ProNEERS AND BUILDERS election at the conference, as each committee in its own General Conference was to choose its own officers, This organization in Europe soon began to be called the “European General Conference,” and is so named in the General Conference Bulletin for 1903, and onward. In the report of the president of the European General Conference, it is stated that the first session of this General Conference Committee was held in Friedensau, Germany, July 22, 1901, or soon after its election at the General Conference in Battle Creek that same year. At this session in IFriedensau, the Scandinavian Conference, with two mission fields in Iceland and Finland, was organized into a Scandinavian Union Conference. The British field was organ- ized into a British Union Conference; while Russia and Ger- many and other near-by countries constituted the German Union Conference, Aside from these three union conferences, there was an Oriental mission field embracing southern Europe and the Near East. Of these we read that “they formed the European General Conference.” An executive committee of thirteen members, representing the five fields of the different departments of work, was chosen. London was designated as headquarters. “From May 15 to 23, 1902, a second session of the European General Conference was held in London” with quite a delegation from America present. At this meeting the European General Con- ference Committee was enlarged to fifteen members, while Spain, Portugal, and French North Africa were formed into a Latin Union Mission. Later that same summer “another profitable council of the European General Conference Committee was held in Friedensau,” and it was finally decided that the head- quarters should not be London, but Hamburg. At the world session of the General Conference in Qakland, California, 1903, the General Conference constitution was changed, and a new constitution was adopted, providing for election of the president and other officers in the session, as we have it now. But the European General Conference remained 96