be considered as an advance on depreciation. On sub- sequent loans, which may be made if funds are available, an interest at 4% per annum on the principal will be charged, effective June 1, 1971. EQUIPMENT ALLOWANCE Division departmental secretaries and officers may be granted an equipment allowance equal to 507. of the cost of equipment approved by the Division officers, up to a maximum of LL 150.00 per year. In the case of expensive equipment a worker may be granted the allowance for two years. LUGGAGE, ALLOWANCE. A luggage allowance of LL 100.00 per year shall be granted to Division officers and departmental secretaries. (Credited to account June 30. No report required.) • BOOK AND JOURNAL ALLOWANCE Division officers and departmental secretaries may be granted a book allowance equal to 50% of the amount spent for books and journals, based on receipted bills, up to a maximum of LL 100.00. Books shall be of such a nature as to develop the worker in his chosen calling or particular field of labor. Benefits under this policy do not apply to books and journals subsidized under other policies. UTILITIES ALLOWANCE Workers shall be granted a utilities allowance on the following basis: 1. The worker shall pay the equivalent of the first LL 150.00 (LL 115.00 for single workers) of their total utility bills including fuel, gas, electricity, and water. 2. The balance shall be shared equally by the employing organization and the worker. The maximum allowance shall be LL 650.00 per year. 3. The worker must submit receipted bills for all utility expense when claiming a utility allowance. Bills may be submitted as of June 30, and December 31, each year. • 71-71 May 20, 19 71 PRESENT: All regular members Prayer by D. K. Bazarra. R. J. BURGESS - TRAVEL OUTSIDE DIVISION RECOMMENDED, That approval be granted to R. J. Burgess to travel to England for publishing department consultation regarding Amharic edition of "The Bible Story." It is understood that free air trans- portation.has been made available. WILLIAM MEYER - AVSC RECOMMENDED, That counsel be sought from the East African Union regarding the need for William Meyer, who is recommended by the General Conference for six months service 3 the Volunteer Service Corps basis. BEIRUT OVERSEAS SCHOOL - EDUCATIONAL ALLOWANCE VOTED, To agree that educational allowances be granted for children of workers who attend the Beirut Overseas School, effective January 1, 1971. SECRETARIAL DUTIES - DURING ABSENCE OF R. L. JACOBS VOTED, That during the absence of R. L. Jacobs while on furlough, the secretarial duties will be looked after by M. E. Lind - May 24 - June 13 C. E. Schmidt - June 13 - July 26 M. E. Lind, Chairman • E. J. Gregg, Secretary 71-72 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � May 23, 1971 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, D. K. Bazarra, R. L. Jacobs, E. J. Gregg C. E. Schmidt By Invitation: Bekele Heye Prayer by C. E. Schmidt R. H. MILLS - QUESTION REGARDING PERMANENT RETURN WHEREAS, further cables have been received from both the GC • and R. H. Mills concerning his permanent return, it was VOTED, To advise the GC that the Division Committee did not hastily take action but that the decision was based on the counsel of the Ethiopian and the Division Medical Secretaries. It was further VOTED, To send TELEX messages to Ethiopia and the GC as follows: ATT PALM GC CABLES WE WILL NOT CONSIDER PERMANENT RETURN MILLS UNTIL PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS ARE PROCESSED STRONGLY RECOMMEND YOU DEFER DECISION UNTIL THEN ALSO STOP BOB MILLS CABLES DOCTORS SAY MY CONDITION PERMIT NORMAL RETURN IN 3 months PLEASE ADVISE MY EMPLOYMENT STATUS STOP RECOMMEND YOU BOCKOVOY DIAMOND DISCUSS SITUATION THEN PHONE DOCTOR SHEFFIELD NAIROBI STOP GREGG ARRIVING � FLIGHT DAY FOR AUDITING AND COUNSEL STOP CABLE YOUR FIRM RECOMMENDATIONS BEIRUT BASED ON MEDICAL OPINION LIND ATT WILLIAMS PERPLEXED AND HUMBLED YOUR REFUSAL ACCEPTING RECOMMENDATION MILLS PERMANENT RETURN BASED ON HIGHEST UNION AND DIVISION MEDICAL OPINION STOP HAVE CONVEYED YOUR DECISION ETHIOPIA STOP GREGG AUDITING THERE WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR COUNCIL STOP AWAITING THEIR REPLY STOP BUGEMA ANXIOUS TO HAVE WILLIAM MEYERS AVSC JACOBS M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary 71-73 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � May 26, 1971 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, D. K. Bazarra, C. E, Schmidt, E. J. Gregg Prayer: M. E. Lind CYRUS OSTER - RETURN FARE FROM ANDREWS UNIVERSITY TO BEIRUT VOTED, To agree to pay the cost of return fare for Cyrus Oster from Andrews University to Beirut in harmony with the policy provided that the terms of the policy are adhered too, i.e., payment will be made after the parents are in the field one year and the visit in .)k Beirut a minimum of six weeks' duration. � (lot � 1 i POLITICAL SITUATION - TANZANIA WHEREAS, Word from our leaders in Tanzania and news in the world press indicates that the political situation in Tanzania is increasingly unstable, and it might be necessary for all Inter- Division workers to withdraw from the country, it was AGREED, That in case such a situation should develop the TU administration have ready sealed instructions directing a care-taker administration on procedures to be followed, suggesting the following names: S. D. Otieno R. C. Megera Y. Lusingu Z. Bina These to look after the work until proper elections can be held or the Division or General Conference can appoint a representative committee to direct the work in Tanzania. RECOMMENDED, Also that L. C. Robinson, presently on furlough, be kept informed of the situation in Tanzania. M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary Sckm:1-4- 71-74 Second session on May 26, 1971 at 3 p.m. PRESENT: M. E. Lind, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg Prayer offered by: M. E. Lind MRS. AGNES GUNDERSEN - COMPENSATE LIVING EXPENSES AGREED, To grant Mrs. Agnes Gundersen an amount of Shs. 1200/- to compensate her for added expenses while living apart from her husband for 303 days in 1969-70-71. APRIL & CHERRY VAN TASSEL - TRAVEL EXPENSES AGREED, To consider the travel expenses of April and Cherry Van Tassel from Addis Ababa to Bogenhofen Seminary in Austria and on to Portland, Oregon as part of the permanent return travel for the Van Tassel family. The parents have been voted a permanent return effective in July, 1971. By invitation: R. C. Darnell Elder Darnell presented a number of items related to the Middle East Union as follows: SCREENING COMMITTEE MEU suggest the screening committee also be charged with the co-ordination of the application of policies so that all organizations in the area go in the same direction. It was AGREED, That this responsibility be added to the terms of reference of the committee appointed to screen applications for work permits. ASSISTANCE WITH INCOME TAX Elder Darnell reported that the Union Committee had discussed the matter of assistance with income tax. It was AGREED, That we should recommend that the matter of implementing such a policy be deferred until the beginning of 1972. AUTOMOBILE POLICY Elder Darnell reported on the attitude of his committee toward the automobile policy, i.e., depreciation categories and rates. They felt to eliminate the Land Rover and Peugeot 404 categories. 71-75 MIDDLE EAST UNION report (continued) LITERATURE PROGRAM One problem in this area is the slowness in moving subscription books -- the Press unable to carry the inventories for long periods of time. CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL LESSONS Financing? Revision of some courses and the adding of new ones. Union operated Bible Correspondence School or on field level? • MINISTERIAL INTERNSHIP PLAN 1st year � Union 2/3 Local 1/3 2nd year � Union 1/3 Local 2/3 If during these two years the young worker shows promise of becoming a fruitful worker, the field would provide for the full support. RECOMMENDED, That the Division support the Union with the 2/3 support in 1971-72 and that the plan be presented to the year-end (1971) meetings for preparation of a Division policy. RADIO MONTE CARLO MEU feels that this station would be preferable to Cyprus and should be investigated. STUDENT COLPORTEUR SCHOLORSHIP PLAN MEU feels that the requirements for a scholorship are excessively high. They feel that it will militate against having very many student colporteurs. LOCAL FIELD BUDGETS Matter of LL 253,000 short of balanced budgets. Suggest study actual operations first Quarter in comparison to 1970. M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary • • 71-76 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � June 7, 1971 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, D. K. Bazarra, C. E. Schmidt By Invitation: I. Yacoub, R. D. Pifer Prayer by C. E. Schmidt E. H. SEQUEIRA - CONSIDERED AS PRINCIPAL OF BUGEMA COLLEGE News had been received that J. Bradfield, Principal of Bugema College had accepted the Presidency of Solusi College. The EAU had by telegram recommended as Principal of Bugema College, the name of Brother E. H. Sequeira now studying for his B. Th. degree at Andrews University. It was AGREED, that a person to head up Bugema at this stage more than at any other time in the College's history, must be capable and practical with good administrative talents as well. Brother Sequeira who is a registered architect by profession, has been as SDA for 17 years with 5 years or more in the work in East Africa, and seems suitable for the position. It was AGREED, to seek further counsel from Elder L. C. Robinson, President of the Tanzania Union, now en route to the USA on furlough and for the time being in Singapore, as well as the TU administration. The President of the Division was asked to communicate with both sources after which a decision would be made by the officers in the form of a call. M. E. Lind, Chairman Acting Secretary 71-77 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � June 9, 1971 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, C. E. Schmidt, D. K. Bazarra Prayer was offered by D. K. Bazarra NICOLA YOUSSIF - ASSISTANCE IN MOVING Nicola Youssif is our gateman. He recently moved to other rented quarters and does therefore not come under the Division Policy which states that if the Division requests a worker to move etc... then he is eligible to certain moving assistance. However, it was AGREED, that on compassionate grounds to grant Brother Youssif the • sum of LL 144. assistance in his moving. DR. D. C. LUDGINGTON - RELEASED FROM RESIDENCY PLANS AGREED, To again draw the attention of the General Conference to the fact that we are unable to employ Dr. D. C. Ludington and therefore must be released from his residency plans (See Officers' Minutes 71-54) DR. GEORGE BENSON - INTERNSHIP PLAN AGREED, To seek information from the General Conference regarding Dr. George Benson's internship plan. • F. MARTINSEN - EDUCATION OF CHILDREN AGREED, to grant F. Martinsen (of Kamagambo) the equivalent of up to two trips, East Africa - Beirut, per year if he wishes to send his children to Helderberg College. Also to inform him that he will come under the AND Educational Policy granting a discount of 25% for the first child, 35% for the 'second and 50% for the third child. SITUATION IN TANZANIA The situation in Tanzania was discussed. As developments in that country have a tendency of suddenly accelerating it was AGREED, to permit the Tanzania Union to open an external account in shillings in Nairobi and further that permission be granted to TU to use any savings of Expatriate workers for current operation on the understanding that the necessary information be passed on to the Division Treasury so that a trust fund for such workers, who might agree to this arrangement, can be set up in the Division. R. H. MILLS - QUESTION REGARDING PERMANENT RETURN WHEARAS, having just received a letter from R. H. Mills in which he expresses surprise that the Division acted so soon on his permanent return and 71-78 that he would very much like to return to work in the Division, it was AGREED, To inform Brother Mills that: 1. The news of his medical condition was passed on to us by the Ethiopian Union President, Elder H. Palm who came to Beirut in connection with she Midyear meetings. 2. The Ethiopian Union Overseas Committee took the following action: VOTED, To recommend to the Afro-Mideast Division that the furlough voted for R. H. Mills in N.E.D. 223, p. 31, and A.M.D. 70-90, be cancelled, and that he be granted a permanent return to the United States, effective as soon as possible, for health reasons. • � 3. The Division officers held the matter in abeyance until the Medical Secretary of the Division, Dr. Sheffield who is located in Nairobi, had had a chance of studying the x-ray and report on R. Mills. 4. After medical consultation word was passed on to Ethiopia by TELEX for Bro. Mills to remain unitl the 20th or so of May, but instead it was learned that he left on the 3th of May in spite of counsel to delay his departure so that the Division auditor could take over from him. 5. This hurried exit gave added weight to the urgency of the physical condition of Bro. Mills. 6. Upon medical recommendation the Division Committee took an action on May 6, for R. H. Mills to go on permanent return. 7. A nominationg committee was then appointed. • 8. The nominating committee only reported on May 9, and Brother L. G. Diamond was appointed Treasurer of the Ethiopian Union. The Officers wish to restate that the only reason for recommending R. H. Mills for permanent return was based on the very best medical counsel available. M. E. Lind, Chairman Acting Secretary 71-79 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � August 1, 1971 PRESENT: R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg Prayer by C. E. Schmidt. CALCULATOR - AMD TREASURY VOTED, To authorize the purchase of a Monroe Adding/ Calculating machine for the AMD's accountant's office. JACK THOMPSON - INDIA VOTED, To recommend that Jack Thompson be permitted to proceed to India for the special leprosy rehabilitation course, with the understanding that his family remain in the homeland until he has completed the course. JACK THOMPSON - CLASS B ALLOWANCES VOTED, To recommend that the Jack Thompson family be grant- ed the full Class B weight allowance normally granted a new appointee in view of the circumstances surrounding his former service in the Middle East and his current appointment to Heri Hospital in Tanzania. Meeting held August 3, 1971, with same members present. Prayer by E. J. Gregg. R. KLINGER - FINANCIAL COMMITMENT VOTED, To agree that the Division pay the cost of visas, vaccinations and transportation for R. Klinger, a sustentation beneficiary who has accepted an invitation to come out to Turkey. R. L. Jacobs, Chairman Pro Tem E. J. Gregg, Secretary 71-80 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � August 11, 1971 PRESENT: R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg Prayer by C. E. Schmidt. UNION TREASURERS TO ATTEND DIVISION COUNCIL VOTED, To recommend that the four Union treasurers be invited to attend the Division Council as delegates outside the membership basis. It is understood that when the implementation of this action permits the naming of an additional delegate, he shall be a national. JACK THOMPSON - LEPER REHABILITATION TRAINING VOTED, To approve that Jack Thompson take a special leper rehabilitation course offered in Ethiopia while en route to his appoint- ment in the Tanzania Union. Ray L. Jacobs, Chairman Pro Tem E. J. Gregg, Secretary Meeting held September 13, 1971 with actions as follows: PRESENT: M. E. Lind, D. K. Bazarra, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg Prayer was offered by E. J. Gregg. JACK THOMPSON - COURSE IN SWAHILI VOTED, To recommend that Jack Thompson proceed with his family to Nairobi where he may enroll in a course for the Swahili language for a period of up to three months. M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary 71-81 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � September 21, 1971 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, D. K. Bazarra, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg Prayer was offered by C. E. Schmidt., R. M. BUCKLEY, M.D. - SPECIALITY GROUP RECOMMENDED, That Dr. H. N. Sheffield be contacted with regard to Dr. Buckley's suggestion that he be permitted to join with a spe- cialty group in Nairobi with office hours three days *tweak. D. R. L. ASTLEFORD - FURLOUGH ACTIVITIES RECOMMENDED, That in addition to furlough activities for D. R. L. Astleford, (ID 71-11) he be allowed to study for one quarter at Andrews University with travel from Andrews to the homes of both parents by the most direct route. Travel to Jamaica is no longer necessary. MINAS MEGURDITCHIAN - CAR AUTHORIZATION RECOMMENDED, That the car of Minas Megurditchian be authorized. GEORGE KHOURY - LOSS ON FURNITURE VOTED, To reimburse George Khoury for losses on furniture while stored during his study leave to Andrews University. The amount voted is LL 464.00. OFFICE FURNITURE - PURCHASE AUTHORIZED VOTED, To approve the purchase of an office desk and an adding machine. MEETING HELD FOLLOWING DIVISION COMMITTEE, Sept. 22, 1971 with same members present and INVITED: J. A. Aikman, O. C. Bjerkan, R. C. Darnell VOTED, That responsibility for the management and upkeep of the "Press Apartment Building" be assigned to the Middle East Press with it being understood that one overseas apartment be made available to the College for an overseas staff member. The small apartment on the lower level is to be considered as a guest apartment with the Middle East Union responsible for "guest" occupancy. M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary • 71-82 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � September 26, 1971 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, D. K. Bazarra, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, K. J. Gregg Prayer was offered by D. K. Bazarra. MAINTENANCE/STORAGE - CONSTRUCTION VOTED, To construct a room on the roof of the lower garage opposite the Division office to provide a maintenance workshop, thus making the lower garage available for an auto mechanics class. Adjourned. M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary • 71.83 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � September 29, 1971 PRESENT: R. L. Jacobs, D. K. Bazarra, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg Prayer was offered by E. J. Gregg. LONDA SCHMIDT - DEPRECIATION ADVANCE • VOTED, To give Miss Londa Schmidt a 2-year advance on car depreciation according to policy. MRS. H. KAIUSTYAN KAIER - MEDICAL INSURANCE ASSISTANCE VOTED, To apply the regular medical policy to Mrs. H. Kalustyan Kaler, a sustentee from Turkey residing in California, for social security medical insurance. Any medical expenses not covered by medi- care shall be studied before granting any allowance. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 a.m. R. L. Jacobs, Chairman Pro Tem E. J. Gregg, Secretary • 71-84 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � October 5, 1971 PRESENT: R. L. Jacobs, D. K. Bazarra, C. F. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg Prayer was offered by E. J. Gregg. BEIRUT OVERSEAS SCHOOL - CHARGES PASSED THROUGH DIVISION VOTED, To authorize the Beirut Overseas School to pass charges to the Division for patrons of the school who are denominational employees. EDWARD SKORETZ - CAR DEPRECIATION ADVANCE VOTED, To approve a two-year car depreciation advance to Edward Skoretz. ANNUAL STATISTICAL REPORTS - DISTRIBUTION VOTED, That the Annual Statistical Reports published by the General Conference be distributed to the Division officers, Division departmental secretaries, Union officers, heads of Union institutions, and presidents of local fields. TANZANIA UNION PUBLISHING SECRETARY VOTED, To recommend to the Tanzania Union that if an overseas worker is not called as publishing department secretary, the appoint- ment of a successor to J. T. Knopper should be made by the Union session rather than by the committee. R. L. Jacobs, Chairman Pro Tem E. J. Gregg, Secretary • 71-85 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � October 11, 1971 PRESENT: R. L. Jacobs, D. K. Bazarra, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg Prayer was offered by C. E. Schmidt. MINISTER OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS - INTERVIEW RECOMMENDED, That the available members of the committee to- gether with those other individuals invited to form the delegation, be called together to discuss the items to be presented to the Minister of Social Affairs. DIVISION COUNCIL - INVITATION TO SUSTENTEES VOTED, To invite the following sustentation beneficiaries who are currently in the Beirut area to attend the Division Council: Shukri Nowfel Nashed Yacoub SONG SHEET FOR DIVISION COUNCIL VOTED, To authorize the preparation of a mimeographed song sheet for use during the coming Division Council. R. L. Jacobs, Chairman Pro Tem E. J. Gregg, Secretary 71-86 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � October 12, 1971 PRESENT: R. L. Jacobs, D. K. Bazarra, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg Ignatius Yacoub (first two items) By Invitation: Prayer was offered by D. K. Bazarra. SCHOOL INSPECTION COMMITTEE - ADDITIONAL MEMBERS RECOMMENDED, That the following be added to the Inspection Committees for schools in the Beirut area: Beirut Overseas School M.E.Secondary School Mousseitbeh School Nile Union Academy The Iran Schools The Iraq Schools DIVISION COUNCIL - MEAL SCHEDULE M. E. Lind or R. L. Jacobs O. C. Bjerkan and R. D. Pifer O. C. Bjerkan and R. D. Pifer The Field President Harold Gray Hilal Doss RECOMMENDED, That the noon and evening meals for delegates to the Division Council and Committee meeting be provided at the College, suggesting the following time schedule: Noon Meal Evening Meal 1:00 o'clock 6:30 o'clock SAMUEL FARAG - MEDICAL ALLOWANCE IN U.S.A. VOTED, To grant 50% of the regular medical Farag, a sustentee living in the U. S. A. allowance to Samuel WIVES OF WORKERS - EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE VOTED, To recouutend to the Division committee that workers whose wives carry a study program in a denominational school, be granted assistance to the extent of 25% of tuition and fees. R. L. Jacobs, Chairman Pro Tem E. J. Gregg, Secretary 71-87 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � October 18, 1971 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, D. K. Bazarra, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg Prayer was offered by C. E. Schmidt. SABBATH SCHOOL OVERFLOW OFFERING - APPRECIATION VOTED, To ask Bekele Heye to convey to the Sabbath School Department of the General Conference and through the Review and Herald to the world field the thanks of the Afro-Mideast Division for the generous support of our people for the amount of $105,019.85 received through the Overflow offering of the second quarter of 1971. SABBATH SCHOOL OVERFLOW - PROJECT 1974 VOTED, That Bekele Heye, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, H. N. Sheffield, and Ignatius Yacoub serve as the sub-committee to designate the area to benefit from the Thirteenth Sabbath Offering Overflow, First Quarter, 1974. 1972 FALL COUNCIL - MEXICO CITY It was noted that the 1972 Fall Council, to be held in Mexico City has been planned for October 8 - 21, 1972. B. D. WHEELER - DELAY VOTED, To recommend to the General Conference that B. D. Wheeler's return from furlough be delayed pending clarification of his attitudes regarding the Brinsmeade Movement. BASE APPROPRIATION DECREASE VOTED, To advise the General Conference Treasury Department that the new fixed rate of exchange will result in actual decrease of LL. 60,248.23 over the 1971 Base Appropriation which was inadequate. R. D. PIFER - CAR LOAN VOTED, To authorize car depreciation advance of LL. 2,500 to R. D. Pifer to be repaid in 20 months. TANZANIA UNION ASSISTANT PUBLISHING SECRETARY VOTED, To inform the Tanzania Union that due to the effect of the dollar crises on our Division budget it is impossible to provide a budget for an assistant Publishing Secretary. 