. �OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST UNION OF SOUTHEAST ASIA . • • NNW VOLUME ELEVEN SEPTEMBER — OCTOBER NUMBER FIVE rhe Signs Crusade!! LAYMEN PUSH THROUGH THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES The signs of the times is an old and faithful friend of the Home Missionary Department. It is hard to imagine our program of Lay Evangelism without the Signs of the Times. Through the signs of the Times our church members are bringing the Gospel of Salvation to thou- sands of homes. Either through personal distribution or by sub- scription they are bringing light and hope to these homes. Our Laymen want a part in the finishing of the Lord's work. Yet many of them cannot preach. But through the Signs of the Times they are forcefully preaching Truth- filled sermons to people who would otherwise never hear our Message. The Signs of the Times always has and still is playing a major role in our Union wide program of Lay Evangelism. V. E. Kelstrom Home Mission Secretary LIGHT The world needs great spiritual light, because it is in great spiritual darkness. By sending your friends a gift subscription of the "Signs," you are sending them Jesus, the Light of the World, who will en- lighten their pathway to heaven. John Bernet, Circulation Manager Chinese Signs of the Times A Good Opportunity The Chinese "Signs of the Times" has a history of over three score of years. Its circulation once reached the 100,000 mark. When the overseas edition was published in Singapore the circulation went up as high as 20,000. But some- how it has dropped to only a little over 9,000, where it is at the mo- ment. The Publishing Department of the Union of Southeast Asia has set aside the month of September, 1961 as "Signs" month. During this month of Special Chinese Signs promotion, we will endeav- our to give a Big Push to promote this wonderful journal to everyone of our church members for use as a missionary soul-winning pro- ject. Needless to say, through these scores of years, actually thousands of "Signs" readers have embraced the truth and these faithful ones are preparing for the glorious ap- pearing of our Lord and Redeemer. This is a very good opportunity for all of our Chinese reading members themselves to subscibe to this journal—the "Signs of the Times." Each issue contains the richest materials covering the topics of Present Truth. These topics are much needed by the people of the world and they are also needed in every Adventist home. We know that we are living in the last days of the world's history. We need to study more of the signs of the times which are often published in the monthly "Signs" journal. The prophecies concern- ing the second coming of our Lord Jesus are fulfilling day by day. We are admonished to watch closely the signs of His coming so that when He comes we will be prepared to meet Him. Therefore, I would like to urge that all our church members should avail themselves of the wonderful offer which will come 2 � THE MESSENGER � September-October, 1961 to our churches during the month of September, 1961. The special prices for members and their friends is set at $4.00 per subscrip- tion of twelve issues. It costs you only a little over thirty-three cents per month, but think of the tre- mendous benifit you will get from reading the "Signs" every month. It is our hope that you not only subscribe to the "Signs" for your home, but take as many subscrip- tions as you possibly can, and send them to your neighbours and friends. This is the missionary soul-winning project. In the circulation department of the Signs Press we have a sub- scriber who has subscribed to the "Signs" for ten years. Another has been reading the magazine continuously for fifteen years. And many overseas subscribers have placed their orders for five years at a time. Since this Chinese "Signs" is of such great value to the people of the world, I sincerely hope that we Seventh-day Advent ists should be continuous readers of this truth-filled monthly journal. T. C. Chin President, Malay Mission A SHOP HELPER LEARNS OF TRUTH Undoubtedly, we are now living at the close of the earth's history. Perilous times have come and mil- lions of people will be lost eternally. If there is a time to spread the gospel news it is now. Today, is our opportunity to spread our truth- filled literature to all the world, for it is written in the Spirit of Prophecy that in the last days, the only means to spread the gos- pel is through the literature evan- gelists. Our Chinese Signs of the Times is doing this wonderful job of warning the people of the nearness of our Lord's 'second coming. It awakes those who are sleeping in this world of discord and sin, urg- ing them to repent for the end of the world is approaching. Since the Chinese Signs has been published, thousands of