Another Lay-preacher Started BROTHER Fred S. Kalar, of the Houston church, haz secured a lay- man's stereopticon, and writes, “I like everything fine, and belive that I have a nice interest started. Pray for me and all of us here.” Those of us who are not yet bearing witness as we should, and as the prophecy states we must, at least let us pray for those of our laymen who are doing this work. HENRY F. Brown. Who Should do Lay-preaching? TOO often we find that those who should represent the message in 8 public way hang back and have to be urged to give it. And many times persons unfitted to do so, and who do not enjoy the best of reputations, urge themselves forward. Charles Wesley expressed it thus: “How ready is the man to go Whom God hath never sent! How timorous, diffident, and slow God's chosen instrument!” This is the type of members who should be chosen to go: “Brethren who have the truth in their hearts, and who have exerted a good influence at home, should feel that a responsibility rests upon them tu devote a part of their time to going out among their neighbors and into adjoining towns to be missionaries for God.” Sowing Beside All Waters, pp. 8-10. HENRY F. BROWN. Another County Entered DURING the summer of 1031, G. W. Walpole and I canvassed in New- ton County, Arkansas. That was the first time there was any record of Newton County's being canvassed with our literature. There were no Ad- ventists living in the county, so I determined that if the Lord was will- ing I would make my home here and work as much as I eould for these mountain people. Two years later my wife and I moved up here. We have not had as much time to spend in mis- sionary work as we would like to have, as we are farming for our living. But we have scattered literature, and when W. 8S. Gurley canvassed the territory last vear an interest sprang H. M. SOUTHWESTERN UNION RECORD up. He sold a book to a man, who with his family accepted the Sabbath. Sev- eral more are interested and some are keeping the Sabbath. Quite an interest has sprung up At the beginning of this year we organized a Sabbath school, and start- ed to hold Bible studies. The interest has continued to grow, and now there are eighteen members in the Sabbath school, with wood prospects for more, Besides this, studies are being given at Copper's Bluff, Several more places would accept studies had we the time. We walk the three miles to Cop- per's Bluif Sabbath morning, up and down the mountain, then Sunday afternoon about five o'clock we start again for the second Bible study two miles from home. Our hearts are re- jeiced to know that we have some part in giving this message to some of the unentered counties of Arkansas. EK. FE. Baruan. Present Truth for April No. 80 SrcoNp ApvENT ERRORS COR- RECTED. “General Conversion of the World “The Secret Rapture” “The Spiritual Coming at Conver- gion or at Death.” “The Return of the Jews to Pales- tine.” #1 SECOND ADVENT TION TQ THE FIRST. “Our Personal Relation to Calvary and ithe Second Advent” Christ's Return to Earth.” “Christ's Second Coming Made Sure by His First Advent,” [3] . No. IN RELA- 7 Present Truth EN JF Ho EE I YE md v [ QR ww! The Present Truths Topic May 4, “The Personal Touch.” | ARKANSAS-LOUISIANA J.B MeMulien, Secretary 1 214 Marshall St, Little Rock | FH. C. ilartwell, Prosident Examination (Questions THE examination questions for the nine-month schools will be given May 15, 16, 17. If I do not get any information from you as to what examinations you par- ticularly want, T shall send them out according to your last perind report, If you are ajternating this year and have especially large classes, perhaps in Bible Seven, or some other subject, I would appreciate a note from you to let me know how many you will need, Otherwise the examinations will be sent out in plenty time for them to reach you before the 15th. Ins tructions should be strictly followed, A. F. Rur. M. V. District Convention I AM putting this in the REcorp early, so that our societies in the Lit- tle Rock district and the isolated young people may have plenty of time to plan to be present. This district includes Searcy, Bennerdale, Hot Springs, Tyron City, Malvern, Congo, and all isolated young people within one hundred miles of Little Rock. We plan to begin Sabbath morning. The Sabbath school will be held at 9:30, and we will take up our conven- tion work at the eleven o'clock hour and through the afternoon. If the evening is pretty we are planning on an outdoor social. Do not forget the date, Moy A. The M. V. leaders and officers will be notified as to the parts they are to bring for the convention. A. F. Rur. Baptism at Hope SABBATH, April 6, was a day of rejoicing for the church at Hope, when cight young people were buried with their Lord in baptism in a little pool near the church. This has been the result of a recent week-end meeting by the writer, and some faithful work by the teacher of the church school throughout the year. We are glad to