71-88 J. N. KYALE, ELISHA OKEYO - INCREASE BURSARY VOTED, To authorize the treasury department to increase the living allowances for J. N. Kyale and Elisha Okeyo, bursary students at Philippine Union College from Shs. 617.50 to Shs. 850.00 per month, effective from July 1, 1971, and that for the period of July 1 to December 31, 1971 the cost of these increases be taken from the Division Contingency Fund. M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary Meeting held October 19, 1971 at 3:30 P.M. With same members present. Prayer was offered by M. E. Lind. MIDDLE EAST UNION OFFICE - TELEPHONE LINE VOTED, To make available one internal line through the Division switchboard for the Middle East Union since the Union has been unable to secure an independent line. WORK PERMITS VOTED, To recommend that the Division officers with O. C. Bjerkan, J. A. Aikman, R. D. Pifer, and Ignatius Yacoub study the matter of names to be submitted to the Director of Labor in connection with the problem of work permits. Meeting held October 20, 1971 at 11:15 A.M. With the same members present. By invitation: J. A. Aikman, O. C. Bjerkan, R. C. Darnell, R. D. Pifer. REGIONAL DIRECTOR OF LABOR - INTERVIEW RECOMMENDED, To appoint R. C. Darnell, C. E. Schmidt, and Ignatius Yacoub to interview the Regional Director of Labor for Mt. Lebanon. Dismissed by prayer offered by Ray L. Jacobs. M. R. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary • 71-89 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, D. K. Bazarra, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg Prayer was offered by C. E. Schmidt. AUDIT COMMITTEE VOTED, To recommend to the committee that the following constitute the audit committee for the yearend committee meetings: H. D. Johnson, Chairman O. C. Bjerkan E. J. Gregg Bekele Heye R. L. Jacobs M. E. Lind M. S. Nigri C. E. Schmidt H. N. Sheffield MISSION EXTENSION OFFERING 1970 - AFRICAN HERALD PUBLISHING HOUSE VOTED, To recommend that the 1970 Mission Extension Offering be designated for the African Herald Publishing House. Meeting held October 22, 1971 at 7:50 A.M. with same members present. DIVISION STAFF OR LOCAL ORGANIZATION - POLICIES VOTED, To recommend that those policies applicable only to the Division staff or to a local organization be recorded in the Minutes of the organization concerned or in the case of the Division, in the officers' meeting Minutes. POLICY AMENDMENTS: ROAD LICENSE TABLED VOTED, That the question of the policy granting assistance with cost of automobile road license be tabled for further study. EDUCATIONAL ALLOWANCE VOTED, To recommend the policy on educational allowances for sustentation beneficiaries. (AMD WP 102) PROFESSIONAL MAGAZINES VOTED, To recommend the amendment to the policy cn pro- fessional magazines. 71-90 NATIONAL WORKERS - RETURNING TO HOMELAND VOTED, To recommend the amendment to the policy on National Workers Returning to Their Homeland. (AMD WP 86) ADVANCED STUDY VOTED, To recommend the amendment to the policy on Advanced Study by Workers. (AMD WP 88) WAGE SCALE VOTED, To recommend the Wage Scale and that it be included in the policy book. M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary Meeting held October 25, 1971 with all members present. Prayer was offered by D. K. Bazarra. MIDDLE EAST COLLEGE - FINANCIAL SURVEY VOTED, To request Dr. Walton J. Brown of the General Con- ference Department of Education, to conduct a financial survey of Middle East College in connection with the inspection of that in- stitution. UNION PRESIDENTS - INTERVIEWS VOTED, That the meeting of the Union presidents with the Division officers be Wednesday evening, November 3, at 7:30 - 9:00 P.M. and that individual interviews be Thursday, November 4, beginning at 7:30 A.M. GUIDED TOUR - COUNCIL DELEGATES VOTED, To accept the offer made by Beirut Express to take the delegates on a guided tour, suggesting Tyre, Sidon, Beit Eddine, Dog River, and Byblos. SPECIAL INVITATIONS TO COUNCIL VOTED, To recommend to the Division Council that R. D. Pifer, Chafic Srour, as well as the sustentee Nashed Yacoub, be seated as delegates at large. • 71-91 AFRICAN HERALD PUBLISHING HOUSE - DIVISION INSTITUTION VOTED, To recommend to the Division committee that the African Herald Publishing House be made a Division institution. SURVEY COMMISSION VOTED, To recommend substitutions for the school heads on the survey commissions. List in hands of the secretary. ANNUAL COMMITTEE - MODIFICATION OF DATE VOTED, To begin the Annual Committee on Thursday afternoon, November 4, at 2:15 P.M. instead of Friday morning. DIVISION HEADQUARTERS SURVEY COMMISSION VOTED, To recommend to the Division committee that the follow- ing be named to the Division Headquarters Survey Commission appointed by the General Conference: Two institutional heads, 0. C. Bjerkan, D. C. Swan; one departmental secretary, Bekele Heye. M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary • 71-92 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � October 27, 1971 All members present. Prayer was offered by R. L. Jacobs. ELSE S. CHRISTENSEN - KENDU VOTED, To explore the possibility of Miss Else S. Christensen's serving as a sister tutor at Kendu Hospital. KANIY GHARIB - ASSIST IN COUNCIL VOTED, To ask the departmental secretaries for whom Miss Kamly Gharib works to make her available to assist the Division Secre- tary during the period of the Council. DIVISION COUNCIL - PHOTOGRAPH VOTED, To authorize arrangements for an official Council photograph. PUBLISHING DEPARTMENT POLICY BOOK - DISTRIBUTION VOTED, To authorize distribution of the Publishing Department Policy Book to the following: Division Officers Division Departmental Secretaries Union Officers Union P. D. Secretaries Field Officers Field P. D. Secretaries Publishing House Managers, Editors, and Treasurers College and Secondary School Administrators STEERING COMMITTEE VOTED, To hold a steering committee each morning at 7:30 during the Division Council and yearend meetings. The steering committee is to be comprised of the Division officers. M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary 71-93 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � November 11, 1971 All members present. Prayer was offered by R. L. Jacobs FIXED EXCHANGE RATE - SHILLINGS VOTED, To recommend to the General Conference that the fixed rates for East African Shillings be maintained at the 1971 level for the Tanzania, Kenya, and Uganda Shillings. EXCHANGE GAINS - DISTRIBUTION VOTED, That the increased funds resulting from this fixed rate adjustment be divided three ways between East African, Middle East, and Tanzania Unions. UNION COMMITTEE DATES - 1972 REVISED VOTED, To recommend that the 1972 yearend union committee dates be revised as follows: Tanzania Union December 1 - � 7, 1972 East African Union December 8 - � 14, 1972 Ethiopia Union December 114 - � 19, 1972 Middle East Union December 19 - 24, 1972 CHAFIC SROUR - EAST AFRICA CAMPMEETINGS VOTED, To recommend to the Middle East Union that Chafic Srour be made available for campmeetings in Africa during the period of July - September, 1972. SPRING IN TITHE - DAR-ES-SALAAM CHURCH VOTED, That the Tanzania Union Spring in Tithe Reserve be al- located for a church building in Dar-es-Salaam. M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary 71-94 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � November 4,.1971 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, D. K. Bazarra, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg Union Presidents: R. C. Darnell, C. D. Henri, H. W. Palm, L. C. Robinson From the General Conference: M. S. Nigri Prayer was offered by R. L. Jacobs. ADVENTISTS ABROAD VOTED, To recommend to the Division Committee that all fields in the Division be acquainted with the program "Adventists Abroad." (Interview with L. C. Robinson of Tanzania) BUSEGWE OFFICE BUILDING VOTED, To look with favor on the idea of constructing a new office building at Busegwe for the Tanzania Union headquarters. (Interview with H. W. Palm of Ethiopia) EMPRESS ZAUDITU MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - STAFF HOUSING VOTED, To look with favor on the possibility of erecting housing for the Empress Zauditu Memorial Hospital staff on the hospital grounds with financing to be obtained locally, to be repaid from hospital earnings. ADDIS ABABA OVERSEAS SCHOOL - NINTH AND TENTH GRADES VOTED, To look with favor on the idea of schooling for 9th and 10th grade students in Ethiopia and that the Ethiopian Union administration pre- pare estimates of needs, available students, and that Dr. W. J. Brown's counsel be obtained. Meeting held November 15, 1971. Opened with prayer by ML E. Lind. KILIMANJARO CHRISTIAN MEDICAL CENTER - HOUSE FOR DOCTOR VOTED, To authorize the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center to use the funds supplied for a dwelling to purchase a house in Moshi rather than to build on the KCMG campus. M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary 71-95 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � November 4, 1971 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, Ray L. Jacobs, E. J. Gregg J. W. WHITEHOUSE - FINANCIAL HELP FOR EFFORT VOTED, To help J. W. Whitehouse with pay for a baby-sitter up to LL 325.00 during the time of the effort in Bekfaya because of the illness of his wife. Meeting held on November 26, 1971. PRESENT: R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt • MORRIS M. BOWEN - REQUEST FOR ADVANCE FOR PURCHASE OF CAR AGREED, To approve the request of Morris M. Bowen (EZMH) for an advance for the purchase of a car, of Eth $ 1,530.00, to be repaid at Eth $ 90.00 per month. It is assumed that this car is authorized since the request was brought personally by L. G. Diamond. Meeting held on December 24, 1971. PRESENT: M. E. Lind, D. K. Bazarra, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg From Middle East College: O. C. Bjerkan, Ignatius Yacoub, George Ghazal Prayer was offered by I. Yacoub. • VOTED, To send the following telex to Roy F. Williams of the General Conference Secretarial Department regarding the request of Henry Melki for employment clarification: DIVISION OFFICERS AND MIDDLE EAST COLLEGE ADMINISTRATORS HAVE DISCUSSED MELKI EMPLOYMENT CLARIFICATION REQUEST STOP WE RE-AFFIRM COMMUNICATION SENT BY LIND AND BJERKAN THEIR LETTERS DECEMBER SIXTEEN AND SEVENTEEN RESPECTIVELY ASSURING EMPLOYMENT. (Signed Lind Jacobs) M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary 71-96 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � December 28, 1971 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, D. K. Bazarra, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg Prayer by D. K. Bazarra. MEDICAL SECRETARY - A P BOKOVOY VOTED, To recommend to the Division Committee that Dr. A. P. Bokovoy be recommended for appointment as Medical Secretary of the Division, replacing Dr. H. N. Sheffield who is going on permanent return. E D HERTOGS - TERM OF SERVICE AGREED, That E. D. Hertogs be informed that we do not see light in their returning for a partial term, and suggest that they remain in Britain if they do not come for a full term. SALARY RATES - REVISIONS VOTED, That the salary percentage figures for the following union officers be revised to the following figures: F. K. Wangai � 85% S. D. Otieno � 85% R. C. Megera � 85% MARTHA HORN - CALL TO GENERAL CONFERENCE VOTED, To advise the General Conference that due to the fact that both officers of the Ethiopian Union will be on furlough during 1972, we do not feel that Miss Martha Horn should be released until near the end of the year for the call to the General Conference. IGNATIUS YACOUB - ADVANCED STUDY VOTED, That we recommend that Ignatius Yacoub be granted overseas study leave beginning in 1973. JACK THOMPSON - LEPER REHABILITATION COURSE VOTED, To approve the travel of Jack Thompson from Heri to Addis Ababa for a special course at "Alert" and that the Division bear the cost (approximately Eth $ 600.00) of his study and stay in Addis Ababa. 71-97 NEW YEAR'S DAY - HOLIDAY VOTED, To grant Monday, January 3, 1972 as a holiday in place of New Year's Day which falls on Sabbath. MASAI CLINIC AND MEDICAL LAUNCH - FINANCIAL PLAN VOTED, To express to the East African Union and/or the Tanzania Union the concern of the Division officers regarding a clinic project in the Masai area of Kenya being built by a worker from the Tanzania Union with special donations secured by him from private sources, and further concerning the Medical Launch project for Lake Victoria requesting the Tanzania Union to formulate adequate plans for the support of this project including personnel and financial aspects of this project. • Meeting held December 29, 1971. PRESENT: M. E. Lind, D. K. Bazarra, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Scjmdt, E. J. Gregg Prayer by E. J. Gregg. B L ELLINGWORTH - FUTURE RECOMMENDED, That the East African Union be contacted with respect to the possibility of using B. L. Ellingworth to lead out in a Mittleider-type program at Bugema Adventist College or Kamagambo Secondary School. NASSIM KHOURY - FINAL SETTLEMENT • RECOMMENDED, That assistance be granted to the Middle East Union equal to 50% of the final settlement to be paid to Nassim Knoury. D C SWAN - FURLOUGH ACTIVITIES RECOMMENDED, That D. C. Swan be granted permission to visit the American publishing houses during his furlough and that assistance be granted as follows: Air fare Nairobi - San Francisco with stops at Nashville, Tennessee and Washington, D. C. M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary • 71-98 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � December 30, 1971 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, D. K. EPzarra, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg Prayer by D. K. Bazarra. CAR LOANS VOTED, To approve car loans as follows: T. H. Scoggins E$ 2,100.00 R. M. Buckley Shs 7,500.00 E. J. Shidler Shs 5,000.00 PENETRATION TRACT RECOMMENDED, That the penetration tract by Fares Muganda be passed for publication following approval of the Reading Committee. Meeting held December 31, 1971 with same members present and by invitation R. H. Henning. Prayer by Ray L. Jacobs. RADIO STUDIO EQUIPMENT VOTED, To approve the purchase of the following studio equip- ment, provided further investigation proves these items adequate for the needs: 1 � TEAC Professional Tape Deck R - 760 1 � TEAC Stereo Tape Deck # A 7030 EAST MEDITERRANEAN FIELD RENT POLICY - SINGLE WORKERS VOTED, To acquiesce to the request of the East Mediterranean Field to apply on a provisional basis a rent policy for single workers which they have adopted with the approval of the Middle East Union officers, it being understood that this item will be placed on the agenda of the next meeting of the Afro-Mideast Division plenary meeting. 71-99 BEKELE HEYE - SPECIAL MEDICAL ASSISTANCE VOTED, To grant LL 300.00 to Bekele Heye as assistance in the unusual medical expenses borne by him in connection with the illness of his aged father who is dependent upon him. NICOLA YOUSSEF - MEDICAL PROBLEM C. E. Schmidt reported on his visit with Nicola Youssef (gateman) who has been ill for three months. It has been agreed that further medical counsel be sought by January 10, 1972 before any decision is taken concerning his continued employment. PAT SWAN - WORK ASSIGNMENT 411 � � VOTED, That Pat Swan be assigned to work as secretary for the Division President and the Lay Activities Secretary. Y. O. SANGERLOO - MEDICAL ALLOWANCE VOTED, To grant 507. of the normal medical allowance to Y. O. Sangerloo, a sustentation beneficiary residing in the United States for expenses reported for 1971 only. M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary • OFFICERS' MINUTES INDEX March 15 - December 1971 Page Addis Ababa Overseas School - 9th & 10th grades � 71-94 Advanced Study - Policy � 71-65 Policy amendment � 71-90 Adventists Abroad � 71-94 Africa Herald Publishing House Division Institution � 71-91 Editor � 100.0 � 71-59 Mission Extension Offering 1970 � 71-89 Allowances to be granted Division Staff � 71-70 Annual Committee - modification of dates � 71-91 Annual Statistical Reports - distribution � 71-84 Antar property - Power of Attorney - authorize signature � 71-58 Ashod, Diamond - medical expense � 71-59 Assistance with income tax - MEU report � 71-74 Astleford, D.R.L. - furlough activities � 71-81 Audit Committee � 71-89 Automobile Policy - MEU report � 71-74 Base Appropriation Decrease � 71-37 Beirut Overseas School Board members � 71-69 Charges passed through Division � 71-84 Educational allowance � 71-71 Faculty 1971 - 1972 � 71-69 Benson, Dr. George - internship plan � 71-77 Bjerkan, Knut - summer vacation � 71-66 Bjerkan, O. C. - Educational Assistance � 71-66 Bokovoy, A. P. - Medical Secretary � 71-95 Bowen, Morris M. - request advance for purchase of car � 71-95 Bradfield, J. T. - call to Solusi � 71-69,70 Bresee, Harley - cancel TU trip � 71-66 Buckley, R. M. - car loan � 71-98 Specialty group � 71-81 Burgess, R. J. - travel outside Division � 71-71 Bursary Students - sponsorship � 71-57 Busegwe Office Building � 71-94 Calculator - AMD Treasury � 71-79 Calls Bradfield, J. T. - to Solusi � 71-69,70 Nursing Instructor - EZMH � 71-59 Teacher of Education - Eth. Adv. College � 71-59 Thompson, Jack - to Ikizu � 71-68 Car loans � 71-98 Christensen, Else S. - Kendu � 71-92 Correspondence School Lessons - MEU report � 71-75 Cowles, Brenda - summer holidays � 71-62 Officers' IFD3X � Page Departmental Secretaries - meeting with Officers � 71-57 Division Council & Committee - dates � 71-57 Division Council Invitation to sustentees � 71-85 Meal schedule � 71-86 Photograph � 71-92 Representation � 71-62,63 Song sheet for � 71-85 Division Headquarters Survey Commission � 71-91 Division Staff or Local Organization - Policies � 71-89 Division Yearend Committee Schedule � 71-57 East Mediterranean Field Rent Policy - single workers � 71-98 Educational allowance Beirut Overseas School � 71-71 Policy amendment � 71-89 Educational assistance - wives of workers � 71-86 Ellingworth, B. L. - future � 71-97 Empress Zauditu Memorial Hospital Call Nursing Instructor � 71-59 Staff housing � 71-94 Ethiopian Adventist College - call Teacher of Edu. � 71-59 Exchange Gains - distribution � 71-93 Fall Council, 1972 - Mexico City � 71-87 Farag, Samuel - medical allowance in U.S A � 71-86 Medical expense � 71-59 Field Sessions - representation � 71-64 Fixed Exchange Rate - shillings � 71-93 Gharib, Kamly - assist in Council � 71-92 Government Contacts - made by authorized persons only � 71-60 Guided Tour - Council delegates � 71-90 Gundersen, Mrs. Agnes - compensage Living Expenses � 71-74 Hamer, J. C. - Ex Gracia allowance � 71-70 Henning, R. H. - attend Tri-Division Publishing Council � 71-58 Hertogs, E. D. - term of service � 71-95 Heye, Bekele - special medical assistance � 71-99 Holidays - for Division Staff � 71-70 Holiday Travel Allowance - Heri � 71-57 Horn, Martha - call to General Conference � 71-96 Interviews and Committee - schedules � 71-65 Ishaka - relief physician � 71-60 Officers' INDEX � Page Jacobs, R. L. - furlough � 71-62 Johnson, Werber - Extension of assistance � 71-67 Reimbursement � 71-68 Kaler, Mrs. H. Kalustyan - medical insurance assist. � 71-83 Kharma, Issa - MED Policy applied � 71-65 Sponsorship � 71-57 Khoury, George - Loss on furniture � 71-81 MED Policy applied � . . � 71-65 Sponsorship � ..ti... � 71-57 Travel authorization � 71-65 Khoury, Joseph - freight allowance � 71-69 Khoury, Nassim - final settlement � 71-97 Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center house for doctor � 71-94 Kireka Guesthouse - EAU � 71-67 Klinger, R. - financial commitment � 71-79 Knopper, J. T. - car depreciation � 71-67 Kyale, J. N. - increase bursary � 71-88 Lisso, T. R. - salary � 71-58 Literature Program - MEU report � 71-75 Local Field Budgets - MEU report � 71-75 Ludington, Dr. D. C. - released from residency plans � 71-77 Maintenance/Storage - construction � 71-82 Maowad, Doctor D. - employment � 71-64 Martinsen, F. - education of children � 71-77 Masai Clinic & Medical Launch - financial plan � 71-97 Medical Policy - health insurance, Blue Cross � 71-68 Medical Secretary - A. P. Bokovoy � 71-95 Megera, R. C. - salary rate revision � 71-96 Megurditchian, Minas - car authorization � 71-81 Melki, Henry - sponsorship � 71-57 Telex to Roy F. Williams � 71-95 Meyer, William - AVSC � 71-71 Middle East College - commercial vacuum cleaner � 71-62 Financial surv2y � 71-90 Middle East Tress - "apartment" management � 71-81 Middle East Union Office - telephone line � 71-88 Mills, R. H. - question regarding permanent return � 71-72 Question regarding permanent return � 71-77,78 Minister of Social Affairs - interview � 71-85 Ministerial Internship Plan - MEU report � 71-75 Ministry of Social Affairs - Deputation named to approach � 71-61 Mission Extension Offering 1970 - AHPH � 71-89 National Workers - returning to homeland - policy amend. � 71-90 New Year's Day - Holiday � 71-97 Nickell, R. R. - furlough recommended � 71-68 Nominations - Committee on � 71-65 Officers' INDEX � Page Office furniture - purchase authorized � 71-81 Okeyo, Elisha - increase bursary � 71-88 Oster, Cyrus - return fare from Andrews Univ. to Beirut � 71-73 Oster, Kenneth - car depreciation advance � 71-60 Oster, Mrs. K. - salary rate � 71-68 Otieno, S. C. - salary rate revision � 71-96 Penetration Tract � 71-98 Pifer, R. D. - car loan � 71-87 Policy Amendments � 71-89,90 Political Situation - Tanzania � 71-73 Professional magazines - policy amendment � 71-89 Publishing Department Policy Book - distribution � 71-92 Radio Monte Carlo - MEU report � 71-75 Radio Studio Equipment � 71-93 Regional Director of Labor - interview � 71-88 Representation Division Council � 71-62,63 Field Sessions � 71-64 Union Sessions � 71-64 Road License Tabled - policy amendment � 71-89 Rolita, Dr. Lilli - authorize employment � 71-60 Sabbath School Overflow Offering - appreciation � 71-37 Project 1974 � 71-37 Salary Bonus - Inter-Union Workers � 71-53 Salary rates - revisions � 71-95 Salzmann, H. - Educational assistance for children � 71-66 Sangerloo, Y. O. - medical allowance � 71-99 Schmidt, Londa - depreciation advance � 71-33 School Inspection Committee - additional members � 71-86 Scoggins, T. H. - car loan � 71-98 Screening Committee - MEU report � 71-74 Secretarial duties - during absence of R.L. Jacobs � 71-71 Segar, Mrs. James - call as secretary AMD office � 71-60 Sequeira, E. H. - considered as principal of Bugema � 71-76 Sequiera, J. H. - status � 71-64,65 Shahin, Samir - MED Policy applied � 71-65 Sponsorship � 71-57 Shidler, E. J. - car loan � 71-98 Skoretz, Edward - car depreciation advance � 71-34 Special Invitations to Council � 71-90 Sponsorship - bursary students � 71-57 Spring in tithe - Dar-es-Salaam Church � 71-93 Srour, Chafic - East Africa Campmeetings � 71-93 Steering Committee - Division Council � 71-92 Student Colporteur Scholarship Plan - MEU report � 71-75 Survey Commission - schools � 71-91 Sustentees - Medical Reports � 71-59 Officers' � INDEX Page Swan, D. C. - furlough activities � 71-97 Swan, Pat - work assignment � 71-99 Tanzania,- situation in � 71-77 Tanzania Union Assistant Publishing Secretary � 71-87 Ceiling of President's house � 71-67 Publishing Secretary � 71-84 Taylor, R. W. - washing machine � 71-62 Thompson, Jack - call to Ikizu � 71-68 Class B allowances � 71-79 Course in Swahili � 71-80 India � 71-79 Leper rehabilitation course � 71-96 Leper rehabilitation training � 71-80 Unger, George - garden compensation � 71-69 Union Committee Dates - 1972 Revised � 71-93 Union Presidents - interviews � 71-90 Union Sessions - representation � 71-64 Union Treasurers to attend Division Council � 71-80 Van Tassel, April & Cherry - travel expenses � 71-74 Wage Scale - policy amendment � A0000 71-90 Wangai, F. K. - salary rate revision � 71-96 Webster, W. M. - furlough plans � 71-59 Wheeler, B. D. - delay � 71-67 Whitehouse, J. W. - financial help for effort � 71-95 Work Permits � 71-88 Committee to process � 71-61 Working Policy - Division Staff supplement � 71-70 Yacoub, Antar - customs charges � 71-69 Yacoub, Ignatius - advanced study � 71-96 Salary shared with MEC � 71-63 Yearend Committee Schedule - Division � 71-57 Youssif, Nicola - assistance in moving � 71-77 Medical problem � 71-99 72-1 • OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � February 2, 1972 PRESENT: . M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg. Prayer was offered by C. E. Schmidt. REVISED PLANS - MIDDLE EAST COLLEGE AUDITORIUM/MUSIC BUILDING VOTED, To pass on the revised plans for the gymnasium/music building at Middle East College to the General Conference for their approval. Meeting held February 3, 1972 at 8:10 A.M. Prayer was offered by E. J. Gregg. P. RUTHERFORD - STUDENT MISSIOARY TO TANZANIA UNION VOTED, To request the General Conference to appoint the student missionary couple, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Rutherford, to the Tanzania Union for service in the Voice of Prophecy. R. PICKARD - STUDENT MISSIONARY TO BEIRUT, LEBANON VOTED, That the newly arrived student missionary couple, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pickard, be assigned as follows: Bob Pickard to Beirut Overseas School, and Mrs. Pickard to Beirut Overseas School until March 31, and then to the Division office for secretarial work until the new school year begins. It was also VOTED, To grant a monthly sustenance allowance of LL 300.00 per month, with all utilities furnished. • B. L. ELLINGWORTH - LEAVE WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION Inasmuch as B. L. Ellingworth has left the work in Tanzania con- trary to advise from the Union Administration, it was VOTED, To inform the General Conference of this action and that salary has been paid until January 31, 1972. W. M. WEBSTER - PERMANENT RETURN WHEREAS, W. M. Webster has accepted a call to serve as secretary- treasurer of the Zambesi Union, it was VOTED, To recommend to the General Conference that a permanent return be granted W. M. Webster to his home division, the Trans- Africa Division. 