] 4 THE BOLUCATIONAL MESSENGE aud 1tlakes 3 rainy scason lo brag {fori fruit, and we, the Cass of "97 feel SUC fer the followed, We to rise and take credit of all who could plant only an Classes which bramble tharn alatm to the pleasant tree, lay scan droves of later planting: we who piled ne stones, look. upon the wanume nts of later vears and are prond, we who had ne Clams Day, no veceptions, noe bane “held the achaevemenis of yuets, ba succeeding classes sind are satstied alan held oun iat, Ade tint the class of 97 had deals, ideas! For evamyple, one member to thie a1des thal toe a castore] te clothing himself in oa shirt ol Black sates, Loodcds on any wovasion a garment of er, breated toa solution ot C6 TT10 O05 dasplayed thereby oot uly bos vanity, Fut hos weakness. buy gested tha the Class have ats picture talten! Agreed! Bat wall the vou hat ace wear the convenliona! And that brought with the TUNe man sf lovth TEN gash Ohne lovalty to principle coene never betore watnessed ange asses were, or Lebhotd the lair wardens of the class of 97 (one x1 leash with besecoeching, tear-bedinmes? oyes. stalwart vouth and for mited pleading Tuefore our hegpiug that be lor oud, on short hour should wear a shirt! But the ladies of the class of "97 alse had rdeas Among thea thas, The exe penditure ol a vast slice of Papa's for nC WOU On ong oc And appearcd al tune tor apparel to casion 1% also vanity. True te their convictions, each commencement with clean and smiling face and clad moa dress the cost of which, including bhuattons and thread was exactly seventy-two cents, In conclnsion atlow mie too say thal in itseld individually although the averalls, we reality no class thinks more of collectively, in pairs, ar than the class of W7 and boys did not graduate gu were proud of the girls and we are all exceedingly proud of our hanmlity The class of 935 is Dannguished toa having the most cpotistoonl motto, pla te the Tavgest ~tone on the cawpus, pals ne the ties! oles flav wt bop en the (oul - lege, having an after reception aed ban- dpaets the largest crass nstary, grade weiton during the cdavoatraioon ai the Largest pressdent of the tadle and having the boys graduate dro the Liter Ary Course. bam Gree te sav that do not approve of di these dogs thal Tuttle savared ot distingoisti us. 1 ted) that ile banguet that the Slass had, wordline ss, and ood To Uhre 1 belie that wb 1s possible to have pore aoa anatloved plessure wahoo ot wolating any yet tpbes 0 hwdieve that as owe Coane Yoo sense noes dhe reality ort Beaveny dhvees we shat find no pleas res but rather anbagproes: ooall of these thongs whictn wre va aay way dunestionnble, Prenmmber with oa she done te plac tng oot the lag on the Cod ocpe top. wen Balt way ap che roe of the helfey while Mo, op and Ariliar Datton wend fo the fastened tho thay The drop prag ot a hammer dil oot looser the alrvens tension of thar nar very mach, We all remember vary well the tiauk- ing ol those stones, and especially the large one. They are rather ortiataental lo the vampos and lurnish 2 Sonveaient place for the taking of pictnres, We had 2 class dav ewercise, and the parts siven 10 were published hy Mr. Ells, our printer. 10 a neat book called haa si Class "Kose Leaves We alsa letier atter