precious souls 'have been won to Christ. Here is a clear-cut example: Last year, a young man from Tawau, a small town in North Borneo, came to Sandakan Church to see me. In the course of our conversation, I found out that he was an honest seeker of the truth. He was very interested in our be- lief on the second coming of Christ. Then I asked him how he came to know the truth. He said: "Two years a ago, I worked in a shop as a helper, and the shop subscribed to the Chinese Signs of the Times. I read it through whenever I could get it. I found the truth in it. In order to learn more truth, I en- rolled in the Voice of Prophecy Bible Correspondence Course." Today he is preparing for his bap- tism. He accepted Christ because of the ministry of the Chinese Signs of the Times. We, as members of the last day church, are told by Mrs. White that the publishing work is one of the most effective means to win souls. So let us each sense our duty in giving more subscriptions to the Signs. Let us spread the good news of Salvation, both far and near. Wong Yew Seng, Pastor Sandakan Church North Borneo FIFTY-TWO YEARS AGO. Fifty-two years ago, in Shanghai, China, it was my privilege to work in our press where the Chinese Signs were printed. It was inspir- ing to see all those truth filled papers go out each month, know- ing that many readers would re- ceive their first knowledge of Christ. Through the years this magazine has been instrumental in winning thousands of our dear Chinese brothers and sisters to Christ. Southeast Asia has many Chinese, and that they love to read is no secret. For these many years, it has been my pleasure to support this evangelical paper. Now I cor- dially invite you to witness for Christ with the Chinese Signs of the Times, the magazine that wins souls. C. M. Lee Thomson Road Chinese Church Elder D. A. McAdams to Visit Southeast Asia Elder D. A. McAdams is an Associate Secretary of the Publish- ing Department of the General Conference of Seventh-day Ad- ventists. He will visit the South- east Asia Union in the interest of the publishing program. His first stop is Saigon, where he will stay from October 29 to November 1. Next stop is Bangkok from Nov. 1-4. Lastly, he will be the feature speaker during the Malay Mission colporteur institute which will be held in Singapore, Nov. 12-15. Elder McAdams will give profes- sional gospel instruction at all three literature evangelist insitutes. He will be accompanied by E. A. Broduer of the Far Eastern Divi- sion and the writer. All regular, part-time, and newly recruited colporters will be present during these gospel sales conven- tions that will be held in each of these individual fields. The fine art of winning souls with our gos- pel and health literature will be the theme of each convention. Mrs. Ellen G. White says, "The canvassing work should no longer be neglected. Many times I have been shown that there should be a more general interest in our canvassing work. The circulation of our literature is one very im- portant means of placing before Thirty two pupils from the first Vacation Bible School of Vietnam received thei, awards at the school closing exercise held at Phu-Nhuan SDA church. Pe Saw the great Pkoiciam By Inauk S. Gullah, Layman Takul Penawan Church, North Borneo September-October, 1961 � THE MESSENGER � 3 men and women the light that the Lord has committed to His church to be given to the world." CM. p. 16. Why not contact your local pub- lishing secretary now about at- tending this gospel sales conven- tion and work for God while a little time yet remains. John Bernet Publishing Secretary, SEAU First Vacation Bible School in Vietnam By B. A. Martin Sabbath School Secretary, Vietnam Mission To make a start has always been the most difficult point in any project launched. We talked a- bout the possibility of holding a vacation Bible School sometime in March this year. Various other mission activities crowded in dur- ing the vacation period making it June 5 when we were finally able to start our Vacation Bible School. Miss Mildred Bergren and Mrs. B. A. Martin conducted the School with the aid of some of the Viet- namese young people as interpret- ers. Classes were held five times a week with one and one half hour class periods. Choruses both in English and in Vietnamese were taught the children. Prayers were offered at the close of the song service and at dismissal. Stories with moral lessons were told after which pictures depicting the leading character or characters of the stories were passed out to the children for them to color. After a brief recess the children were given Bible lessons and more pic- tures to color on the theme of their lessons. We have registered as many as fifty students with ages arranging from six to ten years. Almost all the students came from non-Ad- ventist-homes. On