72-2 February 3, 1972 N. SEENYEN - ASSISTANCE FOR DAUGHTER'S EDUCATION WHEREAS, N. Seenyen of the Seychelles Field has requested assistance in the education of his daughter, whom he wishes to send to Avondale College, it was VOTED, To recommend to the East African Union that assistance be given to Elder Seenyen as follows: a. East African Union to provide the educational scholarship grant b. The Afro-Mideast Division will pay through the EAU the equivalent of one round-trip per school year between the Seychelles and Mauritius her homeland. CAROL MILES - STUDY PLANS 411 � � VOTED, To recommend to Carol Miles that she take the Library Science course at the University of Washington. A. P. BOKOVOY - PLACE OF RESIDENCE VOTED, To inform the General Conference that it is intended that Dr. A. P. Bokovoy reside in Addis Ababa where he will be closer to the major medical work of the Division, rather than in Nairobi, where Dr. H. N. Sheffield, present Medical Secretary, has been residing. DAVID SYME - PERMANENT RETURN VOTED, To recommend that David Syme be granted a permanent return to Australia, his homeland. L. N. WRIGHT, M.D. - ASSISTANCE IN ADOPTING SON VOTED, To grant assistance to the amount of $200.00 to Dr. L. N. Wright in connection with the expenses incurred in the adoption of their infant son. Meeting held February 4, 1972 at 3:00 A.M. Prayer was offered by R. L. Jacobs. WORKING POLICY - PRINTING VOTED, To authorize the printing of an edition of 300 copies of the Afro-Mideast Division Working Policy books. It is recommended that the book be of loose-leaf style. MITTLEIDER AGRICULTURAL PROGRAM VOTED, To provide Shs. 6.50/- monthly to provide for someone to follow up the Mittleider program at Morogoro for the balance of the year 1972. 72-3 February 4, 1972 KIBIDULA - TEMPORARY REPLACEMENT FOR M. GUNDERSEN In view of the uncertainty of the tenure at Ikizu which might necessitate the re-location of the Seminary, it was VOTED, To allow the Tanzania Union an amount of Shs. 850/- per month to provide for a caretaker at Kibidula following the departure of M. Gundersen, until the end of 1972, with the understanding that the Tanzania Union committee appoint someone for this work. BUGEMA - EMPLOYMENT OF WIVES In view of the emergency at Bugema Adventist College where two senior African teachers have resigned, it was VOTED, To authorize the East African Union to employ workers' 410 � wives in replacement up to a total of 150 hours per month. NAJLA MACKDISI - FINAL SETTLEMENT VOTED, To authorize the treasury department to make final settle- ment with Najla Mackdisi, a nurse from the Benghazi Hospital. RONALD FRITZ, DDS - MISSION ORIENTATION COURSE VOTED, To authorize Ronald Fritz, DDS. who is under appointment to the Nairobi Medical Service, to attend the Mission Orientation Course at Andrews University, June 12 - July 21. BASHIR AZIZ - ETHIOPIAN ADVENTIST COLLEGE EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE VOTED, To authorize the transfer of the unused three quarters education privilege for Bashir Aziz from Middle East College to Ethiopia Adventist College. • M. E. Lind, Chairman R. L. Jacobs, Secretary 72-4 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � February 15, 1972 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, D. K. Bazarra, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg Prayer was offered by D. K. Bazarra. MIDYEAR COMMITTEE - SCHEDULE RECOMMENDED, That the following schedule obtain for the Midyear Committee meeting: Monday, May 8 East African Union, Ethiopian Union, and Tanzania Union members travel to Beirut. Tuesday, May 9 Interviews with presidents. • Wednesday, May 10 - Monday, May 15, Midyear committee meetings. TRANSPORTATION OF E1ECTIVE MEMBERS- DIVISION COMMITTEE VOTED, That the Division bear the cost of air tickets and enter- tainment while the members are in Beirut. Costs of passports, health certificates, travel to airport, etc. would be against the worker's own local travel budget. UNION PRESIDENTS - INTERVIEWS RECOMMENDED, The following schedule for interviews with the Union presidents: R. C. Darnell Monday, May 8 11:00 - 12:00 M L. C. Robinson Tuesday, May 9 5:00 - � 9:00 A.M. H. W. Palm Tuesday, May 9 9:30 - 10:30 A.M. C. D. Henri Tuesday, May 9 11:00 - 12:00 M • "PINE ECHOES"- ADD VOTED, To approve the customary full-page add in the Middle East College "Pine Echoes." IGNATIUS YACOUB - SPONSORSHIP VOTED, To authorize the Division Secretary to write a letter of sponsorship for Ignatius Yacoub who has been approved for doctoral study overseas beginning Autumn of 1973. MARRIAGE WITH UNBELIEVERS VOTED, To recommend to Middle East College that Emile Zamer be dismissed due to his marriage to an unbeliever contrary to counsel. 72-5 H. N. SHEFFIELD - RESIDENCY VOTED, To recommend that Dr. H. N. Sheffield be sponsored for a residency in surgery. ROBERT PICARD - LIVING ALLOWANCE VOTED, To adjust the living allowance Picard from LL 300.00 to LL 400.00. for Mr. and Mrs. Robert GENERAL CONFERENCE COMMITTEE ON ORGANIZATION - A. H. BRANDT departmental representa- the General Conference VOTED, To appoint A. H. Brandt as the tive of the Afro-Mideast Division to serve on Committee on Reorganization. Meeting held February 16, 1972 with same members present Prayer was offered by C. E. Schmidt. HANNA MALAKA - LOMA LINDA INDIVIDUALIZED LEARNING PROGRAM VOTED, To recommend that Hanna Melaka who has been recommended by the Middle East Union for study on the Loma Linda University Individualized Learning Program be approved on the condition that the Division share in the cost to the extent of 25% up to a maximum of $300.00. It is understood that there will be no expenses for visits from Loma Linda University personnel included in the cost of this course. "REVIEW AND HERALD" SUBSCRIPTION CHARGES VOTED, � That assistance be granted to the Review and Herald on the following to workers for subscriptions basis: Worker $3.00 Local Field 1.00 Division 1.50 General Conference 1.45 Total $6.95 It is understood that workers who live in the same area will join together to take advantage of the club rates whenever possible. M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary 72-6 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � February 17, 1972 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, D. K. Bazarra, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg Prayer was offered by D. K. Bazarra. E. WANJARA - ASSISTANCE VOTED, To assist the Tanzania Union to the extent of Shs 2000/- toward the accident loss of E. Wanjara and to recommend that an action be taken requesting that Unions set up a fund for the insurance of workers' cars which because of age are not insurable. POLICY COMMITTEE - MIDYEAR VOTED, To recommend that a policy committee be appointed to consider policies to be submitted to the Midyear c&mmittee, as follows: R. L. Jacobs, Chairman D. K. Bazarra O. C. Bjerkan R. C. Darnell E. J. Gregg R. H. Henning BERNARD SALZMANN - STUDENT MISSIONARY C. D. Henri M. E. Lind H. W. Palm L. C. Robinson C. E. Schmidt WHEREAS, Bernard Salzmann has been appointed as a student missionary to connect with the Voice of Prophecy in Morogoro, Tanzania it was VOTED, To approve the payment of Bernard's fares from Andrews University to Morogoro and return on the understanding that the Salzmanns agree to spend a four-year term in the field, thus enabling the Division to bring the son out in harmony with the General Conference policy for children visiting parents. TRAVEL OUTSIDE DIVISION VOTED, To approve travel outside the Division as follows: Mrs. C. E. Schmidt - Argentina - Feb. 20 -Mar. 1,1972 Mrs. Leslie Anderson and children - Canada - January 16 - February 23, 1972 M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary 72-7 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � February 17, 1972 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, D. N. Bazarra, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg Prayer was offered by E. J. Gregg. MAIDA AZADIAN - VOLUNTEER SERVICE EMPRESS ZAUDITU MEMORIAL HOSPITAL VOTED, To look with favor on the suggestion that Miss Maida Azadian, a third year student in Pharmacology, be sent to Ethiopia during her three-month summer vacation provided the Ethiopian Union and the EZMH are agreed and are willing to provide for her entertainment. The Division is to pay her fares. The purpose of this trip would be to allow her a period of experience in connection with our mission medical work. ETHIOPIAN UNION - ACTING PRESIDENT VOTED, That R. L. Jacobs be asked to serve as chairman of the Ethiopian Union during the absence of H. W. Palm on furlough. He would spend approximately one month in Ethiopia from early June to mid July. This will necessitate modification of itineraries voted for Elder Jacobs in the East African Union and the Tanzania Union. IRAN CAMPMEETING - M. E. LIND ATTEND VOTED, That M. E. Lind take the campmeeting appointment voted for R. L. Jacobs in Iran in June. TITHE PERCENTAGE SCHEDULE - POLICY VOTED, That the policy on the sharing of the tithe be amended by including the thought contained in the paragraph from the General Con- ference Working Policy, p. 263 entitled, "Tithe Percentage Schedule." Meeting held on February 21, 1972 at 8:00 A.M. with same members present. Prayer was offered by D. K. Bazarra. MEDICAL DIRECTOR - HERI VOTED, To recommend that a call be placed for a doctor to serve as Medical Director of Heri Hospital. The name of Dr. Ray Pellow of Spokane, Washington is suggested. KCMG - FINANCIAL COMMITMENTS WHEREAS, recent contacts with the authorities at KCMG indicate that control of that institution now rests largely with the Tanzania Government, thus making it unlikely that non-Tanzanian students would have opportunity for acceptance to study there, and further that 72-8 Seventh-day Adventist applicants would have no preferential con- sideration, it was VOTED, To recommend that the Afro-Mideast Division not in- crease its financial commitments to the KCMC beyond the present one staff member. DR. RICHARD HART - RELATION TO KCMC WHEREAS, Dr. Richard Hart, presently completing a residency at John Hopkins University Medical School, is interested in con- necting with KCMC, provided the AND can assist him with his medical course expenses, and in view of the foregoing recommendation, it was VOTED, To advise Dr. Hart that we do not find it possible to increase our commitment toward the KCMC project by assuming any financial liability for his connection with the KCMC. MARY GHAZAL - LEAVE OF ABSENCE VOTED, To grant the request of Mary Ghazal for a leave of two months, including her annual vacation of three weeks, during the period July 1 to September 1. Time taken beyond vacation is without salary. MONETARY SITUATION - EFFECT ON BUDGET WHEREAS, The world monetary situation is continually being watched by the denominational financial leaders and further changes have been adopted in denominational exchange rates, it was VOTED, To ask the treasury department to rework the budget in harmony with the latest developments and that the Union Administrators be informed immediately of the seriousness of the problem. 410 � Meeting held February 22, 1972 at 8:00 A.M. with same members present. Prayer was offered by M. E. Lind. RONALD FRITZ, DDS. - CANADIAN EXAMINATIONS EXPENSE VOTED, To authorize Dr. Ronald Fritz to take the Canadian Board examinations in dentistry in May, provided he is medically cleared for a mission appointment. SEMIR SHAHINE - ALLOWANCES WHILE ON STUDY LEAVE VOTED, To authorize the treasurer to pay Book Allowance to Samir Shahine for books purchased while spending one year at Andrews University, following the General Conference Session, but that no assistance be given on the cost of accomodation while on his vacation. 72-9 HOME-OWNERS' SUBSIDY - PAYMENT IN ADVANCE VOTED, To acquiesce in the request of the Middle East Union that they be permitted to continue the practice of paying the home owners' allowance for the year in advance for the year 1972 only. IRAQ FUNDS - EXCHANGE LOSS VOTED, To seek counsel from the General Conference concerning the transfer of funds from Iraq to Lebanon. The funds belong to the Middle East Union. KARURA VOICE OF PROPHECY HOUSE - TRANSFER TO SECTION I VOTED, To recommend that approval be granted for the house at Karura, East African Union, formerly occupied by Wesley Flory to be transferred to Section I for occupancy by the director of the Voice of Prophecy. EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE TO MIDDLE EAST UNION VOTED, To advise the Middle East Union that the Afro-Mideast Division will share 50% in the following expenses: a. Building fines - Damascus Center b. Legal expenses - Jordan Orphanage c. Welfare organization - Turkey M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary • 72-10 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � February 24, 1972 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, D. K. Bazarra, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg Prayer was offered by R. L. Jacobs. BEIRUT OVERSEAS SCHOOL - DIVISION OFF LIMITS VOTED, That the Division office be considered off limits to students of the Beirut Overseas School except as they must come to see parents or others on business. UNION ANNUAL COMMITTEES - DIVISION REPRESENTATION 411 � � VOTED, That Division representation at Union and local yearend committees be as follows: Tanzania Union - December 1 - 7, M. E. Lind, C. E. Schmidt East Africa Union - December 8 - 14, M. E. Lind, C. E. Schmidt Ethiopian Union - December 14 - 19, M. E. Lind, C. E. Schmidt Middle East Union - December 26 - 30, R. L. Jacobs, E. J. Gregg Local field yearend meetings - January 8 - 31, 1973: Tanzania and Ethiopia - E. J. Gregg East African Union and Middle East Union - R. L. Jacobs Meeting held February 29, 1972, at 10:00 A.M. with same members present: Prayer was offered by C. E. Schmidt. HANSEN MEMORIAL LIBRARY - DONATION VOTED, To grant E$ 1,000 from special donations to the fund being set up for a Hansen Memorial Library in Akaki Seventh-day Adventist School. ISHAKA HOSPITAL - SALE OF FURNITURE TO MEDICAL DIRECTOR AGREED, To advise the East African Union that it is not the practice to sell furniture with which denominationally owned homes are equipped, but that inasmuch as the furniture in Ishaka would have to be stored with resulting deteriorization while the house is occupied by a national worker, to acquiesce in the request of the East African Union to sell the furniture in the Medical Director's house to Dr. S. I. Biraro, it being understood, (1) that the Union treasurer be responsible for seeing that the price be set at a realistic figure, considering costs of replacement, (2) that funds received be set up as a reserve to be used for re-furnishing the house if an inter-division worker is called to Ishaka in the future, and (3) that the EAU be responsible for refurnishing the house in • 72-11 February 29, 1972 case it is required and (4) that the total be paid in no more than two years. FORT PORTAL EXPATRIATE HOUSE WHEREAS, a request has been made for a re-organization of the Uganda field which might require the use of the Fort Portal ex- patriate house, it was AGREED, That approval of the request of the East African Union to release the Fort Portal house for occupancy by a national worker be held in abeyance until the above-mentioned request has been studied. NAIROBI MEDICAL CENTER - APARTMENT ON GROUND FLOOR VOTED, To acquiesce in the request of the East African Union to use up to Shs. 70,000 of their own reserve funds for the construction of a three-bedroom apartment on the ground floor of the Medical Center building, it being understood that this advance shall be considered as first call on 1973 special appropriations. MICHAEL KATRIB - WORK PERMIT AGREED, To advise the Middle East Union that we look with con- cern on the fact that the East Mediterranean Field has independently authorized Michael Katrib to secure his work permit, in view of the firm agreement that all work permits in Lebanon be requested through the committee set up for this purpose. M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary • 72-12 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � March 6, 1972 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, D. K. Bazarra, C. E. Schmidt, R. L. Jacobs Prayer was offered by Ray L. Jacobs. PATHFINDER CLUB - VAN FOR STORAGE AGREED, To acquiesce in the request of the College Park Path- finder Club to place a moving van behind the lower garage for storage of supplies, it being understood that this has been cleared with the administration of the Beirut Overseas School, and that when the van is no longer required for the purpose indicated, the College Park Church will be responsible for removing it from the Division compound. CHAFIC SROUR - LETTER OF GUARANTEE AGREED, To authorize the secretary to write the necessary letter of guarantee required by the United States consul, in order for Elder and Mrs. Chafic Srour to be granted tourist visas to make it possible for them to attend the graduation of their son, Sami, from Loma Linda University. LOMA LINDA UNIVERSITY SUMMER SCHOOL ON MIDDLE EAST COLLEGE CAMPUS AGREED, To recommend to the Division committee that assistance be granted to one worker from each union whom they may choose to attend the Loma Linda University Summer School to be held in Beirut, June 15 - August 14, 1972, suggesting that the expense be shared equally by the worker, the local field, the unions and the Division. LOCAL FIELDS - FINANCIAL POSITION AGREED, To request the Division Treasurer to write to the officers of the local fields and unions indicating that we view with great concern the downward trend in the operating capital position of many of the fields, and reminding them that in no case should new workers be employed without adequate budgetary provisions and the approval of the next higher organization. TOBACCO FARMING - EAST AFRICAN UNION REQUEST FOR COUNSEL AGREED, To recommend to the Afro-Mideast Division committee that the East African Union be counselled to hold before our people our basic health principles regarding coffee, tea, tobacco, etc., and that while the growing of these crops is not a test of fellowship to keep in mind the counsel given in Selected Messages, Vol. 2, page 338, and recommend that our members find other crops which they can conscientiously culti- vate with the blessing of God. M. E. Lind, Chairman R. L. Jacobs, Secretary pro tem 72-13 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � March 7, 1972 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, C. E. Schmidt, R. L. Jacobs By invitation: R. C. Darnell MAURICE KATRIB - WORK PERMIT WHEREAS, A copy of a letter written by Maurice Katrib to George Nehme indicates the refusal of the former to permit a work permit to be secured for him, it was AGREED, To inform Maurice Katrib that a committee has been ap- pointed that decides in counsel with the employing organization con- cerned whether ministers are required to have work permits or not, and that this committee is therefore solely responsible for decisions per- taining to work permits, with George Nehme working on its behalf in ex- ecuting its decisions, and further That if any worker feels that he should be permitted to work without a permit, he should direct himself directly to C. E. Schmidt, chairman of the Work Permit Committee, who can arrange for the presentation of the request in the proper way. Meeting held March 8, 1972 with the following present: M. E. Lind, D. K. Bazarra, C. E. Schmidt, R. L. Jacobs Prayer was offered by D. K. Bazarra. D. K. BAZARRA - MODIFICATION OF ITINERARY AGREED, That D. K. Bazarra may accept the insistent request of the East African Union for him to attend a workers' meeting April 17 - 26, but in case he makes this trip, the scheduled campmeeting appoint- ments August 9 - 31, will necessarily be cancelled. M. E. LIND - MODIFICATION OF EGYPT ITINERARY AGREED, To recommend to the Division committee that upon the request of the Middle East Union, M. E. Lind be authorized to travel to Egypt for binding off the Cairo effort April 14 - 22, 1972 instead of May 24 - 30, as formerly scheduled. ADMINISTRATOR EZMH AGREED, To inform the Ethiopian Union that we look with favor on the suggestion that T. H. Scoggins be appointed administrator of the EZMH, but that action should not be taken before the midyear committee meeting when full representation will be present. 72-14 R. H. HENNING - INGATHERING IN DAR-ES-SALAAM AGREED, To pass on to R. H. Henning the urgent request of the Tanzania Union that he rearrange his itinerary so as to assist in the Ingathering campaign in Dar-Es-Salaam June 1-10, as was originally voted. ARNO HENSEL - CALL HELD IN ABEYANCE AGREED, That we do not see light in authorizing Arno Hensel to take the course in tropical medicine recommended by the Tanzania Union since uncertainty exists regarding the possibility of securing permission to open the clinic in Mwanza. A. H. BRANDT - CANCEL PR COUNCIL ATTENDANCE AGREED, To recommend to A. H. Brandt that he cancel the plan to attend the PR council in Vienna since it conflicts with the dates for the Division committee. D. R. SYNE - HOMELAND ALLOWANCE TO ENGLAND AGREED, To approve the request of D. R. Syme to have his homeland allowance sent to England (at the Australian rate) since he will be requiring these funds for his study program in Newbold College. Meeting held March 10, 1972 at 3:00 A.M. with same members present. Prayer by D. K. Bazarra. RADIO EOUIPMENT PURCHASE AGREED, To assure R. H. Henning that he need no further approval for the purchase of the radio equipment within the budget, and in har- mony with officers' action (OM 71-98). TEMPERANCE SECRETARY - R. W. TAYLOR WHEREAS, It is felt that the duties of Dr. A. P. Bokovoy in medical lines, considering his responsibilities toward the hospitals, and the shortage of physicians, and since it is the desire of the General Conference Temperance department to have a division secretary who can devote a fair share of his time to the promotion of the plans of the department, it was VOTED, To recoin � end to the General Conference that R. W. Taylor be appointed Temperance Secretary of the Division. 