g | ACHIEVEMENT. James P. Lamar presents Barboursville Scout Leader Everette Herndon a Certificate of Merit as part of i activities scheduled for Boy Scout Week, Feb. 7-13. Mr. Lamar is BSA Chairman for Orange and Madison Counties. Forty-two Eagle Scouts have been named from Orange Rotary Troop 14; Registrar Edwin Talley of Gordonsville announced yesterday that the Orange County Jaycees are anxious to have local boys sign up for the 1970 Soap savings bond ready for the boy between 11 and 15 who wins the July 4th race in Orange County,” alley sajd. ‘ went on to explain that m hoa 20 00 bond, there will winnoavre sf Aran Box Derby. “We will have a $500 the Jaycees Seek Gordonsville Boys 11-15 For Soap Box Derby Participation history of the local race. Ronald Deavers was the first winner here in 1959 and Michael Dudley claimed the 1961 title. Orange County holds two records in the 33-year history of the National Youth Coasting Event. The local race is the smallest in the nation and never before have three brothers won three consecutive championships like the Moyers boys have done. They are Calvin, Andrew and Rodney, sons of Mr. and Mrs. . Homer Moyers; of Hampstead Farm, Somerset. Mr. Talley said yestyrday that Javeaoe =vn mon Gordonsville Lions Troop 12; James Madison VFW Post Troop 97 of Unionville; and Barbour Ruritan Troop 109, Barboursville. Oldest of these groups is Troop 14 of Orange which will observe its SSth anniversary next month. Po kilowatt hours have been reported by the investor-owned electric power companies of the state for an increase of 11.7% over 1968. In releasing the sales report for the power companies, the Public Utilities Association of The Virginias said that total sales reached peaks in August and September when more than 2.2 billion killowatt hours were sold each month. , Commercial and industrial customers were the largest single group of users taking over 12.7 billion kwhs from the lines during the years, an increase of 9.5%) over the preceding Veit ig sales were rpcorded i in Augus |Sentemher Ca Cd Teese Ea Ia [28 TORN 2% CA Residential ‘and rural consiimer increased their purchases of] MNS tholr!l + Lc a ea oysppe ACP Shares Cost Of Tree Planting The ASCS county committee has approved several forestry practices for cost sharing this year. These practices are primarily for tree planting. Also included are practices for site preparation and woodland fencing. The amount of cost share covers about 65% of the total cost of the practice. Tree planting cain be done during February, March, April. The delivered price for enciigh pifié seedlings to plant an acre of land 3 $4.80 ~ Seedling | | order. ‘forms deailed information lon sactices may be obtaired at the on rE pm ASCS office or the! and THE ORANGE (Va.) REVIEW, Thursday, February 12, 1970 B-9 EE ——— weather and two lesser snows but an Indian summer on Monday has changed this picture. The problems of Town Superintendent Ben Estes have now been changed from snow removal to pavement repair. The latter usually follows protracted freezing periods. |