SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON QUARTERLY 15 word means Paul’s whole course of life as a Jew. In Eph. 2:3; 4:22 it also means ‘‘manner of life.’ This is the most common meaning of the word. The Greek word from which it is translated is the same that is rendered ‘‘behave’’ in 1 Tim. 3:15, In Phil. 3:20 the word ‘‘conversation’’ means ‘citizen- ship.” We are to be strangers and pilgrims on this earth, having our citizenship in heaven, whence we look for the Lord Jesus, In Phil. 1:27 the American Revised Version has ‘‘manner of life,’” and the margin gives the reading, ‘‘behave as citizens, worthily.’? The idea is the same, and is in harmony with the statement in Phil. 3:20. Our citizenship being in heaven, our continuing city is there, and there our names are entered on the great register. Therefore, our manner of life should be such as becomes those who say that they seek such a country. In other words, we should live as citizens of heaven. This present world is not the Christian’s country. Heb. 13:14. LESSON VI.— In Honor Preferring Another. Phil. 2: 1-11. Feeruary 6, 1909. Questions. 1. By what does the apostle exhort to unity? Phil 2:1, 2. Note 1. 2. What must be avoided in everything? How should we esteem others? Verse 3. 3. What accompanies strife and vainglory? James 3:16. : 4, What are the evil works that accompany strife? Gal. 5: 19-21. | 5. When each esteems others better than himself, what will it be easy to do? Rom. 12:10. | 6. Upon what are we to look? Phil, 2:4. Note 2. 7. Whose mind should be in us? Verse 5.