72-15 MRS. H. L. SCHAFFER - EMERGENCY SURGERY WHEREAS, A cable has been received as follows: Mrs. Schaffer Bugema needs emergency major surgery request permission purchase tickets family go home immediately stop Schaffer remain until furlough due June advise cable (Signed) Henri it was, VOTED, To authorize the family of H. L. Schaffer to return home immediately subject to Dr. Buckley's advice indicating that the surgery should not be performed in Nairobi or Addis Ababa. MEETING held March 12, 1972, at 9:05 A.M. - same members present. By invitation: H. N. Sheffield. Prayer by R. L. Jacobs. Dr. Sheffield reported on Kenneth Oster's successful meetings in Tehran and the encouraging 5-Day Plan in which he participated with Jack Bohannon in Shiraz where 400 packed the hall provided by the medical school; medical students gave out announcements, and 42 minutes were given on TV. L. F. Greer in the Physical Therapy Clinic in Tehran is dependent on one orthopedic doctor so has an average of only four patients a day. A run-down of the coverage of medical institutions showed the following: Kendu--Dr. Kraft is having to dedicate much time to building, but the Torres are ably carrying on the medical practice. Ishaka--Fully covered with Drs. Biraro and Llaguno Gimbie--Request to explore possibility of securing Dr. Oliphant to assist Dr. Friend, if the Ethiopian Union feels that the budget can be assured. Heri-- Dr. Mtango is doing his best, but a doctor is urgently needed. Suggest writing to Elder Robinson to see if they can accept a non-flying physician if a pilot/doctor cannot be found. Nairobi--Hope was expressed that Dr. Watts might still be available. EZMH -- AGREED, To ask the FED to secure an experienced general practitioner to replace Dr. Griffin. Nairobi Dentist -- Since an experienced dentist is required, the appointment of Ronald Fritz should be cancelled, and the name of Friedrich Starke of Germany suggested. 72-16 KILIMANJARO CHRISTIAN MEDICAL CENTER - CANCEL COMMITMENTS AGREED, To inform the administration of the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center that since the control of the hospital has been altered so that it cannot fulfill our expectations for the training of medical personnel, the Afro-Mideast Division will not be able to con- tinue the former plan of maintaining a second doctor in the institution. Meeting held March 14, 1972, at 8:00 A.M. Same members present. C. E. Schmidt offered prayer. J. N. ICYALE - SPONSORSHIP AND TRAVEL PLANS J. N. Kyale of the East African Union is studying in Philippine Union College toward an M. A. degree. He has requested an increase of allowances and stop-over privileges in connection with his return home this summer. AGREED, That J. N. Kyale be authorized to return to East Africa by the most economical means, according to policy, and further That the Treasurer secure information as to allowances granted by other divisions sending students to Philippine Union College, with the view of adjusting our grants if found necessary. HANA NASR - SUSTENTATION Miss Hana Nasr was placed on sustentation in 1964 (MED 64-159), but later she continued to work and alleges that three years were to be added to her service record of 34 years. The Middle East Union sug- gests two years additional. AGREED, To add two years to the service record of Miss Hana Nasr, giving a total of 36 years, and further That since she is a resident of Lebanon where she now resides on a permanent basis, to grant her pay at the Lebanese rate. DIANA HATEM - TERMINAL SETTLEMENT AGREED, To recommend to the Middle East Union that they acquiesce in the request of Diana Hatem of Jordan for final settlement, since this was promised in writing by the then-president of the Jordan Section. FINAL SETTLEMENTS - POLICY AGREED, To list for study the matter of final settlements for workers in Lebanon for the Midyear Policy Committee. • 72-17 MIDDLE EAST COLLEGE STOREKEEPER AGREED, To recommend to the Middle East College administration that the non-Adventist storekeeper be discontinued in his work, since his attitudes turn customers away, and continued employment increases the problems of settlement. EAST AFRICAN UNION - AUTOMOBILE LOAN CEILING VOTED, That the Automobile Loan ceiling for the East African Union formerly set at Shs. 40,000 be increased to Shs. 55,000. M. E. Lind, Chairman R. L. Jacobs, Secretary pro tem 72-18 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � March 15, 1972 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, D. K. Bazarra, C. E. Schmidt, R. L. Jacobs Prayer was offered by D. K. Bazarra. FRANZ PETROV - SURGERY IN ENGLAND VOTED, To approve the recommendation of the East African Union that Franz Petrov be authorized to travel to England for surgery which cannot be performed in Ethiopia due to a heart condition, and report the travel expense on his medical report. Meeting held March 21, 1972 with the same members present. Prayer was offered by M. E. Lind. ABONZA HEADQUARTERS AGREED, To approve, in principle, the request of the Ethiopian Union to purchase a property (3,000 m2) on the shore of Lake Awasa with two three-bedroom houses with extra guest rooms, for Eth$55,000.00 to be used as headquarters for the South Ethiopia Field and vacation facility for workers, it being understood that due to the shortage in operating capital in both the Union and the South Ethiopian Field, funds for the purchase be taken from reserves and reallocation of specials. JON GREEN AGREED, To advise Jon Green that we view with grave concern the charges made by A. E. Anderson, having to do with alleged duplicity in arrangements for the Cessna 185 during his absence, and request a suitable explanation. DR. WILLIAM OLIPHANT AGREED, To request the General Conference to appoint Dr. Oliphant to the Afro-Mideast Division with the idea that the exact location be negociated, since Nairobi, EZMH, Gimbie, Heri are all open at present. SAMM SROUR AGREED, To inform the General Conference that the Afro-Mideast Division has invested $8,300.00 in Sami Srour, and that he has signed a contract to return for service in the Division. It is our under- standing that on completion of his internship he should return to the Division to begin the amortization of his loan. 72-19 Meeting held March 23, 1972 with same members present. Invited: Bekele Heye (for first item). Prayer was offered by D. K. Bazarra. ERIK CHRISTENSEN - FURLOUGH The Erik Christensen case was studied again in view of the report given by Elder Bekele Heye who just returned from Ethiopia. H. W. Palm had also written explaining the attitude of the members of the Ethiopian Union committee. Since it was apparent that practically all the mem- bers of the union committee representing senior national and expatriate workers felt that Brother Christensen should return to the EZMH, it was AGREED, To recommend to the Division committee that Erik Christensen be granted a furlough. 411 � HUGH COWLES - CALL TO MIDDLE EAST COLLEGE AGREED, To recommend to the Division committee that Hugh Cowles be called as Dean of Men at Middle East College. Meeting held March 27, 1972 with same members present. Invited: Bekele Heye Prayer was offered by C. E. Schmidt. GEBRE FELEMA - EXCHANGE VISITOR VISA SPONSORSHIP AGREED, To request the General Conference to grant an exchange visitor visa sponsorship for Gebre Felema, in order to facilitate his work program, in harmony with a cable received from W. L. Pascoe. WILTON CLARKE - FURLOUGH STUDY AUTHORIZATION The Trans-Africa Division has requested permission to pass through a call for Wilton Clarke. Since it was assumed that such a call would be forthcoming, no plan was made for a study program for Wilton Clarke when he left on furlough. The call has not materialized, and Brother Clarke is in need of assistance in his study program. In harmony with counsel cabled by R. F. Williams, it was AGREED, To authorize assistance for Wilton Clarke in his study program in harmony with the provisions of the General Conference Working Policy, p. 200, it being understood that this assistance will be borne by the calling Division should he receive a call to labor elsewhere. 72-20 EHIOPIAN ADVENTIST COLLEGE - ENGLISH TEACHER STUDY PROGRAM The General Conference has sent a cable indicating that they have a good prospect to fill our call for an English teacher for the Ethiopian Adventist College, and request authorization for her to take a special class at Andrews University and also to attend the Missions Institute. VOTED, To authorize the prospective English teacher under appoint- ment for Ethiopian Adventist College to take a special course in teach- ing English as a foreign subject and to attend the summer Missions Institute at Andrews University. LOMA LINDA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY - CHARGE FOR SUPPLIES SENT TO BENGHAZI HOSPITAL • The Loma Linda University School of Dentistry sent a shipment of supplies ordered by the Benghazi Hospital administration, which arrived after nationalization of the institution. When the bill came to the newly formed Afro-Mideast Division it was placed along with other obli- gations to be paid by the anticipated compensation. Inasmuch as the compensation still has not been received, and the bill should be paid, it was AGREED, To authorize the Treasury to pay the outstanding bill for supplies sent by the Loma Linda University School of Dentistry. WAGE INCREASE - REQUEST TO THE GENERAL CONFERENCE AGREED, To request the Treasury to advise the General Conference of the urgency of wage increases in the various countries of the Division where the cost of living has greatly increased, but where due to the dollar devaluation no wage increases have been given. Meeting held March 28, 1972, with same members present. • Invited: Bekele Heye, Franz Petrov, Ignatius Yacoub. ETHIOPIAN ADVENTIST COLLEGE - RIOT A report was given of a riot at Kuyera College on Saturday night, March 25, 1972 sparked off by a program presented by the 12th grade given in Ahmaric instead of English as previously agreed upon. The program was stopped by one of the teachers. � That night four cars were overturned and seriously damaged, two motorcycles were burned, and damage done to overseas families who escaped and remained hidden during the night. Practically all secondary students participated. Law enforce- ment officers were called and school was temporarily suspended. 72-21 AWASA LAKE PROPERTY AGREED, To inform the Ethiopian Union by cable that purchase of the Awasa property, proposed as headquarters for the South Ethiopian Field be held in abeyance, since information has been received indi- cating that its location near a hotel is unbearable and that senior Ethiopian workers are not in favor of the purchase. Meeting held at 2:45 P.M. with same members present, but without the invited persons. MIDDLE EAST COLLEGE PARTICIPATION IN OPERA AND COMPETITIVE SPORTS AGREED, To inform the College administration that we look with increasing concern to the participation of college teachers and students in operatic performances and in competitive sports which are not in harmony with Adventist principles, and to request that definite steps be taken to disassociate the college staff and Students from such activities. M. E. Lind, Chairman R. L. Jacobs, Secretary pro tem • 72-22 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � March 21, 1972 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, D. K. Bazarra, C. E. Schmidt, R. L. Jacobs INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR WORKERS AGREED, To approve accident insurance coverage for workers as approved by controlling committees and in harmony with the following schedule: Workers whose work requires them to -- � i.A.1 � . Travel extensively � $30,000 IVA � i ' � - q � Y) Travel less extensively � 15,000 � *1 � it Limited travel � 10,000 � i). � 11 04-44"1 -4" 4e- - Local travel � 5,000 � tl Meeting held March 29, 1972 at 8:15, with same members present. Invited: 0. C. Bjerkan, Bekele Heye Prayer was offered by Bekele Heye. ETHIOPIAN ADVENTIST ACADEMY - EMERGENCY SITUATION Further study was given to the emergency situation that has arisen in Ethiopian Adventist Academy and it was AGREED, To send a cable to the Ethiopian Union as follows: EARNESTLY HOPE KUYERA REOPEN AFTER EASTER, and further To recommend (1) That H. A. Larsen be counseled regarding attitudes taken that have been offensive, such as comparisons between Ethiopia and other places, and a lack of proper attention to the feelings of others. (2) That every effort be made to reopen the school by the end of the Easter vacation. (3) That overseas teachers be retained at their posts if possible. Meeting held March 29, 1972 at 3:00 P.M. with same members present. Invited: R. H. Henning Prayer was offered by M. E. Lind RADIO COORDINATING COMMITTEE AGREED, To recommend to the Division committee that a committee be appointed to coordinate the production of radio programs in the Division. 72-23 STUDENT COLPORTEUR POLICIES - COMMITTEE AGREED, To invite each of the organizations in Lebanon to appoint two or three members to a special coituuittee for the purpose of giving study to plans and policies relating to student colporteurs. Meeting scheduled for April 5, 1972 at 3:00 P.M. at the Division. Meeting held April 4, 1972. PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg Prayer was offered by R.,L. Jacobs. A. P. BOKOVOY, M.D. - MIDYEAR COMMITTEE VOTED, To invite Dr. A. P. Bokovoy, who has been appointed Medical Secretary of the Division, to attend the midyear committee meeting of the Division even though Dr. Sheffield is still in the field. R. W. TAYLOR - AFGHANISTAN TEMPERANCE CONGRESS VOTED, That in view of the further dollar declines, we recommend that R. W. Taylor not attend the Temperance Council to be held in Afghanistan. R. W. TAYLOR - ATTENDANCE FIVE-DAY PLAN VOTED, To authorize R. W. Taylor to attend a Five-Day Plan meeting to be conducted by Dr. Sheffield. DIVISION APAIMENTS - ASSIGNMENTS VOTED, To make the following changes in apartment assignments: (a) Apartment presently occupied by the Cowles family - R. H. Henning (b) Apartment presently occupied by the Henning family - Thomas Staples ETHEL TWING - VISIT BEIRUT VOTED, To authorize Mrs. Ethel Twing to travel via Beirut on her way home to the United States. M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary 4 72 -2,2' OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � April 5, 1972 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg By invitation: O. C. Bjerkan, Ignatius Yacoub, Bekele Heye Prayer by Bekele Heye. W. M. WEBSTER - TRANSFER DATE AGREED, That W. M. Webster could be released from the East African Union May 1, 1972 to take up his duties in the Zambesi Union. ETHIOPIAN ADVENTIST COLLEGE - PROBLEM Considerable time was spent discussing the problem existing at Ethiopian Adventist College as set forth by Elder H. W. Palm in his letter to Elder M. E. Lind, dated March 30, 1972. Some indicated disagreement with the action taken to close the secondary section of the school for the remainder of the school year and allow the college section to continue. Others indicated that the action taken was in harmony with action taken by the Ethiopian government in government schools where similar problems exist. It was felt that the actions taken by the College Board should be supported and that an effort should be made to place R. E. Blinci elsewhere in the Division. ANDREWS UNIVERSITY - SEMINARY EXTENSION SCHOOL From a letter to Elder M. E. Lind from R. E. Hammill of Andrews University it was learned that a Seminary Extension School has been approved for the Afro-Mideast Division in 1974. It was VOTED, That we look with favor on the plan of holding such an Extension School in 1974, and that further details for this school be presented to the 1972 midyear meeting of the Division Committee for approval. ANDERS ENGDAHL - APPROVE ATTENDANCE BEIRUT OVERSEAS SCHOOL WHEREAS, a cable has been received from Gunnar Engdahl of the Ethiopial Adventist College, requesting that his son, Anders be accepted in the Beirut Overseas School, it was VOTED, To approve his request provided the College accepts him for dormitory accommodations and the school is able to accept him. The change in schools in the middle of the year is necessitated by the situation prevailing at Kuyera. M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary 72-25 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � April 10, 1972 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg Prayer was offered by C. E. Schmidt. ROBERT THOMAS, M.D. - APPOINTMENT TO HERI HOSPITAL VOTED, To agree with the appointment of Dr. Robert Thomas of Chico, California to Heri Mission Hospital in Tanzania. Some concern was ex- pressed over the fact that the Thomases have four children of school age, though they have agreed to come with the understanding that Mrs. Thomas would teach them with the help of the Home Study Institute. DIVISION HEADQUARTERS - PURCHASE OF PROPERTY After discussing the letter of Elder R. H. Pierson regarding the purchase of property for the re-location of the Division headquarters, it was VOTED, To advise the General Conference that in view of the attitudes of the leadership in the Middle East, it is not felt wise to present this matter to the committee at the present time. FURLOUGHING WORKERS - AUTOMOBILE DEPRECIATION VOTED, To recommend that the policy of granting car depreciation to workers on furlough be interpreted as follows: a. The worker must own or rent a car during furlough to be eligible for the furlough car depreciation allowance. b. Allowance to be paid on the basis of the amount granted in the homeland of the furloughing worker if a car is owned or rented there during furlough. c. If an authorized car is owned and left in the field during furlough, the depreciation would be paid on the basis of the regular rate in the field upon the worker's return from furlough, it being understood that depreciation is paid on only one car. M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary 72-26 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVSION Beirut, Lebanon � April 6, 1972 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg Prayer was offered by M. E. Lind. AVSC TEACHER - BUGEMA EXPATRIATE SCHOOL VOTED, To recommend the approval of the proposal that Dr. & Mrs. W. E. Belleau be invited to Bugema Adventist College for teaching overseas children on the Adventist Volunteer Service Corps basis with the understanding that there is no financial obligation to the Division in bringing this couple to Bugema. Meeting held April 7, 1972 with same members present Invited: I. Yacoub, B. Heye Prayer was offered by E. J. Gregg ETHIOPIAN ADVENTIST COLLEGE - COUNSEL re: VICE-PRINCIPAL Pastor Lind had received a letter from Elder Palm giving fur- ther information concerning the situation at Ethiopian Adventist College. Advice was sought concerning the suggestion that a vice-principal be appointed. It was VOTED, To call to the attention of the brethren in Ethiopia that the 'academic dean" of the college already stands as second in comuland and that a fourth administrative official would create further problems. It was felt that the principal (or president) could be ad- vised to delegate more authority to his academic dean and business manager. It is also suggested that the academic dean be assigned the responsibility of supervising the secondary school. JORDAN ORPHANAGE - COMMITTEE MEMBERS VOTED, To authorize A. H. Brandt and R. L. Jacobs to serve on a committee appointed by the Middle East Union to study the future of the Jordan Orphanage. DR. ARZOO - FARSI LITERATURE FUND VOTED, To recommend that the General Conference be authorized to suspend payments of sustentation to Dr. Arzoo for the period which he shall indicate to them and that tie equivalent of his sustentation be sent through to the Iran Field for the preparation of Farsi Lit- erature. M. E. Lind, Chairam E. J. Gregg, Secretary 72-27 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVSION Beirut, Lebanon � April 12, 1972 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg Prayer was offered by M. E. Lind. D. A. GRANKOW - ADOPTION AUTHORIZATION D. A. Grankow has sought counsel from the Division concerning their desire to adopt a child. It was VOTED, To approve the request of the Grankows' for permission to adopt the child on the understanding that the Division's responsi- bility would be limited to 50% of the adoption expenses up to a maximum of $200.00 assistance plus the air fare of the child. • � SUSAN ASMAR - EMPLOYMENT VOTED, To employ Mrs. Susan Asmar on a part-time basis for secretarial work on a trial period of three months - salary percent- age to be 70% during this trial period. Meeting held April 13, 1972 at 8:00 A. M. with same members present. Invited: 0. Bjerkan, B. Heye, A. H. Brandt. Prayer was offered by A. H. Brandt. LAKE AWASA PROPERTY - ETHIOPIAN UNION Further information concerning the proposed South Field Head- quarters in Ethiopia at Lake Awasa has been received. It was • VOTED, To re-affirm our previous approval on the following conditions: (a) That increase in water level of the lake would not at some future time flood the property. (b) A suitable detailed plan of finance is to be submitted showing source of funds to be used and provided that the financing of this project will not in any way affect the operating capital. 