Hayward Youth Finish Project Gertrude ““Mine is the only porch in town that needs to be mowed!” This was Gertrude’s way of explaining that her porch had rotted away and now the grass was growing up through the boards. Gertrude, a 78-year-old mem- ber of the Hayward Seventh-day Adventist Church, needed many repairs on her house, mainly a new paint job. When the youth of her church learned she was going to visit her daughter for a couple of months, ‘‘Project Gertrude” went into full swing. There was an incredible amount of work to do, scraping old paint, sanding, tearing out the old Hayward youth spent several afternoons a week restoring the home of a 78-year-old church member while she was away for two months. Along with painting the exterior, the youth also rebuilt the home’s porch. Conference Producing New Radio Broadcast ““Ministry’’ is the title of a new five-minute radio broadcast that made its debut in July on KCDS, Pacific Union College Church’s radio station. The program 1s pro- duced by the Northern California Conference and reports on ways that churches in the Conference are ministering to their communi- ties. KCDS (FM90) indicates that the program will air on Sabbaths at 1 p.m. and Sundays at 10:30 a.m. July’s programs featured reports from the Paradise, Hay- ward, Antioch, Escalon churches. and Manteca/ porch, and cleaning up the yard. Three or four days a week several youth would meet after school and put in a few hours of work. Even some of the elementary- school children got involved. Never would a day go by without someone saying, ‘‘She’s gonna be so surprised,’’ because Gertrude knew nothing about the restora- tion of her home. The day finally came when the painting was done and the porch was as good as new. The once broken down, white-and-yellow house was now a beautifully restored white and blue which turned out to be Gertrude’s favorite colors for a house. Was Gertrude surprised when she came home! She burst into tears when her daughter drove up to the house. ‘I didn’t know how wonderful my church family was and what a joy it is to be part of the family of God.” “‘But it was probably the young people who gained the most from ‘Project Gertrude’,’”’ states Tim Cook, Hayward’s youth pastor. “They really got excited and ac- cepted the challenge of serving someone else on behalf of Jesus.” Hapa Valley Adventisl Retirement Estates Call (707) 944-2994 Andrew Dahl (right), retired Ogden pastor, presented Dan Johnson for ordination. Dan Johnson Ordained at Camp Dan Johnson was ordained to the gospel ministry during the Springville encampment. While many Ogden members watched and after his church choir sang, Francis W. Wernick—a vice president of the General Con- ference— gave the formal prayer for the rite. Major C. White, ex- ecutive secretary of the Pacific Union Conference, delivered the ordination challenge. Elder White Elder Johnson was privileged to have members of his own church’s choir sing during his ordination at the Springville Camp Meeting. PACIFIC UNION RECORDER / AUGUST 6, 1984 was a college classmate of Dan’s father who has taught industrial education at both Monterey Bay and Rio Lindo academies the past 29 years. Elder Johnson graduated from Pacific Union College in 1973 and stayed on for a fifth year before beginning his ministry as a Task Force worker with J. B. Currier in the Price/ Vernal district of Utah. He served a year in evangelism at Fallon, Nevada, before he and Sylvia Crider were married. Together they served at Las Vegas, but then both studied for master’s degrees at Andrews University where Elder Johnson received two—in Divinity and Public Health. Treasurer Charles Snyder gave the ministerial charge, before President and Mrs. Ralph Martin welcomed Elder and Mrs. John- son to the ministry. Families of both were on hand for the occasion. Mrs. Johnson is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Frank Crider who served at Ad- ventist hospitals in Phuket and Bangkok, Thailand, 31 years. DAN AND LINDA MARTELLA accept congratulations from family and friends following Dan’s ordination July 7 at the Cloverdale church where he has been pastor since November of 1983. “| enjoy the pastoral ministry,” says Eider Martella. “It is both challenging and rewarding. | find it exciting to participate in the spiritual growth of new believers as they prepare for baptism and a lifetime of service to the Lord. God has big plans for His Church in these last days, and | want a piece of the ac- tion. | want to see Jesus come in my lifetime.” The Martellas’ 2-year-old daughter Heidi will be joined by a brother or sister in August. Glohe Series Doubles Membership When five persons joined their Lord in baptism in historic Lake Roosevelt near Globe during June, they were added to five previous baptisms. The ten nearly doubled the Globe membership before the Prophecy Lectures evangelistic series conducted by Carl Johnston, Conference evan- gelist. The Prophecy Lectures team worked closely with District Pas- tor Harold Howard. Using a converted ‘‘five & dime” store front, Carl lectured with a two-pronged approach of Bible marking and multi-media screen presentation. The team and the church membership worked diligently together each evening, many having to carry multiple responsibilities. Carl’s wife, Ella, began each evening with a mini- health lecture that introduced people to a better way of life. Pastor Howard’s wife, Berneice, not only played the organ but also graded all the Bible lessons hand- ed out each evening and filled in as a hostess. One Church family drove 72 miles each evening to support the effort. Many of the new converts were actively witnessing even before their baptism. One family was baptized as a result of an invita- tion from a friend who herself was recently baptized as a result of a book found in a garbage can. Caroline Tapia found a tattered old copy of Bible Readings for the Home in the trash. She read it, became convinced and shared what she learned with Gloria Robertson who attended with her on opening night. Gloria then brought her husband, Bob, daugh- ter, Jeanne, and daughter’s boy- friend, Matt. She also brought a sister who came to visit and is presently giving her Bible studies; soon she and her husband will take their stand. Members of the little Globe Church have gained a new vision as they have seen the Holy Spirit poured out and are actively con- tinuing witnessing for their Lord. Both Evangelist Carl Johnston and Pastor Harold Howard baptized the new church family members —here Gloria and Bob Robertson—in Lake Roosevelt.