the afternoon of June 29 the school-closing-cer- emony was held at the Phu-Nhuan Seventh-day Adventist church, and thirty two children received their awards. The reduced number was due to the fact that some of the children had left to begin their regular day school. At the closing program, talks were given by Pas- tors R. K. Tilstra and Le Huu. The children sang choruses and recited Bible verses including the Creation Story and the fourth commandment committed to mem- ory. Among the most important things accomplished is that we were able to make a start. From this ex- perience we have determined to Bakusut bin Ansamoi was an active student of Suloh Hidup (Malay Voice of Prophecy Cor- respondence Course) until he was halfway through the Course. Then the enemy of Truth got hold of him and forced him to declare "war" with Suloh Hidup. He scattered all the lessons, test papers, pamphlets and books which pre- viously were so dear to him, all over the ground and called for his neighbours to see them. Then he collected and piled them in a heap, struck a match and enjoyed a bonfire. But instead of enjoying peace thereafter, his mind became more and more "kusut" (worried). Many a night he couldn't sleep. As a result he lost his appetite, as well as the will to do any work. Grad- ually his strength also left him. He became a very sick man, mentally and physically. Then one night he dreamed of seeing the outstreached hands of the Great Physician on the moun- tain. From above his head he heard a voice calling him by name: "Bakusut bin Ansamoi! Go up to the mountain and humble yourself at the feet of the Great Physician. push through with this soul-win- ning agency to a larger extent. Materials are now being prepared in the Sabbath School Department of Vietnam to introduce and im- plement the holding of Vacation Bible Schools throughout the field. He alone can heal you. He alone can provide you with good health, real joy, peace and everlasting life in God's Kingdom." The very next morning Bakusut wrote to Suloh Hidup requesting re-registration in the Course. Now that the Spirit is with him to guide him in his study, he eagerly drinks in all the truth found in the les- sons. He has turned his back to all the joys of the world, is keeo- ing God's Sabbath, faithfully pays his tithes and liberally gives his offerings to the Cause of God. Soon Bakusut and his beautiful young wife will be baptized. Please pray for this young couple and for God's work among the Murut tribe around Takul Penawan. : 0 : "Nothing is apparently more help- less yet really more invincible, than the soul that feels its nothingness, and relies wholly on the merits of the Saviour. God would send every angel in heaven to the aid of such an one, rather than allow him to be overcome." Testimonies Vol. 7, p. 17. 4 � THE MESSENGER � September-October, 1961 Our great Need - Revival By Orris J. Mills Does the church need a revival? We need not search long for an answer to this vital questi tn. Through His servant God has said, "A revival . . . is the greatest and most urgent of all our needs. To seek this should be our first work." —Selected Messages, Vol. 1, p. 121. What is a revival? A revival is a renewal of spiritual life, a quick- ening of the power of mind and heart, a resurrection from spiritual death. A revival is the result of the work of the Holy Spirit upon the hearts of men. Revival is generally thought of as a work involving the multitudes in some great religious stir such as on the day of Pentecost. On that day Peter preached under the power of the Spirit, and those who heard were "pricked in their heart." They said "unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do? Then Peter said unto them, repent and be baptized . . . and ye shall re- ceive the gift of the Holy Ghost" (Acts 2:37, 38) But a revival can come elsewhere than in a large mass meeting. The Holy Spirit brought a revival to a family in Philippi under a com- bination of circumstances. Paul and Silas had been thrown into the lowest dungeon and held fast in stocks. Notwithstanding the ex- treme torture of their painful posi- tion, instead of murmering they encouraged each other with words of prayer and songs of praise. The other prisoners and the jailer him- self were deeply impressed with the conduct of these Christians. Later that night, when the Lord visited •the prison with an earth- quake, the jailer flung himself be- fore these unusual men and asked how he could have peace, integrity, and salvation. The Word says, "He called for a light, and sprang in, and came trembling, and fell down before Paul and Silas . . . and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?" (Acts 16:29, 30). This man responded to the re- vival power of the Holy Spirit and the instruction of Paul and "was baptized, he and all