72-28 April 13, 1972 ETHIOPIAN ADVENTIST COLLEGE - RIOT DAMAGE TO VEHICLES Counsel has been sought concerning the damage to vehicles during the disturbances at Ethiopian Adventist College, it was VOTED, To advise that workers with authorized vehicles should be covered by the Ethiopian Union insurance plan. The Ethio- pian Union would be responsible for any repairs to such vehicles. Information is requested concerning the amount of damage to those vehicles not authorized. A. H. BRANDT - IRAN EARTHQUAKE RELIEF ASSISTANCE VOTED, To acquiesce to the request of the Middle East Union for the services of A. H. Brandt in connection with the possibility of relief needs arising out of the recent earthquakes in Southern Iran. W. M. WEBSTER - RELEASE MAY 1, 1972 Whereas, the Trans-African Division has requested the release of W. M. Webster by May 1, it was VOTED, To accede to this request and that W. M. Webster be requested to leave a detailed written list of information for the benefit of his successor who will not yet have arrived in the field before his departure. W. M. WEBSTER - CLASS B FREIGHT VOTED, To settle with W. M. Webster as far as furlough freight allowance is concerned on a Class B basis. Meeting held April 13, 1972 at 4:00 P.M. with same members. PAT SWAN - APARTMENT VOTED, To assign the guest apartment No. 3 to Pat Swan. PAUL REMINGTON - KENDU HOSPITAL VOTED, To advise the East African Union that the Division will provide the return ticket for Mr. and Mrs. Paul Remington coming to Kendu under AVSC program. East African Union and Kendu to be responsible for living allowances, travel documentation, and all other allowances. • • 72-29 April 13, 1972 GEORGE NEHME - RESIGNATION VOTED, To recommend to the Committee that the resignation of George Nehme be accepted. M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � April 18, 1972 PRESENT: R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg Prayer was offered by E. J. Gregg JACK THOMPSON - RENTAL REDUCED VOTED, That rent charges for Jack Thompson be at the rate of 10% instead of 15% for the period he is living in the sisters' dwell- ing unit. PAT BEAMAN - DEPRECIATION ADVANCE VOTED, To approve a two years depreciation advance to Miss Pat Beaman who is authorized by Middle East College to operate a motor car. HENRI MELKI - RENT ALLOWANCE MAXIMUM VOTED, To authorize the General Conference to pay a rent allowance of up to $75.00 per month to Henri Melki for the period he has been renting a single apartment in Washington D. C. R. L. Jacobs, Chairman, Pro tem E. J. Gregg, Secretary 72-30 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AMO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � April 24, 1972 PRESENT: R. L. Jacobs, D. K. Bazarra, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg By invitation: A. H. Brandt Prayer was offered by A. H. Brandt JUDY KUESTER - RETURN TO HOMELAND Whereas, Miss Judy Kuester, a student missionary in Ethiopia has had typhoid fever and is suffering complications which have required medical care and hospitalization, and Whereas, Doctors Bokovoy & Incocencio recommend her immediate and direct return home, it was VOTF, That Miss Judy Kuester be released immediately and be urged to return directly to her home. HERI HOSPITAL - PURCHASE EQUIPMENT VOTED, To advise the Tanzania Union that the Division would approve the purchase of equipment belonging to Dr. Twing valued at Shs. 14,400 provided that the Tanzania:, Union is willing to have the Division assistance treated as the first call on 1973 special appropriations. MRS. T. G. STAPLES - CORRESPONDENCE COURSE VOTEL) To grant 50% assistance to Mrs. T. G. Staples on the cost of correspondence studies in German. Assistance is to be granted upon the successful completion of the course. This is a required course in her B. A. study program but is not given at Middle East College or Home Study Institute. R. L. Jacobs, Chairman pro tem E. J. Gregg, Secretary • 72-31 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST.DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � 8:00 A.M. � April 26, 1972 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg Prayer was offered by E. J. Gregg. SUSTENTATION WORKERS - ANNUAL REVIEW VOTED, To recommend to all fields that the list of all sustenta- tign workers in each field be reviewed annually and that their recommen- dations be passed through the unions to the Division. SPIRIT 2F ... PROPHECY BOOK POLICY - REGULAR WORKERS ONLY VOTED, To advise the Tanzania Union that the privilege of purchasing Spirit of Prophecy books at special discounts can only be extended to regular workers. N. SEENYEN - ALLOWANCES VOTED, That outfitting and other allowances for N. Seenyen be on the basis of those given Filipino workers. M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary • 72-32 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � 8:00 A.M. � April 28, 1972 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, D. K. Bazarra, E. J. Gregg Prayer was offered by D. K. Bazarra. BENGHAZI HOSPITAL ACCOUNTS - COOLECTION VOTED, To approve the payment of the cost of travel and hotel, etc., for Habib Banna and Rafic Issa to visit Benghazi, Libya for the purpose or collecting hospital accounts. S � EGYPT FIELD - 1969 EVANGELISM ASSISTANCE VOTED, To recommend that LL. 20,000 be appropriated from the Evange- lism fund to the Egyptian section to assist with efforts held in 15 for which no Division assistance was given. GEORGE UNGER - BOOK & EQUIPMENT ALLOWANCE VOTED, To grant to George Unger two years book & equipment allowance for the years 1970 & 1971 the amount LL. 200.00. E. H. SEQU'IRA - FREIGHT BROUGHT FOR B. WHEELER VOTED, To approve the payment of freight costs for goods brought by E. H. Seqveira for B. D. Wheeler. BOS -ADVERTISEMENT IN ANNUAL 411 � � VOTED, To authorize the insertion of an the Beirut Overseas School annual. JAMES TWING - OVERWEIGHT FREIGHT ALLOWANCE Whereas, repeated requests to the late Dr. James Twing for information concerning freight brought for others failed to provide a response, it was VOTED, To authorize the treasurer to settle on the basis as weight brought and on compassionate grounds to charge the cost, including the over- weight, to the appointee reserve. M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary 72-35 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � 9:00 A.M. � May 1, 1972 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg Prayer was offered by C. E. Schmidt. MRS. E. RUNGE - EMPLOYMENT • • VOTED, To employ Mrs. E. Runge on a part-time basis as a secretary and accounting machine operator in the Division office. Meeting held May 1, 1972 with same members present, in addition to D. K. Bazarra. Invited: A. H. Brandt DEPARTMENTAL ORGANIZATION VOTED, To inform the General Conference that we feel that in the Afro-Mideast Division it is important that the present system of departmental organization be continued on all levels. The matter will be further discussed with the Union representa- tives at the mid-year meeting. • M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary 72-34 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � May 3, 1972 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, D. K. Bazarra, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg Prayer was offered by M. E. Lind. GINERVA COWLES - EMPLOYMENT VOTED, To offer employment to Miss Ginerva Cowles for the summer of 1972. KILIMANJARO CHRISTIAN MEDICAL CENTER - COMMITTEE VOTED, That a sub-committee comprised of the Division officers, Doctors Bokovoy and Sheffield, and L. C. Robinson be appointed to study the matter of the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center and the future relationship to this organization. DISTRIBUTION OF LABOR - COMMIlihE VOTED, To recommend that a committee on distribution of labor composed of the Division officers, the medical secretary, and the union presidents be appointed for study of problems to be considered at the midyear meeting. Meeting held 11:00 A.M. May 8, 1972 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg Prayer by C. E. Schmidt. SCHOLARSHIP PLAN - MIDDLE EAST UNION REQUEST VOTED, To recommend to the Division committee that the policy on student colporteur scholarships be reviewed in light of recommenda- tions from the Middle East Union. CITY EVANGELISM FUNDS - MIDDLE EAST UNION VOTED, To recommend that the plan of the Middle East Union con- cerning the division of large city evangelism funds be reviewed by the Division committee. LEBANON COORDINATING COMMITTEE VOTED, To recommend to ting committee be appointed to the Division, Union, and local the Division committee that a coordina- consider matters of common concern to organizations operating in Lebanon. M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary O79-15 Midyear OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � May 9, 1972 (Officers with L. C. Robinson of the Tanzania Union at 8:10 A.M.) PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, D. K. Bazarra, E. J. Gregg, C. E. Schmidt Prayer was offered by R. L. Jacobs. Situation at Ikizu: The serious problem faced with regard to military training, and absolute loss of control of the institution was presented. The headmaster and ex-patriate teachers are being required to leave. • Transfer for E. M. Luyeho: In view of the above, the East African Union has been advised to proceed with the call for E. M. Luyeho. Seminasy Project - Sabbath School Project 1974: Request the overflow offering for the development of a seminary for training of evangelistic workers. (Officers with H. W. Palm of the Ethiopian Union at 9:30 A.M.) Prayer was offered by D. K. Bazarra. Ethiopia Adventist College: Decision regarding student unrest; Government department concurs; Riley desires to return after furlough in 1973 as a teacher only. Ethiopian Union could loan Blinci and salary provision for 1 year. Compensation for cars damaged in rioting was referred to the officers. Makale Clinic: It is suggested that Dr. and Mrs. Johnson (he is a retired physician) be allowed to come for a year or more. He has offered to pay his own fare. The Ethiopian Union agrees to pay a living allowance of E$ 500.00. The Division would deal with the Johnsons on the basis of the AVSC plan. Publishing, Secretary: The need exists for an experienced publishing secretary for the Ethiopian Union. Owen D'Costa is requesting a perma- nent return - he plans on moving to Australia or perhaps returning to Britian. He would be replaced by an Ethiopian worker thus freeing his budget for the calling of a publishing secretary. Vacation Home - Awassa: Property has been acquired in Awassa on which two houses are situated. One of these has been assigned for occupancy by the president of the South Ethiopian Field. The Field offices to be temporarily housed in the church building. The other house is to be used as a vacation center for the use of workers in the Ethiopian Union. A committee has been appointed by the EU to recommend a scale of rental charges for those using these facilities. • 0 72-36 Midyear (Officers with C. D. Henri of the East African Union at 11:CO A.M.) Prayer was offered by E. J. Gregg. Work Among Hindus in Uganda: Mrs. D. Shah of Kampala has available $20,000, raised privately for the opening of work among the Hindu people in Kampala. The suggestion is that a colporteur be called from the South- ern Asia Division. It is understood that before any worker can be called the funds should be placed on deposit with the Afro-Mideast Division. Any worker called would be directed by the East African Union. Maxwell Preparatory School: Enrollment at MPS has dwindled from 25 students to 8. There have been problems with regard to discipline which arise partially from the location of the school and partly from personality problems. Discussion followed as to the importance of the school to the missionary family in the southern unions of the Division. The officers have suggested the name of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Doyle to help the situation. Housing: Need for three houses in Nairobi was discussed. Personnel Problems: It is suggested that at Bugema H. R. Bothwell who goes on PR be replaced by a business manager, thus freeing the principal to take over the Bible teaching, Arising out of this discussion arose the matter of the auditing work in East Africa. It was recommended that R. Martin Moores be appointed assistant treasurer and assistant auditor. It was also recommended that a call for Robert Blinci currently in Ethiopia be passed through to Ethiopia to serve as assistant business manager of Bugema Adventist College. • 72-37 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � 2:30 P.M. � May 11, 1972 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, D. K. Bazarra, R. L. Jacobs, E. J. Gregg Invited: Dr. A. P. Bokovoy CHAPLAINS TRAINING PROGRAM The need for a course to prepare qualified chaplains for our medical institutions was presented. Further study will be given to this problem in view of making plans for such a course in the EZMH. PHYSICIANS SELF-EVALUATION PROGRAM A self-evaluation examination is available to physicians at a cost of $35.00 per year which will enable doctors to keep abreast with medical practice while not having the opportunity of attending medical meetings, and so assist them in maintaining valid licenses required whenever they return to their homeland. AGREED, To authorize the medical secretary to assess the interest of doctors in following such a program and present his findings at the time of the yearend committee. M. E. Lind, Chairman R. L. Jacobs, Sec. pro tem Officers as Steering Committee - 7:30 A.M., May 12, 1972 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, D. K. Bazarra, E. J. Gregg, C. E. Schmidt Prayer was offered by E. J. Gregg. ,IMPACT - R. W. TAYLOR, EDIT AUGUST ISSUE VOTED, To recommend that R. W. Taylor be asked to edit the August issue of IMPACT on behalf of A. H. Brandt who is to be on safari at that time. TANZANIA - EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION VOTED, That emergency measured be outlined for the administration of the Tanzania union in the event that the president is ordered to leave the country on short notice Acting President - Hans Salzmann tt � Secretary Treasurer - R. C. Megera M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary 72-38 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � 7:30 A.M. � May 15, 1972 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, D. K. Bazarra, R. L. Jacobs, E. J. Gregg, C. E. Schmidt By Invitation: C. D. Henri Prayer was offered by E. J. Gregg. UGANDA DIVISION INTO TWO FIELDS VOTED, To look with favor on the proposal that the Uganda Field be divided into two fields and to recommend that this matter be referred to the Division Committee for consideration., Officers' Meeting with same members present at 9:15 A.M., May 16, 1972 Prayer was offered by M. E. Lind. TU - EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION VOTED, That during an emergency situation resulting from an order requiring the president of the Tanzania Union to leave the country, Hans Salzmann is hereby appointed acting president of the Tanzania Union and R. C. Megera, acting secretary-treasurer. If Hans Salzmann is also required to leave the country, S. D. Otieno is hereby appointed acting president of the Tanzania Union and R. C. Megera, acting secretary-treasurer. E. H. SEQUEIRA - CITIZENSHIP PROBLEMS VOTED, To authorize E. H. Sequeira to travel to the U.S.A. after two years in connection with naturalization procedures. Then, after another two year period,he would again be allowed to travel to the � for finalizing his citizenship problems. The Division to bear the cost of these two trips and they are in lieu of furlough. ETHIOPIAN ADVENTIST COLTFGE - REIMBURSEMENT FOR RIOT DAMAGE VOTED, To grant E$7,000.00 from contingency fund to assist with the damages to personal property sustained by workers at Ethiopia Adventist College. JOHN FRIEND, M.D. - PERMANENT RETURN CHANGED TO FURLOUGH In view of the call of the TAD for Dr. John Friend, it was VOTED, To recommend that the permanent return voted for Dr. Friend be changed to furlough. 72-39 May 15, 72 H. RAY DOYLE - PERMANENT RETURN CHANGED TO FURLOUGH VOTED: To recommend that the permanent return for H. Ray Doyle be changed to furlough. Meeting held at 8:25 A.M. May 17, 1972, with same members present. PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg Prayer was offered by C. E. Schmidt. FAREWELL COMMITTEE VOTED: To appoint an entertainment committee to be charged with the responsibility of planning social affairs such as farewells, etc., Mrs. B. Jacobs, Chairwoman Mary Ghazal Mrs. V. Gregg HARATUN NAZIRIAN - CAR INSURANCE ASSISTANCE VOTED, To approve the payment of 50% of the third Party Insurance for Hartune Nazirian based on what we normally pay for such coverage. Meeting held at 8:00 A.M. May 18, 1972, with same members present. By Invitation: R. D. Pifer Prayer was offered by E. J. Gregg. SDA CHURCH IN LEBANON - LEGAL BODY Time was spent discussing the matter of the legal body, The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Lebanon, as well as other matters pertaining to the Division and its relationship to the government of Lebanon --no action was taken. R. J. BURGESS - CONDUCT Lfter the departure of R. D. Pifer at this point, some dis- cussion took place concerning Reg Burgess, a furloughing worker from Ethiopia, and some questions that have been raised since his departure on furlough --no action was taken. M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary 72-40 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � 8:30 A.M. � May 23, 1972 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg. Prayer was offered by C. E. Schmidt. BASTA BISHAI SUSTENTATION RATE Council was sought from F. C. Webster and the former president of the Nile Union, Neal C. Wilson, concerning the circumstances sur- rounding the sustentation of Basta Bishai in Egypt. It was VOTED, That in the light of information supplied by these brethren, no consideration can be given to the matter of altering the rate of sustentation for Brother Bishai. MRS. ERNEST RUNGE - SALARY RATE VOTED, That Mrs. M. Runge, a part-time worker, be paid at the rate of 819. Meeting held at 12:10 P.M. on May 23, 1972, with same members present. JACK BOHANNON - SPECIAL ALLOWANCE The Bohannons were preparing to go on permanent return and had sold most of their goods in anticipation of their departure. An invitation was extended to them to head the Division of Religion and Biblical Languages at Middle East College, which they have decided to accept provided certain financial problems can be satisfactorily solved. It was e i � � VOTED, To grant an ex-gratia allowance of $500.00 to the Bohannons to assist in their unusual expenses. M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary 72-41 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � May 25, 1972 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg Prayer by R. L. Jacobs. BRENDA COWLES - EDUCATIONAL ALLOWANCE ADVANCE WHEREAS Miss Brenda Cowles will be studying at Collonges, France during the 1972-73 school year and fees are payable for the entire year in advance, it was VOTED, To advance the educational scholarship grant for Miss • Brenda Cowles for the 1972-73 school year to L. H. Cowles. EGYPT EXCHANGE OF PERSONAL FUNDS WHEREAS frequent requests come to hand for the exchange of per- sonal funds between Egypt and Lebanon, it was VOTED, To advise all such individuals that denominational policy does not permit us to enter into such transactions. T. G. STAPLES - MARINE INSURANCE CLAIM PAYMENT VOTED, To approve the suggestion that the marine insurance claim of T. G. Staples to the value of $56.00, be met by the Division rather than process the claim through the insurance company for a net claim payment of only $6.00. • � Meeting held on May 30, 1972 at 8:00 A.M. with same members present. By Invitation: Bekele Heye Prayer: E. J. Gregg ETHIOPIA - REGISTRATION OF LAND WHEREAS, information has been received concerning problems ex- isting in connection with the registration of land in Ethiopia with the possibility of considerable loss to the church should immediate action not be taken, it was VOTED, To ask Pastor Bekele Heye to make a special trip to Ethiopia to assist in this registration problem, details concerning itinerary commitments in the Middle East Union, to be worked out by the Division Secretary. 72-42 Meeting held June 1, 1972, at 8:00 A.M. with same members present. Prayer: M. E. Lind TAPE OF THE MONTH - PURCHASE VOTED, To authorize a subscription to the "Tape of the Month" to be made available to workers on a lending library basis. R. H. HENNING - TRAVEL BUDGET VOTED, To authorize R. H. Henning to exceed his travel budget for 1972 by an amount of up to LL 2,000. HARLEY BRESEE - DELAY REPLACEMENT VOTED, To recommend that no call be placed for a replacement for Harley Bresee for the present, the position to be reviewed at the yearend. SANDRA LEE HESGARD - SALARY RATE VOTED, To set the salary rate for Miss Sandra Lee Hesgard at 837.. She is under appointment to serve in the East African Union office. J. N. KYALE - STUDY ALLOWANCE WHEREAS J. N. Kyale has indicated that his present allowance for study at Philippine Union College is not sufficient, it was VOTED, That J. N. Kyale be granted allowance in harmony with Afro-Mideast Division policy or his present allowance - whichever is larger. The financial advisor of the College has written that Brother Kyale's allowance is on the high side compared with other students from outside the Philippines. Meeting held June 5, 1972, at 8:00 A.M. with same members present with the exception of E. J. Gregg, on furlough. Prayer: M. E. Lind ELHAM GUIRGUIS, DORA GUINDY - STUDENT COLPORTEURS TO SWEDEN VOTED, To approve the recommendation of Middle East College that Elham Guirguis and Dora Guindy be recommended to the Northern European-West Africa Division as student colporteurs during the summer of 1972. • 72-43 LARRY DAVIS - INSTITUTE OF MISSIONS VOTED, To advise the General Conference that we deeply regret that we cannot approve the plan for Larry Davis to attend the Andrews Institute of World Missions, June 12 to July 21, since the East African Union has been without a treasurer for more than a year and this added time would result in serious harm to the work. J. ALLEN SINES, DDS. - REQUEST FOR COUNSEL AGREED, That the plan presented by Dr. Sines to send his son John to Far Eastern Academy and daughter Valerie to the States for next school year is acceptable, and further to inquire of Dr. Sines if he would consider serving in Nairobi following a furlough in 1973. CHAPLAIN FOR HERI HOSPITAL AGREED, To inquire if the Trans-Africa Division is willing to permit the Tanzania Union to deal directly with former ASHE graduates in the Central African Union in view of inviting one of them to come to Heri Hospital to serve as chaplain on the basis of locally employed workers. M. E. Lind, Chairman R. L. Jacobs, Secretary pro tem • 72-44 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � June 7, 1972 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt Prayer by C. E. Schmidt. BEIRUT OVERSEAS SCHOOL - PAINT FOR BUILDING VOTED, To authorize an expenditure of up to LL. 700.00 for materials required to paint the school, it being understood that work La being done by the staff, and that since this is not sufficient for paint- ing the entire building, that it be painted either inside or outside, • � according to the greater need. ERICK LINDEMAN - CALL TO TANZANIA WHEREAS, Erick Lindeman has signed a contract for teaching during the 1972-73 school year and is also requiring surgery before coming out, it was AGREED, That Erick Lindeman be placed under appointment to Tanzania but that he not be expected to go to the field until the end of the first semester or the end of the school year, as may be arranged. MRS, JACK BOHANNON - EMPLOYMENT AGREED, That Mrs. Jack Bohannon be invited to continue as secre- tary in the Division office on return from furlough, subject to clear- ance from Middle East College. 411 � M. E. Lind, Chairman R. L. Jacobs, Secretary pro tem • 72-45 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � June 15, 1972 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt Prayer by M. E. Lind. IBM TYPEWRITER - PURCHASE VOTED, To approve the purchase of a Selectric IBM typewriter offered by Edward Skoretz. MRS. CHAFIC SROUR - TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT AGREED, To recommend the termination of the employment of Mrs. Chafic Srour, since her son Sami has now finished his medical course, and it is desired to bring into the office someone who is a qualified secretary. R. E. BLINCI - TRANSFER TIME AGREED, That R, E. Blinci be transferred to Beirut when his work permit has been obtained. M. E. Lind, Chairman R. L. Jacobs, Secretary, pro tem • 72-46 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � June 26, 1972 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, D. K. Bazarra, C. E. Sclaidt Prayer by M. E. Lind. SALARIES - SUMMER SECRETARIAL HELP Mrs. H. W. Cowles � 80% Gingie Cowles � /J RAYMOND HOLM - STUDENT MISSIONARY TRAVEL EXPENSE Raymond Holm served as a student missionary in Ethiopia in 1969, previous to the organization of the Afro-Mideast Division. Neither the Ehiopian Adventist College, the (then) Northern European Division, nor the student missionary accepted the charge for travel to Ethiopia and return. In order to settle this matter, it was VOTED, That the Division pay one-half the pending travel expense of Raymond Holm of ET$ 1,631.25, and recommend to the Ethiopian Union that they pay the remainder. DR. F. J. INOCENCIO - DEPRECIATION ADVANCE VOTED, To grant an automobile depreciation advance to Dr. F. J. Inocencio of ET$ 1,687.50. ERICK CHRISTENSEN - DEPRECIATION ADVANCE VOTED, To grant an automobile depreciation advance to Erick Christensen of ET$ 1,800.00. TYPEWRITERS - PURCHASE VOTED, To authorize the purchase of two IBM typewriters, as follows: 1 IBM Selectric 16" Variable pica/elite model 1 IBM Standard 19" Carriage and to turn in on account the standard machine in the office of Mrs. R. H. Henning which has proven unsatisfactory. M. E. Lind, Chairman R. L. Jacobs, Secretary. pro tem 72-47 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � June 28, 1972 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, D. K. Bazarra, C. E. Schmidt Prayer by D. K. Bazarra. IKIZU SITUATION Grave concern is felt for the safety of our overseas workers in Ikizu and it was AGREED, 1. To counsel the Tanzania Union administration to give careful and immediate study to the advisability of moving the overseas workers away from Ikizu immediately, it being understood that if it is considered necessary for their safety, they be moved out of the country. 