e e 8 Topic Paradise Valley Sanitarium Seo also; Special Testinonies, Series 8, No. 14 e Paradise Valley Sanitariun', by €K 1909 A racord of the pravidenes that Ted to its purchase; and tirely fastruction regording the Wmportance of its work Elisn & iite Estats Branch Offce Bndrsys nivrsity ‘Barien Sprngs. Mickigan 43104 :@M Vsttey Prutinuim £ 4% Sf_;,? 4 B oo dh. 74««74 3360 Bedas, U $ ke fl % sy 13190 Ao /P il iGor ;2»// ety 7hgec &uz4£75 %o Punitea v Lt s s D e Wd“fi’ B 03 See alsor Topi Paradise V2iley Sanitarivn Picture File, Buildings folcer A penny-posteard picture of the sanitariun P i » |, Soldsr, Tnventory,