his, straight- way" (verse 33). A revival may come to a person without a living preacher or even the facilities of a church, as in the case of the prodigal son. In his desperate condition the prodigal responded to the enlightening in- fluence of the Holy Spirit—"he came to himself." Then, realizing his father's resources and goodness, he submitted to the Spirit's appeals "and he arose, and came to his father" (Luke 15:17, 20). There are at least five reasons why a revival is needed among us. First, God says we are in a backslidden condition. "I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love" (Rev. 2:4). God caused this text to bum with fire before Sister White, and she wrote: "I am instructed to say that these words are applicable to Seventh-day Adventist churches in their present condition. The love of God has been lost, and this means the absence of love for one another. Self, self, self is cherished, and is striving for the supremacy." — Ellen G. White, quoted in A. G. Daniells, Christ Our Righteousness, p. 120. Only the reviving power of God can change this situation, for the tragedy is that we do not sense the seriousness of our condition. We are inclined to believe that things are much better than they are, and we are offended when someone sug- gests that all is not well in Zion. "Thou sayest, I am rich, and in- creased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor and blind, and naked." (Rev. 17). " 'We need the Holy Spirit in order to understand the truths for this time; but there is spiritual drouth in the churches, and we have accustomed ourselves to be easily satisfied with our stand- ing before God.' " " 'The slumber- ing church must be aroused awak- ened out of its spiritual lethargy, to a realization of the important duties which have been left un- done.' "—Ibid., pp. 119, 118. Second, our own poor hearts and lives testify to the need for revival. Third, the conditions in our homes are far from ideal. How we need a new birth of love in our homes! At camp meeting a girl came up to one of our min- isters and said, "What's the use of my trying to be a Christian? My home is impossible. A•ll I hear is bickering and quarreling. Father and Mother went to the early meeting this morning. They took their Bibles and took down notes in their notebook. But we hadn't anymore than returned to the tent when they had a row. They are fighting there in the tent now. What's the use of trying to be a Christian?" Fourth, conditions in the church reveal that a revival is needed. The lack of zeal for evangelism, the indifference toward the multi- tudes who are without Christ, the inconsistency, the fanatical pursuit of amusements, all testify to our need. "Lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God" is applicable to many in the Seventh-day Ad- ventist Church. The church has turned back from following Christ her Leader and is steadily retreating toward Egypt. Yet few are alarmed or astonished at their want of spiritual power. Doubt, and even disbelief of the testimonies of the Spirit of God, is leavening our churches everywhere."—Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 217. Finally, we need a revival be- cause it is imperative. Without revival many in the church will be lost. " 'God calls for a spiritual revival and a spiritual reformation. Unless this takes place, those who are lukewarm will continue to grow more abhorrent to the Lord, until He will refuse to acknowledge them as His children."—Ellen G. White, quoted in Christ Our Right- eousness, p. 121. September-October, 1961 � THE MESSENGER � 5 The Lord has given me a mes- sage for you, and not for you only, but also for other faithful souls who are troubled by doubts and fears regarding their acceptance by the Lord Jesus Christ. His word to you is, "Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine." You desire to please the Lord, and you can do this by believing His prom- ises. He is waiting to take you into a harbor of gracious expe- rience, and He bids you, "Be still, and know that I am God." You have had a time of unrest; but Jesus says to you, "Come unto Me, . . . and I will give you rest." The joy of Christ in the soul is worth everything. "Then are they glad," because they are privileged to rest in the arms of everlasting love. Put away your distrust of our heavenly Father. Instead of talk- .. � � ing of your doubts, break away from them in the strength of Jesus. and let light shine into your soul by letting your voice express con- fidence and trust in God. I know that the Lord is very nigh to give you victory, and I say to you, Be helped, be strengthened, be lifted out of and away from the dark dungeon of unbelief. Doubts will rush into the mind, because Satan is trying to hold you in captivity to his cruel power; but face him in the strength that Jesus