2. That if possible this message be conveyed personally to them by Elder C. D. Henri, who would assist them in making the decision. OWEN R. D'COSTA - TRANSFER TO AUSTRALIA AGREED, That if Owen R. D'Costa transfers to Australia, the Afro-Mideast Division grant him the equivalent of permanent return allowances to his homeland, England, and that all other expenses be personal. It would be our understanding that he would not be en- titled to furlough privileges and that sustentation would be according to General Conference policy. D.R.L. ASTLEFORD - POSSIBLE CALL TO ZAMBIA AGREED, To inform the Trans-Africa Division that it will not be possible to consider a call for Elder D.R.L. Astleford, as we have other plans for him within the Division whenever he feels he can make a move. R. L. BURGESS - SUGGEST PERMANENT RETURN VOTED, To recommend to Elder Alf Lohne of the Northern Europe- West Africa Division, that in a careful way he suggest to R. L. Burgess that, in order to avoid stigma and the necessity of working under a nearly impossible situation, he take the initiative by requesting a permanent return. M. E. Lind, Chairman R. L. Jacobs, Secretary pro tem 72-48 OFFICERS, MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � June 30, 1972 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, D. K. Bazarra, C. E. Schmidt Prayer by C. E. Schmidt. BUGEMA SUSTENTEE FARM MANAGER - EXPENSES VOTED, That the Division provide the round-trip ticket for Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Houck for his trip to Bugema Adventist College, where he has accepted to serve as farm manager for a two-year period, it being understood that all other expenses will be the responsibility of the East African Union. BEIRUT OVERSEAS SCHOOL KINDERGARTEN - SUBSIDY VOTED, To grant a subsidy of LL. 100.00 per month to the Beirut Overseas School to assist in the operation of a kindergarten for the 1972-73 school year, it being understood that all other ex- penses must be included in the school budget. M. E. Lind, Chairman R. L. Jacobs, Secretary pro tem • • • 72-49 OFFICERS, MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � July 3, 1972 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, D. K. Bazarra, C. E. Schmidt By invitation: Bekele Heye Prayer by M. E. Lind. JON GREEN - FUTURE A cable has been received from the General Conference, as follows: TALKED WITH PALM CONCERNING JON GREEN STOP EXPRESSED WILLINGNESS FOR HIM RETURN ETHIOPIA SUGGESTING HE WRITE DIVISION AND UNION EXPRESSING INTENDED CO- OPERATION STOP GREEN WILLING DO THIS WRITING TODAY NEED YOUR CLEARANCE FOR DEPARTURE PLANS WILLIAMS VOTED, To advise the General Conference that little confidence is felt among the workers of the Ethiopian Union in Jon Green, and that we doubt the wisdom of returning him to the field. But if the General Conference feels that he should return we will acquiesce. REG BURGESS - FUTURE VOTED, To authorize the Secretary to telephone the Northern Europe-West Africa Division regarding the Reg Burgess case, in view of the strong feeling in Ethiopia against his return from furlough. M. E. Lind, Chairman R. L. Jacobs, Secretary pro tem 72-50 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � July 5, 1972 PRES:.NT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, D. K. Bazarra, C. E. Schmidt Prayer by M. E. Lind. PAUL HORTON - VISIT VOICE OF PROPHECY BIBLE SCHOOL AGREED, To advise the General Conference that the finances of the Division do not permit us to authorize Paul Horton to visit the Glendale office of the Voice of Prophecy, but suggest that he visit a radio Bible school on the east coast in connection with authorized fur- lough travel. J. W. WHITEHOUSE - REQUEST FOR ADVANCED STUDY AGREED, To advise the Middle East Union that the Division is not able to participate in any way with the suggestion that J. W. Whitehouse take advanced studies leading to a degree as doctor in Health Counseling. IRAN COST OF LIVING BONUS AGREED, To inform the Middle East Union that the policy requires that the base salary rate be set by the Division for every country in its territory, and that any variation from this must be approved by both the Union and the Division. HEALTH FOOD FOUNDATION - COUNSEL AGREED, To advise the Middle East Union that very careful study be given before attempting to begin a food factory that is or can be at any future time a financial responsibility of the denomination. Many food factories around the world have been a serious financial burden, so care must be taken. The following observations should be taken into con- sideration: 1. $50,000 is not enough to make a satisfactory start. 2. We are admonished not to be yoked with unbelievers. 3. Any food factory should be entirely privately financed and operated. 4. Even to write up a set of objectives could be interpreted as involving the organization in responsibility. 5. The field must not become involved in any way with the operation, and funds for the purpose must not be passed through denom- inational channels, since this would lay the organization open to charges of being a commercial rather than a religious organization. 72-51 SUSAN ASMAR - EMPLOYMENT Susan Asmar was employed on a 3-month trial basis April 12, 1972 (OM 72-27). AGREED, To confirm the employment of Susan Asmar as secretary in the Division office, it being understood that for the present she work approximately 25 hours per week (mornings), and that this time be in- creased only when and if it is seen that more time is required. DOGS ON DIVISION COMPOUND In view of medical counsel to the effect that a dangerous type of tape worm may be transmitted by dogs from sheep and other animals to human beings, it was AGREED, That dogs not be permitted to run loose on the Division compound. M. E. Lind, Chairman Ray L. Jacobs, Secretary pro tem • 0-72-52 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � July 12, 1972 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, D. R. Bazarra, C. E. Schmidt By invitation: O. C. Bjerkan, Bekele Heye REG L. BURGESS - REPLY FROM NORTHERN EUROPE-WEST AFRICA DIVISION • Elder Alf Lohne, Secretary of the Northern Europe-West Africa Division, has replied to R. L. Jacobs' letter stating that in the opinion of the officers of the NEWAD, the Reg L. Burgess' case should be decided by the Ethiopian Union and the Afro-Mideast Division as he is employed by us. It was further suggested that perhaps one representative from the Afro-Mideast Division could meet Brother Burgess in England and together with a representative of the NEWAD, the case might be finalized. AGREED, 1. To instruct the Northern, Europe-West Africa Division that Reg L. Burgess delay his departure time until H. W. Palm, now on furlough in the United States, has had an opportunity of counseling with him. And further, that we request a representative, preferably one of the officers of the NEWAD, to meet with Elder Palm for his interview with Reg Burgess in England about July 20 - 24. 2. That we inform H. W. Palm concerning this procedure. 41/ 3. That we advise the Ethiopian Union committee to pass on to Elder Palm their recommendation with regard to the case. M. E. Lind, Chairman and Acting Secretary INDEX OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION January 1 - July 5, 1972 - A - Abonza Headquarters - EU 72-18 Acting President - EU, Ray L. Jacobs � 72-7 Ad (LEX.) - "Pine Echoes" � 72-4 Administrator Ethiopian Hospital (EZMH) � 72-13 Adoption Authorization - D. A. Gramkow � 72-27 Adventist Volunteer Service Corps (AVSC) Bugema Expatriate School - Teacher � 72-26 Remington, Paul - Kendu Hospital � 72-28 Advertisement in BOS Annual � 72-32 Advertisement in "Pine Echoes" � 72-4 Afghanistan Temperance Congress - R. W. Taylor � 72-23 Agricultural Program - Mittleider � 72.-2 Akaki Seventh-day Adventist School - Donation for Hansen Mem. Lib � 72-10 Allowances - N. Seenyen � 72-31 Allowances While on Study Leave - Semir Shahine � 72-8 Amend Sharing of Tithe Policy � 72-7 Amortization - Sami Srour � 72-18 Anderson, Mrs. Leslie and Children - Travel Outside Division � 72-6 Andrews University - Seminary Extension School � 72-24 Annual Review - Sustentation Workers � 72-31 Apartment - Pat Swan � 72-28 Apartment Ground Floor - Nairobi Medical Center � 72-11 Appointment - R. Martin Moores Assistant Treasurer - EAU � 72-36 Approve Anders Engdahl - Attendance BOS � 72-24 Arzoo, Dr. - Farsi Literature Fund � 72-26 Asmar, Susan - Employment � 72-27, � 51 Assignments - Division Apartments � 72-23 II/ � Assistance - E. Wanjara � 72-6 Assistance for Daughter's Education - N. Seenyen � 72-2 Assistance in Adopting Son - L. N. Wright, M.D � 72-2 Astleford, D.R.L. - Possible Call to Zambia � 72-47 Attendance Five-Day Plan - R. W. Taylor � 72-23 Automobile Depreciation - Furloughing workers � 72-25 Automobile Loan Ceiling - EAU � 72-17 Awassa Lake Property - EU � 72-18,21,27 Awassa Vacation Home - EU � 72-35 Azadian, Maida - Volunteer Service EZMH � 72-7 Aziz, Bashir - EAC - Educational Assistance � 72-3 0 Index 2 B Banna, Habib - Visit Benghazi Hospital � 72-32 Bazarra, D. K. - Modification of Itinerary � 72-13 Beaman, Patricia - Depreciation Advance � 72-29 Beirut Overseas School Advertisement in Annual � 72-32 Book & Equipment Allowance � 72-32 Division Off Limits to Children � 72-10 Kindergarten - Subsidy � 72-48 Paint for Building � 72-44 Benghazi Hospital Accounts - Collection of � 72-32 Final Settlement - Najla Mackdisi � 72-3 Bixhai, Basta - Sustentation Rate � 72-40 Blinci, R. E. Call to Bugema Adv. College � 72-36 Transfer Time � 72-45 Bohannon, Jack - Special Allowance � 72-40 Bohannon, Mrs. Jack - Employment � 72-44 Bokovoy, A. P. Midyear Committee � 72-23 Place of residence � 72-2 Brandt, A. H. Book & Equipment Allowance - George Unger.... � 72-32 Cancel PR Council Attendance � 72-14 General Conference Committee on Organization � 72-5 Iran Earthquake - Possible Assistance � 72-28 Bresee, Harley - Delay Replacement � 72-42 Bugema Adventist College AVSC Teacher � 72-26 Employment of Wives � 72-3 Sustentee Farm tanager (Glenn Houck) - Expenses � 72-48 Burgess, R. J. Conduct � 72-39 Future � 72-49 Suggest Permanent Return � 72-47 C Calls Cowles, Hugh � 72-19 Friend, John � 72-38 Lindeman, Erick - Tanzania � 72-43 Call Held in Abeyance - Arno Hensel � 72-14 Canadian Examinations Expense - Ronald Fritz, DDS � 72-8 Cancel Commitments - Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center.. � 72-16 Cancel pa Council Attendance - A. H. Brandt.... � "OW. � 72-14 Car Insurance Assistance - Haratun Nazirian. � OOOOO OOOOO 441,8411*. � 72-39 Chaplain for Heri Hospital � .04"..00,444,11•04.1.• � 72-43 Chaplains' Training Program - EZMH � .0004,440.44,0.. � 72-37 0 Index 3 Christensen, Erik - Furlough � 72-19 Charge for Supplies to Benghazi Hospital - LLU School of Dentistry � 72-20 Citizenship Problems - E. H. Sequiera � 72-38 City Evangelism Funds - Middle East Union � 72-34 Clarke, Wilton - Furlough Study Authorisation � 72-19 Collection - Benghazi Hospital Accounts � 72-32 Committees Distribution of Labor � 72-34 Lebanon Coordinating � 72-34 Student Colporteur Policies � 72-23 Conduct - R. J. Burgess � 72-39 Correspondence Course - Mrs. T. G. Staples � 72-30 Cost of Living Bonus - Iran � 72-50 Counsel - Health Food Foundation � 72-50 Counsel re: Vice-Principal - Ethiopian Adventist College � 72-26 Cowles, Brenda - Educational Allowance Advance � 72-41 Cowles, Ginevra Employment � 72-34 Salary � 72-46 Cowles, Hugh - Call to Middle East College � 72-19 Cowles, Mrs. Hugh - Salary � 72-46 - D - Damascus Center - Emergency Assistance � 72-9 Darnell, R. C. - Interview Schedules � 72-4 Davis, Larry - Institute of Missions � 72-43 D'Costa, O. R. - Transfer to Australia � 72-47 Delay Replacement of Harley .3resee � 72-42 Departmental Organization � 72-33 Depreciation Advance Patricia Beaman � 72-29 Christensen, Erick � 72-46 Distribution of Labor Committee � 72-34 Division Apartments - Assignments � 72-23 Division Committee - Transportation Elective Members � 72-4 Division Compound - Dogs � 72-51 Division Headquarters - Purchase of Property � 72-25 Division into two Fields - Uganda � 72-38 Division off Limits - Beirut Overseas School � 72-10 Division Representation - Union Annual Committees � 72-10 Dogs on Division Compound � 72-51 Donation - Hansen Memorial Library � 72-10 Doyle, Mr. and Mrs. H. Ray PR changed to Furlough � 72-39 Suggested for Maxwell Preparatory School � 72-36 - E East African Union 0 Index 4 Automobile Loan Ceiling � 72-17 Davis, Larry - Institute of Missions � 72-42 Karura Voice of Prophecy House - Transfer ti Sec. I � 72-9 Kyale, J. N. - Sponsorship and Travel Plans � 72-16 Nairobi Medical Center - Apartment on Ground Floor � 72-11 Petrov, Franz - Surgery in England � 72-18 Remington, Paul - Kendu Hospital (AVSC) � 72-28 Sale of Furniture to Medical Director - Ishaka Hospital � 72-10 Tobacco Farming - Request for Counsel � 72-12 Webster, W. M. - Transfer Date � 72-24 Educational Allowance Advance - Brenda Cowles � 72-41 Effect of Budget - Monetary Situation � 72-8 Egypt Exchange of Personal Funds � 72-41 Egypt Field - 1969 Evangelism Assistance � 72-32 Ellingworth, B. L. - Leave Without Authorization � 72-1 Emergency Administration - Tanzania � 72-37,38 Emergency Assistance to Middle East Union � 72-9 Emergency Situation - Ethiopian Adventist College � 72-21 Emergency Surgery - Mrs. H. L. Schaffer � 72-15 Employment Asmar, Susan � 72-27,51 Bohannon, Mrs. Jack � 72-44 Cowles, Ginevra � 72-34 Runge, Mrs. E � 72-33 Employment of Wives - Bugema Adv. College � 72-3 Empress Zauditu Memorial Hospital Administrator � 72-13 Azadian, Maida - Volunteer Service � 72-7 English Teacher Study Program - EAC � 72-20 Possible Chaplains' Training Program � 72-37 Engdahl, Anders - Approve Attendance BOS � 72-24 Ethiopia - Registration of land � 72-41 Ethiopian Adventist College Counsel re: Vice-Principal � 72-26 Educational Assistance for Bashir Aziz � 72-3 Emergency Situation � 72-21 English Teacher Study Program � 72-20 Problem � 72-24 Reimbursement for Riot Damage � 72-38 Riot � 72-20 Riot Damage to Vehicles � 72-28 Ethiopian Union Abonza Headquarters � 72-18 Acting President - R. L. Jacobs � 72-7 Administrator of EZMH � 72-13 Awassa Lake Property � 72-21,27 Blinci, R. - Recommended Bugema Business Mgr. Assit � 72-36 D'Costa, O. R. - Permanent Return � 72-35 Green, Jon - Future � 72-49 English Teacher EAC - Study Program AU � 72-20 Ethiopian Adventist College (See above) 0 Index 5 Evangelism Assistance 1969 - Egypt Field � 72-32 Exchange Loss - Iraq Funds � 72-9 Exchange of Personal Funds - Egypt � 72-41 Exchange Visitor Visa Sponsorship - Gebre Felema � 72-19 Expatriate House - Fort Portal � 72-11 Expenses - Bugema Sustentee Farm Manager (G. Houck) � 72-48 - F - Farsi Literature Fund - Dr. Arzoo � 72-26 Farewell Committee � 72-39 Felema, Gebre - Exchange Visitor Visa Sponsorship � 72-19 Final Settlements - Policy � 72-16 Final Settlement - Kljla Mackdisi � 72-3 Financial Commitments - KCMC � 72-7 Financial Position - Local Fields � 72-12 Fort Portal Expatriate House � 72-11 Freight Brought by E. H. Sequiera for B. Wheeler � 72-32 Friend, John, M.D.- Permanent Return changed to Furlough � 72-38 Fritz, Ronald, DDS - Canadian Examinations Expense � 72-8 Mission Orientation Course � 72-3 Furloughs Doyle, H. Ray - Changed from PR � 72-39 Erik Christensen � 72-19 Friend, John, M.D. - Changed from PR � 72-38 Furlough Study Authorization - Wilton Clarke � 72-19 Furloughing Workers - Automobile Depreciation � 72-25 G - General Conference Committee on Organization - A. H. Brandt � 72-5 Ghazal, Mary Farewell Committee � 72-39 Leave o.c Abser-e � 72-8 Gramkow, D. A. - Adoplion Authorization � 72-27 Gregg, Mrs. Vera Dean - Farewell Committee � 72-39 Green, Jon � 72-18,49 Guindy, Dora - Student Colporteur to Sweden � 72-42 Guirguis, Elham - Student Colporteur to Sweden � 72-42 - H - Hansen Memorial Library - Donation � 72-10 Hart, Dr. Richard - Relation to KCMC � 72-7,8 Hatem, Diana - Terminal Settlement � 72-16 Headquarters - Abonza � 72-18 Health Food Foundation - Counsel to MEU � 72-50 Henning, R. H. . Ingathering in Dar-es-Salaam � 72-14 Travel Budget � 72-42 Henri, C. D. - Interviews � 72-4,36 Hensel, Arno - Call Held in Abeyance � 72-14 Heri Hospital Chaplain � 72-43 0 Index 6 Heri Hospital - Purchase Equment � 72-30 Recommend Call for Medical Director 72-7 Thomas, Robert, M.D. - Appointment � 72-25 Hesgard, Sandra Lee - Salary Rate � 72-42 Heye, Bekele - Ethiopian Land Registration � 72-41 Holm, Raymond - Student Missionary Travel Expense � 72-46 Homeland Allowance to England - D. R. Syme � 72-14 Home-Owners' Subsidy - Payment in Advance � 72-9 Horton, Paul - Visit VOP Bible School � 72-50 Houck, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn-Expenses to Bugema � 72-48 - , - IBM Typewriter Purchase � 72-48 Ikizu Situation � 72-35,47 IMPACT - R. W. Taylor, Edit August Issue � 72-37 Ingathering in Dar-es-Salaam - R. H. Henning � 72-14 Inocencio, Dr. F. J. - Depreciation Advance � 72-46 Institute of Missions - Larry Davis � 72-42 Insurance Coverage for Workers � 72-22 Interview Schedules - Union Presidents � 72-4 Iran Campmeeting - M. E. Lind Attend � 72-7 Iran Field - Cost of Living Bonus � 72-50 Iraq Funds - Exchange Loss � 72-9 Issa, Rafic - Visit Benghazi Hospital � 72-32 Ishaka Hospital - Sale Furniture of Medical Director � 72-10 - J - Jacobs, R. L. Acting President of Ethiopian Union � 72-7 Chairman of Policy Committee - Midyear Meetings � 72-6 Jacobs, Mrs. B. - Chairman of Farewell Committee � 72-39 Johnson, Dr. and Mrs. - Makale Clinic (AVSC Plan) � 72-35 Jordan Orphanage Committee Members � 72-26 Legal Expenses - Emergency Assistance � 72-9 - K - Karura VOP House - Transfer of to Section I � 72-9 Katrib, Maurice - Work Permit � 72-13 Katrib, Michael - Work Permit � 72-11 KCMG - Financial Commitments � 72-7 Hart, Dr. Richard - Relation to � 72-7,8 Kendu Hospital - Paul Remington � 72-28 Kibidula - Temporary Replacement for M. Gundersen � 72-3 Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center - Cancel Commitments � 72-16 Committee � 72-34 Kuester, Judy - Return to Homeland � 72-30 Kyale, J. N. - Sponsorship and Travel Plans � 72-17 Study Allowance � 72-42 0 Index 7 L Leave of Absence - Mary Ghazal � 72-8 Leave Without Authorization - B L. Ellingworth � 72-1 Lebanon Coordinating Committee � 72-34 Legal Body - SDA Church in Lebanon � 72-39 Letter of Guarantee - Chafic Srour � 72-12 Lind, M. E. - Attend Iran Campmeeting � 72-7 Modification of Egypt Itinerary � 72-13 Lindeman, Erick - Call to Tanzania � 72-43 Living Allowance - Robert Picard � 72-5 Local Fields - Financial Position � 72-12 Lohne, Alf - Suggest PR to R. L. Burgess � 72-47 Loma Linda Individualized Learning Program - Hanna Malaka � 72-5 University School of Dentistry - Supplies Benghazi Hosp � 72-20 Summer School - NEC Campus � 72-12 Luyeho, E. M. - Transfer � 72-35 - M - Mackdisi, Najla - Final Settlement � 72-3 Makale Clinic - Dr. & Mrs. Johnson, AVSC � 72-35 Malaka, Hanna - Loma Linda Individualized Program � 72-5 Marriage With Unbelievers - Emile Zemer � 72-4 Marine Insurance Claim Payment - T. G. Staples � 72-41 Maxwell Preparatory School - Problems � 72-36 Middle East College Cowles, Hugh - Call � 72-19 Loma Linda University Summer School. � 72-12 Participation in Opera and competitive Sports � 72-21 Storekeeper � 72-17 Medical Director - Heri Hospital � 72-7 Medical Institutions - Run-down of Coverage � 72-15 Megera, R. C. - Acting Sec. Treasurer TU � 72-37,38 Melki, Henri - Rent Allowance Maximum � 72-29 Middle East Union Brandt, A. H. - Iran Earthquake Assistance � 72-28 City Evangelism Funds � 72-34 Hatem, Diana - Terminal Settlement � 72-16 Health Food Foundation - Counsel � 72-50 Iran Cost of Living Bonus � 72-50 Jordan Orphanage - Committee Members � 72-26 Emergency Assistance � 72-9 Request - Scholarship Plan � 72-34 Syrian Damascus Center - Emergency Assistance � 72-9 Turkey Welfare Organization - Emergency Assistance � 72-9 Whitehouse, J. W. - Request for Advanced Study � 72-50 Middle East College - Auditorium/Music Building Plans Revised � 72-1 Middle East Union - Emergency Assistance � 72-9 Home-Owners, Subsidy - Payment in Advance � 72-9 Katrib, Michael - Work Permit � 72-11 Katrib, Maurice - Work Permit � 72-13 0 Index 8 Midyear Committee A. P. Bokovoy - Invitation to Attend � 72-23 Schedule � 72-4 Policy Committee � 72-6 Miles, Carol - Study Plans 72-2 Mission Orientation Course - Ronald Fritz, DDS � 72-3 Mittleider Agricultural Program � 72-2 Modification of Itinerary - D. K. Bazarra � 72-13 Egypt Itinerary - M. E. Lind � 72-13 Monetary Situation - Effect on 3udget � 72-8 Morogoro - Mittleider Agricultul:al Program � 72-2 Salzmann, Bernard - student Missionary � 72-6 Moores, R. Martin - Recommended Assft Treasurer & Auditor � 72-36 - N - Nairobi Housing � 72-26 Medical Center - Apartment on Ground Floor � 72-11 Medical Service - Mission Orientation Course R. Fritz � 72-3 Nasr, Hana - Sustentation � 72-16 Nazirian, Haratun - Car Insurance Assistance � 72-39 Nehme, George - Resignation � 72-29 Northern European-West Africa Division - Student Colp. Sweden � 72-42 - 0 - Oliphant, Dr. William - Location to be negociated � 72-18 Organization, Departmental � 72-33 Orphanage, Jordan - Committee and Emergency Help � 72-26,9 Oster, K. - Report on Meetings in Tehran by Dr. Sheffield � 72-15 Otieno, S. D. - Acting President of TU in Emergency � 72-38 - P - Paint for BOS � 72-44 Palm, H. W. Interview Schedules � 72-4, 35 Participation in Opera and Competitive Sports - MEC � 72-21 Pathfinder Club - Van for Storage � 72-12 Payment in Advance - Home-owners' Subsidy � 72-9 Pellow, Dr. Ray - Suggested Med. Dir. Heri Hospital � 72-7 Permanent Returns Doyle, H. Ray - Cl,f,ric-xl to Furlough � 72-39 Friend, Dr. John - Chanced to Furlough � 72-38 Syme, David � 72-2 Webster, W. M � 72-1 Petrov, Franz - Surgery in England � 72-18 Physicians Self-evaluation Program � 72-37 Picard, Robert - Living Allowance � 72-5 "Pine Echoes" - Ad � 72-4 Policy Committee - Midyear � 72-6 Final Settlements � 72-16 Printing - Working Policy � 72-2 Purchase Equipment Heri Hospital � 72-30 IBM Typewriter AMD Office � 72-45,46 Radio � 72-14 0 Index 9 R Radio Coordinating Committee � 72-22 Radio Equipment Purchase � 72-14 Registration of land - Ethiopia � 72-41 Reimbursement for Riot Damage � 72-38 Remington, Paul - Kendu Hospital � 72-28 Rent Allowance Maximum - Henri Melki � 72-29 "Review and Herald" Subscription Charges � 72-5 Revised Plans - NEC Auditorium/Music Building � 72-1 Robinson, L. C. - Interview Schedules � 72-4,35 Runge, Mrs. E. - Employment and Salary Rate � 72-33,40 Rutherford - Student Missionary TU � 72-1 S- - Sabbath School Project 1974 - Seminary Project TU � 72-35 Salaries - Summer Secretarial Help � 72-46 Salary Rates Hesgard, Sandra Lee � 72-42 Runge, Mrs. Ernest � 72-40 Salzmann, Bernard - Student Missionary � 72-6 Salzmann, Hans - Acting President of TU - Emergency � 72-37,38 Schaffer, Mrs. H. L. - Emergency Surgery � 72-15 Schmidt, Mrs. C. E. - Travel Outside Division. � 72-6 Scholarship Plan - Middle East Union Request � 72-34 Scoggins, T. H. - Suggested Administrator EZMH � 72-13 Seenyen, N. Allowances � 72-31 Assistance - Daughter's Education � 72-2 Seminary Extension School - Andrews University � 72-24 Sequeira, E. H. Citizenship Problems � 72-38 Freight Brought for B. Wheeler � 72-32 SDA Church in Lebanon - Legal Body � 72-39 Shah, Mrs. D. - Fund for Work Among Hindus in Uganda � 72-36 Shahine, Semir - Allowances Study Leave. � 72-8 Sheffield, H. N. Report on K. Oster's Meetings in Tehran � 72-15 Residency � 72-5 Sines, J. Allen, DDS - Request for Counsel � 72-43 Spirit of Prophecy Book Policy - Regular Workers Only � 72-31 Srour, Chafic - Letter of Guarantee � 72-12 Srour, Mrs. Chafic - Termination of Employment � 72-45 Srour, Sami - Amortization � 72-18 Staples, T. G. - Marine Insurance Claim � 72-41 Staples, Mrs. T. G. - Correspondence Course � 72-30 Storekeeper - NEC � 72-17 Student Colporteurs to Sweden - Elham Guirguis & Dora Guindy � 72-42 Student Colporteurs Policies - Committee � 72-23 Student Missionaries Holm, Raymond - Travel Expense � 72-46 Kuester, Judy - Return Homeland � 72-30 Picard, Robert � 72-1 Rutherford, 'P. - TU � 72-1 Salzmann, Bernard - TU � 72-6 0 Index 10 Sustentation Workers - Annual Review � 72-31 Sustentee Farm Manager, Bugema (Houck) Expenses � 72-48 Swan, Pat - Apartment � 72-28 Syme, D. R. Homeland Allowance to England � 72-14 Permanent Return � 72-2 - T - Tanzania Union Chaplain - Heri Hospital � 72-43 Ellingworth, B. L. - Leave without authorization � 72-1 Emergency Administration � 72-37,28 Henning, a. H. - Ingathering in Dar es Salaam � 72-14 Heri Hospital - Purchase Equipment � 72-30 Ingathering - Dar es Salaam � 72-14 Ikizu Situation � 72-47 Kibidula - Temporary replacement - M. Gundersen � 72-3 Lindeman, Erick - Call � 72-43 Salzmann, Bernard - Student Missionary � 72-6 Spirit of Prophecy 'look Policy - Regular Workers Only � 72-31 Thomas, R.,M.D.