the majority in the matter of Sabbath observ- ance, how can the combination of these two things produce crime? How can white com- bined with white produce black? The Crime of a Different Faith The truth is that the real offense in such cases consists in adhering to a different re- ligion from that professed by Sunday observ- ers, or in failing to pay homage to an institu- tion for which people have a religious regard. It is a religious offense; and such is human nature, that it is roused to stronger resent- ment and hatred by religious offenses than by any others. Religious zeal is the most zealous kind of zeal, and the quickest to take offense at opposition, when not combined with Christian meekness. Disregard of Sunday is a great offense in the eyes of the clergy, with whom Sunday is the chief of days, and in the eves of all others who are zealous for that day; and this is the source of every move- ment for the prosecution of those who observe a different day. Down in their hearts, the prosecutors in this case doubtless realized these facts to be true, and that the trial was really a religious persecution, though it was plain that a state statute had been disregarded. A Relic of Ancient Days These Sunday statutes are relics of the old days of church-and-state union, and are wholly out of harmony with any system of free gov- ernment. Their whole history and pedigree shows them to be religious laws; and as such they are unconstitutional in a government which guarantees religious freedom. The Iree exercise of religion is specifically guar- anteed by the Constitution of South Caro- lina; indeed, no other state in the Union rises on this particular point, as does South Caro- lina, to the level of the National Constitu- tion, which prohibits the making by Congress of any law “respecting an establishment of re- ligion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” The origin of Sunday observance, its his- tory, and the fact that only religious people have called and are calling for its enforcement, plainly show the religious character of Sun- day laws. An attempt has been made to con- jure up a “civil sabbath,” necessitated on hygienic and humanitarian grounds; but it cannot be shown on any grounds that idle- ness and loafing are necessary to the welfare of any community. It is always the clergy, or others who are religiously zealous for Sun- day, who call for Sunday legislation and stand back of every movement for its'enforcement. Why Not Be Consistent Why do not these clergy and other advo- cates of Sunday laws, to be consistent, de- mand legislation to compel the people to at- tend Sunday services in the churches? ‘That is the thing they really want. As it is, they have laws which simply compel people to be idle, laws which substitute loafing for honest employment, laws which provide idle brains and hands to be employed by his Satanic majesty: laws, in short, which co-operate with the pur- poses of the evil one. If that personage stopped work on Sunday, the situation would not be nearly so bad; but no Sunday law ever inter- THE WATCHMAN feres with his pursuits. these zealous remember. They Are Not Christian Sunday laws are not Christian. Sunday is not, according to the plain testimony of the Bible, a Christian institution. Compulsion in religious observances is not Christian. “God is love; and only the service of love is God- like; only the motive of love can he accept- able to him. Love is free; it cannot be forced. The cause of Christianity cannot therefore he m any way promoted by the arm of the civil power. L. A. S. I Here is a point which clergymen would do well to THE SABBATH TREE N the Sabbath law there are many ideas or brief thoughts which taken together make the commandment complete. Like a tree with its many branches and twigs all supported by the one trunk, so cach branch of the Sabbath tree relates to rest, for that is the meaning of the word “ Sab- bath.” Tt is God's rest placed in a certain day for the benefit of man, and is therefore called God's Sabbath or God's rest. It is not physical rest, for God fainteth not, neither is he weary. Remember the Sabbath Notice some of the Sabbath branches. First: “Remember.” In this expression we are not told what to remember, or how to remember, or why we should remember, or even how to remember anything in particular. In the next clause he tells us what to remember, “the Sabbath day.” The next clause tells for what purpose we should remember it, to “keep it holy.” The divine Lawgiver then tells us what day is the Sabbath: “The seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God.” Keeping the Sabbath Holy Still there is something lacking; for I do not know how to keep it holy. So another twig is added: “In it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates.” Liven now should we have nothing more we would not know why we should keep the Sabbath holy. So the Lord adds still an- other branch to the Sabbath tree. “For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the sev- enth day: wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.” Now we have the Sabbath tree complete. " Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work: but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Tord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy man- servant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; for in «ix days the Lord made heaven and earth. the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath dav and hallowed it” Ex. 20: 8-11. S. N. H. HISTORY AND PROPHECY URIAH SMITH. History Supplies Conditions on Which Prophecy is Based. Shall We Believe? HE 2300 days of Dan 8:14 ended in 1844. The profoundest opponents of the Adventists at that time, admitted that the argument on chronology was invulnerable. The prophecy said that then the sanctuary should be cleansed. Two Bible facts show us what this is: 1. The Bible re- veals the fact that the cleansing of the sanc- tuary covers a period of time, and consists of the work of the High Priest in the second, or most holy, apartment of the sanctuary, during which he makes the atonement and finishes a complete round of the sanctuary service (Leviticus 16); 2. The Bible reveals another fact, which is, that the sanctuary of this dispensation (1813 years of which had passed when the 2300 days ended in 1844) is in heaven, where Christ, our High Priest, ministers for us. Hebrews 8. We therefore believe that at that time the last work in the heavenly temple began (be- cause the prophecy said it was thus to be), that Christ entered the second apartment of the true sanctuary on high, to perform his brief work of making the antitypical atone- ment and cleansing the antitypical sanctuary, and thus close up forever his mediatorial work for man. Here, then, is a tremendous truth, the first part resting upon tangible, undeniable, his- torical evidence within our own hands; the second resting on the plain declaration of God’s word, which we therefore believe. Now, John describes the beginning of this work in the second apartment of the sanctuary in heaven, when, beholding events to take place under the sounding of the seventh trumpet, near the close of the gospel age, he says, “ And the temple of God was opened in heaven.” Rev. 11:19. We know he is speaking of the sanctuary; for he immediately adds, “And there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament; ” and we know that the ark is found only in the most holy place of the sanctuary. John’s declaration that the ark was seen there, is significant. Seen by whom? — By men on earth, most certainly, for whose ben- efit this revelation was given. And how can men show that they see it? — Only by doing some special work which that sight leads them to perform. This brings us again within the sphere of human action, and we inquire if there is any evidence of this kind now apparent to show that the temple has been opened in heaven, and that men are by faith beholding therein the ark of God's testament. The answer is plain: Most assuredly there is; it is the third angel's message now going to the world, proclaiming the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus; relating both to the law contained in the ark, and the min- istry which our great High Priest is there performing before that ark. ‘This message covers the very time occupied by Christ in his closing ministry in the most holy place in the tabernacle on high, and is based upon