is willing to give you, and conquer the in- clination to express unbelief in your Saviour. Do not talk of your inefficiency and your defects. When despair would seem to be sweeping over your soul, look to Jesus, saying, He lives to make intercession for me. Forget the things that are behind, and believe the promise, "I will come to you," and "abide with you." God is waiting to bestow the blessing of forgiveness, of pardon for iniquity, of the gifts of right- eousness, upon all who will be- lieve in His love and accept the salvation He offers. Christ is ready to say to the repenting sinner, "Behold, I have caused thine in- iquity to pass from thee, and I will clothe thee with change of rai- ment." The blood of Jesus Christ is the eloquent plea that speaks in behalf of sinners. This blood "cleanseth us from all sin." It is your privilege to trust in the love of Jesus for salvation, in the fullest, surest, noblest manner; to say, He loves me, He receives me; I will trust Him, for He gave His life for me. Nothing so dispels doubt as coming in contact with the character of Christ. He de- clares, "Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out;" that is, there is no possibility of my cast- ing him out, for I have pledged My word to receive him. Take Christ at His word, and let your lips declare that you have gained the victory. Is Jesus true? Does He mean what He says? Answer decidedly, Yes, every word. Then if you have settled this, by faith claim every promise that He has made, and receive the blessing; for this acceptance by faith gives life to the soul. You may believe that Jesus is true to you, even though you feel yourself to be the weakest and most unworthy of his chil- dren. And as you believe, all your dark, brooding doubts are thrown back upon the archdeceiver, who originated them. You can be a great blessing if you will take God at His word. By living faith you are to trust Him, even though the impulse is strong within you to speak words of distrust. Peace comes with dependence on divine power. As fast as the soul resolves to act in accordance with light given, the Holy Spirit gives more light and strength. The grace of the Spirit is supplied to cooper- ate with the soul's resolve, but it is not a substitute for the indi- vidual exercise of faith. Success in the Christian life depends upon the appropriation of the light that God has given. It is not an abun- dance of light and evidence that makes the soul free in Christ; it is the rising of the powers and the will and the energies of the soul to cry out sincerely, "Lord, I believe; help Thou mine unbe- lief." I rejoice in the bright prospects of the future, and so may you. Be cheerful, and praise the Lord for � H i s loving-kindness. That which you cannot understand, commit to Him. He loves you, and pities your every weakness. He "hath blessed us with all spirit- ual blessings in 'heavenly places in Christ." It would not satisfy the heart of the Infinite One to give those who love His 'Son a lesser blessing that He gives His Son. Satan seeks to draw our minds away from the mighty Helper, to lead us to ponder over our degen- eration of soul. But though Jesus sees the guilt of the past, He speaks pardon; and we should not dis- honor Him by doubting His love. The feeling of guiltiness must be laid at the foot of the cross, or it will poison the springs of life. When Satan thrusts his threaten- ings upon you, turn from them, and comfort your soul with the promises of God. The cloud may be dark in itself, but when filled with the light of heaven, it turns to the brightness of gold; for the glory of God rests upon it. God's children are not to be subject to feelings and emotions. When they fluctuate between hope and fear, the heart of Christ is hurt; for He has given them unmistakable evidence of His love. He wants them to be established, strengthen- ed, and settled in the most holy faith. He wants them to do the work He has given them; then their hearts will become in His hands as sacred harps, every chord of which will send forth praise and thanksgiving to the one sent by God to take away the sins of the world. Christ's love for His children is as tender as it is strong. And it is stronger that death; for He died to purchase our salvation, and to make us one with Him, mystically and eternally one. So strong is His love that it contols all His powers, and employs the vast resources of heaven in doing His people good. It is without vari- ableness or shadow of turning— the same yesterday, today, and forever. Although sin has existed for ages, trying to counteract this love and obstruct it, it still flows earthward in rich currents. God loves the sinless angels, who do His service and are obedi- ent to all His commands; but He does not give them grace: they (Continued page 7, column 2) rite