- Appointment Heri Hospital � 72-25 Wanjara, E. - Assistance � 72-6 Tape of the Month - Purchase � 72-42 Taylor, R. W. Afghanistan Temperance Congress � 72-23 Attendance Five-Day Plan � 72-23 Edit August Issue of IMPACT � 72-37 Temperance Secretary Appointment � 72-14 Thomas, Robert, M.D. - Appointment Heri Hospital � 72-25 Thompson, Jack T. � - Rental Reduced � 72-29 Tithe Percentage Schedule - Policy � 72-7 Tobacco Farming - East African Union Request for Counsel � 72-12 Travel Outside Division Anderson, Mrs. Leslie and Children � 72-6 Schmidt, Mrs. C. E. � 72-6 Twing, James - Freight Allowance � 72-32 Twing, Mrs. James - Visit Beirut � 72-23 Typewriters - Purchase � 72-45,46 Turkey Welfare Organization - Emergency Assistance � 72-9 - U - Uganda Field Division into two Fields � 72-38 Fort Portal Expatriate House � 72-11 Fund for Work Among Hindus � 72-36 Unger, George - Book & Equipment Allowance � 72-32 Union Annual Committees - Division Representation � 72-10 Union Presidents - Interviews Schedules Midyear � 72-4 - V - • 0 Index 11 - W Wage Increase - Request to General Conference � Wanjara, E. - Assistance � Webster, W. M. 72-20 72-6 Class B Freight � 72-28 Permanent Return � 72-1 Release May 1, 1972 � 72-28 Transfer Date � 72-24 Wheeler, B. - Freight Brought by E. H. Sequeira � 72-32 Whitehouse, J. W. - Request for Advanced Study � 72-50 Work Permits Katrib, Maurice � 72-12 Katrib, Michael � 72-11 Workers - Insurance Coverage � 72-22 Working Policy - Printing � 72-2 Wright, Dr. L. N. - Assistance in Adopting Son � 72-2 - B - Y - 2 - Yacoub, Ignatius - Sponsorship � 72-4 tamer, Emile - Marriage With Unbeliever � 72-4 • 042-54 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � August 11, 1972 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, D. K. Bazarra, C. E. Schmidt Prayer by D. K. Bazarra. EARL RICHARDS, DDS. - RE"'MSHER COURSE Dr. Earl Richards, dentist in Atlanta, Ga., has indicated his will- ingness to accept the call of the East African Union to serve in the Nairobi Medical Service, but requests that he be permitted to take a refresher course in Loma Linda University. AGREED, To authorize Dr. Earl Richards to be placed on salary and granted up to six weeks to take a refresher course in Loma Linda University Dental School at his own expense. TARIME DISPENSARY - OPERATION BY MR. MTANGO Brother Mtango, a faithful Adventist in Tarime, Tanzania, has re- quested sponsorship and supervision of a dispensary he desires to open, offering to pay Shs. 1,000 per month to assist in covering expenses in- volved in such supervision. The Tanzania Union has requested counsel. AGREED, To advise the Tanzania Union that we have no objection to the plan for the Tanzania Union to sponsor the Mtango Seventh-day Adventist Dispensary, provided that the crIntract be carefully drawn up providing for release from the agreement if so desired, and for compensation for ex- pense of supervision, etc. DAR ES SALAAM PASTOR - SPECIAL ASSISTANCE AGREED, To grant to the Tanzania Union a special assistance of Shs. 5,000 toward the expense of employing a pastor to follow up the interest from the Muganda effort. COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP - COTJNSEL TO TANZANIA UNION Counsel has been requested regarding the membership of the Tanzania Union committee since some had assumed that the associate pub- lishing secretary was a member. AGREED, To advise the Tanzania Union that only the department head is a member of the Union committee, and that in no case would the associate also be a member. • 0-72-55 V. L. ALMONTE - FURLOUGH V. L. Almonte has requested an extra month furlough time in con- nection with the confinement of his wife, and permission to take the furlough in California where Mrs. Almonte's parents reside. AGREED, To recommend to the Afro-Mideast Division committee that V. L. Almonte be granted a regular 3-month furlough, and further To inform Brother Almonte that once they are on furlough they re- quest an extension of one month for medical reasons, which request will be granted, and That R. L. Jacobs be requested to consult with the General Confer- ence officers regarding the salary rate and travel expense to be allowed the Almontes in connection with their request to take their furlough in America. A. P. BOKOVOY - RECRUITMENT OF PHYSICIANS Dr. A. P. Bokovoy has requested authorization to travel to California to recruit physicians for the Division. AGREED, To authorize A. P. Bokovoy to travel to California to recruit physicians, it being understood that travel shall be by the most economical means feasible. M. E. Lind, Chairman R. L. Jacobs, Secretary pro tem • 0-72-53 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � August 10, 1972 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, D. K. Bazarra, C. E. Schmidt Prayer was offered by C. E. Schmidt. BRIAN ELLINGWORTH - EMPLOYMENT BY TAD The Trans-Africa Division has indicated its desire to employ Brian Ellingworth on a tzmporary basis, and request approval of the Afro-Mideast Division. AGREED, To advise the Trans-Africa Division that we have no objection to their employing Brian L. 113.lingvorth it being understood 1. That the Afro-Mideast Division will be responsible for the equivalent of his permanent return from Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, to his homeland until December 31, 1973. 2. That if he remains in the employ of the Trans-Africa Division beyond the December 31, 1973 deadline, the entire responsibility for his permanent return would be that of the Trans-Africa Division. REG BURGESS - RETURN TO ETHIOPIA Acting on the recommendation of the Northern Europe-West Africa Division officers and Hugo Palm, who interviewed Reg Burgess in England, but with some reservations on the part of the Ethiopian Union committee and the Afro- Mideast Division officers, it was AGREED, To authorize the return of Reg Burgess to Ethiopia. LA & MV SECRETARIES COUNCIL •- SIGHT-SEEING Upon the recommendation of the Division MV & LA Secretary, it was AGREED, To the plan of allowing the LA & MV Secretaries who will be visiting Beirut November 8 - 11, 1972, to have one day for sight- seeing in connection with their attendance at the Council. BEKELE HEYE - ADVANCE AGREED, To advance $200.00 to Bekele Heye to be used in repairing a house to be used by him while on furlough in order to avoid the ex- pense of rental, it being understood that the advance will be repaid by March, 1973, at the rate of LL 100.00 per month beginning with October, 1972. Adjourned at 10:40 A.M. M. E. Lind, Chairman R. L. Jacobs, Secfetary pro tem 042.56 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFROwMIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � 11.15 a m August 15, 1972 PRESENT: M E Lind, R L Jacobs, D K Bazarra, C E Schmidt. Prayer by D K Bazarra. JOSEPH AZURI - SPECIAL ASSISTANCE In consideration of the exceptional work and willing attitude • � in his work for the Division, it was VOTED to grant a special assistance of LL 250.00 to Joseph Azuri who suffered a heart attack and has had to be hospitalized. BOURJ HAMMOUD PRINCIPAL - BUDGET Hugh Cowles was called from the East Mediterranean Field to serve in Middle East College as dean of men. � Since his budget accompanied him, leaving the EMF with the responsibility of replace ing him with a national budget, it was VOTED to charge Middle East College fer the equivalent of one national budget including servicing, this amount to be passed en to the East Mediterranean Field in order to make it possible for them to employ a replacement. M E Lind, Chairman • � R L Jacobs, Secretary pro tem 0-72-57 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � 9.30 a m August 18, 1972 PRESENT: M E Lind, C E Schmidt, D K Bazarra BY INVITATION: 0 C Bjerkan, I Yacoub Prayer by D K Bazarra. UGANDA SITUATION The Uganda situation was further discussed especially in view of the latest announcements that all professional personnel of Asiatic origin would be included in the general expulsion order of Asians liv- ing in Uganda. In case Brother Sequeira should be affected, certain names as possible replacements as Principal of Bugema were studied. LAWYER FOR AMD LEGAL AFFAIRS AGREED to recommend to the Afro-Mideast Division Committee that a lawyer be employed on a retaining basis. � Several names were discussed. Dr 0 C Bjerkan and I Yacoub left at this point. ELISHA OKEYO - TRAVEL EXPENSE Elisha Okeyo, a student from Tanzania studying at our Philippine Union College, has now completed his studies. � The Tanzania Union has no funds to provide for his return journey. AGREED to authorize the Division Treasurer to pay for Elisha Okeyo's return journey. NATHAN OGETO - REIMBURSEMENT Nathan Ogeto, a student formerly associated with Bugema College and at present attending Andrews University, has now completed his studies there. AGREED to consider Brother Ogeto as a National returning to his homeland, and that the amount advanced to him by the East African Union towards his education be considered as part of his final reimburse- ment according to policy. 0-72-58 I YACOUB - EQUIPMENT ALLOWANCE AGREED to grant I Yacoub an equipment allowance equal to 50% of LL 175 for the purchase of a tape recorder, according to policy. M E Lind, Chairman M E Lind, Secretary pro tem • i Officers' Meeting � August 21, 1972 � 9.30 a m PRESENT: � M E Lind, C E Schmidt, D K Bazarra. Prayer was offered by D K Bazarra. E H SEQUEIRA - PLACEMENT The Uganda situation was again under discussion, especially in view of the latest information having reached it by cable stating: ADVISED SEQUEIRA MUST LEAVE BY 6 NOVEMBER SHOULD LEAVE SOONER DETAILS WHEN AVAILABLE MOORES it was AGREED to advise H Palm, President of the Ethiopian Union, now furlough- ing in Sweden, as well as the East African Union that as of now the only place open to Brother Sequeira in our Division would be Ethiopia. REPLACEMENT FOR E H SEQUEIRA The following cable was sent to C D Henri of the East African Union: ENDEAVOURING PLACE SEQUEIRA ETHIOPIANSTOP SUGGEST EAU CALL DUNDER REPLACE HIM STOP CABLE REPLY LIND. It was further AGREED to place before the EAU the name of Brother G Dunder as a postible replacement for Brother Sequeira. DR. GUNNAR WENSELL - CALL TO EEMH R Williams of the GC Secretarial Department having advised us that Dr. Gunnar Wensell of the South American Division might be open for a call of we so desired, it was AGREED to place such a call with the GC for Dr. Gunnar Wensell to connect with the Empress Zauditu Memorial Hospital at-Medical Director. A telex was sent to the GC advising them of our desire on the firm under- standing that Dr. Wensell had the full approval of the Medical Department of the GC. M E Lind, Chairman M E Lind, Acting Secretary 0-72-59 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � 9.30 a m � August 21, 1972 PRESENT: M E Lind, C E Schmidt, D K Bazarra Prayer by D K Bazarra UGANDA SITUATION - E H SEQUEIRA The Uganda situation was again under discussion, especially in view of the latest information having reached us by cable and stating: • ADVISED SEQUEIRA MUST LEAVE BY 6 NOVEMBER SHOULD LEAVE SOONER DETAILS WHEN AVAILABLE MOORES. It was AGREED to advise H Palm, President of the Ethiopian Union, and now furloughing in Sweden, as well as the East African Union, that as of now the only place open for Brother Sequeira in our Division would be Ethiopia. � The following cable was sent to C D Henri of the East African Union: ENDEAVOURING PLACE SEQUEIRA ETHIOPIA STOP SUGGEST EAU CALL DUNDER REPLACING HIM STOP CABLE REPLY LIND. It was further AGREED to place before the East African Union the name of • G Dunder as a possible replacement for E H Sequeira (see cable above). DR GUNNAR WENSELL um MEDICAL DIRECTOR WHEREAS R F Williams of the GC Secretarial Department has advised us that Dr Gunnar Wensell of the South American Division might be open for a call if we so desired, it was AGREED to place such a call with the GC for Dr Gunnar Wensell to connect with the Empress Zauditu Memorial Hospital as its Medical Director. A telex was sent to the GC advising them of our desire, on the firm understanding that Dr G Wensell had the full approval of the Medical Department of the GC. M E Lind, Chairman M E Lind, Secretary pro tem 0-72-60 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � September 7, 1972 PRESENT: M. E. Lind, C. E. Schmidt, D. K. Bazarra Prayer was offered by M. E. Lind KERSTIN ENGDAHL - BOARD IN PRIVATE HOME TO ATTEND BOS S AGRTED, To approve of Gunnar Engdahl's request for his daughter, Kerstin, to room and board with the Blincis during the school year 1972-73. This authorization is only given due to our lack of dormitory facilities, and will be for one year only. Financial conditions to be as if she was in our dormitory. A. P. BOKOVOY - FIVE-DAY PLANS AGREED, To advise Dr. Bokovoy to make his tour to the Persian Gulf States for 5-Day Plans in connection with his attending the Division Year- end meetings in Beirut. BEIRUT OVERSEAS SCHOOL - TEACHER FOR BOOKKEEPING AGREED, To acquiesce in the request of the BOS for an accountant from the Division treasury department to teach academy bookkeeping, sug- gesting two periods of 45 minutes per week. • Adjourned. M. E. Lind, Chairman and Secretary, pro tem 0 S • 0-72-61 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � September 11, 1972 � 8.15 a m PRESENT: M E Lind, D K Bazarra, C E Schmidt, E J Gregg, BY INVITATION: I Yacoub. Prayer by C E Schmidt. BUGEMA ADVENTIST COLLEGE PRINCIPAL Having been advised by the East African Union that it was their desire to call Y Gwalamubisi as Principal at Bugema, it was VOTED to pass on this call for Y Gwalamubisi to serve as Principal of Bugema Adventist College on the basis of a national returning to his homeland. � The need is urgent. R H Henning was invited to join the meeting at this stage. ETHIOPIAN ADVENT PRESS EXTENSION It was AGREED that the revised plans for this project be forwarded to the General Conference with the request for assistance from the 'i?ub- lishing Rehabilitation Fund. M E Lind, Chairman E J Gregg, Secretary pro tem 0-72-62 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � September 14, 1972 � 8.00 a m PRESENT: M E Lind, D K Bazarra, C E Schmidt, E J Gregg. Prayer by D K Bazarra. ETHIOPIAN UNION TO CALL E H SEQUEIRA VOTED to advise the Ethiopian Union to place a call for E H Sequeira to serve as a replacement for 0 D'Costa as an evan- gelist. M E Lind, Chairman E J Gregg, Secretary pro tem • 0-72-63 OFFICERS' MEETING OE THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � September 18, 1972 � 11.15 a m PRESENT: � M E Lind, D K Bazarra, C E Schmidt, E J Gregg. Prayer by E J Gregg. EMERGENCY PLANS VOTED to approve the plans submitted for care of personnel and property in the event of conditions arising which would necessitate protective measures being taken. � Copies of the plans are in the hands of the officers. 411 � C T SHAH M D - CALL TO ETHIOPIAN UNION Due to the situation in Uganda Dr C T Shah might be available for placement elsewhere. VOTED of invite him to connect with the work in the Ethiopian Union. AUTHORIZATION OF CABLES TO DIAMOND AND SHAH VOTED to authorize cables to Shah and Diamond in connection with the foregoing. M E Lind, Chairman E J Gregg, Secretary pro tem 0-72-64 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Mexico City � October 16, 1972 � 9:15 A.M. PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt HERI ACCOUNTANT-PILOT - OPEN CALL A copy of a letter from B. E. Seton to R. E. Clifford, received by M. E. Lind, indicates that David Swaine is not available for service in Heri, due to study plans, children's education, and the fact that the Trans-Africa Division considers him as belonging to that Division. AGREED, To authorize the General Conference to seek to fill the call for an accountant-pilot to serve in Heri Hospital on an open-call basis. FRITZ MARTINSEN - TANZANIA UNION LA SECRETARY AGREED, To inform the Tanzania Union that we have no objection in case the committee desires to call Fritz Martinsen to serve as Union LA Secretary. GARY MARSH - KAMAGAMBO TEACHER AGREED, To inform the East African Union that we have no object- ion in case it is desired to call Gary Marsh to serve as Bible/English teacher in Kamagambo. PHYSICIAN - DEBRE TABOR AND GIMBIE The president of the Euro-Africa Division has indicated that it may be possible to find German physicians to fill calls in the Afro- Mideast Division. AGREED, To authorize the General Conference to place a call with the Euro-Africa Division for two German physicians to serve in Debre Tabor and the Empress Zauditu Memorial Hospital. M. E. Lind, Chairman R. L. Jacobs, Secretary pro tem 0-72-65 OFFICERS, MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � October 31, 1972 � 8:00 A.M. PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, D. K. Bazarra, E. J. Gregg Prayer by M. E. Lind. GIFT CASETTES - MINISTERIAL DEPARTMENT VOTED, To authorize the Ministerial Department to prepare a sample tape cassette for presentation to members of the committee. INGER HANSEN - VISIT TO BEIRUT VOTED, To authorize travel for Mrs. Inger Hansen (a furloughing worker from Ethiopia) and Mrs. Nora Juhl (on permanent return to Den- mark from Ethiopia) to include the Afro-Mideast Division headquarters in their trip from Ethiopia to Denmark. The return trip to Ethiopia by Mrs. Hansen would be direct. Meeting adjourned by prayer by E. J. Gregg. M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary • • 0-72-66 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � November 1, 1972 � 8:30 A.M. PRESENT: M. E. Lind, D. K. Bazarra, R. L. Jacobs, E. J. Gregg Prayer by R. L. Jacobs. EAST AFRICAN UNION REPRESENTATION - YEAREND COMMITTEE In view of the fact that the presidency of the East African Union is to be filled at the yearend meeting, it was VOTED, To invite W. S. Edsell and P. E. Giddings who will be attending the Division Youth and Lay Activities Departmental Council, to attend the 1972 yearend committee meeting as additional representatives from East Africa. CHILE CASPE - DATE OF PERMANENT RETURN In view of the fact that Miss Chile Caspe served seven months over the usual two-year term during her first term of service, it was was VOTED, To recommend that her request to leave on permanent return as soon as she has completed her duties following the close of the present school year be granted. (See AMD 72-42) SPIRIT OF PROPHECY ADVISORY COMMITTEE VOTED, To recommend to the Plans Committee that the following be appointed as a Spirit of Prophecy Advisory Committee: D. K. Bazarra, Chairman A. P. Bokovoy R. C. Darnell E. J. Gregg R. H. Henning, Secretary FRITZ MARTINSEN - TANZANIA UNION LA SECRETARY VOTED, To reafirm authorization (0-72-64) granting permission to the Tanzania Union to make direct contact with Fritz Martinsen (with approval from the East African Union) with a view to his serving as Lay Activities Secretary of the Tanzania Union. Sh,uld he accept this appointment he is hereby invited to attend the Division LA Departmental Council in Beirut. • 0-72-67 NOMINATING COMMITTEE - YEAREND COMMITTEE VOTED, To recommend that the Nominating Committee to be appointed for service in connection with the 1972 yearend meeting be constituted as follows: (Following the principle usually used at the Division Council) Division officers - M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, D. K. Bazarra, E. J. Gregg General Conference - C. E. Bradford, R. M. Reinhard East African Union - P. E. Giddings, W. S. Edsell, S. O. Omulo AND Departmental Secretary - Bekele Heye Middle East College - O. C. Bjerkan M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary • 0-72-68 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � November 3, 1972 � 9:00 A.M. PRESENT: M E Lind, R L Jacobs, C E Schmidt, D K Bazarra, E J Gregg Prayer by R L Jacobs. PURCHASE ADDITIONAL CHAIRS - AMD COMMITTEE/WORSHIP ROOM VOTED, To authorize the purchase of additional chairs for the committee/worship room. STUDENT MISSIONARIES - EXTENSION OF VISAS VOTED, To ask Ignatius Yacoub, with others to be selected, to contact the immigration authorities with respect to the extension of visas for student missionaries in Lebanon. E. H. SEQUEIRA - INVITED TO ATTEND YEAREND MEETINGS VOTED, To recommend that E. H. Sequeira be invited to attend the yearend, committee meetings. Meeting held November 6, 1972 at 8:45 A.M. with same members present. Prayer was offered by E. J. Gregg. C. T. SHAH, MD - STATUS Dr. C. T. Shah, an Asian physician expelled from Uganda, has been invited to connect with the medical work in Ethiopia. He could not go directly from Uganda to Ethiopia so has proceeded to England where he is at present. It was VOTED, To seek counsel from the General Conference concerning his homeland status, recommending that England be considered as his home base. It would be necessary for Dr. Shah to determine his status in England. MINISTERIAL STUDENTS - OBSERVERS VOTED, To invite two or three ministerial students from Middle East College to sit as observers with the Division Committee during the first day's session. M E Lind, Chairman E J Gregg, Secretary 0-72-68. q OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � November 7, 1972 � 8:30 A.M. PRESENT: M E Lind, R L Jacobs, D K Bazarra, C E Schmidt, E J Gregg Prayer by R. L. Jacobs. This meeting was with R. C. Darnell, President of the Middle East Union. Elder Darnell spoke of the desires of the Middle East Union for: 1. Assistance with preparation and publication of the back-up material and literature for the Mission ?73 Evangelism Program. The amount needed is to be submitted to the Division Treasurer as soon as possible. 2. Developing the Five-Day Plan to stop smoking as a means of opening doors in many parts of the Union territory. There have been requests for this material to be prepared for release on National Television in the different countries of the Middle East. The pos- sibility of presenting the Five-Day Plan in book form is also being considered. 3. Presenting a scheme of health education as a means for reaching the Muslim population, incorporating a. health centers b. health foods - peanut butter, soya milk, etc. 4. Counsel in the matter of the indemnity settlement with Jad Katrib. 5. Damascus Center - expropriation not eminent. 