Victorious ,Cifc By Ellen G. White 6 � THE MESSENGER � September-October, 1961 Voice of Prophecy Day * October 28 reStilli011it'S of Victory The Voice of Prophecy is on the march throughout Southeast Asia. The newest addition to our family of languages in the Singa- pore school is the Tamil course. Since the school opened late in 1959, 1,650 have enrolled and 485 have graduated. Miss Janet Arulpragasam, di- rector of the Tamil section, reports. "We have a Muslim Voice of Prophecy student who is very much interested in the truth, keeps the Sabbath, attends church and brings his wife and children to the Sab- bath School. He is being prepared for baptism with Bible studies. Several pastors of other denom- inations are using the materials on the prophecies and the state of the dead to present to their con- gregations. Two pastors in Malaya ask us to pray for them so that they keep the Seventh day Sab- bath. Our hearts are filled with gratitude for the guidance and mercies of God and especially for the courage brought to us through the many letters received daily from our students." Here are some extracts: "These Bible lessons have brought me immeasureable joy and have impressed the truth upon my mini. I am thrilled with what I have studied." "I am perservering to keep God's commandments which reveal to me what sin is. But how can anyone keep the Sabbath when they are employed by the government?" "I am endeavouring to enroll others to study these useful lessons. A great change has come over me as a result of doing this Bible Course. Having given up the use of beer, rum and other achololic drinks I am now enjoying good health and have saved some money. I don't lose my temper as before. I am more concerned about my family and home." By Daniel R. Guild, Director Singapore Bible Correspondence School Djamaan Soeliman, head of the Malay Section, tells of a student in Ipoh who has enrolled 26 out of his 30 classmates in Suloh Hidup, the Malay Bible Course. The student writes, "Though a Muslim, I like Suloh Hidup, 'for it gives me the real picture of true Christianity. I never knew before that true Christians do not bow to images, that they abstain from taking pork, strong drink, or even tobacco. Neither do they dance or go to cinemas. In think every true citizen and follower of God, should live like the true Christians." A Muslim from Kelantan writes, "Both Pandu Keshatan (the Malay Health Course) and Suloh Hidup are very useful courses. The first is the sure guide to a healthful life and the second shows the stu- dents the only way to eternal life. I feel very much blessed for taking both courses." Miss Helen Jue, director of the Chinese Section, gives this excerpt from a 27 year old Nanyang Un- iversity student: "The Bible Course has aroused my interest to study the Bible. It has helped me to learn more about the fundamental doctrines. . . . I know that now we must observe the Ten Com- mandments and that they are not only for the Jews." A student of the Chinese Course writes from Kedah; "From the course I have learned that the Sab- bath is for all Christians and we must observe that day, but I don't know where your church is." Lillian Guild, director of the English Section, gives the follow- ing excerpts of letters from her stu- dents. "I was a member of the S.D.A. church but I left about four years ago. In this world I find no real happiness and I think the Word of God can only bring hope and comfort. I recall the times when I attended Sabbath services in those days I really found peace and happiness although I was not earning much. I will be grateful if you could send me the Bible Course so I can study the Word of God." This student later wrote telling that he had once been a Sabbath School Sec- retary and requesting information about any coming evangelistic meet- ings. A student in the English course living in Penang writes, "Can you please tell me how to become a Christian? I wish to join the Sev- enth-day Adventist church in my town and 'hope you can help. A young man 21 years of age writes from Kuala Lumpur," I am a pupil of your Bible Correspond- ence school and wish to be bap- tized as a Christian. Kindly direct me to a church that I can have my baptism." A physician and his wife write, "These recent lessons have shown very well the importance of keep- ing the day God would •have us keep and not a day that man feels to be good. We thank you for making us to pay attention to this commonly neglected commandment and leading us to prayerful con- sideration of the change needed in our lives in the matter of keep- ing God's Sabbath." A young man from Labuan says, "I am to tell you that since taking your Bible Course I feel that I have been changed to a new crea- ture. All the past nonsense has left me and I am the happiest boy though I come from a poor fam- ily. I am to say thousands of thanks to you and all your staff and 'hope that your honorable work will continue." October 28 is the annual Voice of Prophecy day and offering. Will you give a liberal offering to help continue the work of the Voice of Prophecy?"