6. The matter of the biennial sessions was discussed and it was recommended that the Middle East Union follow the general procedure of quadrennial sessions rather than biennial sessions. M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary • 0-72-69 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � November 7, 1972 � 10:15 A.M. PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, D. K. Bazarra, E. J, Gregg Prayer by E. J. Gregg. This meeting was with 0, C, Bjerkan, President of Middle East College. The first matter mentioned was the resignation of George Ghazal as business manager of Middle East College. It was also indicated that George Khoury who had requested study leave has now requested to defer that leave for two years. The matter of marriage between workers with non-members was dis- cussed. Some staff members in the College have presented problems in this respect. Affiliation of the College with Loma Linda University was mentioned. It will be discussed on the Board Meeting, November 19. Ignatius Yacoub, Academic Dean, plans to leave on study leave at the close of the present school year. Replacement should be decided upon in the May Board meeting or sooner. The matter of the observance of certain Muslim holidays was dis- cussed and it was to be referred to the Lebanon co-ordinating committee, Accounting problems at the College were discussed. Problems with maintenance were also mentioned. M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary • • 0-72-70 OFFICERS MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon November 8, 1972 � 2:30 P.M. PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, D. K. Bazarra, E. J. Gregg Prayer by D. K. Baz=a. This meeting was with C. D. Henri, President of the East African Union. Pastor Henri briefly reported on the situation in Uganda. George Dunder has accepted the EAU call to serve as principal of Maxwell Pre- patory School. The EAU is placing a call for Gary Marsh of Ikizu also to connect with Maxwell Prep. School. It was recommended to the EAU that no facilities or staff be pro- vided for church schools on the station campuses beyond the fourth standard (grade). Recommended that M. Keith Dowell be granted immediate permanent return for personal reasons. Lynn Belleau requests a change of work. His name is to be referred to the Distribution of Labour committee. Recommended that Don Folkenberg be asked to serve as acting auditor for the EAU for the balance of his present term, ending August, 1973. Elder Henri reported on the matter of the grievance certain dis- charged Voice of Prophecy workers have brought against the EAU and the disaffection of the Karatina church in the Central Kenya Field under the leadership of Pastor Andrew Gothemia. M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary 0- 72- 71 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � November 12, 1972 � 10:00 A.M. PRESENT: M. E, Lind, R. L. Jacobs, D. K. Bazarra, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg The four union presidents - R. C. Darnell, C. D. Henri, H. W. Palm, L. C. Robinson Prayer was offered by R. L. Jacobs. VACATIONS - NOT EXTENDED -- Some committees have granted more than one month. When institutional workers must work on a legal holiday, this time is granted on another day and not added to the yearly. 411 FURLOUGH POLICY -- The new policy incorporating the idea of an initial 6-year term was explained briefly. SELF-SUPPORT -- was discussed and some results obtained in East Africa were favorably mentioned. A plan is being studied to reduce gradually appropriations in view of using savings for new work. STEWARDSHIP MANUAL IN SWAHILI -- Cost Shs 5/-- each for edition of 3,000. The unions can use very few. Suggest D. K. Bazarra, C. D. Henri, and L. C. Robinson bring a recommendation. ITINERARIES -- Departmental Secretaries will be attending World Council in September/October so will not be available for the field. TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS -- All travel on furlough or permanent return should be cleared with the Division beforehand. DONATIONS FOR SPECIAL PROJECTS -- Three projects to be selected by each Division. (AC 95) � Evangelism, new areas; Capital improvement; church buildings; scholarships. Each president to present suggestive projects to the secretary within 24 hours. SUSTENTEE WORKERS - Sustentation benefits begin after approval by the Division. Overseas sustentees to be requested through the Division and the General Conference. ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES -- Division to be advised immediately when overseas workers arrive and leave. MINISTERIAL STUDENTS IN MIDDLE EAST COLLEGE -- Suggested that students be encouraged to come to MEC for ministerial studies. SURPLUS MATERIALS -- Information was given regarding the pos- sibility of securing government surplus materials. Adjourned with prayer by C. D. Henri. M. E. Lind, Chairman R. L. Jacobs, Secretary pro tem OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon November 12, 1972 � 3:00 P.M. PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, D. K. Bazarra, C. E. Schmidt E. J. Gregg The following Departmental Secretaries: A. H. Brandt, A. P. Bokovoy, R, H. Henning, Bekele Heye, R. W. Taylor, Ignatius Yacoub Elder Lind read from ISamuel 12:6. "It is the Lord that ad- vanced Moses and Aaron and brought the children of Israel out of Egypt." Prayer was offered by E. J. Gregg. RECOMMENDATION TO AMD COMMITTEE TO BUY OFFSET PRESS VOTED, To recommend to the budget committee that provision be made for the purchase of a small offset press. The estimated cost is LL 6,000.00. Request has been made by the Publishing Department for an increase in departmental expense budget. Meeting held November 13, with same officers present. DEPARTMENTAL SECRETARIES - TRAVEL BUDGETS VOTED, To recommend that Division Departmental secretaries plan for not more than two trips to Africa during 1973 (including the trip to the midyear meeting in Addis Ababa), and that the expenses of attending the Departmental Secretaries' Council in the United States be a charge against their travel budgets. It is also recommended that budget'ry provision be made from 1973 specials to supplement the added cost of the Council attendance. Meeting at 3:30 P.M. with L. C. Robinson. The matter of the "Spear" Boat for Lake Victoria was discussed. The future use of Kibidula as a mission station was discussed. This would utilize not more than k of the total land area. This would serve as a center for evangelism in the KibL'ula area. The time for transfer of F. Martinsen to the Tanzania Union was discussed. M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary • 0-72-73 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon November 9, 1972 � 11:00 A.M. PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, D. K. Bazarra, E. J. Gregg Prayer by C. E. Schmidt. This meeting was with L. C. Robinson, President of the Tanzania Union. Elder Robinson briefly reported on the situation at Ikizu. Elisha Okeyo, the new headmaster at Ikizu, recently returned from Philippine Union College and has now taken up his duties and seems to be well received. The possibility of receiving aid from the SIDA (a Swedish organi- zation for aid to under-developed countries) for Ikizu was discussed. It was agreed to place a telephone call to the Swedish Union president to see if a mathematics teacher can be secured through this organization. A site for the relocation of the Seminary now at Ikizu has been found near Arusha. Arrangements for this property have been made. Ap- proval of these plans by the Division committee is requested. The cost of the property is Shs. 55,000/- plus transfer and survey fees. The officers approved these transactions and RECOMMENDED, That the Division committee be asked to approve of this project. M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary • 0-72-74 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � November 10, 1972 � 11:00 A.M. PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, D. K. Bazarra, E. J. Gregg Prayer by R. L. Jacobs. This meeting was with H. Palm, President of the Ethiopian Union. Elder Palm indicated a feeling that a Union Evangelist could be appointed in Ethiopia. He then referred to the problems being encountered in securing entry permits for Dr. Shah and Elder Sequeira. Elder Sequeira's name to be referred to the Distribution of Labor Committee for temporary assignment until the matter of entry to Ethiopia can be finalized. The possibility of a course for Hospital chaplains was discussed. It was suggested that a sustentation worker could be invited to carry on such a program in the Empress Zauditu Memorial Hospital. There is a possibility of the hospital in Addis being designated as a recipient of the United States AID program. It is planned that such aid would be used for the staff housing and x-ray equipment. P. W. Naesheim is serving as acting principal of the Ethiopian Adventist College. A call has been placed with the General Conference for a replacement. Dr. L. N. Wright is asking permission to leave three months early on permanent return. It is thought that Dr. John Gardner could replace Dr. Wright at Gimbie Hospital. Pastor Gioma Dampte is requesting permission to study at Andrews University for his Masters' degree, beginning in 1973. This request should be processed by the Ethiopian Union Committee and the Division Bursary Committee. The problem of a farm manager at Ethiopian Adventist College was discussed. M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary 0-72-75 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � November 14, 1972 � 5:00 P.M. PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg By Invitation: O. C. Bjerkan, George Ghazal Prayer by R. L. Jacobs. HENRI MELKI - RENT SUBSIDY VOTED, To recommend that rent subsidy be paid Henri Melki for the housing occupied by Mrs. Melki and the children from► June 18, 1971 to June 30, 1972, on the basis of the old M. E. Division policy, i.e. 371/27. of salary for Mrs. Melki. Meeting held November 23, 1972 at 4:00 P.L. PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, Bekele Heye, C. E. Schmidt, E. J. Gregg PUMP ON COMPOUND - NEW CASING AUTHORIZED WHEREAS, The casing of the well on the Division compound has rusted out, thus permitting sand and mud to clog the pump, it was VOTED, To authorize the installation of a new casing in the well and repairs to the pump. The estimated cost is LL 8,000.00. Prayer was offered by M. E. Lind. Meeting held November 24, 1972 at 7:50 A.M. with same members present. By Invitation: R. C. Darnell, Rafic Issa EAST MEDITERRANEAN FIELD - FINANCIAL SITUATION The problem facing the East Mediterranean Field was brought to the officers of the Division. The Field has shown an operating loss to September 30, 1972 of over LL 70,000.00. Operating cash is non-existent and the field is unable to meet November salaries and other commitments. These problems are due largely to the devaluation of the dollar in re- lation to the Lebanese currency, The representatives from the Middle East Union feel that the Union is able to assist with the immediate needs for November, but that in December they would probably not be able to grant such assistance. It was VOTED, To authorize the Middle East Union to make a further advance of funds to the East Mediterranean Field. 0-72-76 GEORGE NEHME - REQUEST FOR RE-EMPLOYMENT VOTED, To inform George Nehme that the Afro-Mideast Division regrets that there is not now an opening for which he can be re- employed. DALE BOHANNON - EDUCATIONAL AND TRAVEL ASSISTANCE VOTED, To inform Jack Bohannon that the Division will be pre- pared to pay the fare for Dale from Tenessee to Beirut, which would be equal to returning him from furlough, but that further travel assistance for his return to the school in the states after Christmas and the trip to Beirut again after the close of the school year cannot be given. It is agreed that the same allowance provided by denominational policy for study in the U. S. schools be granted for Dale's study in the states during the present 1972/73 school year. ($540.00 for the school year.) TANZANIA AND EAST AFRICAN UNIONS SUSTENTATION RATES - MODIFICATION VOTED, To grant increases to sustentation beneficiaries in the Tanzania and East African Unions on the following basis: a. Increase of Shs 20/- per month for those receiving up to Shs 100/-per mo. b. Increase of Shs 15/- per month for those receiving Shs 101/- to 200/- /V c. Increase of Shs 10/- per month for those receiving Shs 201/- to 300/- d. No � to those receiving above Shs 300/- per month. RADIO STUDIO OPERATION - VOLKER HENNING VOTED, To authorize the employment of Volker Henning as a student operator of the Division radio studio at an hourly rate of LL 1.50. Charges for studio time in recording would be at 200% of the operator's hourly rate. A. P. BOKOVOY - EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE EZMH Due to the shortage of medical staff at the EZMH in Addis Ababa, it was VOTED, To advise all the unions that Dr. A. P. Bokovoy will not be available for special itineraries outside of Ethiopia until Hospital staffing problems can be satisfactorily solved. DR. JOHN GARDNER - GIMBIE HOSPITAL VOTED, To approve the recommendation of the Ethiopian Union that Dr. John Gardner replace Dr. Lester Wright at the time of the Wrights' departure on permanent return. 0-72-76 a R. W. TAYLOR - LIAISON OFFICER WITH WHITE ESTATE VOTED, To ask R. W. Taylor to assume the responsibiiity of liaison with the E. G. White Estate to foster promotion of Spirit of Prophecy in the Afro-Mideast Division. It is also recommended that Elder Taylor be appointed as chairman of the subcommittee set up by the AMD action 72-127. M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary i 0-72-77 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � December 27, 1972 �7:50 A.M. PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, Bekele Heye E. J. Gregg Prayer was offered by Bekele Heye. Elder Lind gave a brief report on the meetings of the yearend councils of the Tanzania, East Africa, and Ethiopia Unions. ETHIOPIA FAMINE RELIEF VOTED, To recommend to the Division Coimiiittee that E$ 2,000.00 be granted for famine relief in the Debre Tabor region of Ethiopia. These funds to be used in the provision of food and that in the distri- bution of this food, religion of recipients be not considered. CHURCH BUILDING REQUESTS VOTED, To inform the General Conference that there are two church projects in the Afro-Mideast Division that are considered urgent. Nairobi � $40,000 Dongora (South Ethiopia) $15,000 MIDYEAR COMMITTEE HOTEL RESERVATION VOTED, To recommend that accomodation for those attending the midyear Division meetings in Addis Ababa be arranged in the Ras Hotel on a bed-breakfast basis, CURTIS BARGER - VISIT POSTPONE) TO 1974 In view of the 1973 itinerary for Bekele Heye which includes his furlough, followed im7iediately by the World Departmental Council, it was VOTED, To recommend that the proposed visit of R. Curtis Barger to the Afro-Mideast Division be deferred until 1974. BOURJ-HAMMOUD - PAYM7NT OF BACK TAXES VOTED, To authorize the payment of back taxes and penalties for late payment on the Bourj-Hammoud church. TREES - AUTHORIZE REMOVAL VOTED, To authorize the removal of the two large eucalyptus trees next to the south end of the Division office building due to the problem being experienced to the office drains by the roots of the,— *r^ M. E. Lind, Chairman E•. J. Gregg, Secretary 0-72-78 OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION Beirut, Lebanon � December 28, 1972 � 9:25 A.M. PRESENT: M. E. Lind, R. L. Jacobs, C. E. Schmidt, Bekele Heye, E. J. Gregg Prayer was offered by Bekele Heye. D. L. FOLKENBURG - PERMANENT RETURN VOTED, To advise D. L. Folkenberg that it is the opinion of the Division officers that his needs for assistance while pursuing his desired course of Hospital Administration would be best met by his re- questing a permanent return. • MARY KRALIL - REST HOME VOTED, To approve the action placing Mrs, Mary al Khalil in a convalescent home at LL 310.00 per month. Her sustentation benefits are to be applied toward this expense. IBRAHIM MAKDISI - IDEMNITY ASSISTANCE TO MIDDLE EAST COLLEGE VOTED, To grant LL 1,500 from the Reserve for Settlements and Indemnities to Middle East College in connection with the resignation of Ibrahim Makdisi. 1973 MIDYEAR COMMITTEE - INVITATIONS VOTED, To recommend that the following workers be invited to sit with the Division Midyear Committee in Addis Ababa: Tebedge Guddaye L. G. Diamond Henry Scoggins Paul Horton . Principal of EAC Negassa Aga Frederick Wangai, W. S. Edsell R. Burgess 1973 RADIO/TV COUNCIL - UNION PRESIDENTS TO ATTEND VOTED, To record that all Union presidents are invited to attend the Division Radio/TV and Public Relations Council in Addis Ababa. 1973 MIDYEAR COMMITTEE - RECORDING SECRETARY VOTED, To authorize Pat Swan to travel to Addis Ababa to serve as recording secretary in connection with the Midyear committee meetings. 0-72-79 TANZANIA UNION CESSNA 206 - OPERATION AS DIVISION PLANE The offer of Dr. WaitQr Martin for the Cessna 206 to be operated as a Division plane with the Division supplying a full-time pilot for the plane and Dr. Martin the funds for annual registration fees, in- spections, fuel, insurance, and maintenance, was discussed. It was VOTED, To acknowledge with gratitude this generous offer but to ovserve that the stipulation that the plane be made available to L. C. Robinson for two weeks each month would pose problems which are difficult to solve. Adjourned. • � M. E. Lind, Chairman E. J. Gregg, Secretary • INDEX OFFICERS' MEETING OF THE AFRO-MIDEAST DIVISION August 10 - December 28, 1972 - A - Accountant/Filot � Heri Hospital, Open Call � 72-64 Almonte, V. L. - Furlough � 72-55 AMD Compound - Pump Casing Authorized � 72-75 Arrivals and Departures - AND to be Advised Immediately � 72-71 Authorization of Cables to Diamond and Shah � 72-63 Azuri, Joseph - Special Assistance � 72-56 - B- Barger, Curtis - Visit Postponed to 1974 � 72-77 Beirut Overseas School - Bookkeeping Teacher � 72-60 Bjerkan, O. C. - Meeting with AMD Officers � 72-69 Bohannon, Dale - Educational and Travel Assistance � 72-76 Bokovoy, A. P. Emergency Assistance - EZMH � 72-76 Five-Day Plans � 72-60 Recruitment of Physicians � 72-55 Bookkeeping Teacher - BOS � 72-60 Bourj-Hammoud - Payment of Back Taxes � 72-77 Bourj-Hammoud Principal - Budget � 72-56 Bugema Adventist College Principal � 72-61 Burgess, Reg - Return to Ethiopia � 72-53 -C - Cables - Authorization of to Diamond and Shah � 72-63 Caspe, Chile - Date of Permanent Return � 72-66 Cassettes, Gift - Ministerial Department � 72-65 Cessna 206 - Operation as Division Plane � 72-79 Chairs - Purchase Authorized � � � 72-68 Church Building Projects Urgent � . . . .. � ..... 72-77 Church Building Requests � 72-77 Committee Membership - Counsel to TU . � 72-54 Committee/Worship Room - Prtrrhase of Chairs Authorized � 72-68 0 Index 2 - D Dar Es Salaam Pastor - Special Assistance � 72-54 Darnell, R. C. - Meeting with AND Officers 72-68a Debre Tabor & EZMH - Physician � 72-64 Departmental Secretaries - Travel Budgets � 72-72 Diamond, L. G. - Invitation to Midyear AND Committee � 72-78 Donations for Special Projects - Suggestions from Union Presidents 72-71 Dongora South Ethiopia Church Project Urgent � 72-77 E East African Union Sustentation Rates Modified � 72-76 Yearend Committee Representation � 72-66 East Mediterranean Field - Financial Situation � 72-75 Edsell, W. S. - Invitation to Attend Yearend Committee � 72-66 Ellingworth, Brian - Employment by TAD � 72-53 Emergency Plans .. � 72-63 Empress Zauditu Memorial Hospital - Medical Director � 72-59 Engdahl, Kerstin - Board in Private Home to Attend BOS � 72-60 Ethiopian Advent Press Extension � 72-61 Ethiopian Famine Relief � 72-77 Ethiopian Union Call - C. T. Shah, MD � 72-63 Call - E. H. Sequeira � 72-62 EDE & Debre Tabor - Physicians � 72-64 F Famine Relief - Ethiopia � 72-77 Folkenburg, D. L. - Permanent Reeturn � 72-78 Furlough Policy - Initial 6-year Policy Explained � 72-71 G Gardner, Dr. John - Gimbie Hospital � 72-76 German Physicians - Authorize Call Through GC � 72-64 Giddings, P. E. - Invite to Attend 1972 Yearend Committee � 72-66 Gimbie Hospital - Dr. John Gardner � 72-76 Guddaye, Tebedge - Invitation to Midyear AND Committee � 72-78 Gwalamubisi, Y. - Call as Principal of Bugema � 72-61 0 Index 3 - H - Hansen, Inger - Visit to Beirut � 72-65 Henri, C. D. - Meeting with AND Officers 72-70 Heri Hospital - Accountant/Pilot - Open Call � 72-64 Heye, Bekele - Advance Funds � 72-53 Homeland Status - Dr. C. T. Shah � 72-68 Horton, Paul - Invitation to Midyear AND Committee � 72-78 Hotel Reservation - Midyear Committee � 72-77 - I - Ignatius Yacoub - Contact Authorities for Student Missionaries Visas � 72-68 Indemnity Assistance to NEC for Ibrahim Makdisi � 72-78 Itineraries - Dept. Sec. not Available to Field Sept-Oct 1973 � 72-71 - K - Kamagambo - Gary Marsh Te&cher � 72-64 Khalil, Mary - Rest Home � 72-78 - L - Lawyer for AND Legal Affairs � 72-57 Lay Activities Secretaries Council - Sightseeing � 72-53 Legal Affairs - Lawyer for AND � 72-57 - Makdisi, Ibrahim - Indemnity Assistance to NEC � 72-78 Marsh, Gary - Kamagambo Teacher � 72-64 Martin, Dr. - Funds for Operation of Cessna 206 � 72-79 Martinsen, F. - Time for Transfer to TU � 72-72 TU LA Secretary � 72-64,66 NEC Encourages Ministerial Students � 72-71 NEC Indemnity Assistance for Ibrahim Makdisi � 72-78 NEC Ministerial Students - Observers at AND Committee � 72-63 Melki, Henri - Rent Subsidy � 72-75 Middle East Union - Advance of Funds to EM' � 72-75 Midyear Committee Hotel Reservation � 72-77 Midyear Committee (1973) - Invitations � 72-78 Ministerial Department - Gift Cassettes � 72-65 Ministerial Students Encouraged to Attend NEC � 72-71 Ministerial Students - Observers � 72-68 MV Secretaries Council - Sightseeing � 72-53 0 Index 4 N - Nairobi EAU Church Project Urgent � 72-77 Nehme, George - Request for Re-employment � 72-76 Nominating Committee - Members Recommended Yearend � 72..67 - 0 - Officers' Meeting with Four Union Presidents � 72-71 Offset Press - Recommendation to Purchase � 72-72 Ogeto, Nathan - Reimbursement for Education � 72-57 Okeyo, Elisha - Travel Expense � 72-57 - P- Palm, H. W. - Meeting with Officers � 72-74 Physicians - Debre Tabor & EZNH � 72-64 Publishing Department - Increase in Expense Budget - Request � • � 72-72 Pump AND Compound - New Casing Authorized � 72-75 - R - Radio Studio Operation - Volker Henning � 72-76 Radio/TV Council - Union Presidents to Attend 1973 � 72-78 Recording Secretary - Midyear Committee 1973 � 72-78 Richards, Earl DDS - Refresher Course at LLU � 72-54 Robinson, L. C. - Meeting with Officers � 72-72, � 73 - S - Scoggins, Henry - Invitation to Midyear AND Committee � 72-78 Self-Support Discussed with Union Presidents � 72-71 Sequeira, E. H. - Ethiopian Union Call � 72-62 - Invited to Attend Yearend Committee � 72-68 - Uganda Situation � 72-5 Shah, C. T. M.D. - Call to Ethiopian Union � 72-63 - Status � 72-63 "Spear" Boat Matter - Dik'cussed � 72-72 Spirit of Prophecy Advisory Committee � 72-66 Spirit of Prophecy Subcommittee Chairman - R. W. Taylor � 72-76a Stewardship Manual in Swahili Discussed � 72-71 Student Missionaries - Extension of Visas � 72-68 Surplus Materials from Government Discussed � 72-71 Sustentation Rates Modification - TU & EAU � 72-76 Sustentee Workers - Benefits Begin After Approval of AND � 72-71 Swaine, David - Not available for Service in Heri � 72-64 Swan, Pat Recording Secretary - Midyear Committee 1973 � 72-76 • • - T - Tanzania Union Dar Es Salaam Pastor -- Special Assistance � Counsel on Committee Membership � 0 Index 5 72-54 72-54 LA Secretary - F. Martinsen � 72-64,66 Sustentation Rates Modified � 72-76 Taxes - Payment of by Bourj-Hammoud � 72-77 Taylor, R. W. - Chairman Subcommittee on Spirit of Prophecy � 72-76a - Laison Officer with White Estate � 72-76a Trans-Africa Division - Employment of Brian Ellingworth � 72-53 Travel Arrangements - Cleared with Division Treasury � 72-71 Travel Budgets Departmental Secretaries � 72-72 Trees AND Compound - Authorize Removal � 72-77 TU Cessna 206 - Operation as Division Plane � 72-79 111114. � 'SP 72-13 - u - Uganda Situation � 72-57 Uganda Situation - E. H. Sequeira � � 72-59 - V - Vacations - Not Extended � 72-71 Volker Henning - Radio Studio Operation � 72-76 - W - Wensell, Dr. Gunnar - EZMH Medical Director � 72-59 White Estate - R. W. Taylor Laison Officer � 72-76a - Y - Yacoub, I. - Equipment Allowance � 72-58 Yearend Committee - Representation EAU � 72-66