- September-October, 1961 � THE MESSENGER � 7 Literature Evangelists J. S. Bernet For The Months Of April-May-June NAME � HOURS � TOTAL CAMBODIA MISSSION-R. E. Neall Wu Tao Liang Robert Jean Edith Giang Lee Kane Vinh �262 �25,650.00 346 M$ 16,989.00 75.00 88. oo 4 Colporteurs �6o8 M$ 42,802.00 N. BORNEO MISSION-K. F. Thu Robert Pak Yit Long Mr. & Mrs. Wong Yew � Chee STS Students Sales 134 120 707.00 1,300.00 93.00 1,071.30 3 � Colporteurs 256 � M$ 3,171.45 MALAYA MISSION-E. H. Ito R. P. Walean 242 � M$ 1,570.40 Lai � Kuan � Hou 88 518.40 C. K. Tan 492 1,026.35 Yap Ying Chong 650 2,659.80 S. S. � Daniel 486 3,470.90 P. � C. � Dominic 240 1,406.05 Tan Boon Peng 418 396.3o Tan Joo Eng 242 589,5o Peter � Chan 193 I,887. 3o John � Chew 468 435.80 Khor Thye Peng 07 2,529.80 Khoo Kok Cheng 811 2,591.80 Lim Gim Chew 573 1,601.30 Yap � Ming 594 1,504.60 N, Yong Fong Kiew 136 127.95 Tsen Thau Nam 574 2,613.50 Lee Pak Ming 356 1,483.20 Wong Sheong 647 1,692.30 Liklilcwatil, � H. 3o 751.00 Jasper Hutabarat 400.00 Saras 5 275.00 Esther � Chin 93 1,494.00 A. � M. � Sormin 82 434.50 Peter � Chan 42 462.10 Khor Tim Teck 13 6.00 Yap � Yan � Lan 8 33.90 Billie � Hilliard 175.00 27 � Colporteurs 8.2oc, � M$ 3 2 ,1 9 6. 7 5 MALAYA MISSION-Big Week in April VIETNAM MISSION-Do Binh � Truong Nga �624 � VN$ 35,550.00 Le Van Huong �529 �33,871.00 Nguyen Huu Thang Huynh Tu Nhon Phu Tai Ho Dinh Sanh �337 �19,070.00 � 624 �31,850.00 � 558 �30,190.00 � 388 �16,818.50 � 388 �16,818.50 Tran Dao Luong Huy � 388 �22,450.00 � 456 �29,835.00 Truong Khoi � 552 �15,390.00 Tran Th13 h Kuan � 445 �19,421.00 Tran Lang Pham So � 623 �21,455.00 � 343 �21,139.00 Pham Hong � 5o8 �17,768.00 Vo Van Sau � 394 �14,209.00 Pham Cuu � 362 �14,668.00 Duong Thuong Nguyen Van Qui � 144 �10,169.00 � 572 �17,630.00 Vo Tin � 544 �8,689.00 Nguyen Van Phi � 34 �2,004.00 Nguyen Van Le � 308 �7,852.00 Vo Thi Tha � 248 �6,755.00 Vo Thi Than � 28 �1,248.00 Cash Sale � 1,302.00 24 Colporteurs �9397 VN$ 416,171.00 SARAWAK MISSION-Jerry Chang Madeline Kwok �105 � $ 2,480.50 Miscellaneous � 1,070.00 Colporteur �105 $ 3,558.50 (Continued from p. 5) have never needed it; for they have never sinned. Grace is an attribute shown to undeserving human beings. We did not seek after it; it was sent in search of us. God rejoices to bestow grace upon all who hunger and thirst for it, not because we are worthy, but because we are unworthy. Our need is the qualification which gives us the assurance that we shall receive the gift. It should not be difficult to remember that the Lord desires you to lay your troubles and per- plexities at His feet., and leave them there. Go to Him, saying; "Lord, my burdens are too heavy for me to carry. Wilt Thou bear them for me?" And He will an- swer: "I will take them. With everlasting kindness will I have mercy upon thee. I will take your sins, and will give you peace. Banish no longer your self-respect; for I have bought you with the price of my own blood. You are Mine. Your weakened will I will strengthen. Your remorse for sin I will remove." "I, even I, am He," the Lord declares, "that blotteth out thy transgressions for Mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins. Put Me in remembrance: let us plead together declare thou, that thou mayest be justified." "I have not spoken in secret, in a dark place in the earth: I said not unto the seed of Jacob, seek ye Me in vain: I the Lord speak righteousness, I declare things that are right. "Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is none else." Respond to the calls of God's mercy, and say: "I will trust in the Lord and be comforted. I will praise the Lord; for His anger is turned away. I will rejoice in God, who gives the victory." � 0 � I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again. Anonymous p Penang Chinese Church Penaig English Church Ipo'i English Church I poh Chinese Church Kuala Lumpur Churches Seremban Church Muar Company Malacca Company San Yu High School Book & Bible House Cash Yung Yo ag � 267 Chin Yee Ken �467 Chee Miang Poh Brawat � 423 Pastor Wong Kiat Sam Nguan Perng Seng � 84 Mrs. Chia Chia Kai Bai �149 Nai Choat Somat Tan Paul Wong � 52 Lamar Smith Joe Eee Edward Teng Miscellaneous M$ 539.00 546 ao 268.10 425.00 348.00 605.90 170.60 125.00 344.10 Sales 200.00 Ts 6,428.00 10,810.00 2,137.00 5,625.00 73o.co 918.00 140.00 3,119.00 I,64o.co 826.00 1,200.00 20.00 455.00 167.0o 554.50 Totals � M$ 3,572.10 THAILAND MISSION-K.S.Wong 1,442 Ts 34,821.50 � The Pathfinders of the Kuala Lumpur Chinese Church during a recent social gathering at Teh Sin School. 14 Colporteurs THE MESSENGER Published bi-monthly as the official organ of the S. D. A. Union of Southeast Asia. 399 Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore, Yearly Subscription Price 5o cents (U.S.) Editor � A. I. KRAUTSCHICK Associate Editor, MRS. SHIRLEE WENTLAND SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST UNION OF SOUTHEAST ASIA DIRECTORY W. A. HILLIARD � President A. I. KRAUTSCH1CK .... Secretary-Treasurer K. T. KoNo .... Assoc. Secretary-Treasurer S. J. LICE � Auditor DEPARTMENTAL SECRETARIES P. G. MILLER � Educational R. H. WENTLAND � MV, S.S. & Temperance R. A. POHAN � Malay Work H.M. V. E. KSLSTROM S. TSAI � Public Relations G. H. COFFIN, M.D. � Medical DANIEL GUILD. ... Ministerial V.O.P. & R. W. A. HILLIARD � Religious Liberty JOHN BERNET � Publishing 8 � THE MESSENGER � September-October, 1961 MALAYA MISSION President � T. C. Chin Sec'y-Treasurer � W. Y. Chen 166 Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur NORTH BORNEO MISSION President � C. G. Oliver Sec'y-Treasurer � P. R. Sibarani P. 0. Box 34 Jesselton, North Borneo SARAWAK MISSION President � A. R. Musgrave Sec'y-Treasurer � Mrs. James Wong P. 0. Box 41, Kuching, Sarawak THAILAND MISSION President � W. A. Martin Sec'y-Treasurer � Edward Lim P. 0. Box 1224, Bangkok, Thailand VIETNAM MISSION President � R. K. Tilstra Sec'y-Treasurer � B. A. Martin Boite Postale 453 Saigon, Vietnam CAMBODIA DISTRICT Director � R. E. Neall is Vithei, Oknha Ouk Loun P. 0. Box 376 Phnom-Penh, Cambodia News Notes • Dr. Luningning Caparas who has been serving as a staff physi- cian in the Saigon Adventist Hos- pital became the bride of Mr. Alfonso Alejo on July 2, 1961. Pastor B. A. Martin officiated in this ceremony at the Phu Nhuan S.D.A. Church. Mr. Alejo is em- ployed in Saigon by a private com- pany under contract with the Viet- nam government. • Mr. Kong Tsun Min, father of Pastor K. T. Kong, passed away on June 21, 1961 in Jesselton. During his 85 years he lived an eventful life. After becoming a member of the remnant church he served the cause of God in various capacities until his retire- milt in North Borneo. Until death he cherished the Scriptures and particularly the promise of the Lord's soon return. • A recent farewell social honored Pastor and Mrs. R. A. Pohan as they retire from active duty after many years of loyal service and leadership in God's cause. Jastor Pohan will long be remembered for his earnest sermons and prayers. They will be leaving us soon to join their children in the United States. Surely our prayers will accompany them. • Miss Opal Jean Whiteaker is scheduled to depart from Singapore on furlough on August 30 after a second term of service as surgical nurse at the Youngberg Memorial Hospital. Her many friends will miss her. • After an absence of three years Dr. and Mrs. Gilbert McLaren re- ceived a royal welcome upon their arrival at Singapore. Dr. McLaren made his services available to the Youngberg Hospital for a period of two weeks in order to make it possible for Dr. Steele to take a well earned vacation. From here Dr. and Mrs. McLaren flew on to Australia where Dr. McLaren is medical director of the Warbing- ton Sanitarium. • It is good to see the pleasant smile of Miss M. Grieve, Director of nursing service at the Young- berg Sanitarium and Hospital, back after her furlough leave. • Pastor and Mrs. K. T. Kong's daughter, Peggy, has left for La Sierra College where she will con- tinue her education. Singapore Youth Centre By Daniel R. Guild The opening ceremonies for the Singapore Voice of Prophecy Youth Centre pictured above were held on Sunday night, August 13. The Centre is located on the premises of the Balestier Road Church. An active program of evange- lism is planned for the centre in- cluding classes in Bible, arts and culture; youth clubs; Pathfinder activities; and youth social activi- ties. The Centre has a lighted court to be used for games, volley ball, basket ball and badminton. Downstairs the Centre has a large youth auditorium that will seat 175, a kitchen, rest rooms, and store rooms. Upstairs the Centre has two large classrooms which are used on Sabbath by the Cradle Roll and Kindergarten divisions of the Sabbath School, and living quarters for a custodian. Marden Tan, Missionary Volun- teer leader of the Balestier Road church, acted as Master of Cere- monies for the musical program which preceded the ribbon-cutting ceremony. Participating in cutting the ribbon were Pastor C. P. Sorenson, president of the Far Eastern Division, Pastor Vernon Kelstrom, acting president of the Southeast Asia Union, Pastor K. T. Kong, associate secretary treas- urer of the Southeast Asia Union, Mrs. D. R. Guild and the writer. Anna Lim, one of the youth, and James Wah, Associate pastor of the church, offered prayers of ded- ication. •